Taking Direction From The GOD Voice {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: January 2 - 9, 2011
3.)  Be The Lights Unto The World!
4.)  The Masters of Light: 2011
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Like a Group of High-Flying Kites
7.)  Message from Spirit: Taking Dictation from the God Voice

Isis' Message of the Day -
Having abundance or living in poverty is up to you. The more you will acknowledge your own power of Creation, the more powerful you become. Just as the more you deny that power the weaker you become.
You are the Creator in every way of your own reality, and you create that reality from your perceptions, beliefs of who you are and ideas about that reality. You are a powerful being.
Perception is one of the most important words in your life.  It determines your outlook on life.  It controls the A, B, C's of daily existence.  What are the A, B, C's?  A-ttitude which equals B-ehavior which equals C-onsequences.  Change perception and you change the A, B, C's.
What you presume something to be may not necessarily be true and that perception (judgement) controls your attitude towards it, which in turn will control your behavior towards it and the consequences (end result) will all stem from your perception of the given situation.
Perception is all there is... the rest is illusion.
Archangel Michael once told me when I asked him how all these people become millionaires, . . . "If you want to beome a millionaire then live like one!"
Since I changed my 'thinking' and stopped see "lack of something" by praying 'for' it, and instead "gave thanks" for already having it, we (my husband and I) have not wanted for one thing nor do we have any debt whatsoever and our bank accounts have continously grown.
It is all a matter of how you 'think' that creates your reality!
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, This is a time of great joy for some of you and a time of great sorrow for others. Your response is in reaction to your past. We ask you to look forward from the heart. We ask you to look forward in a state of love. Feel our presence beside you. Feel the presence of those you have loved. Know that they are with you always. There love is able to cross the “veil of forgetfulness”. You have only to open to receive what they wish to share with you. Life is an unending stream of which you can tap into. Be filled with the love of those who surround you. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *  

Hilarion's Weekly Message: January 2 - 9, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones, 
The year end festivities are completed and the New Year has arrived with such a stupendous display of Unity in the form of a major Worldwide meditation with ten of thousands of Lightworkers such as yourselves all over your Planet saying yes to the remembrance and the embodiment of their Divinity. From our perspective, the tide has turned and the people of the World will be seeing many changes taking place, both within themselves, their loved ones, their neighbors and within the structures of daily life that have been in place for so long. We from the Higher realms were in attendance during this massive observance on the first day of your New Year and there were Legions of Angels assisting in the activations that occurred. 
Each person who took part is a Wayshower and a Pattern Maker who realized the great potential of this major event to create positive change for Humanity and all upon the Earth and there will be many more of these taking place through the entire year of 2011, for this is the year of the unification of forces for good upon this Planet in a big way. What a wondrous boost to the Divine Plan this event was! We are still in celebration! Each of you is so powerful and so courageous in your determination to be the change you wish to see. The peaceful revolution we spoke of before is now upon us and we applaud you all! Your combined and individual energies have made a remarkable difference upon your Planet and this will become observable in your daily lives.
Continue to walk your Path of Light, Dear Ones, and hold fast to your visions for the highest outcome for the Ascension of the Planet Earth and all upon Her, for it is happening in this time of Now. Continue in your purifying efforts for your bodies, minds and emotions. Know that what comes forth and is cleansed and transmuted is creating room within you for greater Light to take its place and every time this occurs, it is another step forward upon your spiritual journey to Ascension. Remember that we stand ready to assist you in every moment of your life and all that is required is that you ask us, for we must honor your free will.
Your Higher Self is now working more assertively within each of you and it behooves you all to become aware of this and be willing to hand over the reins to Her/Him, stating daily “not my will but thine be done in and through me now.” This will help facilitate the unfoldment of your Divine Plan in an easy and graceful manner and will also bring about many positive changes that seem to happen without conscious thought on your part. Remember that your Higher Self can bring only the highest and the best outcomes within all facets of your life and is now endeavoring to establish a greater Oneness with You, Its outer expression in this World. This is a truly exciting development that is now taking place. 
Be at peace, Beloved Ones, for you will be finding more Lightness of Being in your daily existence and will be feeling more extended periods of joy, happiness and bliss. Continue to practice your attitude of gratitude and daily list at least five things that you are grateful for. 
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessing,


