Dear Ones. We see you get caught up in the day-to-day “struggle” of “making a living”
and how you then miss all the little things that make life worth living. The time spent with a cat purring, playing with a
loving dog, sitting in comfortable silence with a loving spouse. It is the little things, that when added up, become a source
of great Joy. When one spends time in appreciation, one begins to realize how many wonderful things do happen. One begins
to remember the person who was most appreciative of some help offered, the smile from the elderly lady whom you helped up
a high step, the little kid who started laughing because you made a funny face. These are all little moments, but they bring
a smile to ones face. Take 5 to 15 minutes each day to remember the events that made you smile, to remember the love you shared
with those close to you. Now go take on the day and bless your hearts.
Kryon: The Akashic Circle
channeled by Lee Carroll
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Sit with me and feel the truth of
this energy you feel. There is so much here. The Human Being participating tonight in this incarnation, and who sits in the
chair, is truly unaware of what is around them, unaware of the ancestry of their own Akash, unaware truly of the multi-dimensional
energies that surround them.
Each one is brought to this place so that they can learn more about the family. Sit with
me for a moment and suspend all the earthly things that would get in the way of pure love of peace. Suspend for a moment the
puzzles of life, all of the things that occupy your brain, and that which you call the sense of conscience. You're always
at work, Human Being. It is part of survival. It is you dealing with that which you call life. So I'm going to ask you to
suspend it. There is a bigger picture, a snapshot just for you that I'd like to present.
I once again, in the now, present something to you which is a metaphor. It's at the same
time a reality, which is also the same time an explanation. Picture a man in a jail cell, not that long ago. He's writing
to his friends about something he is excited about, that he has discovered. He's in jail because of his belief. He's making
a little too much noise about the love he has found. In those days where he is, they do not allow dissension from the norm.
He doesn't know if he's going to get out of jail, and he doesn't know if he's going to live.
He suspends all of those thoughts and he writes to his friends on the parchment in front
of him. His words are beautiful. He never thought of himself as a writer, but out pours his heart. He writes to his friends.
"I have found peace and I am joyful. I have found that which is God. I have found truth." He encourages those even who are
not in jail to look inward and find the love of God. He's writing to his friends, his personal friends in Corinth and Ephesis,
and his name is Paul.
More than 30 years before this was the death of the man he writes about, whose teachings
showed him the way, but he never even knew him. This man used to be Sol of Tarsis, a merchant. On the road to Damascus, he
had a vision where he met the energy of the man in angelic form. He was in such a sacred energy that it made him fall on his
face, on his knees. He felt that which was divine and he knew he was having a vision. His words today can be read in what
you would call the Holy Scriptures, or what some call the Word of God. Yet again I say to you, the Word of God in that case
was the word of Paul and his letters to his friends.
All the Scriptures on the planet, all of them, have been written by Human Beings under
the influence of joy and wisdom and that which is the energy of the divine. You've called these documents the Word of God.
What does that tell you? It's a true acknowledgment that Humans carry within themselves
something that is grand and special from the Creator himself/herself, something that is beautiful and sacred.
There are systems upon systems that hide so completely that seem to be such an invisible
puzzle to you. Yet they're beautiful and they're all about you. This seeming benevolence that you have found, which you see
that you appreciate, that you are discovering, is absolutely real. There is purpose and a plan. This which you call God and
Spirit is family, and that benevolence that you are discovering, that is the love of God, is the willingness of the Creator
of the Universe to come to you with gifts, with love and purpose.
The Creator would not do that unless you were a part of Creation. There's a piece in you,
in every single part of the double helix, that is sacred.
So Paul was channelling, and what he said on the paper today is read with reverence and
an acknowledgement of authority. Yet all he was doing was writing letters to friends, which became Corinthians and Ephesians.
Paul didn't know about systems of benevolence. All he knew was that he was dearly loved, and that was good enough for him.
The Akashic Circle
I would like to tell you about a system that is complex and filled with benevolence,
purpose, love. I'll call it the Akashic Circle - the system of the Akash.
Akash: Sometimes the word is defined as the record of all things. It's
a record not just of you, but also of Gaia. You might say the Akash is the record of all things on the planet including the
planet. There is a circle in this system we'll call the Akashic Circle.
