The 3 Paths of Intuition {Channeled}

Lady Isis

Isis' Message of the Day -
Never Losses - Only Blessings!
When someone we love leaves this earth instead of grieving and thinking of it as a loss, we should feel blessed for having had them in our lives for the length of time 'they chose' to be with us. We should feel joy that they have moved on to another life, another adventure for their soul growth.
Death is an illusion . . . it does not exist. As all is energy and energy cannot die it just changes form.
~ Lady of the Light ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Let’s us look at the human/earthly life. You wake up, have breakfast, go to work, come home exhausted, eat dinner, watch TV and fall asleep. Are you living? Or do you just exist? What if you woke up and shouted, “It is Great to Be Alive!” You skip and sing as you make breakfast. You sing on your way to work. Before you step into the building, you take a moment to say “Let me be a vehicle of God/Creator today and bring joy and laughter to others.” You leave work feeling refreshed from the joy you brought to others. You eat dinner in gratitude. You share with your family how it was good to be alive. Do you see how different that life is? Truly live your life. Bless your hearts.

Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Everything is energy, everything is in motion, everything is fluid, everything is changeable and is changing. There comes that freedom to choose; no judgment. What is right for one person is their choice. What is right for another person is their choice. The world loves to judge. The world loves to say, “You’re not quite ready. You don’t know enough. Your self-worth isn’t high enough to make the right choice. Let me tell you. I will judge for you.” But you say, “This is what I choose, and I don’t care if this one or that one or anyone else has judgment about it. That is where they are living, but that’s not where I’m living. I am living right here with my choice with what I know to be my path at this moment.”
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Archangel Michael: The Gathering Of Souls
Transmitted through Ronna Herman
* LM-8-2012 *
Beloved masters, once again, I welcome the opportunity to blend with your higher consciousness, to fill your Sacred Heart and Soul with the Divine love of our Father/Mother God. It is always our greatest desire to inspire and comfort you and to guide you along the path of higher awareness, which eventually leads to Self-Mastery. At this time we wish to apprise you of what is transpiring during this momentous year we are calling the year of the Gathering Of Souls. My intention is to reinforce the concept of telepathic communication between you, the Star Seed, the Cosmic Council of Light and we of the Legions of Light within this Sub-Universe. It is important that you feel with your inner senses, and validate from within your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, that through these messages I am truly with each of you. With your permission, I will connect with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and I will merge a facet of my Essence with yours at whatever level you are able to accommodate at this particular time.
There have been and will be many blessed gatherings of Star Seed Souls during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in a major event of great significance in Sedona, AZ via the "air waves" of the worldwide internet. She also held a small but powerful event for members of her inner group of followers in the Sacramento, California area of the United States. For those who came from the far reaches of the planet to join with their Soul families at these events and to partake of the wisdom teachings that were offered, it was a time of harmony, joy and blending of energies. For many, it was also a time of exceptional transformation at the deepest, innermost core level. It was a time when many layers of negative energy were dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and insulate the emotional and physical bodies from the pain and suffering of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. The floodgates of the emotional body burst open as these energies were dissolved and the precious gift of Creator Fire Light was once again allowed to take up residency within the Sacred Heart / Soul chamber.
It is a rare moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when the facets of your Soul family begin to reunite and use the synergistic strength of common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your Soul family will be seeking you out as you lift your vibrations and send out a Souls Echo that they recognize. When you meet a member of your inner Soul family circle, you will know without a doubt that there is a rare and beautiful heart / Soul connection between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of like-minded, Soul-focused people.