Be The Lights Unto The World!
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
December 31. 2010
Greetings Dear Ones, thrilled we are that you take time out to make these conscious contacts with us again, thank you for this honour! Times are rapidly changing as you are most aware, and to maintain balance in all that you do is quite a difficult task in these climes. Never the less, satisfactory balance have you indeed celebrated for you have found this time and space in furtherance of communication with us, your soul family at last. We are pleased that this opportunity has been honoured and relevant effort and time duly afforded,
You, and all, are feeling it quite 'impossible' to seemingly satisfactorily deal with all of your insistent variant energies that are to be accepted as part of the deal or package in these ever moving times. There is so much that is being levelled on the planet at these now times and the need for compliance with your inner voice is the priority for these moments of frustration and even despond that you at times are feeling. We say to you, that these times shall not last, and we are also aware that words at times are of little or no seeming comfort. We can only but suggest as ever always that when you are feeling down or at disarray then do call our names, our energies for our help, and we shall do all that we are able to help and assist you - call us - you need to do that first so that universal protocol is not besmirched and free will and true spiritual law is duly observed.
All these things are you well aware of, but at times the reiteration of some simply truths need animating once again, it is right so to do! We are ever in touch as the call is sent out.This mode of expression and expansion is indeed something that has not been realised in this manner before, and therefore is unique and also an UNKNOWN factor where no similarities can be compared. You are indeed the trail blazers and these are not words of indifference or of false applaud, they are indeed factual and we are amazed at your prowess and faith that at times are well stretched and tested.You have still stayed the course and it is commendable to observe from our vantage point in the stars, so to speak! Your missions are working truly wondrous results..believe it!
Problems of 'intensive mental dissertations' are over expressed and dwelt upon and seemingly does all become way out of proportion as this pattern is allowed to continue and fester so to speak. It lowers ones energy levels and affords only a false and downward outlook on any situation or new possibility. Taking a few deep breaths drawing down the golden white light and invoking the blue power ray into assistance will 'protect' and animate you, and with the violet flame swirling up thro' you, dispelling all that is not of/in highest good, and releasing all into the higher ethers for transmuting. At times is it maybe too hard to make this simple exercise, but we do suggest that you continue 'faking it until you make it,' so to speak! 'Keep on keeping on' are those simple words of eternal wisdom, for eventually the illusive place of peace and repose will so surely be retrieved and joyfully realised. It surely will. It is so!
A new year stretching out before you and new opportunities in abundance, all readied and raring to go as the brake is taken off to the roller coaster ride and the journey recommences into 2011 with an abundance of surprises and tests to unravel and many Christ-mass new realisations maybe to take on board also for your own enlightenment.Year 2011 is indeed a challenging year for all that you have decided is right to hold fast to will have a need to stand the test of time, purpose and due effort, for time continues to hasten and 'visual time' is still collapsing in on itself.Time waits for no man / woman and you as the army of light beings that walk daily the beloved planet, are way-showers and veritable lifesavers as your channeled energies from on high, stream out to everyone blessing and caressing, loving and consoling, touching all with a magical potion of pure unconditional love, the light you emit is immeasurable.
You start this new year in fine fettle, whether you accept this or not...you DO! With the many layers of expansive light energies of multi purpose origins yet with highest divine mutual intent, there is truly an abundance of energies that are queuing up to make themselves known and  are of substantial  benefit for the planet and all thereon. A little at a time as opposed to a wanton deluge as you upon planet are sampling and pre-testing these pending inputs, affording the requisite balance to be injected and shared globally, yet also universally. Much to be realised, many changing scenario's but as ever only the highest good for one and all and for Mother Gaia in her wisdom, nurturing those parts of her earth body in tune with the harmonic heartbeat of the Universal mind. The scales  of justice and universal balance are being weighted, readying for further animated input of purest crystal energies that bless all and everything.
So beloved light beings, hold sure your bounty and your inner strength as you greet and welcome whole heartedly the abundance of opportunities that you are blessed with in this new year of 2011. You are commended many fold by those in lighter realms and by Ultimate Being Itself, so again simply be your wondrous lighted beings that have balanced and held the light quotient on the beloved planet,with Lady Gaia and her consorts. BE THE LIGHTS UNTO THE WORLD, tarry awhile longer for your wondrous efforts are moving mountains. Go forth and once again multiply, for the seeds that you carry shine from the souls of recognition and of pure loving divine intent. Go forth, ignite the spark in all others and watch them multiply. Be the lights unto the world! Shalom..
Selemat Ja

