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Spread Your Light Wherever You Can |
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God said: "... all on Earth are in this together."
John Donne (1572-1631) said: "No man is an island,
intire of it self; everyman is a piece of the Continent, a part of the maine, if a Clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe
is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or thine were; any mans death diminishes
me, because I am involved in Mankinde; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
==================== My dear friends, we love you so very much.
In any situation in life dear ones you can look to the sun or focus on the storms. The sun is always there, even when hiding behind the clouds. So too, whether you look for the dark or look to the light, the light is always there. Why not, dear friends, focus on the light? There is always something good happening in
your lives even when you can't quite see it. Search for the good dear friends. Seek it out. Pretend you are a spiritual detective
searching for little glimmers of light amidst the dark, love amidst fears, joy amidst sadness. As you do so, the sunshine
of truth and love behind all things will begin to burn the clouds of doubt, fear, sadness, and anger away.
Take death, for example. When someone you love
dies, it is beyond measure, sad for you are human beings and you miss the physicality of your loved ones, And yet, there is
a great outpouring of love that occurs during such occasions as well. There are memories that surface, wounds that are healed,
misdeeds that are forgiven. In the heavens there is great celebration for the soul that has returned home. Even in the midst
of life's most unthinkable pain, there is love. This is how you get through grief dear friends - to realize that grief is
just a painful part of a deeper and more amazing eternal love. Focus on the love. Focus on your love for the departed soul,
and focus on their love for you, and this will be the sunshine that helps to burn the clouds of sadness away.
Take fear for example. So many of you live in
a state of financial fear. You fear you will lose what you have worked so hard to earn. You fear you will fail your loved
ones. You fear the unknown. So where is the love? Well dear friends you love yourselves enough to want to keep what you have
earned. Acknowledge that. Ask God for help. You love your loved ones enough to want to care for them. Entrust them to God's
care too with your prayers. You want good for yourself in the future. Focus on it and thereby create it and then the future
will not be so 'unknown' after all because it will be unfolding according to your heart's design.
Dear ones, in all things, search for the love,
for in focusing upon this love - the love that is ever present and unending - you focus on truth. In so doing you too will
begin to burn away the clouds and the storms of sadness, fear, and doubt, and you will witness the miracles that can occur
when you live in this state of well being.
God bless you! We love you so very much. -- The Angels With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.
Visit her site at: www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs You can visit my store
for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html *
SaLuSa: Spread Your Light Wherever You
October 18, 2010
Dear Ones, you are seeing before your
very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire, that has ruled your world for many years. From the early days when the
Constitution became law, it has gradually taken away your rights until today you are almost under the total control of the
Illuminati. Having reached such a point in their plan for world rule, they have moved beyond their ability to sustain their
authority and now it is breaking down. These times are going to be oppressive and chaotic, before the plan for your future
is revealed and instated. You can be sure that the outcome has already been decided, and follows the plan for your upliftment.
As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.
Our allies are briefed and ready to take over
control in many ways. It will lead to not just your “rescue,” but also a change in your direction that will put
you firmly onto the path of Ascension. The clutter and last vestiges of the old will be gradually swept away, and you will
learn more about your Space family and how you link to them. Together you will advance much quicker than you would otherwise
have done, and life will become a joy and pleasure as Love and Light bring about great changes. Try not to allow material
problems to get on top of you, as the answers are known and they will be solved in good time. Much of the first round of changes,
are to get the right people into places of authority. This is very much a priority where politics are concerned, and clearly
matters will proceed more quickly when those in charge are working for the good of all people.
The hidden truth concerning many matters
of importance to you is surfacing, and there is so much more that must become public knowledge. It is important that you understand
how you have been mislead for eons of time, as then you will accept the extent of the changes that will bring many new ideas
into your lives. You certainly will not want to go back to the old ways, but it will not leave a vacuum as the new programs
are going to involve a great leap forward. It will more than recompose you for all that you may have lost in the process,
and you will be well satisfied with the outcome. Once we can openly work together the new technologies will speed along the
changes, and they will be focused on giving you a happy and comfortable life. In time there will further changes that will
uplift you even more, as you enter the higher dimensions. Then life shall become more blissful and peaceful, with beauty and
harmony all around you. By then you shall also have become Galactic Beings, with considerable power to create, as you desire.