There were Star Seed representatives from all over the world in attendance at these events, and these blessed Beings carried the Seeds of a new awareness with them as they returned to their homes. Make no mistake; those of you who are tapping into this wondrous refined energy from the heart core of our Father/Mother God in your own locale or at other gatherings around the world are and will be gifted with an infusion of White Fire Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. As you are attuned to these higher-frequencies of Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions, nor barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Oneness of Spirit at many levels. At these momentous events all will commune with the masters and will receive a blessing of Divine Creator Fire Light. Indeed, into the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed in a glorious beam of Divine Light Substance, and every creature upon the Earth will be blessed and acknowledged. Remember, at one level or another, all are on the path of evolution and transcendence; none is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the Divine gift of transformation they will accept and use.
Initiation is now a group event, not just an attainment for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to assist those on the path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the personality. Advancement on the path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness. During these times of incredible advancement in consciousness for humankind, there are many special dispensations in place for the ascension of humanity and for the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. However, each Soul must do his/her part by taking the necessary steps to attain Self-Mastery in order to tap into these, heretofore, unavailable gifts of transformation.
A great multitude of Star Seed Souls has integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional awareness as they access new cosmic wisdom teachings. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your innermost Self as you fine-tune and harmonize your chakra system, which is in essence seven individual memory centers within the physical body. However, some of you still have doubts and are reticent to share your insights with others, for you fear that you will make a spectacle of yourself or you believe you will be ridiculed if you try to pass on the new concepts and higher truths which are being revealed to you. There is a universal law that states you must not only be an example of your new enlightened state, but you must pass on the wisdom and understanding you have garnered so that you may move forward to the next higher frequency level.
You must not try to change the minds of those on the path behind you, but teach by your example, speaking your truth at their level of understanding and telling them that there are many paths back to the Oneness of the Creator. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but do not get caught up in their drama, their small stories of woe; stay joyful and enthusiastic so they will begin to wonder what makes you so different. Indeed, they will notice and some day they will take heed, for you will have sown the seeds of change within their auric field and their hearts. These seeds will not be denied--they will flourish one day and burst forth and bloom into a Divine discontent, which will nudge them onto the Path of discipleship.
You are a student on the path of initiation, you are a practitioner of spiritual mastery and cocreation, and you are a teacher with a message to share. You are also preparing for a greater alignment with the many facets of your Higher Soul-Self.
Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the Star Seed-Way Showers have been on the Path Of Ascension for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths. We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-Lighten-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.
We give you a mandate to go by: focus on that which wells up within you as the most important issue of your life. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and from your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing that which you desire with all your energy— physical/mental/emotional and spiritual—until it is brought to fruition. If you have doubts, start small, until you become proficient in using your latent abilities of cocreation. Sweep aside your doubts, and do not listen to others' criticism or admonitions. Follow your own inner guidance; you will not be led astray, beloveds.
We have requested that our messenger share her latest experience with all of you. By doing so, she is conveying to you a heretofore secret and very ancient thought form of higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the ascension process. The magnificent White Fire Angelic Beings have been waiting patiently to re-establish their connection with humankind. It is indeed a wondrous time for all of humanity, for no matter where you are on the ascension Path, the streams of rarified Creator Light radiating from these great Beings will affect all human Beings who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of Divine Light.
Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit:  *  
A New Consciousness
by Sarah-Jane Grace
July 21, 2012
As we continue to open up our hearts, minds and souls to the process of conscious living, we are beginning to feel the myriad of shifts and changes in a new way. It seems that the more we step into the ebb and flow of change and make the choice to awaken, the more we become aware of the subtle energies and insights that are flooding into consciousness; this awareness enables each of us to let go of resistance and move more naturally with the rapid pace of change.
