Isis' Message of the Day -
God said:
Love will circle itself, and yet no circle will be marked. No edges, no borders, no boundaries, only the boundlessness
of love, the essence of love, love original, love without trappings, love and nothing else but love, nothing to contrast it
to, nothing to make of it, nothing to interpret or to draw a picture of, just love, pure love in a state of Being that can
only be called love, and yet will have no name, for with Oneness, there is no need of discernment.
Love alone will be. Love will suffice. Love will fill although there will be no need of filling. Fullness is already
full. Nothing is missing from love. Love fills. All will be love, and love will know itself without observation, without thought,
without appraisal, without description, without drawings. Love will be, and there will be nothing else to be.
* From Heavenletters™ April 16, 2012 * Copyright1999-2012 * HEAVEN #4161 *
[TheLightCircleEzine] SaLuSa: Stay Within the Light and Love that Continually Bathes the Earth
2:07 PM (42 minutes ago)
to TheLightCircle.
SaLuSa: Stay Within the Light and Love that Continually Bathes the Earth
Through Mike Quinsey
June 25, 2012
The numbers of people open to the idea of major changes are growing, and it is a sign that many more are becoming sensitive
to the new energies that abound upon Earth. Some feel fear of change whilst others sense that behind it is the intent to move
your civilization out of the morass that threatens to bring the world down. It is therefore a unique time for those with knowledge
of what the changes are leading to, and an opportunity to let it be known that all ends well. At present matters are reaching
a point of no return and we and our allies wait for the signal to go into action. All is prepared and although the dark Ones
are aware that their time is up, the suddenness and extent of our arrests will still surprise them. Naturally there will be
confusion amongst the public, but at the earliest possible moment they will be informed. When the media opens up to the truth
the different sources will soon want to be part of the news about the changes.
Meantime we gather ourselves around our allies as they mobilize themselves for the first of many actions. What is starting
in the U.S. will spread to other countries, as people everywhere will demand their freedom, and a great cleansing will take
place. Where there is resistance we shall back up our allies and explain that freedom must be given or else we will be forced
to intervene. There is no choice for the old cabals and their power will be moved along with them if necessary. It is no time
for false promises or going back to the old ways that no longer serve you. All countries will eventually base their Constitution
on one that will be restored in the U.S. according to the Founding Fathers, but modified to reflect the New Age that you are
entering. These matters have already been addressed and prepared for a quick transition.
Some people wonder how the armed forces will react, and we must tell you that the majority are ready to lay down their
arms and become the true protectors of Mankind as originally intended. No longer will they put their lives on the line fighting
false wars, and instead they will act to maintain peace throughout the world. Weapons as such will not be used against the
people, and a day will come when they will no longer be needed. We know where the hidden facilities are and they will be destroyed
to ensure they are never used again. Indeed, we have already commenced closing down underground bases, and are disarming the
dark Ones as quick as possible.
Bear in mind our actions are carried out in such a way that there is no loss of life. We can "remove" people quite easily
and deposit them wherever we choose, and often it is off planet. We re-educate those who indulge in killing and violence,
so that they may return to Earth as useful citizens. Those of you who are moving into the Light will know, that at a certain
level you move beyond the negative emotions and they can no longer affect you. Your Light is your protection and will bounce
back such energies to the originator. Such is the power of Light that where creation is concerned, nothing is impossible and
it is only the lack of belief that prevents it.
Dear Ones, you are doing so well even though you are under a lot of pressure, but do try and relax and enjoy what should
be an exciting time. Time is moving so quickly, before you know what has happened we will be talking with you and have regular
communication. Our intent is to keep you well informed of our activities, and we look forward to addressing you directly.
With us will stand those souls who will have been identified as of the Light, and will lead you to the goal of Ascension.
Naturally it does not stop there and your evolution will continue in the higher dimensions. If you did but know it, you have
so much to look forward to and your lives will alter for all time.
Whatever problems or predicaments you find yourselves in, take it in your stride knowing that before long the answers
will come your way. The higher vibrations will alleviate many medical problems, and with the coming of the Cities of Light
so will healing chambers and other advanced technologies be able to handle them. After Ascension you will have no illness
or physical problems at all, as your bodies will be in a state of perfection. So bear with any existing problems as you do
not have much longer to put up with them.