The Cave of Creation is a name that I gave that represents an attribute of storage for this circle. It
has been known in many forms and has been talked about using other names. There truly is no name for it, for it is a system
and not a place, although there is a place involved. The place is filled with beauty, within the earth's crust, you might
say, and yet lower than that. In a dimensional suspension that cannot ever be seen or found by a Human Being, there exists
a sacredness that is the Akashic Circle. It is crystalline in nature, but it cannot be counted or notated. In a quantum state,
there exists a crystalline structure for every single soul on the planet who will ever be here and who ever was. It's in the
"now" representing no time, but potentials of time.
There is a plan. It's a plan of arrival and departure. Already existing there is a structure that expects souls to fill
it and there are those coming from other places that come into existence on the planet for the first time. You cannot visualize
this. Oh, you could put it in your three dimensions, but it won't be accurate. It doesn't need to be accurate. All you have
to know is that it exists. You might call it Akashic accounting.
There is one soul per crystalline object and yet uncountable. You might say, "Wait a minute.
There's got to be billions of those crystals. Why can't they be counted?" I say again that if it were soup, we ask you, how
can you count the salt? How can you notate the flavor with a number? And this is the quantum state that is confusing to the
Human Being, for you wish to individualize, separate, notate, quantify, and count - and you cannot do this with love. Yet
I'm telling you there is crystalline for each of you.
One soul can have many lifetimes. Old soul, listen to this: On this planet, there is one identifying, energetic, crystalline, quantum source
for you that allies you with Gaia. It's profound and represents the circle of life.
The Reasoning
Why do you think it was created as a cave? Why should it be under Gaia? Why should
it be within Gaia if there was not a reason? You see, the system includes the earth. It has to. Isn't it interesting that
the ancients knew all about this? The first thing an ancient does, your most distant ancestors, is to understand the earth.
Look at the indigenous who walked in this area. The first thing they did was to offer the earth a gift. To this day, the indigenous
all over the planet understand the system. The earth is alive, the mother. The earth provides the food, just like the mother.
And the first thing you do is honor it and supply a gift.
If the earth is the mother, what about the life upon the earth? The next thing you would
do if you were an indigenous is to honor that life. Perhaps it exists in the forest in the form of the wolf, the bear, the
beaver, the possum. They are all there as part of a life force of you and Gaia and they are the system that propels spirituality
that you don't know about. The circle is the reason for your being.
The indigenous knew it. Do you think the indigenous wore the furs and the pelts of the
animals for warmth? Yes and no. Many times, it was for honor. They would wear it on their heads to create their honor for
the forest, the trees and the animals. It honored the planet and the earth and the system. All of the lifetimes you've ever
had are etched in a beautiful, multi-dimensional energy upon one quantum crystalline object. It's the piece of you that is
the accounting object in the cave.
The Workings of the System
Now listen. It exists with all of the others, too - billions of them, if you singularize
them. There is a confluence of interactive energy between the crystalline objects. This is to say that even though you want
to stack them up and call them "souls" and put notches in them and call them "pieces of crystal," they're not. They're all together in one system and they morph with each other. We have never discussed this
before due to its complexity.
As you accomplish lifetimes with others, sometimes you cross the energies of what we call
this confluence and they become something else. One becomes two. Two becomes four. Families that work together in karmic interchange,
especially in the old energy, actually change crystalline parts of this system, parts that don't even seem to be related.
It is one of the most complex puzzles you've ever seen. Humans with Humans. It explains synchronicity. It explains intuition,
and it is alive with Gaia.
Gaia knows who's here and Gaia responds to the consciousness of you walking the planet,
the personification, the embodiment of the expression of your soul in this life. It's the one with your face on it right now.
It's the one who has active consciousness that can change what is going on with planet Earth. That's what Gaia sees. This is what you change. We have told you that you modify
the Crystalline Grid of the planet, which is to say you are actually modifying and transmitting energy to the Cave of Creation
with everything you do. Because there's a system - a complex one.
In your DNA you carry your personal Akashic Record. What have you done on this planet?
