
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  The Fifth Dimension and the Family of Humanity
3.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.)  Great Council of the Grandmothers: You Are Desperately Needed
5.)  Another Chance for the World - The Gulf Oil Spill and the Israeli Raid
6.)  Like a Daisy in the Field

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Isis' Message of the Day -
For that which is love, and that which is goodness, comes through service and devotion.  When people sense a closeness to God, the Creator, the Source, each is asked, "How many have you served and how well?" This is the only question you will be asked when you pass from the earth plane.
All that emanates from the Godhead is in a state of love.  Love just is.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Have you Done Enough?
Your many lifetimes prepare you for the journey of reconnection and you wish for this final stage of your spiritual path to occur. In each lifetime you are unaware of the vast amount of learning, healing and growth that you have accomplished since your first entry into the earth plane and third dimension. You feel that you come with no knowledge, learning or understanding and yet it is all available to you once you release your fear of your own power and accept that within you is a core of divine light, despite the darkness and fear you may feel. 
The blocks to your growth and release from the third dimension come from your questions about whether you are doing enough for yourselves, others and for the world. You question your competency by the results you see in the world around you, instead of looking within and measuring your results according to your own soul's path. Your desire to heal the world begins with healing yourselves. Each thing heals according to its own abilities, direction, soul contracts and healing path. 
Those in your life who require your assistance on their healing journey are seeking your guidance and support because they see the light within you. Some believe that by being with you they can receive from you. Others want to learn from you. And there are those who want you to do their healing work for them. While you can participate in others' healing, you do this best as an observer, guide and by shining your own light so they can learn how to find theirs. You cannot do enough to heal them because their healing is beyond your control.

You have done enough when you know that your own healing is complete. There will always be darkness, pain and confusion in the third dimension, which you will not be able to enlighten. Do not confuse your own healing journey with that of the earth, whose journey you participate in but are not responsible for. You have done enough when you acknowledge your power and then are free to continue on your journey into higher levels of being without regret, fear or guilt because you think the world is not healed. This belief limits your growth and keeps you in the confines of a journey that will never end. You have done enough when you acknowledge that your work is done and you allow yourself to rise to new levels of being, energy and higher dimensions of love, knowing and light.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

