Sustainable Capitalism




Conversations with Monjoronson #58 – A Variety of Subjects – Aug. 24, 2012
(excerpts, edit/modif.)

Exploring concept of sustainable capitalism

Historically capitalism has been involved with the next quarter’s bottom line, but some business leaders are beginning to speak of the necessity of truly sustainable business and sustainable capitalism, do you see it as advantageous for leaders in business and government to explore this concept of sustainable capitalism to promote a sustainable society?
MONJORONSON: Yes, it is vital to have a sustainable commercial enterprise, whether you call it capitalism or something else. This will not come into being successfully or effectively until those entrepreneurs, those capitalists as you may call them, and corporate leaders thoroughly have ingrained an understanding of social sustainability. The adherence to the quarterly bottom line is highly competitive and competition has in many ways a very harsh edge to it in that it does not express compassion or caring, or appreciation, or understanding for the host society. The difference between contemporary business and sustainable business in the future is the difference between a parasitic capitalism and a symbiotic capitalism. We prefer not to use the word “capitalism,” as it has too many negative overtones and connotations to it. This word’s popularity stems from Karl Marx and before, and has been used in ways that are contrary to a spiritually infused, socially sustainable society. You can pick another word if you wish, but please do so. The difference between contemporary business and sustainable business in the future is tremendous.
The parasitic business model is attached to the quarterly bottom line; it is attached to ongoing increased profits, which means continued ongoing expansion and exploitation and means of finding ways to cut costs to improve profit margins and return on investment. The parasitic model seeks to have an investment and rapid returns for immediate benefits that are visible. A sustainable business enterprise in the future, however, sees itself as a symbiotic partner to the sustainability of all society. Even a monopolistic, dominating business enterprise that has a sustainable philosophy to it, which can be validated using the three core values in the schematic for social sustainability, is very possible and likely and even advantageous in many ways. Monopolies are not always avaricious mechanisms for personal greed, power, authority and control. In a socially sustainable society, monopolistic businesses will become the general mechanism for doing business. How those benefits are distributed is another matter. It is that business will see all of the clientele as business owners, as stockholders, who are mutually involved in the business of that enterprise. The parasitic model is antiquarian because it seeks greater and greater accumulations of profits and dividends to only a few people, which in the long run, as you are now seeing in the one percent of your population. This is highly detrimental to a socially sustainable society, and even global civilization.
There are individuals now who have formulated other business models that would be highly advantageous in a socially sustainable society, and which will and must come to the forefront of thinking in business. These models, however, will also not be successful until the ideas, concepts and tenets of social sustainability are widely known and accepted in your culture and your global culture. That is why we are so uncompromising in the development of the three core values of social sustainability and the developments and applications from those values. These would not contribute to our long-term project if they were compromised. We have promoted them as irreducible and irrefutable as the core values of social sustainability for individuals and even for a global civilization. How the smaller divisions of human activity accept and implement that will depend upon enlightened individuals who come to govern those enterprises of business, government, non-profit, and social.