How many times have you been here? What are the energies that you've experienced already? Old souls have something that very
few Human Beings have, and which none have when they arrive for the first time. You have a record. Every single energy of
every single lifetime stays in the DNA. Yet they don't represent themselves as a stack to be read by an Akashic reader. Those who read what you would call past lives are reading energies,
not past lives, for it all sits on the surface, intermixed, ready to be seen and read.
The most profound of all of the past lives you've ever had are at the top, since they
are all together. There's no hierarchy. Humans want to see them in a row, organized by date. Humans see them as one after
the other. Human Beings will report to a past life reader and say, "Is it going to cost more to get a past life reading if
the desired life is older?" That's funny! That's linear. Many of you right now are awakening to one of the most profound lives
you've ever had - the first one, the Lemurian one.
Lemuria existed for thousands of years as the oldest, most sustained civilization on the
planet. It is one that has no historical acknowledgment, buried forever at the base of the mountain in the Pacific Ocean you
now call Hawaii. That is by design. Humanity should not be digging up those things that are part of the creation story. It
would bias you. It would give you a little too much information.
The puzzle is this: Can you find what is buried inside you? This new
energy can be seen as a portion of the onion skin that is being removed, not only from the planet, but from you. Layers are
being shed so that you can now start to see that which is the Akash in you. It explains why so many of you are starting to
feel things in this shift.
Could it be that you really can do some of these things? The answer is yes. How many of
you are now aware of the Shaman inside? How many of you are starting to acknowledge, personally and privately, the old soul
that's there? Some of you are starting to actually receive talents that have been buried. Some of you are becoming that which
is a writer, storyteller. All the things that are creative - music, composition, art, color, design, are part of you. You
know it's there.
Gender Switching
Old souls, let me tell you something. If you are old enough, and many of you are,
you have been everything. Do you hear me? All of you. You have been both genders. All of you have been what I will call between
genders, and that means that all of you have had gender switches. Do you know what happens when it's time for you to switch
a gender? We have discussed it before. You'll have dozens of lifetimes as the same gender. You're used to it. It's comfortable.
You cannot conceive of being anything else, yet now it's time to change. It takes approximately three lifetimes for you to
get used to it, and in those three lifetimes, you will have what I call "gender confusion."
It isn't confusion at all. It's absolutely normal, yet society often will see it as abnormal.
I'm sitting here telling you you've all been through it. All of you. That's what old souls do. It's part of the system.
Let me tell you about the circle given by the Cave of Creation, which is the Akashic Record
of all things, all life, all souls. Interfacing with Gaia through the Crystalline Grid, you walk on top of the earth with
your Akashic Record and your DNA. You are using the information you have inside you and the circle is complete. When you affect
the Crystalline Grid with your consciousness and actions, it then alters the Cave of Creation.
Everything is in a circle, dear one. It's beautiful. It's interactive. I can't explain
anything more except that the higher you vibrate and the more you use that which you have known on the planet, the more it
changes the planet. Inside the Cave of Creation is that confluence of quantum energy with billions of souls, millions that are not even here yet; it affects them, too. I will tell you why. Because you are changing the future as you work the past. You are changing the makeup of those who'll
arrive and what they will do and what their consciousness will be.
What you do today plants the seeds of peace on Earth, so when
they are born they will have what you have. It is more profound than you know and you sit in the chair and you wonder about
gas money. Do you see what I'm saying? Maybe it's time to just suspend that for a moment and say, "Thank you, God, that I
know what I know."
As you go from this place, I want you to know something: You are grand beyond any scope
of imagination and you should hold your head high. You really don't know what you've done. Some call it sacrifice, which we
call appropriateness. There are those in the room who have come to the planet on purpose for only three months. Then they
die, and seemingly break a mother's heart. And you might say, "Well, why would I ever do a thing like that?" And I'll tell
you: So your mother could find God, that's why. Because she wouldn't otherwise. She had to go to the darkest place, examine
herself, and come out a Lightworker. That's written in the Akash! It's an energy that's in the Crystalline Grid! You don't
think God knows that? That's part of the system.
Oh, I know who's here. Maybe you've been on the other side of that, mom. Now you know.
Maybe you're sitting in the chair because of it. Do you think we don't know who's here? It is grand! You call it sacrifice,
but it is not. You're here for three months, you go back home, then you come in again - often to the same mother. There's
a system here! It's beautiful.
There are a lot fewer soul records than you think. This is because you keep coming back.
How many people are on the earth? How many people have been on the earth? What does that add up to? A lot more than there
is in the Cave of Creation, for you keep coming back. True, the earth's population increases exponentially. That means there
always has to be new Humans, and there are. But Gaia knows who's coming. The pieces of God around this Universe know who's
coming. And the old souls at some level know who's coming. This, I would like to tell you in closing, is where the beauty
Now suspend belief for a moment. I would like to take you to a place. It's a beautiful
planet. There isn't a lot of dissension there. Oh, there are differences of opinion, but not a lot of dissension. There's
only a few continents on this place and it's surrounded by water. There hasn't been a war for 100 years. The ones on this
planet don't always agree, but they don't kill each other anymore. Can you imagine such a place? Oh, there's unbalance because
there's free choice. But they care for each other.
They don't kill each other anymore. It's not an option, since it's seen as barbaric. It
doesn't occur to society to do it, like it doesn't occur to you to cut off your son's hand if he steals something. That's
barbaric and isn't an option to an enlightened society.
I'd like to introduce you to this place. It's called planet Earth. It represents the result
of the ones who are going to arrive in the cave. It will take as many generations as it takes, because the seeds are being
planted today for it. It will occur slowly. You have the start of it now. Can't you see it? You're not going to have another
world war. You just are not. You can't. There's too much benevolence in the system that you are starting to be part of.
Oh, it may not look like it. Look at the news! You are in transition from the old energy to the renaissance of Human consciousness. Could it be that
you have come in, old soul, to accomplish something the ancestors have only dreamed of? Oh, how many generations will it take?
It doesn't matter. It is slowly going in that direction.
Will there be wars? Sure. In the process of this completion, old energy will prevail and
certain places will go backwards into the dark. That's what darkness does. But light will win. Slow it is, it must be generational, for the children must come in fresh. It is difficult
for an adult to have a renaissance of consciousness in midlife.
And who are those children going to be, old soul? You! See the circle? What you are doing
now is planting a seed so that when you return, you will be able to water it with the beauty of the love of God and nurture
its growth. You are your own ancestors and you will be in the future. I would not tell you this if it were not so, if it were
not in the plan of things, if it were not foreseen years ago.
Dear ones, there would be no Kryon speaking to you now if it were not for what you've
done. I would not have been here if you were going to destroy yourself. I would not be here if the earth was going to destroy
you. Do you hear me?
You have free choice to do anything you want - all of you. But you've crossed a marker
where the potentials are pushing into benevolence, where Human nature is starting to change, where what you want is starting
to manifest itself - and it's about time.
Take what you've learned this day in these classes and communicate differently than you
have before. Know who you are. I'll say something I've never said before. Understand it in the context it is presented.
Two words. Leave proud.
And so it is.
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Lee Carroll
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved ones, sometimes you have played musical chairs with the different relationships
looking for love. That is okay. It is a treasure. Every relationship is a treasure. And by relationship, that can be whether
you meet in your grocery store, on your street when you are filling up your vehicle, or the relationship that seems to be
of longer nature. Relationship happens in a moment, and each relationship is to be treasured and savored.
HEAVEN #3970
Rescue Yourself
October 8, 2011
God said:
When you are reacting, you are over-reacting. When you are upset, you have over-reacted.
You made a situation something it wasn't really. There was a hint of something from the past, and you were reacting to the
past and not the present. Therefore, you made a big thing of it. You blew it up out of proportion.
An emotional reaction is an emotional reaction. You do not find the past again except
as you perceive it. The past was made up of your perception anyway. Beloveds, the past is made up of ego. Whether lovely or
unlovely, it was made of ego.
That is what fairy tales are about. Ego. In the end, ego does not triumph. The stepmother
is superseded. The princess marries the prince. The stepmother is full-flaming ego. The princess is goodness personified.
The prince saves the princess, and virtue marries virtue. Goodbye, Stepmother Ego. Goodbye, Big Bad Wolf Ego.
And now say goodbye to Childhood Perception. The child was wronged or not edified enough.