Individually you have karma to clear,
and what comes up will be anything that cannot be carried by you into the higher vibrations. Sometimes it will be merely the
direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you. It is simply a lesson
in keeping your focus on all that is of the Light, and moving out of mindsets that are no longer in your best interests. There
are few of you that at times do not have dark thoughts, even if you don't give them the energy to manifest in your life. Think
of all that is wholesome and of beauty, and dispatch any others with your love so that they shall not return.
You are all changing whether you are consciously
aware of it or not, and a number of you have symptoms of imbalances that result from them. Feeling off color or lethargic
are such signs, and they will soon pass. Rest is what you need so that you do not overtax yourselves, and adequate sleep is
most essential. Your physical bodies are being changed and the process is speeding up, but once you have settled down to the
changes they will prove most beneficial. You will feel renewed and far more energetic than previously, and you will have one
foot in the higher dimension. You are self-healing and physical problems will gradually disappear, and you will enjoy good
health. Ultimately your body will be beyond the ills and problems you presently experience.
People are becoming more active, because their
awareness has been opened up by the higher energies reaching you from outer space. As a result you are beginning to realize
that you have the power to demand your rights, and it is pressurizing your present governments to bring in change. It will
probably not get far until after disclosure, when our help will ensure that you are properly represented. The dark still persist
in causing fear and they put much faith in the possibility of terrorist attacks, and it is they who are behind most incidents.
However, we shall not tolerate another major incident, and those involved will find their attempts come to nothing. We want
you to feel strong enough to counter any fear tactics, so as not to give them any power over you. Spread your Light wherever
you can, and if you identify areas that lack the Light send yours to it. When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount
of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.
We of the Galactic Federation are closely monitoring
activity on Earth, as Mother Earth needs to pursue her own cleansing program. She is very much like you in the sense that
she also has to shed that which cannot go through to the higher dimensions. However do not focus on the worse scenario, as
you may otherwise be instrumental in bringing it about. All changes will occur with as little harm to you as possible, and
we can warn you of where the most danger exists. We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible.
There are minor changes occurring on the Earth’s surface all of the time, and these are quite natural and usually present
little danger.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, as many visitors to
Earth have also been in the past. Your history contains many accounts of such visits, which are now being accepted as actual
happenings. It is often only the descriptions that have stopped you from realizing such facts, as it was difficult for ancient
people to describe that for which words did not exist. We have often told you that we have visited you for thousands of years,
and they were planned as part of your awakening to other forms of life. We have also helped along your progress by passing
on useful information, to advance your understanding of medicine and means of survival. Now you are well beyond those early
stages, and we come to give you the benefit of advanced technologies.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey Transmitted through Mercedes Kirkel October 15, 2010
Beloveds, Greetings again from Mary Magdalene. I have heard your call and I am here to help you. Many of you are worried about what is happening in your society and in the world. You’re worried about your leaders and the politics they’re engaging in. You’re worried about your financial systems and about your financial well-being. You’re worried about the Earth and how she is being cared for. You’re worried about the changes in nature you are witnessing. You’re worried about your physical well-being. You’re worried about change in your world on so many levels that you sense and don’t fully understand. You would like to have more trust and reassurance in your own safety and well-being, as well as the safety and well-being of the larger society and of the world altogether. You are correct that there is a great deal of change happening in your world. Many of you have been protected from this kind of change and uncertainty in your lifetime previously. You had a sense of order and stability and protection. And now that seems to be eroding, dissolving, falling away. And this is going to increase for most of you. You are involved in a time of great change. You are part of a great transition that is underway, on the Earth and within the cultures and societies of the Earth, and within the individual beings that are on the Earth. You could see it as a death of the old ways, the old structures and forms, and a rebirth of new ways and structures and forms. As with any death/rebirth process, you must let go and surrender to the death, into the unknown, before you are reborn into the new forms and knowingness. There are things you can do to either obstruct this process and make it more difficult for yourself, or to flow with it and allow it to do its work of transformation and change, which can also be a great gift to you as an individual. It can support you tremendously in your personal growth and change. This great wave of change that is building and sweeping through your world has great power to carry you forward much more quickly and easily than if you were simply doing this on your own, without this kind of energetic movement occurring. So you