Sri Sri

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..

Q: How does one explain the role of Divine in evolution of species?

Sri: What do you call Divine? All that is harmonious you call Divine.
All that is natural you call Divine. That which is not natural like
stress, tension, negative emotions are not Divine. Isn't that so?
Reverence is the nature of evolved consciousness. The more happier you
are, the more reverence you have for everything. More grateful you are
more reverence you have to everyone. When you recognize everything is
God, the more reverence you have for everything.

You know what
sacredness does to you? Suppose you consider, that this is just a cake,
you just eat it, throw it. But if it is sacred you take it in both
hands. 100% attention is there. Your consciousness (sleeping
consciousness) is woken up. With sacredness, 100% attention you receive
it, your heart is there, mind is there.

In India, children are
told, mother is Divine, father is Divine. Because child cant see Divine
in space. so "Matru Devo Bhava" (mother is all love), 2nd expression of
Divinity see father, 3rd is teacher, all that he wants is for you to
blossom, be strong and successful and happy in love, 4th place is
Guest, Guest is God, Guest comes honor them. And honor everything in
the world, honor the trees, honor the river, mountains, animals. A
sense of honoring elevates you.

When something belongs to
someone you treat it with care. When you know planet belongs to God,
you treat it with care. Otherwise we destroy the planet. We exploit the
planet. Isn't it. Vanashree, wealth of forest has to be honored as gift
to humanity. We have been asked to take care of it, our world. Our
whole life is a wealth. So a sense of honoring is attached so that you
feel a sense of responsibility to the society, planet. Hmmm.....


Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Transcend & Wake Up {Click} 


The foolish one uses the spiritual power to gain material comfort.
An intelligent one uses the material world to rise high in the spirit.
When you transcend the intellect you allow yourself to be used by the spirit.
One who is awake neither uses anything nor loses anything.
Become intelligent, transcend and wake up.

- Sri Sri