We are being challenged on many levels to let go, to face our fears, to heal and to become Whole, and whilst this can keep us locked in cycles and patterns of doubt and angst, at the same time we are opening up to a new level of awareness that rides above the angst and keeps us fully awakened and connected to Self. As a result, it is becoming easier to step through the fear and embrace Truth and Love, for these lie at the heart of everything.
Truth is a funny thing, for there can be no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, for it is personal to each and every one of us. Whether or not we agree with another’s ‘Truth’ is a different matter entirely, but this is not the focus of these words today.
We are all unique beings and we vibrate on different levels and different frequencies. Of course, we have the commonality of being human, but we are not the same, for whilst together we make up the Whole, each of us has a unique role to play within the vast panorama of the Universe. Yet, so many of us cling to the ‘Truth’s’ of others as goal posts or sign posts in the path of life, and whilst there is no doubt that we can all receive gems of wisdom and nuggets of knowledge from the experiences of others, at the same time, we must be prepared to open up to finding our own Truth, for it is this that will ultimately guide us forward in life, and beyond.
Love is often misunderstood, but it is a powerful Universal force that shapes and defines so much. In a way, Love overrides Truth, for without Love, how can we understand or accept Truth? Love is more than words; it is a way of being and a way of living. Love opens up our hearts, minds and souls to being human, to being spirit and to being Whole, for it is the energy that connects us and brings us together; Love is the force that inspires us and empowers us. Of course, such a force can also lead to discord and anger, for many get lost in power games and denial, but, at the end of the day, Love is the inspiration to bring us back to Self, to the Divine and to Wholeness.
So, as we continue to ride the waves of change, we are stepping ever closer to Truth and Love, and this feels exciting, inspiring, life affirming, but a little nerve wracking, at the same time.
We are now being challenged to go deeply within to face our ‘demons’ and to let go of fear; fear comes in all shapes and sizes, and if left unacknowledged or unresolved, it can fester and turn toxic. This toxicity can lead to a kind of energetic paralysis that binds us to fear and keeps us frozen and immobile, unable to move and afraid of life.
Intuitively we know that we need to face these fears to heal and become Whole, but when fear has such a powerful hold over us, it can be hard to find the path to freedom. The harder we look and the more we fight, the more confused we seem to grow, and it seems that we now need to stop pushing fear away as some ‘dark’ or unwanted power, and instead bring it back into our hearts with love.
Fear is akin to our inner child or inner Self cowering in a corner, afraid to face one or many aspects of life; using this image, we can see that the way to overcome this is to step gently within and take the hand of our inner child, embrace them and shower them with love. Fighting or conquering the fear won’t make it go away, but loving the force behind the fear can change its shape, and, with time, the fear vanishes.
Many of us spend our lives in a consciousness of fear and eventually it becomes the force that defines us. We push it away trying desperately to find bliss, but it is the act of pushing it away that takes us even further from what we seek. It isn’t easy embracing or loving fear, but the only way to step beyond it is to acknowledge it and set it free. The more we fight it, the bigger it becomes, and like the monster in the proverbial wardrobe, we get lost in the battle and lose sight of the bigger picture. We placed the monster in the wardrobe and we have the choice of setting it free, but doing so with Love enables us to reconnect to our power and our Truth as we step closer to Self in the process.
So, as we continue to embrace the concept of living consciously, it seems clear we need to break these cycles and patterns once and for all, for living free is the path to living consciously...
You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included.  Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace *  Copyright © 2006-2012 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved  *  
The time has come for all mankind to adhere to these dictates. It is time for all mankind to lay down their swords and live in peace. It is time for peace to reign supreme in these lands of yours.
It is time that fear be set aside and that peace live in your hearts knowing that all will be provided and all will be well in the end.
The end is upon you. The world as you know it will cease to exist. It will be replaced by peace, balance, joy and abundance. You will know longer be frightened for what may come tomorrow. You won’t be threatened to lose your homes or jobs. These holds that have held you back will cease to exist. You will have peace. You will have abundance. You will live in safety. 
These threats to your society will begin to lift in the not to distant future. You will be guarded and protected. These peoples who threat your existence will no longer have the power over you they have held in the past.
You will be set free. You will all be set free.
That is all
Peace Peace Peace
Archangel Michael