The Fifth Dimension and the Family of Humanity
by Celia Fenn
In this year, as Earth time accelerates into the Fifth Dimension, life sometimes becomes almost unbearably intense and complex. Sometimes, this is a beautiful and joyous experience, as it has been for me in the last two months, and sometimes the intensity is hard and difficult, like it was for me today. But, even in this sudden shift into difficult energies, I can see that there is a new pattern of life that is unfolding in such a wonderful way. This pattern shows me that we are Becoming One Earth and One Family of Humanity in beautiful web of life.
The two events that created intense feelings today were, firstly the sudden and unexpected death death of a young son of a friend in Europe, and, secondly, the events in Israel and the deaths of 9 people on the Gaza Aid boats. Both of these events took place thousands of miles from where I live, but both touched me very immediately.
The events in Israel have created immediate reaction and condemnation outside of Israel. Inside Israel there is fear and uncertainty and despair, judging by some of the reactions I have seen. For me, I think of my Friends and Family of Light who live there, people that I love, and I feel anxious for them. Yet the world is changing, and I know that soon war will no longer be possible in this Fifth Dimensional World. We are all so connected and interconnected, on the higher dimensions and literally on the material plane, as we become Global Family. Global events are no longer far away things that we read about in the news, but things that touch our lives and those of our friends and loved ones.
Life is, in many ways, fragile, not only that of the Planet and her ecosystems, as has been demonstrated by the huge damage of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but also our individual lives. This was what I felt when I heard that a beautiful young child, the son of a friend in Europe, had died suddenly in an accident. How fragile life is, and how short it can be.
And yet, life is so Beautiful and so Rich and so incredible Intense and Vibrant. As I sat tonight and though about the events, I felt waves of intense love. I felt love for the Planet and for Humanity. Here we are on this beautiful Jewel of a Planet in the 21st Century, riding the waves of Cosmic energy that are lifting us into the Fifth Dimension and a new reality, and yet still dealing with what it means to be Human and to Love and to Nurture those that we love as well as our Planet. I felt intense love for my Partner, who supports me and loves me, and for my Friends and for all the Family of Light on Planet Earth, those of us who are conscious and awakened and working for the New Era of Love and Peace. I felt each one of us in a Golden Network of Conscious Light and Love.
As a Channel, I so often convey the beautiful ideas of Spirit through my words, yet tonight I wanted to convey the beautiful energy of Humanity, of us, of our Dreams and Desires, our Love and our Hopes, and the miraculous life that we live on Planet Earth, Yes it is finite, it can end suddenly, sometimes it is difficult and it hurts us. But sometimes can be so incredibly beautiful and radiant and filled with love.
At this moment I truly feel and breathe the connection of the Fifth Dimension. I feel it as immediately as my breath, and I feel it in the beating of my Heart. I feel it when I wake up and when I go to sleep in God's Grace. I see it in the eyes of the people I love, in the words of those that love me, and in the laughter and tears that we share.
I keep saying it, but Life is Good! I feel such an intense Joy in the simple existence of Life and in Being Alive that was not possible for me in the old energies of the Third Dimension. In this new and beautiful place, the web of life is a beautiful web of interconnections that is at once gentle and loving and passionate and intense and immediate. I can only celebrate what I have become, what we have become together in the New Earth. We are truly Beautiful...together...As One.
I do not know what will happen in Israel. I hold the intention of Peace and Safety for all my Beloved Family in Israel, and I know that all will unfold according to Divine Will and for the highest good. We are all Loved. And for my friend who lost his beloved child, I can only know that in this New Energy the Soul of a Young Child returns to the Light of God effortlessly and with Peace and Grace. The Angels open their arms and welcome the Ascended Soul back Home. It is all part of the Design for Life on Earth and it is all an expression of Divine Love and Grace.
When I wake up tomorrow, I do not know what will await me, the nature of life in the Fifth Dimension is not security and habit, it is the unexpected and the flow of life filled with infinite possibilities. My work is to choose what will be and to manifest through intention and focus, and to accept what is given with gratitude. And I do. For I know how the Earth is filled with so many Souls who have offered to come here to see what they can experience and achieve in material form, and that so many of us are now conscious of what we are doing to create our lives and to create a Planet of Peace and Love. It is Beautiful beyond words, and I am grateful. I am grateful to be here and to be alive at this time of Transformation and Change.
I am grateful for this New Energy and for the opportunities that I have to express my creative energy and to experience Planet Earth. I ask only for each one of you that reads this that you also experience the deep joy and love of the Fifth Dimension. As we work to create a Planet that has clean Oceans, Clear Air and that grows healthy food for healthy people, we can do it in a conscious and loving way. We can do it with gratitude and awe for the opportunity, and we can release the anger and low self worth that seeks to blame and judge. Or not. The Choice is Ours!
For me, I celebrate Life and the Beauty of Life, and I accept that sometimes it is difficult and hard. But above all, it is an Adventure in Time and Space and the expression of Love and Creative Energy. In this New Fifth Dimensional Reality, with our center point between Compassion, Love and Creation, we can only stand in awe at the Beauty of the ongoing Gift of Divine Love that is Our Planet and All Who Live and Breathe on her at this time!
©2010 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global * * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. *  * You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. Please include this information in its entirety, including these footnotes. Thank You!  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Collective consciousness has always feared the future. But no longer do you have to fear the future. You are the power of the future. You have the power to make it as you want it to be. You are free to do that. You are free to do that because you have come forth from the one creative Principle that creates all things.
Visit our website:  *  

Great Council of the Grandmothers: You Are Desperately Needed
Today the Grandmothers woke me with this message and asked me to send it out. Please forward it on so we reach as many people as possible.

We ask you to cast, anchor, and hold the Net of Light steady for the Gulf of Mexico, the Grandmothers said. This crisis is affecting the entire world, and humanity is asleep. Wake up! they cried.
Animals are dying, plants are dying, and your Mother is writhing in agony. If you hold the Net of Light steady at this time you will help stave off further catastrophe. You have been lulled into a false sleep. You told that others (B.P.) will take care of this problem. This is not so. And this is not the time for you to fall into oblivion. Determine now to stay awake, and once you have made that commitment, think of, cast, and hold the Net of Light. Hold it deep and hold it wide. Amplify its reach to penetrate the waters of the Gulf and dive deep beneath the crust of Mother Earth. Anchor it at the earth's core and as you hold it there, ask it to unify with the mineral kingdom of this planet. It will do this and will harmonize with all the solid and liquid mineral states on earth-including oil and gas. The Net of Light will call these minerals back into harmony. Men have wreaked havoc. They have abused the kingdoms of life on earth for many years, but this time their destruction has reached crisis proportions. Whatever human beings have damaged, human beings must correct. This is the law. We repeat: This is the law. You cannot sit back and ask God to fix the mess humanity has created. Each of you must throw your shoulders to the wheel and work. We are asking for your help. Several years ago we gave you the Net of Light so you would be able to help the earth at times like this. Step forward now. This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth during the times of change that are upon you. First move into your heart and call on us. We will meet you there. The Net of Light is lit by the jewel of your heart, so move into this lighted place within you and open to the Net of which you are a part. Bask in its calming presence. It holds you at the same time that you hold it. Now think of magnifying your union with us.
We, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, are with you now, and all those who work with the Net of Light are also with you. There are thousands, even millions now connected in light. Along with this union, call forth the power of the sacred places on earth. These will amplify the potency of our joint effort. Then call on the sacred beings that have come to prevent the catastrophe that threatens to overwhelm your planet. . .we will work together.
Think of, cast and magnify the presence of the Net of Light in the Gulf of Mexico. See, imagine or think of it holding the waters, holding the land, the plants, the sea life, and the people. Holding them all! The Net of Light is holding them steady; it is returning them to balance. Let the love within your lighted heart keep pouring into the Net of Light and hold, hold, hold. Calmly and reverently watch as the light from your heart flows along the strands of the Net. It will follow your command and continuously move forth. As soon as you think of it, it will happen. We ask you to practice this for only a few minutes at a time, but to repeat it throughout the day and night. We promise that this work with the Net of Light will do untold good. We are calling you to service now. You are needed. Do not miss this opportunity. We thank you and bless you.
 The Great Council of the Grandmothers
To lean more about the Grandmothers and the Net of Light, go to   *   