Drugs rarely act as a cure but as a containment and but for concealment you could for example have had a cure for the
scourge of Man that is cancer. Many medical advancements have been kept back, so as not to hit the profit levels of the drug
companies. Also many drugs are placed on the market that are known to have serious side affects, and others that are banned
and withdrawn in one country are sold to the Third World. Shortage of water could also have been overcome, but again held
back to maintain high prices. There are many such examples in various markets, and not least of all the Oil Industry. They
manipulate the markets to create shortages and high prices, when in reality there are no shortages at all.
You will not have to suffer much longer at the hands of the Illuminati, as the answers to your problems lay with us and
our new technologies that we ready to share with you. Already you have learnt of the true potential that is waiting for you,
and we shall waste no time putting it into place. We simply wait for the new Government to be put in place, with representatives
that will truly work for the betterment of Mankind. They are there and known to us because it is quite impossible for anyone
to misrepresent themselves without our knowledge. It means that when we negotiate with the dark Ones, there is no point in
them trying to fool us with words when we can read their minds.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation of Light assure you that you are in safe hands, and need not become
concerned by claims that are intended to make you become fearful. It is not just the Illuminati that create disinformation
sources, but also groups that wish to see a different ending to this cycle to satisfy their own beliefs. Also remember that
many old prophesies are no longer relevant, as conditions have changed the outcome which is going to be less volatile and
easier to deal with. Keep calm and stay within the Light and Love that continually bathes the Earth and raises its vibrations.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Message from Spirit - Clarity for Service
Channeled by Barbara Dutcher
Please know that you are always connected. We thank you so much for your desire to be of service. Know that mighty
helpers are ever present for you. Those whose names spring into your mind – those ascended brothers and sisters whose
names you know – they are your special guardian ones. Do not fail to silently thank them and seek their assistance at
any time.
You, as do so many others, seek for clarity. You feel you are drawn to a service, but you do not yet
know what that might be. Please know two things, Beloved. The first is that your heart is known; you are wholly known and
wholly loved. Your heart-tuggings are indeed Spirit directing you. These inner urgings will be your unfailing direction-finders.
You may follow your heart’s urgings without fear.
Secondly, know that your path of service is always apparent
around you at any moment. Indeed, in your daily life in the simplest matters, you will find yourself to be of service.
Please do not reject this advice as being too simplistic, or too vague. As you begin to notice your life moments more and
more, you will find yourself in the position of choice always. Choice in each moment as to how you will respond, how you will
‘show up,’ who you will intend to be in each moment. As these moments string together, Beloved, what do they create
but your life, your precious life?
Therefore, please begin to seek in your daily moments – you may even
be completely alone when you notice – begin to notice how you are showing up. Are you showing up as a wholly loved and
lovable Child of God? Are you appearing as your most helpful, loving, forgiving, friendly, compassionate self? The more you
find yourself to be ‘in service’ in each moment, the more surely you will be led to more and more paths of service.
continue to open your heart to direction. Know that there is not one curriculum that you must follow. You have free will to
create your life and your service in the way that brings you the greatest joy. As you open your heart more and more to service
through joy, you will find yourself being led gently to those things that will cause even greater and greater joy for you
and those you love. You will begin to bless your family, your friends and associates as your most perfect teachers and
fellow travelers on this most precious journey.
Be at peace, Beloved. Pray for what you desire and know that
prayer is always answered. So, be alert. Keep your eyes, your ears and your heart open for the perfect unfolding of your most
deeply held desires.
Please also know that although you may judge yourself for failing a life test, there is
no such thing as failure. At any moment you may indeed appear at any level whatsoever. Faith, trust, and true assurance will
be your vehicles to leap over obstacles and plow through troubles. Think only of the beauty of the now moment, the glory of
God, of Life, of pure promise. Dwell not on the past in any form, but be of good cheer – you have overcome the World!
you go to sleep at night, remember and give thanks for each of the blessings you have noticed that day, pause and forgive
yourself for anything you find less than perfect, and ask that you be led to greater service, joy and peace each and every
This message is an excerpt from Barbara Dutcher’s new book When I Listened: Spirit Answers Life’s
Frequently Asked Questions. You can read more about it here: Barbara offers private spiritual counseling services – see this link: She also teaches others to reliably receive guidance from Spirit – read here: *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™
Copyright 2012 ~
A Consciousness Raising Magazine and Monthly Messages from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365
days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" *
*** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are the one who holds the power of perception and of belief, and that is why in 2012 there is going
to be a gathering that you are already planning at a deep level to celebrate, because it is going to be an amazing spiritual
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. You are all truly blessed. There is love all around you. Feel the warmth of the sun. Love is in the rays from
God/Spirit. Smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers. This is God/Spirit reminding you of the sweetness of life. Feel the
hug of a child. This is to remind you of the purity of God’s/Spirit’s love for you. Yes, each of you is blessed.