Message from Hatonn
Through Nancy Tate
July 24, 2012
I am here today to make an announcement. I am Hatonn and I am welcoming you all to the news of the day. There is to come a need for laughter and joy, for with this will be the over-riding of what may in some cases be considered a dark day on earth.

What in reality it will be, is an over-riding of the destruction of the planet and it will result in just a few minor occurrences that may seem to be serious in some ways, but that will be not only a wonderful thing for earth but for all who live on it, as well as within it’s beautiful body.

As the circumstances come to fruition by those who wish to see a reoccurrence of what happened to Maldek, we are seeing to it that not only will their plans not be carried out, but instead they will be removed from the planet and from this solar system. They will be taken to a place that is out of the influence of anything on earth and they will be worked with for them to be able to return to their original sources of Light and Love. From that point on for them, they will be given the opportunity to express in that energy and to evolve their way back through the process of ascension in another timetable of existence.

What I speak of in the manner of occurrences on earth is the evolutionary process of Gaia being able to not only sustain her well-being, but to also allow her family of earth beings to grow and evolve along with her. She will see to it that there are no destructive forces that can harm any form of life on earth. She will evolve with all of you, all of life in any form, in the beauty and love expression that you all will be realizing in your lives. It will be in the form of some changes to the surface and these changes will be in harmony with what is to come for the expression of life not only on the surface, but within as well.

All those who have been residing within the earth will find that their evolutionary status will take a jump as well as those who reside on the surface. It will be a matter of being able to form the changes and the ability to create what it is that expresses the love, joy and peace that will be prevalent for all of you. As this evolutionary process takes place, it will be a matter of being able to see and feel within yourselves what it is that you desire, and then in the next instant to experience its manifestation.

This is already beginning for many of you. You have been seeing how quickly you have been able to bring something to you that improves your lives. You have seen how instantly your concerns have been answered, and have brought a smile to your face, and warm gratitude to your hearts and souls. This is but the beginning for you. Be aware of what it takes to bring your lives into the perfection, and then follow it, build on it, for it is your natural state of being.

As you are acclimating yourselves to this way of being, many of you are finding that your bodies are reacting in ways that may be a bit disconcerting. That is a temporary condition of the evolutionary process of changing your denseness to a crystalline state. It will be a short time in the whole picture of your evolution and as it comes to the state of perfection you will find less and less of the disturbances in your field, until at some point you will find no disturbances at all. All will be in perfect harmony.

So, for now dear ones, we are doing what we can to assist you to this perfection. We take care of the things that are within our reach to work on. It is through our agreement that we have set these boundaries in the working business with those who have being working in the darker energies. It is because of those energies that the boundaries have had to be set, for that is the energy of the darkness. That too is changing. As the status of all of you lift and become more crystalline, so too do the boundaries melt away. It is a matter of what can survive in the energies of complete Love, and what naturally melts away in the purity of Love.

I feel that I have said enough today in this message. This one, who is ready to go on with her mission in her new home, will be receiving information that she will relay to you in the times to come. In the meantime she and Bob will be carrying out a series of examples that will be conveyed through the Family Gathering Teleconferences that will resume in the next month. There is much to come in the next few months that will be examples of what I have told you in this message.

Remember that there will be only that which is in favor for the evolutionary process of all of you and Gaia as the steps are taken for the harmonic convergence of all of existence in this grand universe. It is all in the harmony of total and complete Love and Light forevermore.

Thank you dear Hatonn.

Nancy Tate
* link to original article *

The 3 Paths of Intuition
by David R. Hamilton PhD
July 20, 2012
I think I’ve been really quite intuitive lately – from making the right choices to even guessing (to the second) when the oven timer was going to beep – so I decided to share what I knew about intuition, how it works, even why we have it.
There seems to be different types of intuition, or at least 3 different mechanisms regarding how it works. Here’s the 3 that I’m aware of:
1) Spotting Visual and Auditory Cues

On a really obvious level, most people would agree that we tend to be more intuitive when we are in a good mood. Psychology professor, Barbara Fredrickson’s ‘Broaden and Build’ theory suggests that positive emotion increases creativity and that it also makes us more alert to opportunities that present themselves.
In this creative, alert state we pick up more of the visual cues around us. If you have a goal, and you are creatively alert in this way, you are more likely to spot signs and pick up snippets of conversations that can help you in the pursuit of your goal.
2) Mirror Neurons