have an opportunity, a great and somewhat rare opportunity, to participate in this great movement of transformation, this wave of change that is sweeping over the Earth. You must become conscious of what you are doing that is blocking this flow. And worry is one such thing. Many of you may not think of yourself as worrying, and yet there is a subtle (or sometimes not-so-subtle) tension in you of resistance to what is happening. You may see it in your speech, of talking about how bad things are, focusing on what “they’re doing” that you think is wrong or bad or destructive, whether the “they” is your leaders or your neighbors or your boss or your friend or whoever. Some of you are aware that this is not in your highest good to think this way or speak this way, so you try to suppress this energy or speech, deny that you feel this way. And that is not the way either, for the energy of negativity is still there within you, and now you’ve added another layer of suppression on top of that. So you simply have two repressive forces going on, the first of trying to repress others or the outside world, and the second of trying to repress yourself. The way out is through consciousness and honesty. First, you must become conscious of any negativity within yourself. By negativity, I mean any belief within yourself that things are wrong or bad or shouldn’t be occurring as they are. This is a very deep-seated belief within many at this time, a sense that you “know” what’s right or good or how things should be. This is a confusion for many. I would like to speak to this confusion. There is a sense within each of you of what is of light and love. And there is an inherent longing for that light and love. This is real and something that you can trust. However, it is not the same thing as judging something to be right or wrong, good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate, positive or negative. That act of judging is fear-based, an attempt to control or superimpose on yourself or others through force, even if it’s just the force of will or intention. This is what has created so much problems and suffering for you in your world for so long. And the opposite of simply allowing everything, to not exert any will, to be completely passive, is no more enlightened. That is simply giving up, and that is not what you are here to do. What you are called to is to first return to light and love, always. Ultimately, it is to stay in light and love, to abide continuously in light and love. But at first it begins with returning to light and love, again and again, when you notice or become conscious that you’re not coming from that place. And so you begin with noticing. You may notice that you’re judging or that you’re worrying or that you’re simply not filled with light and love. When you notice that, don’t immediately jump out of that into the opposite, or whatever you think you “should” be doing, for that will simply be a reaction, and you haven’t addressed the root. The root is that you’re in your mind and you’re disconnected from your heart. So begin by noticing the symptoms, whatever they are in the moment, of being in your mind and disconnected from your heart. In some form, you’re rooted in fear, which may be subtle or fairly gross. Another way of saying that is that you’re not feeling trust and openness and peace in the moment in relationship to whatever is happening. The process then is to re-connect with your heart. And that begins with feeling. Rather than thinking that something is bad or wrong or shouldn’t be happening, shift into experiencing your heart and your feelings. You might be feeling scared, or concerned, or anxious, or sad, or hopeless, or powerless, or confused, or some other feeling. Whatever it is, let yourself feel it at your heart. It won’t be about what someone else is doing or the rightness or wrongness of what’s happening. It will be a pure emotion or sensation within you, with no sense of rightness or wrongness to it. That is the beginning, and for some of you this is a huge step, because you’ve been systematically trained to disconnect from your feelings, to the point that you may not know what you’re feeling. Your great help in this is your body. Go to your body and your body’s experience, and it will tell you what you’re feeling. Feeling is the foundation of the heart. It is the basis of love. You can only love if you are open in your feeling dimension. Feeling is what allows you to love. So it begins with feeling, which is often feeling some form of pain. And then the process continues, for I am not simply telling you to be in pain. In fact, that is what many of you fear, that if you feel your pain you’ll be stuck in that forever. In fact the opposite is true. If you don’t feel your pain, you’ll be stuck in it forever. This is the very thing that is supporting so much of what you don’t like in your world right now. You experience something you don’t like, and instead of feeling your response to it, you go into your head and judge it. And if you have the belief that you shouldn’t be judging, you try to suppress yourself from doing that. But you’re still in your head, only now you’re trying to use your will to suppress it. This very act of being in your thinking mind, or reacting to your thinking mind, is actually supporting the very things you don’t like. You are giving power to them through your thinking, even if your thoughts are in opposition to those things. Whatever you think about you empower. So the way out is to feel. Feel the pain of what you don’t like. Open to it through your feeling. And then let your feeling take you all the way to its source. For example, if you hear on the news that a candidate for office is taking a position you don’t like, perhaps a position that social services should be cut back, you might feel disturbed and anxious. If you let yourself simply feel those feelings of disturbance and anxiousness (rather than going into thinking about how bad that is or any other thoughts), you will eventually get to the source of your