Dear Ones,
Events that are separate in time and space are often seen as unrelated. Yet, when viewed from an energetic standpoint rather than a physical one, these events may bear much in common. This is true of the Gulf oil spill and the Israeli raid on the international flotilla. They are both 'healing events', opening the possibility for the making of new choices.

Blessings.  Julie Redstone
Another Chance for the World - The Gulf Oil Spill and the Israeli Raid
Events that are separate in time and space are often seen as unrelated, especially if their content and focus appear different.  Yet, when viewed from an energetic standpoint, these events may bear much in common.  This is true of the Gulf oil spill and the Israeli raid on the Turkish flotilla.  They are both 'healing events' that are releasing darkness and opening the possibility for the making of new choices.
We tend to view events that are separate in time and space as separate in meaning, especially if their content and focus differ vastly.  This is true, for most, in relation to the Gulf oil Spill and the recent Israeli raid on the flotilla bringing aid to Gaza.  And yet, when looked at from an energetic or consciousness standpoint rather than a physical one, both events may be viewed as ‘healing events’, that is, both are exposing the long-standing darkness and limitations of awareness that our collective consciousness has held within itself, in order that new choices can be made which resonate more with expanding light.
For individual or global purification to proceed and for light to replace darkness, the crossroads of choice must be perceived consciously with the positive intention to make a different choice.
In relation to the Gulf oil spill, not only the immediate situation and how to deal with the unfolding consequences present choice points.  The larger issue of humanity’s relationship to the Earth, to the Earth’s resources, and to its own desire for acquisition at the Earth’s expense need to be brought to the light.  Out of such a shift, new practices would be put into place and greater pains taken to ensure that damage to the Earth’s ecology and structure did not, under any circumstance, take place. This intensified need to care for our relationship to the Earth would be felt as a motivational imperative that would create new policies in relation to off-shore drilling and to the use of the Earth’s resources in general.  Because of the current catastrophe and the cost to our own lives as well as to the Earth’s, we are being led to a crossroads of new perception.  Yet, we are only being led in the direction of re-evaluation.  We are not being compelled.   The choice is ours.  As a result of this event, even now, many are feeling compelled through their pain, to make new choices, to change life as we know it.
A similar situation exists in relation to the current protest and debate about the nature and purpose of the Israeli raid on the international flotilla bringing supplies to Gaza, and the nature and purpose of the Gaza mission itself.  Both are being disputed worldwide, the raid more so than the mission, at present. 
Whether this becomes an investigation of a localized nature or whether it will lead to a re-evaluation of the Gaza blockade and the plight of the Palestinians in general is another crossroads in human consciousness.  Choices can be made in either direction.
World opinion, which is another way of referring to the ‘collective consciousness of mankind’, is being activated by this event in a way that is influenced by expanding light and its function of revealing darkness in order to heal it.  The affront to collective awareness related to the killing of 10 or more civilians aboard the flotilla has expanded into a protest in many nations toward Israel’s disproportionate use of force to protect itself in this and other situations.  Many are protesting not only the methods of the raid but the policies of the blockade.  Egypt has now opened a passage to Gaza that was formerly closed. 
World opinion may generate pressure on the situation to allow for new policies to be put in place by Israel in relation to Gaza.  But whether this happens or not at this time, the activating force of light is energizing a strengthened motivation to eliminate all practices that harm people and life. In this situation, there is the hope for addressing the longstanding darkness that has affected the lives of over a million people in Gaza. We are at a choice point, and the energy of change is leading consciousness in the direction of opening up new possibilities.
These two tragic events – the Gulf oil spill and the Israeli raid on the flotilla, though very different in scope and focus, are illuminating issues in need of healing that have been affected by human darkness and separation.  In both cases, these issues are being brought to the light of consciousness so that new choices can be made.
Though the consciousness of most is directed primarily toward the present dilemma in each situation, the larger issues concerning humanitarian treatment of those in Gaza and caring for the Earth are nevertheless working their way into awareness.  Though the human heart cannot help but feel sorrow that catastrophe or tragedy must be the catalytic agent for change, we can also know that out of this, new choices will ultimately emerge that will liberate mankind to a new level of responsibility for each other and for the Earth.
Julie Redstone

