Isis' Message of the Day -
Reanalyze what faith really means to you. It doesn't necessarily
mean that life becomes easier once you believe in God. But it can warm your heart to know that in your darkest hours, God
was with you the entire time. To have beauty unfold out of darkness is a part of God's grace.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
The Angels' Song
by Carrie Hart
Deep inside you, a light shines, the light that was born within you as you entered
this life. This light is the beacon in the darkness, the warmth in the cold, the harbor and the refuge. And this light is
yours, always there, underneath the emotions, underneath the fear and doubt, always there, shining brightly.
Take a deep breath, now. And then another and then another. Close your eyes and see within
you the light in your center. Watch it expand. Watch it expand and expand until it fills your body completely. And as it expands,
feel how it contains love and only love. Feel how that love is stronger than the fear and doubt. Let it expand and fill you
completely and then, let it expand even further out, so that you are like a lantern that casts its light far out into the
night, glowing and bright, filled
with love, filled with light, a bright energetic presence.
And now, see that there is a ring of angels around you. See them shining out in a bright,
white light. They sing of love. They sing of light. They sing of the wonder of this life and send you the courage to live
it and live it well.
Listen to their song. Listen as they sing of your soul's intention for you, how you yearned
for this gift of life and received it, how you were given a spark of life, the same spark that shines in your center now.
How you were born and how you have been loved and treasured ever since, how helping hands have been right out before you to
encourage you to take those steps toward freedom, how the angels have guarded you and protected you, even as they allowed
you to live your own life your own way. And they are there for you now, singing this song, your song, the song of your life,
of all the wondrous love that is there for you, now and always, if you will allow it to shine for you, and all the guidance
and wisdom that is flowing your way each and every moment of every day.
Listen to this song and choose. Choose certainty and belief over doubt. Choose courageous
action over fear. Choose to go deeply into your connection with your soul, with these angels and with God, to find yourself
and lift yourself into wisdom and joy.
Choose to shine out with all that you are, in all of your wonder, walking in deep faith
like a lantern shining out for yourself and others. Choose to love and embrace this precious life and every blessing that it brings you, every moment. Give thanks and be glad. You are alive
and it is good.
I wish you love and peace,
* Ask "Spirit" radio show * . . . Join me each Sunday at 4PM PST / 7 PM EST on * http://www.blogtalkradio.com/carriehart * Open
your heart to Spirit each Sunday. My radio show, "Ask Spirit," is an opportunity for you to dig deep into your heart
for what matters most to you and then Ask Spirit for guidance. I will accept your questions on the air and allow Spirit
to speak through me. *
* Private Sessions *
I continue to offer private sessions--and am amazed at the results. I am
in awe, not only of the greatness within each of you, but of your dazzling uniqueness. I treasure being invited up into
your sacred space, so that your soul self may unfold to share its purpose and pour loving and powerful energy down into your
Many of you are rightly sensing that these turbulent times have opened doors.
If you are wondering if you are at the right door and if this is the right moment to walk through, please go to www.quado.com and sign up for a private session so that we may look
through the door together.
Curiosity gets The Priest
"Sure, but I have to tell you, father, there's a statue of a naked woman in it and she?s
wearing only a fig leaf."
"No problem, I'll just avert my eyes, then," Said the priest.
The bartender then shows the priest to the far side of the bar where the bathroom is located.
After a short while, the priest comes out of the bathroom and the bar crowd pauses only long enough to give him a rousing
cheer. Perplexed he goes over to the bartender and asks, I'm puzzled. Why did they cheer for me as I came out of the bathroom
just now?"
"Well, father, it's because your curiosity has made you human and likeable, just like
us," said the bartender. "May I pour you a drink?"
"No thanks you, but, I'm still puzzled," said the priest.
"You see, father," chuckles the bartender, "every time somebody moves the fig leaf on
the naked woman statue, the bar lights go off. Now, what do you say to that drink?"