The second route of intuition is present when we are in someone’s company. The human brain is highly adept at reading emotions. It’s also highly adept at telling when someone isn’t being truthful. This is facilitated by an interconnected network of cells in the brain known as mirror neurons.
When a person shows emotion it is written all over their face, as they say. Happiness can be recognised as smiling, anger or sadness with a frown. These displays of emotion move particular muscles. Happiness flexes the zygomaticus major muscle (it pulls your lips into a smile) and the orbicularis oculi muscle (at the sides of the eyes), while anger flexes the corrugator supercilli (between your eyebrows). This is where mirror neurons come in.
The MNS (mirror neuron system) mirrors the muscle movements we see in others. Being with a happy person is a sure fire way to get stimulation of your happy muscles. So how does this relate to intuition? Well, if a person is pretending they are happy but actually they’re sad inside, your mirror neuron system will mirror not only their (pretend) smiles but also the subtle facial muscle movements that reflect how they really feel.
When a person says an untruth, flashes of emotion appear on their face but they might only last for a few milliseconds, too fast for the human eye to detect. But not too fast for your MNS though! It mirrors the expression and feeds back into the emotional circuits in your brain, causing you to gain a subtle (intuitive) feeling of how they are feeling. When you sense someone is sad, even though they are acting happy, you might be getting an accurate picture of how they really feel.
Some people are very sensitive in this way and others are less so, which isn’t surprising as we all have innate differences in skills.
Lie detector tests work on the same premise. When a person says an untruth their nervous system shows subtle levels of stress. This can be detected using devices that measure skin conductance, which changes with micro amounts of sweating.
3) Entangled Minds

The third route of intuition is the one that might invite a little scepticism from people but I’d suggest that it is a very real mechanism, perhaps predominantly masked by the other two.
A body of scientific evidence suggests that we are connected through some levels of our minds. One of my favourite pieces was where researchers at Bastyr University in Seattle worked with ‘emotionally bonded couples’ – couples who shared a strong emotional bond.
One was placed inside an MRI scanner while the other was in a separate room. When the one in the room was startled with a visual stimulus, the MRI picked up a ‘flash’ in the visual cortex of the partner in the scanner. Similar experiments with EEG have suggested that the ‘interconnectedness’ is stronger between people who share a strong emotional bond, which correlates with a lot of people’s personal experience. Many people feel connected to loved ones no matter how far apart they are, and would agree that they get a sense when something in wrong.
This kind of thing is even apparent with some animals. In his compelling book, ‘Dogs that Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home’, Rupert Sheldrake describes experiments where he had sent a text to a dog owner and asked her or him to now make a decision to leave the office and head home. At the instant they made their decision, a video camera set up in the home showed their dog becoming excited and moving to the window.
This kind of evidence suggests that there is some form of communication that takes place from mind-to-mind. As well as emotional connection being a factor, it’s likely that the effect is more pronounced under some conditions than others and also that some people are naturally more ‘in tune’, so to speak, than others.
Intuition, regardless of what path, is likely wired in us. It would have undoubtedly served an evolutionary advantage to our ancestors if they had a hunch that danger was near. Acting on that hunch would save their lives and thus increase the likelihood that they would pass their genes onto the next generation. In this way, nature would ‘select’ genes that are linked with intuition.
So maybe the lesson in this is that it might be a good idea to trust our hunches, but maybe only if we’re in a good mood. And of course, we also need to be a little discerning. I guess it’s all about balance.
For research on how positive emotion makes us more creative, see Barbara Fredrickson, ‘Positivity’ (Crown Archetype, 2009)
For mirror neuron research and a discussion of how emotions are contagious, see David R Hamilton PhD, ‘The Contagious Power of Thinking’ (Hay House, 2011)
For research into interconnectedness of consciousness, see Dean Radin, ‘Entangled Minds’ (Paraview Pocket Books, 2006)
Rupert Sheldrake, ‘Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home’ (Arrow, 2000)