feelings. In this example, the source might be that you want to trust that the government will be supporting people who need support. The source is your longing for trust and support in your world. When you get to the source, you will have arrived at what I call the “inner Divine qualities.” These are qualities that are always beautiful, because they reflect the beauty of the Divine. These qualities live within each one of you. In this example, the qualities of trust and support are aspects of the Divine. God is the essence of trust and support. And when you’re connected to God or the Divine, you experience trust and support. These are beautiful qualities, and experiencing them brings you into the peace and beauty of connection to the Divine. Then you are connected to love and light, through your re-connection to God. This is the purpose of your feelings, to lead you to their source, which is your inner Divine qualities. And these simply reflect the beauty of God, as you are a reflection of the beauty of God. Then you are ready to act, because you’re now connected to love and light, which is the same as God. Your actions may be to bless others, bringing love and light to them. Your actions may be to take care of yourself, or others, or your world in some way or other. But these actions won’t be based in fear and judgment and avoiding your pain. They’re based on your connection to love and light, to God, and you will be guided through that connection as to what you should do that will support that love and light. This is how to navigate through this time of increased change. And it’s really never any different. This is how to navigate through any moment, so that you stay connected to light and love. As you do this more and more, you become more skilled at it. It becomes more natural and easier and happens more immediately. Eventually you will experience less and less fear or sadness or other permutations of those emotions. But do not focus on making fear or sadness go away, as that will simply block the process. Focus on staying open to feeling and following your feelings to Source. Over time, as your engagement of this gets stronger and stronger, you will more and more simply be abiding as the qualities of Source. And that is part of your growth, part of what this grand wave of change and energy and transformation is leading you to. Welcome the change and make use of it to take you to God. Open your feeling and your heart to your experience, and let that lead you to love and light. And then be the marvelous vehicle of love and light that you are and are being called to be. That is your joy and your destiny, as it is for all. I call you to that and support you in it most fully. And I reassure you that it is most definitely worth it. In joy and love and blessings for all of you on your path to light and love, I AM Mary Magdalene Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene, Isis, Lady Mary, Archangel Michael, Yeshua, and other beings of light. She is currently working on a book entitled Messages from Mary Magdalene. Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and is also available by phone or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.intotheheart.org or contact her at aloha@intotheheart.org * Beloved one, it is a miracle that you do to
focus so intently upon just the one self—lower case “s”—to the exclusion of knowing the whole Self—capital
“S.” And yet there is coming a time when you will not need to know just focus upon one self. It will be like walking
into a most wondrous garden where you realize that you are all of the flowers in that garden, and not only that, but you are
the gardener, you are the rain that nourishes the flowers, you are the sunlight that allows the flowers to grow; that you
are All; that truly you are One, the extension of the Father, the one Creator, come forth into this reality to show forth
the magnificence of your divinity. Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *
Channeled by Steve Rother
October 15, 2010
From Steve: At the moment of 101010 there was
a wave of energy that hit us all. It had been traveling around the world on its way west. It was bringing in a new wave of
energy that we were expecting and anticipating. We were not disappointed.
Big hugs Steve
Greetings from Home
Beauty An Anchor of Light
Home is now changing because of what you are doing here on this planet. Each and every one of you has brought a very special segment of Home to planet Earth to carry with you. This part of Home is not only your message, internal guidance, and spark of light, but it is something that you refer to on your planet as beauty. There is much that will be coming as humans evolve to carry more of their spirit in the physical being. Many of your changes have been emotional and energetic, yet they are starting to occur on a physical level as well. It is easy to see where this is going. We will share with you what will be helpful to know as you experience these changes and this transformation. We wish to tell you about the one anchor, the piece that will hold your energy in all situations during all these growth experiences. We know this is difficult for most of you to hear or understand and especially to feel. But we will ask you to take this information into your mental body first then simply filter it down, for you are carrying the beauty of Home within your being right now. Many of you have come in with a strong heart
connection. As a child you had to learn how to tone that down and pull in your energy to try and fit into a world you did
not seem to fit in. That became very problematic, yet you learned how to hold your energy field in to give you the illusion
of being separate. Now you are starting to understand that you are connected, and you always have been. You are starting to
let go of that restriction, of that energy field that you have compacted so tightly around you. Now that you are starting
to return to who you truly are, and there is something that will happen to almost each and every one of you.