And now the child is grown and leaves childhood pursuits behind. Wrong is righted, for the child is grown now. Let not the
witch bounce around within the child now grown, now considered grown. It is certain, however, that there is something for
you to grow out of. Hurts are something to grow out of. Hurts are always from the past. I tell you this frankly.
When I say to get out of the past, I mean for you to get out of the past deeply. I am
talking about the deep dark past. Do not repeat it. Whatever role you put yourself in back then, move out of it. Moving forward
means to move forward. Psychologically stuck in the past is not moving forward. The past has not clung on to you. You have
clung on to the past, and you have relived it again and again.
In order to live in the present, you have to get out of the past. There is no other way.
Let not the past be a shroud that you cannot get out of. The past is not in your DNA unless you say so.
A pauper does not have to stay a pauper. Nor does a pauper of love have to stay a pauper
of love. The whole story is about love. It is about love denied and the dream of love rising to be fulfilled. Whatever restitution
you feel you are owed, it is you who owes love to yourself. It is you who has drawn those charcoal pictures of yourself in
black and white. Color them in now, and be done. Adapt a new youth now. Step out of the past. Come out of the cave into the
bright sunlight of today.
Come into the chambers of My heart. Enter with Me, and the past disappears, and the Eternity
of the Present rises to the fore. Today is today. It is not yesterday. Do not turn it into yesterday. Step out of the past
never to return. Orphan, stepchild, favored child, all that is to step out of. Whether you were loved enough or not, now you
allow yourself to be love and nothing but love, love true, not love shammed. You do not wear the clothes of love. You rise
to the occasion of love. Under all circumstances, you are no longer the judge. Throw off those dark robes. Now you are love
true to the cause of love.
Remember love first. Remember love before ego. Ego takes a back seat. Anger, resentment
are no longer for you to relive. They are for you to be done with. Rescue yourself.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to
God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to
stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff,
Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O. Box 2064,
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * * *
Message from Archangel Gabriel
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
October 6, 2011
Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called calmness. This quality entails
the knowing of Oneself to a large degree so that One is able to embody this quality. In today’s World, there is much
movement and change occurring and as these changes happen, there comes a need for each Soul to exhibit this important quality.
It is a force within that brings with it a Divine order to all that is manifesting in the World around you that will emit
a sense of peacefulness and restoration of the feeling that all is well.
Many times people are assailed with the discordant energies of other Beings who are in
the throes of great change in some aspects of their lives and this energy radiates out to all around them, affecting the auric
fields of the recipients, which is usually perceived
as emotional impulses to react in a similar reflected chaotic manner. When One is able to stay calm and refrain from reacting
with emotion to match the Other’s emotion and instead calmly responds by humbly asking for clarification of the root
cause of the distress, it immediately soothes all energy fields and facilitates positive communication that transmutes all
energy fields within the vicinity into a greater sense of well being.
This quality of Love will become more important as we forego the passages of the Ages
and as many changes continue to occur with greater and greater rapidity. In these situations, a calm Soul who emits peace
and quietly does whatever is necessary to ensure order is restored, will bring a sense of balance and continuity to the situation.
This is in every sense, a great blessing to those around them. This quality, Beloved Ones, will be of great assistance in
these times.
There are many Souls upon the Earth at this time who have developed this quality and of
course, many other qualities of Love, in order to assist in the smoother sailing of this ship called Earth as the shift of
the Ages takes place in ways that require One to be extremely adaptable and accepting to what is taking place. A calm and
peaceful demeanor will help to neutralize anxiety and negativity. In this way, many chaotic energies may be transmuted and
changed into a positive cooperative effort with all Beings as needed.
Each Soul upon the Earth has the capacity to stay in tune with the Higher purpose for
which they came. One of the requirements is the need for calmness in order to assess the next step that must be taken in order
to move forward in life in whatever way seems best. When One is calm, the mind is more lucid and clear and more in touch with
inner guidance and direction from your Greater Self. By embodying this quality of Love, you enable those around you to match
your energy and greater peace prevails.
A way to bring calmness in those moments when all about you is in chaos is to practice
deep breathing, inhaling a deep breath into your root chakra, holding for a count of three, and then exhaling, intending all
tension and chaotic energies to be released on your outbreath. This simple exercise will help restore the sense of calm within
I leave you now to ponder on these words with my Love and calm dedication.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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