And loved. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic
intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer
and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right
to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * *
Black Holes of Change
As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As more and more demands are placed upon us we seem to have little time to sit fully in our light and do what our hearts
desire. We miss us. we lie stretched out to the limits. So many strings tie us down emotionally and financially as we
struggle to keep our heads above the incoming tide. We miss our connection with the Universe/God as we see less and
less of who we are and more and more of who we are not. A great void buffers our energies as we try so hard to be seen
thru the soupy fog. Everything shouts a different demand Our senses are muddled as if we were sailing thru the Bermuda triangle
on a ship of hematite.
The hours of the day seem to plot against us as we seek to spend some time with the person we believe ourselves to be.
Demands have stretched our capabilities to a point of almost breaking. Thinking one has a choice seems to be of little
value as the choices change their address daily. Life herself is demanding, commander and chief and louder than ever. You
are pulled kicking and screaming into other’s worlds and dramas. You shout 'this is not my karma, my drama, my
creation or my responsibility.' The shouts fall upon deaf ears as the black hole of change pulls you into another universe
pushing you past any previous limited thinking.
You look at your life as time unravels dimensionally showing you all of its ebb and flow. Your inner beat yearns to be
heard but the band plays on without you. Your light that was once so big has condensed into pinpoint laser precision. Within
that pinpoint precision time does not exist.
You are learning how to exist in several layers of yourself simultaneously. The break between time experiences in human
form has quickened and there is no parking space in-between. You are being asked to allow this energy to unfold into its own
potential. All is happening at once and there is no longer a dividing line. Instead of being beat up by these energies learn
to surf them and ride these time waves of change into a new Destination.
Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Body Shifts
by Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24-06-12
Divine Goddess blessings and love flow in abundance to embrace you in the heavenly motherly energies. We, Lady Nada,
Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin are uniting our energy and consciousness so that we may speak to you as one directly to the
oneness energy within your being. Due to our identical intentions and the merging of our energy vibration our energy holds
greater power and loving strength as we connect with your being at this moment. We are always focusing upon empowering the
Goddess light; by connecting our energies with each other and projecting our consciousness to you we are able to empower your
own Goddess vibration and light.
Please take a deep breath in with the focus of connecting with our energies, as you exhale let the Goddess vibration
of your being rise and expand from your being. To recognise the Goddess vibration and its wonderful consciousness within your
being only needs to consist of a simply intention.
The Goddess vibration is building on the Earth with immense power, not only are we seeing the Goddess vibration emerge
from many but we are able to realise that the magnification of December 2012 will truly allow the Goddess strength and purity
to arise as an equal energy of the Creator recognised by all. We, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin come forward to
you today to remind you of your Goddess self and to assist you in realising that the ascension process you and the Earth are
achieving at this time and will experience in December 2012, is the raising of the Goddess to equal strength to any other
aspect of the Creator. An awakening of the Goddess vibration is occurring at this very moment in ascension as all focus upon
their own meditations and spiritual qualities. As the Goddess arises so this will support an explosion of love on the Earth
as if love is showing over and from all. The Goddess vibration acts as a foundation at this time for the awakening and manifestation
of the vibration and era of love.
Please take a moment to honour and give thanks to the Goddess vibration for facilitating the greater awakening and realisation
of love within all. Inhale once more accepting the Goddess vibration around you, as you exhale let the Goddess vibration emerge
and expand from within your being. Notice how a river of love small or large follows your focused intention upon radiating
and expanding your Goddess vibration.
The river of love that we speak about flowing after you exhale with focus upon expansion of your Goddess self is often
neglected and missed as many revert their focus back to the breath inhaled once more but the same can occur when connecting
with any aspect or vibration of the Creator. As you become more expansive in your energies and your breath with each connection
you make love awakens within you. The Goddess vibration is extremely essential to add to the vibration that is being created
on the Earth and within all being to facilitate the ascension process. With the greater focus upon the river of love
that flows if only for a second between your exhaled and inhaled breath you can assist in supporting the flowing river of
the Goddess vibration of the Creator.
At this moment with focus upon the Goddess vibration rising there is a need to realise that the Goddess vibration can
arise within each of you equally whether you are in a male or female physical body. This isn't a movement of empowering souls
in physical female bodies but a movement of empowering all with the Goddess vibration.