(c)Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom. Please Copy and share affording credit to the source. * gabbitas1@aol.com  *  Life is to be lived and savoured, not feared and laboured.  *     

The Masters of Light: 2011
As Received by Ruth Ryden
January 1, 2011
As the planet moves closer to the galactic alignment that has been known and predicted by the ancients, pressure on Planet Earth will be increasing and causing the surface plates to move and cause many changes around the world. You have been seeing this happen the last year or so and the movements will continue. What we are seeing now is the distinct probability that the increasing intensity of the high frequencies around the Earth will start to affect the satellites you have positioned around the globe, for communication, weather forecasting, and yes, even the internet. By the end of the year, it is possible that many satellites will burn out, causing, needless to say, tremendous confusion all over the world. Radio waves would come back into general use and newspapers would be needed again to spread the news. This may sound like a very radical prediction, but time will tell. Perhaps it is necessary in the evolution of humanity for humans to start paying attention to each other again, instead of little computers in their hands. As the Earth moves away from that alignment, back into its normal position around the Sun, the electronic satellites would come into use again.

The year ahead will be difficult; we cannot say differently. Unusual storms, heavy snowfalls, unseasonable high temperatures, flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis, frigid temperatures that come and go, a time of restructuring all over the world. It would be impossible for we in the upper heavens (as you call them) to even begin to pin point what is to happen in every country and sea, as one event will trigger another, and another. This is frightening, we know. However, being forewarned is important, so you may be more aware of what is going on around you and being able to move when you need to and prepare for emergencies ahead of time. From disaster and hardship comes the need to call upon the inner strength that is built into each one of you. A time to pay attention to what is real, to closing the gaps in relationships, to find the ways to educate your children to take care of the future. Idiotic television programming and demonic electronic games that dull the senses and sensibilities are harming the progressive thinking that is sorely needed now by your children. Families – pay attention to your children and do interesting things with them pertaining to real life and the beauty to be found all around them. Teach them to help others instead of ways to harm them.

The frequencies that are changing life so much today affect the minds of all humanity, an uneasiness, causing them to try to escape the unpleasant changes in the planet today by turning to violent fiction and gun-related games in order to protect themselves from what they think might be. This is a matter of tuning into those frequencies instead of using them to create what is really wanted and needed. Remember, all is energy, no matter what it is called. You are beings who can use energy to create what you want. If you are determined to calm the earth and bring it back into being normal behavior, you have the ability to do that, especially when the Earth returns to its normal orbit. As many of you come together to create better lives, it will come to be. This year is a furnace of creative energy that can be used to ease the storms and tense emotions. We see many such groups forming and understanding this need.

Remember, “where two of you are gathered, there will I be” – is not just a phrase from the Bible – it is universal truth. You are beings that belong together, as you are in the spiritual realm. As you join your love, your strength, your determination, you can produce your own security and protection, wherever you may be. Men and women need to understand that together they make a whole. Men trying to make all the decisions lack the knowledge that women have to make those decisions good ones for all.

The most important message we wish to give you at the beginning of this year is to live each day at a time; be aware of what is happening, keep informed as to dangerous storms or earth movements, making your preparations accordingly, but then live with yourselves and others in a harmonious fashion. What you learn now, day by day, in your own lives and relationships is affecting your world, make no mistake about it. When human beings learn to love each other unconditionally, without bias, without color blindness, without hate or resentment, the changing world will fall into place gently and with peace.
Readers Want to Know: Do you see North Korea actually starting a war with South Korea that the U.S. will have to jump into sometime in the coming year?
North Korea, as you well know, is ruled by a family of unintelligent overlords who are more interested in their own show of power than actually orchestrating a war. The shelling of South Korea was just that. They have the mind-blasted soldiers and arms to start a war, but will simply make false start, then back off. The atomic weapons they have been developing are indeed dangerous, but they know other countries have them, too. What we are seeing at this point (and everything is open to change, as you know) is several small sorties across the line between the nations, to make them nervous and whip up their own forces, but not too much will come of it. There will be a tremendous change in this country as the truth about the way it has been torturing its own people has come to light; world opinion will start to have a strong impact on its economic situation.
Question: In 2011, do you see any volcano in the U.S. erupting - Is Etna set to go off again?