You will feel a loss of your own grounding process,
and when this happens the first thing you begin to do is to doubt yourself. It is very common on this planet right now that
as you look at things you have been doing for a very long time, you start to wonder if you are doing them right. You are beginning
to doubt yourself in many ways, but we do not even think that is such a negative. Instead, it is simply an opportunity for
you to re-evaluate everything. So, as we start to lose this restriction, we begin to connect to different energy fields
and feel other people like you have before. You are starting to feel your own connection with everyone else around you. Because
that is unusual, it makes you lose your autonomy and your separateness, the illusion of who you think you are.
Inner Beauty
That is why you are starting to work with harmonizing techniques and learning how you can send your energy safely out into the universe. If we told you that you could send a stream of your beauty and energy out into the universe and it could be felt by everyone, very few of you would do it because you think that your energy is not perfect. You would doubt yourself so much that you would block and restrict your own beauty. Because you are on the planet of Free Choice, it has become a continual cycle for all humans to do that. It is part of the process you have of bringing in your energy field and pretending to be separate from the whole. Now it is changing, as you start to release
these boundaries which you have worked so hard on during your incarnations on Earth. The first thing you see is that you are
part of the whole. What we are telling you is that you are part of a puzzle that cannot exist without you. You hold a unique
beauty, a part of Home that can only be seen through your smile, your words and your vibration. Your first and most important
responsibility is to find your own inner beauty, for that part of the puzzle is needed now. This will be scary for most of
you. It is easy to find beauty in someone or something else, and yet it is difficult for you to see your own. It is part of
the veil which you have described, that you actually created at the beginning of the game of planet Earth. It is a part of
the veil that you designed that keeps one from seeing who they truly are. Now that veil is starting to disintegrate. A slow
but steady degradation of the veil is well underway. The veil is starting to diminish and you are starting to feel things
that you have never felt before.
Do Something!
You are beginning to become aware that you hold a responsibility in the universe to play a role in the process. Deep inside you are aware of a feeling that you are supposed to do something big in your life. We concur and predict that soon you will have a chance to bring your own part of beauty from Home to create Heaven on Earth. Every one of you has been working on this, for it is a grand puzzle piece that cannot exist until all the parts are in place. You hold one of those pieces. Your passion, your excitement, those things that light up your spirit will take you to your beauty. They will take you to the most incredible ideas, and please understand the way you have defined beauty on this planet is very strange. It is interesting to see how each one defines
beauty, because it is a part of Home seen from many views. It is a remembrance of a part that you know. When you find yourself
watching a sunrise over a pristine pasture and you see that energy coming in and say, “Oh, this is beautiful!”
you are remembering Home. You are remembering that same feeling you have every single moment at Home. At this time it will
be very helpful to spend time each day renewing your idea of beauty, to appreciate and practice expressing this beauty.
It is time to dare to let people see you and to let them in to release this restricting boundary that you have worked so hard
to hold on to. It is time to start letting go.
These are the pieces that each and every one
of you is starting to walk through. It is not easy, and we know that. Although we have never incarnated on Earth and played
the game of pretending to be human, we are here to help you re-member your true nature for we are part of you on a much larger
level. We are here to help you re-member that you are a spirit first, and a human second. We are here to help you re-member
that you are a grand family, that you are sons and daughters of the king. You are special beyond your belief and you have
a light from Home that is needed on this planet now more than ever before. We know that it is scary for you. We know that
you doubt yourself, it is part of the human condition and yet we applaud you.
When you feel the wind at your back, it is our
wings brushing against each other as we applaud each and every one of you as you step out of that little comfort zone that
you have nurtured for so long to be your safety zone. Now you will find that it will restrict you. It will frustrate you,
it will make you doubt yourself and that is why each and every one of you can start releasing and become the energy field
that you always were. For the first time it is possible to hold that energy in one of your physical bodies. It is new and
there are new forms of communication that are coming as a result. Humans currently spend hours talking to each other using
words to communicate with little success. Then when the vibrations are in sync it only takes a split second to make your point.
