Sri Sri

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..

Q: How to deal with anger?

Sri Sri: Anger is ok. I have a technique for you. Whenever you get angry, sing. If you get angry on your husband/wife, scold them by singing. Opera singing is even better. See if you can do it. (He sings a couple of lines… "You stupid, what did you do to me" and everyone breaks into laughter) If possible take a guitar and sing with it. It must be very interesting. Some people will become musician like this. Anger comes when you go out of certain rhythm. And, music is bringing that rhythm back. Antidote for anger is music, exercise, karate, martial arts…. You know martial arts have to be done without anger. In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says to Arjun, "Arjun, fight but not with anger or hatred." Now, anger does not take permission before coming. Don't regret anger. It's ok to be angry with children. If you don't get angry at them, they become so weak in the world. They cannot take criticism. They become weak. You should know the limitation though. You know how much salt should be put in the food. How cold or warm, your finger will tell you. As parents, don't feel guilty for scolding your children. Thinking that way you become stressed and are preparing yourself to get more upset or angry.

NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to

These questions will be read out in the satsangs wherever Guruji is. You can find the transcription of answers on

Jai Gurudev :)


Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..

Posted by: "yogi198329"   yogi198329

Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:22 pm (PDT)

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..

Q: Is it ok to talk knowledge to others without following or living it ourselves?

Sri Sri: You know it is not correct, yet you want to know it from me. But what do you know about the depth in other person? Depth in his knowledge!??! People who are falling in a pit are actually teaching you something. If someone is giving you knowledge, keep the man away and take the knowledge. I tell you, you are lucky if even fools around you are speaking knowledge!! At least be happy they are not talking foolish things to you!! This situation is at least better than that!! In English there is a saying 'Fake it till you make it'. For all you know continuing like this one day they may just start living the knowledge by themselves!!!

But we should be compassionate towards such people. Such a person is a beggar. One, who is fishing for appreciation by delivering knowledge to people, is nothing but a beggar. It is like he is trading puffed rice for a gold coin. Just for a 'pat in the back' by someone he is talking out some knowledge, its foolishness.

NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to

These questions will be read out in the satsangs wherever Guruji is. You can find the transcription of answers on

Jai Gurudev :)


Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Tendencies & Influences

Posted by: "Preity"   preitythomas

Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:22 pm (PDT)

Life moves by dual (two) factors: inner tendencies and outer influences.

Inner tendencies form your attitudes and behavior, while external influences makes strong impressions in your mind. Often your tendencies generate external situations. And situations around you can form tendencies within you. This is what is called Karma. Both these factors - the tendencies from within and influences from outside, can either be beneficial or harmful.

It is the awareness that filters the outer negative influences and it is the awareness that corrects and annihilates the unhealthy inner tendencies. This awareness is called Gyana. The purpose of education is to develop this awareness, so that you can be selective about your tendencies and influences.

It is practically impossible to resist the external influences and the inner tendencies without raising one's consciousness. This can be gradual or sudden. And that is how a human being has both free will and destiny.

Freedom is when you have a say about your tendencies and your influences. And only awareness and impeccable devotion can bring this freedom.

- Sri Sri

|| Jai Guru Dev ||


The Mind and the Stormy Ocean

Posted by: "Narayan"   narayan_artofliving

Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:58 am (PDT)

The Mind and the Stormy Ocean

Guru and his disciple named Ranga were strolling on the beach by the
ocean. It was a cold day and the wind was blowing strongly over the
ocean, raising very high waves.

After walking for some time, Guru stopped, looked at his disciple and
asked: "What does the choppy ocean remind you?"

"It reminds me of my mind. Of my rushing and restless thoughts," answered Ranga.

"Yes, the stormy ocean is like the mind, and the waves are the
thoughts. The mind is neutral like the water. It is neither good, nor
bad. The wind is causing the waves, as desires and fears produce
thoughts," said Guru.

"I wouldn't want to be on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, in a
storm like this," said Ranga.

"You are there all the time," responded Guru and continued, "Most
people are on a rudderless boat in the middle of a choppy ocean, even
if they do not realize it. The mind of most people is very restless.
Thoughts of all kinds come and go incessantly, agitating the mind like
the ocean's waves."

"Yes," Ranga interrupted him, "You don't have to tell me. This is the
reason I am with you. I want to calm down the waves of my mind."

Guru looked at Ranga for a while, smiled and said: "You don't calm the
ocean by holding the water and not letting it move. What is necessary
is to stop the wind. The wind is made of your thoughts, desires and
fears. Don't let them rule your life. Learn to control them by
controlling your attention, and then the ocean of your mind becomes

"And how do I do that?"

"Suppose it is possible for the ocean to disregard the wind, what
would happen then?" asked Guru.

"The waves would cease. But no one can stop the wind."

Guru looked at him with a mysterious smile and said: "Why not? The
wind, the ocean, and thoughts are all within the mind. When you can
control the mind, you can control everything within it. But first you
have to control your mind, which means you have to control your

It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving