Vugrincic lighttoparadise1@yahoo.com | |
Urantia, May 28,
2012. (date of transcription). Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “A Lesson on Teamwork.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “Teamwork is an art that requires mutual co-operation. One could see teamwork
as a form of co-dependence, when one has to depend on others that certain tasks be accomplished independently. Inter-dependence
is a more accurate term. I assure you that the universe, yea all of creation, depends on the service of all beings that inhabit
it. In fact, teamwork is the watch-word of the universe, as each being fulfills that particular function, which no one else
fulfills. All creatures must necessarily fulfill their personal life function. The sooner humans find out what it is they
are here for, the sooner they will find themselves in harmony and cooperation with the universe itself, feeling at peace with
their inner selves also.
“It is an interesting
thing for Me to watch some of you slowly becoming more aware of the important part you play on the stage of life, doing this
without aggrandizement of ego importance, always reminding yourselves that the work is important, the self is not. Such an
attitude is a must for successful cooperation with others, and it is truly a rarity to find a measure of such understanding
cooperation between two or more people -- working independent of each other, and yet slowly coming to a mutual understanding
that this is a requirement for growing their individual souls, to work as a team, and at the same time investing in the growth
of their souls for life eternal.
“Such partnerships
will eventually become more commonplace although at first certain things or issues are not clearly understood by either one,
or both, or even all. It is a matter of sublime trust that whatever you are engaged in will ultimately not only benefit yourselves
but also countless others. No true endeavor ever goes un-noticed. Even when separated by great distances, such partnerships
can occur, thus the sum total of a lone working servant’s achievement in the service of his/her Creator, can become
exponentially more important, even when the work is carried out on the other side of the globe in a mutual, unspoken and unwritten
agreement. More and more may join in, not one knowing the other, yet all may be bound together by the common purpose to work
for the progress of all. A small group can become larger and larger, as the silent call goes forth to be of service to the
upliftment of the planet. This is teamwork of the realm of spirit manifesting itself on the material world.
“However, the greatest service anyone can render is by seeking
the Stillness in their heart, to affect cooperation with their heavenly Partner within. Indeed, to affect such a measure of
cooperation that, unwittingly at first, they become a mighty partner in the most important teamwork anyone can engage in --
a partnership with the Indwelling Adjuster of their Thoughts. This is the ultimate partnership in teamwork one can achieve
in one’s material existence. This, eventually, is a requirement for all humans but to affect this of your free will,
driven by an insatiable hunger to be of service is the triumphant culmination of a life well lived. Here dwells the greatest
satisfaction amid the storms of life -- the inner feeling that you, too, can cooperate with your Spark of God within. Rest
assured, you could not wish for a better Partner than the One who lives right inside of you. Trust and have faith that in
time this partnership will become more divine in teamwork and mutual cooperation.” | | |
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA. | | |
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
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