You will be able to very quickly go through and hit those levels of what we have called Deep Contact. It is part of your natural
form as you start releasing much of what you have built to protect you.
The Backwash of Doubt
This is a time to let you know that it is okay to feel as if you do not have it all. It is okay to feel frail, because everybody else on the planet is feeling the same way even if they are not saying so. It is part of the human condition that humans are going through right now in preparation for what is coming. We have mentioned the waves that have come through Earth and have talked about them for many years. The energy waves began on 01-01-01 and 02-02-02. It is very simple to say that if you catch the
crest of this wave, it can simply push you forward very easily. Your own energy field has changed, as you have done and are
doing your work. You are changing yourself consciously; the outside world is changing. It is more acceptable for you to be
who you are. With all your beautiful attributes and frailties, you must understand our view of you. You are the perfect imperfection
of god, for everything on this side of the veil must have a bit of imperfection within it in order to exist. Therefore, god
became imperfect and played a game to pretend to be imperfect. That is you. Now you are awakening from the dream.
Now you are starting to find that you
have powers beyond your understanding. You are finding that you are not separate from each other and, in fact, you have connections
even if you are not ready for them. So the one piece we will ask you to start looking at is to dare to see your own beauty.
It is very difficult, for you are trained otherwise. When each and every one of you looks in the mirror, you immediately see
your imperfections that you have been striving constantly to be perfect. Now we are going to ask you to stop striving and
own who you are. Own all of it…what you call imperfections are the pieces that fit in perfectly.
It was a while ago, dear ones, that mankind
learned to make a substance very similar to diamonds. In fact, this caused diamond manufacturers to inscribe their diamonds
because they cannot tell the difference between manmade and natural diamonds. Most of the diamonds being made today are for
industrial use, but we find it interesting and the reason is very simple. There are no imperfections in the manmade diamonds,
therefore, they are not valuable. Is that not interesting? They are too perfect. It is actually the inclusions inside—the
way the diamond reflects the light and sparkles that makes it beautiful. That is you. We are now looking at the overall part
of the diamond—the overall part of you. Instead of looking at the imperfections, we are going to focus on the imperfections
and find a way to use them positively. The imperfections are part of the inclusions in your diamond that make your diamond
a unique beauty from Home. It is not easy, for it means owning your mastery and owning who you are. The difficult part is
your egos, because your egos always have to be in balance. You are aware of this.
Making Space for the Other Gods: The
Art of Empowerment
Many of you watch too closely and are so concerned about being in the ego that you never stand up and speak your peace. You never share the part of beauty that you brought from Home. So, it is about balancing all of that, yet you want the check and the way to check your ego and expressing your own true beauty, is very simple. Are you making space for the other gods in the universe? We tell you right now that the grandest secret that we could ever tell you is that you are god. You are that which you have been searching for. Searching on the outside has led you inward. You are that one piece that holds it all, and yet the veil keeps you from re-membering it. The veil keeps you from your connection to Home. So once you start removing the veil, you start feeling this power and connection, then the first thing you do is run against the brick wall because you forgot that you are not the only god. We are going to help you re-member and experience the changes that all humans are beginning to right now. The way we will work with you on this, dear
ones, is to hold you up to the highest light that we can. We are here to empower you in any way we can. We hope you take that
message and empower somebody else, because true empowerment is only activated when you are surrounded by empowered people.
You have created an empowered society in a moment’s notice and it will happen. You can now hold that energy in your
energy field. You can now hold more of your connection to Home in your physical body because of the changes and evolution
every one of you are experiencing. Fear, loneliness and feeling unworthy are the human emotions that each and every one of
you will have going through these levels of evolution. The challenge is when you truly doubt yourself, when you truly believe
that you are not worthy or you have nothing to give. We tell you that if that were the case, you would not be on planet Earth.