How To Switch On a Light With Your Mind

Can you imagine being able to switch on a light with your mind? Or adjust the volume on the TV by just thinking about it? Or even drive your car by imagining yourself driving? These things sound like they’re straight out of a Sci-Fi movie, but in reality we’re not actually that far from it.
It is well known that brainwaves change depending upon what we’re thinking about and that brain areas are specifically activated when we focus our minds on different parts of our bodies. This means that if a person imagines moving a finger then we get activation in the finger area of the brain, but if they imagine moving a toe then there’s activation in the toe area instead.
What if scientists could record the brain activation and channel the activation signals into a computer. And what if the computer was programmed to link each different signal to different things around the household, like lights, TV’s, and other appliances? A finger command could turn on the light, a toe command could adjust the TV volume. A ‘nose’ command might even boil the kettle.
The reality is that we’re almost there with the technology. In pioneering research published in the scientific journal, ‘Nature’, in 2006 a tetraplegic person had a tiny chip inserted in his brain (known as a BCI – Brain-Computer Interface) that recorded activation of specific brain areas associated with simple imagined movements. He was able to move a cursor on a computer screen and even open an e-mail with his mind.
And not only that, he played a computer game, controlled a robotic arm, and adjusted not only the volume of the TV but changed the channel as well, all by thought.
I have personally played a ‘heart’ game created by the Institute of Heartmath that uses heart rhythms to move computer images. After some practice, I was able to adjust the height of a hot air balloon on a computer screen by altering my heart rhythms through relaxed breathing.
Using a BCI, Researchers from Graz University in Austria even helped a paralysed person control a character in a virtual reality simulator by thought alone. The research paper they published was called, ‘Walking from Thought’ as the person could make the character walk down a street simply by imagining himself walking. The next logical step in the research is to create prosthetic devices that move just as arms and legs do – according to intentions.
And more recently this kind of brain technology is being experimentally adapted to see if it can give the scientist Stephen Hawking the ability to communicate. He has been suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease (motor neurone disease) and has greatly outlived the predictions of doctors who, when he was diagnosed at 21 years of age, predicted he would only live a few years. He celebrated his 70th birthday in January of this year.
Up until now he has been able to create vocal commands on a computer by making tiny, controlled twitches of a muscle in his cheek. But he is now losing the use of that muscle and with it the ability to communicate.
Professor Hawking has been working with neuroscientist Philip Low, CEO of NeuroVigil, based in San Diego, who is adapting a piece of technology called ‘iBrain’ (a BCI device) to record brain waves that are associated with some of Prof Hawking’s thoughts. The data can then be fed into a voice synthesizer to recreate the words. If it works out it will be a massive breakthrough.
So perhaps it might not be so long before we’re able to do a lot of things around the house and at work just by thinking about them. Imagine being able to activate cleaning programs in your house just by thinking about cleaning (oh, the joy), and selecting musical tracks to play just by singing a few notes in your head, or even selecting a movie to watch by just recalling a single scene.
I’m so excited….getting a bit ahead of myself. 
For the research where the person opened an e-mail with his mind, see: L. R. Hochberg, et al, ‘Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia’, Nature, 2006, 442, 164-171
For the ‘Walking from Thought’ research, see: G. Pfurtscheller, et al, ‘Walking from thought’, Brain Research, 2006, 1071(1), 145-152.
For more information on BCI’s, see chapter 6 of David R. Hamilton PhD, ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’, (Hay House, 2008)
For more info on how different brain areas are activated depending on where we put our attention, see chapter 6 of David R. Hamilton PhD, ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’, (Hay House, 2008) * 

David R. Hamilton PhD

David Hamilton gained a first class honours degree in chemistry, with a specialisation in biological and medicinal chemistry, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. After completing his PhD, David worked for 4 years in the pharmaceutical industry developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer. After four years he left and has since worked as a motivational speaker, co-founded an international relief charity and co-organised a 9-day, 24-event festival of peace called Spirit Aid.
While writing his first book, David taught chemistry and ecology at James Watt College of Further and Higher Education and tutored chemistry at Glasgow University. Now a bestselling author of 6 books published by Hay House, he offers talks and workshops that fuse science, the mind, and spiritual wisdom. He spends most of his time writing, giving talks and leading workshops on the topics of his writing. He lives in Windsor. Website:  *  Contact Email:  * 