The possibility of eruptions is gaining speed over the months ahead. Alaskan volcanoes are the most probable, as they are being heated up from below . The underlying formations of the Cascade volcanoes are being disturbed by the pressure from the Pacific plates and there may be some minor smoking going on, and no doubt many more quakes near these mountains. At this point in time, we do not see a major eruption.

Iceland is another matter. Volcanoes are very restless there, Kamchaka Russian volcanoes will be spouting regularly. Indonesian islands that are in reality the tops of ancient volcanoes, will see a lot of activity, and there is the strong possibility of a large eruption on one or more of them during the year. (Ruth: This was received 2 weeks ago!)
Question: In 2011, are you sensing any high magnitude earthquakes in the U.S. especially on the North American West Coast?

There will be increasing 4+ quakes along the North American west coasts, and a strong possibility of a 6 or more in Northern California and British Columbia coastlines close to Spring. Small movements will be noticed all through the North American Continent as the months roll along, in unusual places. Sink holes appearing suddenly will make news. The New Madrid Fault is starting to pull apart again and may cause some very uncomfortable movements in the Mid West.
Memory Matters
The past months of unusually high frequencies have thrown the world off-kilter in many ways. Numerous plane and vehicle crashes have been caused by sudden memory lapses of everyday knowledge and automatic reactions. Forgetting what it was one went into another room for is becoming a common annoyance for millions of people as extremely short-term memory losses precede actions that are usually taken for granted. Even while operating a car, how many times does the memory of where you are going suddenly draw a blank? Etc., etc. Not only are such lapses annoying, but actually frightening as the normal reaction is usually, “Am I losing it?”

The violent solar storm frequencies that have been pouring into the Earth’s upper atmosphere and racing down into the very bowels of your planet have been affecting all living things. Weather anomalies have turned the seasons upside down and caused widespread crop failures and unusual temperature changes.

The space station and spacecrafts are heavily armored against the rays but still have problems with their electronics.

Realizing how this cycle of solar activity is affecting everything around you, did you really think it would not affect you, too? How often are you hearing sad tales from friends that nothing seems right lately? Relationships are in a state of disrepair as the effects of the frequencies cause people to think and act differently than normal. If you will just accept the reason for this state of affairs, and recognize that it is like a layer of electrical smog, penetrating everything and everyone, it will be easier to keep the stress caused by the uncertainty and feelings of helplessness under control. Knowing the cause and coping intelligently with it will keep you all operating as you need to be, enjoying the inner sense of rightness in all things.

Over and over we pass on the information that the answers to balance lie within – are you listening? There are many good herbal remedies that control stress, and they help without accepting poisonous chemicals into the body at a time when they are definitely not needed. However, for better balance with an inner sense of peace through it all, coming closer to your spiritual peace, energy and power will bring a much better clarity to the mind and a feeling of self-confidence, no matter what the situation.

Accept the memory failures, accept the machinery failures, accept that making decisions may be more difficult at one time than another. Solar radiation hits here and there, jumping around constantly. One day the mind will be clear as a bell, the next a muddled mess. Instead of plowing through a mine field of possible bad decisions or reactions, lay them aside for a day or so or until everything comes clear again. In the meantime, have note pads or paper in the kitchen, the bathroom (a lot of thinking goes on in there), the bedroom, the desk or wherever you keep household accounts. Write down who told you what, telephone messages, lists of necessary chores and grocery lists. Catch the stray glimpses of intelligent thoughts on paper before you forget them. Did you promise to pick someone up at a certain time? Put a note by a clock or the telephone.

Are you having constant disputes with mates, children or people where you work? Stop – think about what you are saying and why. These frequencies play on the nervous system until the slightest comment or look seems to be a criticism. Now is the time to realize you are not alone in your discomfort and try to help others retain their balance by being extra patient with their outbursts.

When your thoughts scatter all over the place and you can’t get anything right or decide what to do or how to do it, just stop!! Let your mind rest and the body rest – really rest. They need to recover from being pummeled by frequencies too high for them to tolerate. Don’t watch TV, don’t talk, just close the eyes and rest. It will all come clear as the mind eases its fights against the frequencies.