Please take a deep breath in, acknowledging this awareness of equality deep within your being, as you exhale know that
greater knowledge and understanding will flow from you.
We have united our consciousness as one together today to speak with you about your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
At this time on the Earth there is a great volume of light anchoring into the Earth and your being, as well as emerging from
the Earth and your being which instigates shifts of energy. This can mean that your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies
can become unbalanced with each other. The imbalance usually rectifies its self with time but in order to remain focused and
in harmony as numerous and simultaneous shifts occur there is a need to be able to rectify any imbalance that may occur in
the emotional, mental and spiritual body.
Your spiritual body is currently being flooded with light vibrations; the energy of your spiritual body is activating,
bringing forth vibrations to be overcome and encourages a greater sense of unity. The immense light that your spiritual body
in your auric field is collecting and awakening will naturally affect your other energetic bodies including your physical
body. This can result in strain, tension and stress in your energy bodies especially your mental and emotional bodies but
predominantly the spiritual body is thrusting higher vibrations of light into the mental body which is causing some shifts
and alterations, at times you may feel as if you need to be peacefully as the light soothes and stills your mind. On other
occasions you may find memories that you thought you had dealt with coming to the surface, this could be for their final release.
Some may find that their mind is being submerged in wisdom or may become forgetful; this is all due to the radiance of the
spiritual body.
With greater and quicker vibrations of light almost like a waterfall flooding into the mental body, this can be carried
into the emotional body. Many people may find that their emotions are heightened, maybe they are able to weep with ease or
find knots of old energy emerging,this is all due to the greater anchoring of light into the spiritual body. You may understand
that this is a normal journey of light flowing into the spiritual body, through the mental and emotional body into manifestation
or the physical world. You would be correct in your understanding but the intensity of light is so great at this time that
large shifts are occurring quickly which leaves little time for recovery and rebalancing of the energy.
We feel that if you focus upon bringing balance to your spiritual, mental and emotional bodies then your entire being
will unite with greater strength and harmony would be experienced throughout each new shift and energy awakening.
We suggest to you that you call upon our energies, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin to be of assistance, we also
wish to say that you can achieve the same balancing for the Earth and Mother Earth when it feels appropriate.
'I call upon the energy of the Creator with vibrations most appropriate for me now to flow as a pillar of light over
and through my entire being. I breathe in the essence of the Creator awakening the divine essence of the Creator within my
being. As I exhale I expand the presence of the Creator within me, allowing the river of love to flow also as I pause my breathing
for a moment of focus.
I call upon the energy, vibration and light of Lady Nada to surround and flow into my spiritual body to ensure and create
complete harmony and balance within my spiritual body. I now imagine and know that my spiritual body in my auric field is
completely balanced. I now breathe into my spiritual body to experience the balanced created by my being and Lady Nada. (Take
time) Thank you.
I call upon the energy, vibration and light of Lady Quan Yin to surround and flow into my mental body to ensure and create
complete harmony and balance within my mental body. I now imagine and know that my mental body in my auric field is completely
balanced. I now breathe into my mental body to experience the balanced created by my being and Lady Quan Yin. (Take time)
Thank you.
I call upon the energy, vibration and light of Mother Mary to surround and flow into my emotional body to ensure and
create complete harmony and balance within my emotional body. I now imagine and know that my emotional body in my auric field
is completely balanced. I now breathe into my emotional body to experience the balanced created by my being and Mother Mary.
(Take time) Thank you.
As the energies of the Creator, Lady Nada, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary unite within my being, complete harmony and
balance has been created within my spiritual, mental and emotional bodies, extending into my etheric and physical bodies,
allowing for shifts and transitions to occur with ease.'
(Reach your arms out to the side, take your right arm above your head, the left arm down simultaneously, then bring both
arms to your heart centre in prayer position. Reach your arms out to the side, take your left arm above your head, the right
arm down simultaneously, then bring both arms to your heart centre in prayer position. Repeat as many times as you wish.
As you extend your arms out to the side you are engaging your auric field and energetic bodies, then with the remaining
actions you are aligning all energise in harmony to your heart chakra, it is a powerful practice of bringing balance and harmony
to your entire being.)
We hope that you will find this practice beneficial in remaining balanced as your ascension evolves,
Lady Nada, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual
beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise
in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels,
Unicorns and Fairies. *