One World Meditations  *
A weekly global prayer/meditation to bring light to the Earth while strengthening the capacity of each participant to anchor the consciousness of light.  What is received and what goes forth are the same.
Response of Light * *
A coordinated worldwide response of sending light and healing to those in need at times of humanitarian crisis or disaster.  Emerging in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, this planetary network of light joins with the Realms of Light to focus intention and love where it is most needed.
JULIE REDSTONE is a writer, teacher, and founder of LIGHT OMEGA, a spiritual center for healing and transformation that has been given a mandate to assist with planetary change through making available the ancient teachings of light. 
These teachings are not just conceptual, but involve the direct experience of a new energy of light that has become available to humanity at this pivotal time in human history.  
Julie's work in collaboration with the Realms of Light is in service to the Divine Creator and to an awakening humanity in need of understanding the road to a new way of life.  Though the steps toward that new way have been trod before, they have not been trod by the great mass of humanity or known to the realm of collective consciousness.  Today, because of the degree of evolutionary acceleration that is leading humanity to a new level of spiritual awareness, the teachings of light are essential.  They make possible life-changes that are greatly needed as inner purification proceeds and as old structures and relationships give way before the new. *    

HEAVEN #3480
Like a Daisy in the Field
June 5, 2010
God said:
Let sweet sounds come from your throat. Sweet words. If you like sweets, you will like giving sweetness to the world. Be sweet and fleet of heart.
Hearts are not meant to be sour or bitter or heavy. Hearts are meant to take flight. Let your heart be a sweet nightingale. Uncage the throbbing bird of your heart.
The way to clear your heart is to give love. If your heart has been clogged, unclog it. Pump that love. Splurge your love all over the Universe. Fill other hearts with love from your heart. Do not let your heart become wizened.
Consider your heart like a balloon that you fill with love, and then you let the love out. Your heart is easy to fill up again and again until all you are doing is filling up your heart and emptying your heart. Of course, you can bail love out of your heart forever, and it is never emptied. You can't love fast enough to empty your heart. Fill-ups are automatic. You can never outdistance your heart. The dial reads Full.
Your heart issues love. What does love look like? Love cannot be seen. Evidence of love can be seen. The Valentine box of chocolates left at your door is not love. It is candy. It is sweet evidence of love, and yet love cannot be boxed. Love is to be freely given, and freely found. Expect love to be left at your door. Expect love, and yet give love without expectation of love returned. You are not owed love. Love cannot be owed. It can only be given.
Is offense so much more easily given than love? Is offense taken more easily than love? If so, reverse the trend. Love is easier than anything to give or to take, for love is real, and offense is idiosyncratic. Offense depends on something. Love depends on nothing but itself.
Let love love. Let love grow like a daisy in the field. A field of daisies. A field of love. Let the whole Universe be a field where love grows and grows and takes over all the land. See those fields of love sway in the breeze. All wheat bows to love. Everything bows to love and looks up at the sun, and so rises to the sun that shines from Heaven.
Be a steward of love. Hand it out. Love tends to the flock.
Love grazes. Love loves to be where it is. And it is everywhere. There is nowhere that love does not like to be. Love likes to be everywhere. It likes to be in good company.
Be love, and you are good company. Enjoy your own company. Make the most of it. Paint the world with your love. Accompany the world with your love.
From whence cometh your love? It cometh from Me. I know where love belongs, and it belongs with you, and love belongs to fly from you and meet itself coming and going. Love is no stranger to itself. Mighty love soars. Hearts soar above the clouds. Up and up goes love, and love spreads itself over everything. Love is the dew of morning, and it is the cicadas at night. What is love not? And where is love not when love is all, and all is love?
Greet love. Do not avoid it. Let love be transparent. See through love, and know it is yours, yours to receive, and yours to give. Love is yours to make much of. Recycle love. That is how you make much of it.
Holy, holy is Our love.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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