This is not an easy planet to be on; it is not
a vacation spot. Although it is the garden of the universe, it is a very difficult energy to be in as far as planetary energies
go. We are here to help you re-member your true nature, your strengths, and your own energy. We are not here to tell you that
you must go this way or that way, for that is entirely up to you. These are your choices, because you are on the planet of
free choice. Do not judge yourself for the choices, simply make them even if they are what you consider to be wrong. If you
make the choice, you can go back and change it. If you do not make the choice, you fall into a rut of default. This
is where many challenges come in, for you are no longer in control of your life. These are the times you are starting to take
Even though you may not know exactly the direction
or what that feels or looks like, you may know that where you are does not hold the energy for you. So moving in any direction
will put you on the path of making choices and creating your own environment, even if it is not the perfect environment you
want. It will lead you to make those choices and to openly find that piece.
The Field Used as a Resonance Chamber
Dear ones, the energy field has been expanding around your body. For a very long time it was only about two inches away from your body, and now for many of you it has extended 6 to8 feet, and for others 10 feet. This has taken a lot of work. It has also taken a lot of restrictions and effort on your part. However, it has paid off quite well because now as each and every one of you evolve, you will use this energy field that you had around your body as your resonant chamber. As your base energy from which you will now
broadcast, your energy field will now expand and will no longer be restricted by the boundaries. There will be a lot of misuse
of this energy in the beginning. There will be a lot of people trying to use it for their own purposes, as more becomes
known. There will be a lot of the typical things that humans do when they learn something new. Yet, it is one of the biggest
keys that is going to help you take these steps. We talked about being at the crest of the wave simply to give you a
ride, to give you a little bit more of your energy instead of having to fight for every part of it.
What we have not told you is that before every
wave that comes onto the shore, there is a backwash of energy that feels like it is going in the other direction. The water
must come back out to build the wave to come back in. You are in that backwash right now. This is why some of you are panicking
or feeling stuck, overreacting to your surrounding environment. This is why many have very raw emotions, and feel as if you
are right on the edge of your world. Do not fear what we are telling you. It is helpful to know that you are not alone, but
it is also helpful to know that this is an evolutionary process that all human beings are going through. To get from Point
A to Point B where you can carry more of your own spirit in your physical body, it is necessary to go through some of these
changes. The same effect will be felt with 111111 and 121212.
So, this is the backwash. It is the time when
you feel all of the energy being sucked from you instead of filling you up. But we will have you keep your eye on the bigger
picture, because as strong as that backwash is and as lost as some of you may feel right now, you know what is coming. You
know that this first wave of energy entering over the next three years is bringing a new form of humanity, a new empowered
environment that you have never had the opportunity to exist in before. These are not easy transitions for humans resist change.
It is one of your safety mechanisms to not change.
Now you will find you will release more freely.
You will welcome it and even though you have been building this energy field and this safety zone for so long, as you start
to feel it move, get excited. Look at all the possibilities. Look at what is happening to you, and look at what effect you
have on people around you that you have never thought you had. Do this and you will start to feel your inner beauty. This
is a time to take the next step consciously and to begin to work with this energy on a daily basis and to fear not. Play with
it. Play, pretending to be the new human. Play putting the most beauty out there that you can dare to see.
We are not talking about physical beauty, but
about passion and the things that make your spirit light up. It will almost always show in a physical form, but you must re-member
that physical beauty is not defined on our planet because it means something different to each and every one of you. There
is always someone who will see your beauty if you let it out. All that is necessary is to know that you are on the right path,
to be able to see your effect and be able to take those steps. This backwash that you are in right now is in preparation.
This is the final clearing as the first
wave settles in. Many people on this planet will be off center, because this first wave of energy you will be standing in
all the murk and mire and all the confusion, you will be standing perfectly still as a beacon of light that others will come
up to and say, “What is going on? What is happening? What are you feeling? What do you have to offer about this?”
These are the times when you start to find your own true beauty and own it. It is time, dear ones, to start to own your mastery.
Own who you are. Not just in this lifetime, but in all the incarnations that you have had here. Draw on that strength. Draw
on that energy from your ancestors, bring it in. It is all there for you right now. Above all, enjoy this ride.
It is with the greatest of honor that we leave
you these words and leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect for that is the way
of an empowered society. Nurture everyone at every chance you get and re-member it is a beautiful game and play well together.
Espavo. The group
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