When will it stop? Not perhaps until the planet settles back into its normal orbit, in your time about two years or so. It is imperative that you learn now how to live in accordance with the situation. Use your inner Love and strength to help yourselves and humanity. Accept that you have within a key to universal energy, which is Love and creative ability, that can be accessed any time you still the mind and bring it into focus.
Ruth Ryden
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. *  www.planetaryheart.com/  * She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *  rydenruth@yahoo.com  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are never punished. You call forth the challenges because you are strong enough to look them right straight in the eye and to say there must be a new way of seeing this challenge.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3691
Like a Group of High-Flying Kites
January 2, 2011
God said:
There is love that surpasseth understanding. Everything surpasses understanding. Search for understanding is search for understanding love. You not only desire love. You desire to grasp it with your mind as well as with your heart. The mind wants to be in on things. Nevertheless, the mind cannot join the sorority of love. Only the heart can.
The heart holds membership in the sorority of love. The mind, on the other hand, is deep in thought rather than deep in love. And yet the mind is driven to trying to understand love, to delineate it, to master it, to rule it, to take it apart, to test it, to disassemble it and ascertain what makes love tick.
How does the mind understand anything? It computes, yet cannot quite make it through to the finish line. Of course, there is no finish line to love.
What is there to understand about love? It is better to love than to understand. It is better. Can the Infinite be understood by the finite mind? The heart has the advantage of being infinite. Its reach is infinite. There is no limit to love. Yet, in the world, love seems to start and stop, start and stop. Objects of love may start and stop, yet there is no stopping love. The mind is in hot pursuit of love, unmanageable love. Love is its own free agent. Love covers it all. Love is not a reporter. Love is an imbiber, and love rides the rails. Love is not an interpreter. Love is an understander, yet love does not seek to understand. Love seeks to expand its boundlessness and reach and reach and reach shores beyond itself. Love is inescapable. It is a world traveler.
The mind is more like a hustler. The mind wants to come to conclusions. The heart never wants to conclude. The heart is ever upward and onward and taking other hearts with it like a group of high-flying kites. The mind is insular. The mind is flighty.
Let Us come to a consensus of the heart and mind. Let the mind follow love. Let the mind become close behind love and yet not on its trail. Let the heart seek love, and the mind be content. Let the mind bask in the sun of love. Let the mind relax at the beach of love and not try to get into the middle of it. Let the mind and heart meet in love and never back away from each other. Let love, which has no language but itself, have the last word.
Let love consume you, not the mind. Love is eternal and a leader. The mind is a fugitive who flees. What mind can come to an understanding of love which is beyond understanding? And, yet, the mind is an inspector of love, an analyzer, an auditor of love, a revenuer of love. The mind is on the trail of love. It is a bloodhound after love, and never quite catches up to love. The mind hurries and yet cannot keep up.
What figment of the mind is the mind? The mind wants to smoke out love. It wants to hold love in its hand. It wants to capture love and get the essence of it. The mind goes click, click, and yet cannot take a picture of love. Only the lens of love can take its own picture.
Love is at the heart of it. Love is at the heart of the Universe. If the mind had a heart, the mind would be love. As it is, the mind is the detective, the scout, the chaser of love while love alone is.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

Message from Spirit: Taking Dictation from the God Voice
Received by Barbara Dutcher, M.A.
Dear One, as you wake you may begin to give thanks to God for all that you see in your life. In this way, your mind will draw near to the Godly Mind. Your Godly Mind is always present. Whenever you feel calm and happy, you are dwelling there.

It may be that the ego mind is putting up confusion, annoyance or impatience in your way as you request guidance on a certain matter. In this case, you can invent a game in which you take dictation from the imaginary 'God Voice.'

Calm yourself as best you can, and simply write your questions for God, or if it suits you, hold them in mind. Knowing that God's answer is always kind and wise, you may feel free to simply reply to yourself as if you were God speaking. Practice this and see if you don't find that it is true - God is speaking to you right where you are.

Practice in good courage, practice in faith. Play with this and make it fun. God is not so serious as most people think. His answers are never critical, never harsh, never blaming, but always comforting, always compassionate. He is never anywhere but right at hand. Pretend that God is speaking, and He will be, Beloved, He will be!
Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a Certified Spiritual Counselor. She teaches a method for achieving a conversational connection with Spirit, and receives kind, loving and wise messages from Spirit on behalf of her private clients. Her website is www.theguidewithin.org   *        

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