Devas-Guides-Your Sweet Spot




Partnering with God


 We honor you all so greatly!
Our love overflows with congratulations for the work you
have done. Great, indeed, is this planet of free choice. Someday
you will completely understand.

Devas and the Little People

Question: You told us that the 12:12 was significant because
many of the unseen entities would be leaving Earth and passing
their power to us. I regularly work with the devas of my garden. Are
they leaving, too? They seem so present!

Answer: Let it be clear that there are many classes of entities that
exist with you on this planet. You already know about humanity
and that it is the focal point of the entire planetary existence. Next
there is all the other life that you can see all around you that is also
biological. Finally, there are all the entities that are balancing the
planet in so many ways that you cannot see--and there are many
more of them than there are of you! We do not itemize them for
you, for it would be distracting--a situation where you would
spend a great time looking for them, rather than the lessons and
experience you came for.
     Within the scope of these entities, there were many who held
energy specifically for you as humans. You did not have the ability
to hold any more of the energy of the Higher Self than a certain
 amount until things began changing some years ago (part of my
job). Now we have told you that you are taking much of this energy
 away from these placeholding entities by agreement as you move
 toward graduation and ascension status. We have also told you
 that the energy level of the planet is always the same, but that the
 vibration is what is changing. In order to keep the energy the
 same, as you take on your power, the placeholders must therefore
     Many of you have experienced this, saying good-bye to many
 ancient ones in the forests and plains all around the Earth, and
 know of what I speak. Many times they had names, or their groups
 had names. There are tens of thousands of them that are now
gone, and many that will leave in the future. Some of them lived
within special areas that gave you special feelings when you
walked there--and now you realize that indeed the specialness is
gone in those areas. This is because they have departed in order
to give you the power of the planet in a spiritual sense.
     There are many, many more entities, however, that reside in
the Earth that give the planet the life that we have spoken about.
These are the ones that keep the balance of nature, as you call it,
and respond directly to humans that work with the Earth. Some
are called "Devas" and the little ones are the entities that made
sacred spots in the forest. The "Devas" you speak about in your
question are the ones that will always be with you until the very end
of the existence of the planet. They are needed and extremely
necessary for the "life within the dirt," as we have spoken before.
They are necessary for a "living planet" that responds to the
consciousness of humanity. You are the ones who have named
them--therefore, the confusion. The ones you know are going to
    Your garden friends will be with you forever, and indeed
respond to your efforts. On a grander scale, these are also the ones
that hold the energy of the forests of the planet, the rocks of the
desert, and the very air you breathe. There is so much here that
would astound you! Give honor to the Earth, for it will give you
honor back!

Question: How can I learn to communicate with my guides? How
do I know if it's not just my own thoughts?

Answer: There is a communication with my partner within these
very pages that will give you insight into this, for it was my honor
to give you this information just recently.
    It's impossible for your biology alone to give what you call
precognition, or a "knowing" of something you believe you have
seen before--but have not. Also, it can't easily give you an
emotional "hit" on something you instantly see. Your intellect isn't
fast enough to play a part in these things, and that's why your
guides can give you these "pokes" before your intellect can analyze
it away.
    For years you have called this intuition, gut feeling, or deja vu.
Now you know what it really is. This is guide communication at its
best, and uses emotion as its conduit. Therefore you can see that
those who let themselves "feel" will be those that acknowledge the
guidance of Spirit.
    Give yourself permission to recognize these emotional at-
tributes, and in your most quiet times, verbally acknowledge them.
Tell the guides out loud that you love them--then stand back for
action. Too simple? It is the human way of things to say you must
work hard for any good thing. It is Spirit's message, however, that
says you have deserved gifts waiting for you--simply for the
asking, and that your work is in being here at all! The gifts, then,
will enhance the real work of raising the frequency of the planet.
Contracts--Sweet Spot
Question: How do I know if I'm in my contract? What exactly is a

Answer: Have you taken responsibility for the conditions you find
yourself in? How is your life going? Do you have peace? Do you
feel victimized? Is there tolerance for other humans and conditions
around you? What action have you taken spiritually to improve
your life and lift your frequency? All of these things relate to your
quest of finding that "sweet spot" we call your contract.
    There has been more channeled on this subject than any
other, for it relates to your ability for peace and self-healing. It is
also the first step to what you call an "ascended status" on this
    The mind of Spirit is sometimes confusing and is hidden from
you while you are here. This, of course, is the duality of your entity.
Many have tried to analyze it, but the intellect fails completely
when it comes to understanding or explaining the incredible purity
of the love energy that emanates from the planning you created
for yourself.
    There is no greater element of awe that we have for you than
within the fact that you would stand in line to be here at this time!
Figuratively, you sat in a grand place where you "contracted" your
  windows of opportunity with the others around you for the next
 few lives. Without any kind of predestination, you contracted with
 the others to play out the drama of the events you find yourself in.
 Are you male or female? Were you abused? Is there anger and hate
 in your life? Does abundance feel completely out of reach while
 you see it all around you for others? Are there those around you
 who regularly irritate and stir you up? All of these things were
 planned by you, and the others around you, and represent the
 mind of God-- YOU, when you were not here!
     The task is to recognize the contract. Accept the new gifts of
Spirit! Take responsibility for what is happening to you, since you
planned it. Then put on the mantle of Spirit and take action to co-
create your passion... and your sweet spot in life. There is no
problem that you cannot solve! Peace and healing can be yours if
you own these principles. Then you can get on with what you
planned for yourself over this and the next incarnation (while you
remain in your biology), which we call your contract and your
    When you finally realize that by moving your karma aside and
increasing your vibration, you can indeed claim the contract of this
and the next incarnation, a whole new perspective will open up for
you as to what can be accomplished.
    We applaud you in your efforts and continue to love you
unconditionally for your quest to raise your frequency--and the
vibration of Earth itself!
Much more to come, please check back, i.e., the Web site below ...

