Isis' Message of the Day -
A Thanksgiving Prayer
Oh, God, when I have food
help me to remember
the hungry;
When I have work, help me
to remember the jobless;
When I have a warm home,
help me to remember the
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer;
And remembering, help me
to destroy my
and bestir my compassion.
Make me concerned enough
to help, by word and deed,
those who cry out
what we take for granted.
~ Samuel. F. Pugh
"For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was
thirsty and you gave Me drink.I was a stranger and you welcomed Me..."
- Matthew 25:35
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
The Meaning of Life Revealed
by Owen Waters
You are an expression of Infinite Being as
it experiences itself from all possible perspectives. Your perspective is unique, as is everyone else’s. That is the
point of the whole exercise – for Infinite Being to experience life from as many perspectives as possible.
In order to best support this primary mission
of human experience, we need to both celebrate our own uniqueness and support others in their efforts to develop their own
skills and talents. Unity is our spiritual nature, yet it is found through celebrating our diversity in the common cause of
developing our potential to the fullest.
The One is the All and, as parts of the All,
we are essentially the One. At the deepest level of consciousness, we are Infinite Being.
Everyone’s path is unique because that’s
the way life was designed. There is no one-size-fits-all philosophy. However, we can learn about the universal laws that will
help us achieve our potential in life.
Your mind is non-physical and therefore has higher
capabilities than your physical brain. Your mind is immortal and it grows with experience. We are each on our own pathways
back to the One source from which we originally came. To get there, we continually grow in consciousness by experiencing life.
The meaning of life is to grow in consciousness.
What makes Owen Waters’ writings on
spirituality so simple and easy to understand? Instead of being filled with discussions and questions, his new book, Spirituality
Made Simple, is filled with insights and answers. It reveals the Law of Creation in its most fundamental form and then uses
that to build a natural, powerful method of spiritual attunement, inspiration and growth.
Discover the answers to age-old mysteries like,
"Who am I?" and "Why are we here?"