Spiritual Disconnect


Faith is the subject of the head, Devotion is the subject of heart and Meditation connects both.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D.,Ph.D.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 7:56 AM

Urantia, December 25, 2012.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Subject:  “Spiritual Disconnect.” 

Received by Lytske

The Beloved One: “I shall endeavor to explain that I am not only called the Beloved One who indwells you, but that we ‘Indwellers’ also go by other names. This is important in case someone less informed might chance to read our message and have difficulty visualizing just who we are. We are God Fragments and we indwell all ‘normal minded’ humans on this planet. First of all we are volunteer Thought Adjusters, later during adult human life we might become Thought Controllers. This depends on the recognition a human partner affords the Thought Adjuster, and it depends on the spiritual development of that human partner. Also the term Mystery Monitor is often used as well as Light of Lights. Simply, we are Sparks of Almighty God, so we hail from the Source of Light. 

“After this short introduction I desire to speak on the seeming spiritual disconnect which threatens to engulf this planet, even though many of the humans here pay lip-service to God in their temples of worship. It is in your own private temples, your physical bodies, where the Mystery Monitors hold court in the hope that the inhabitants of these physical bodies may realize sooner, rather than later, that they have a Spark from God living inside them. I know that we have alluded to this momentous fact in most of your messages. However, child, the fact remains that there are still far too many humans who are suffering from spiritual disconnect, not knowing that it is possible for each one to open the door of their inner chamber and start listening. In doing so they would absolutely become more aware about the value of life and how to live it more thoughtfully. 

“There would be a noticeable improvement, and a feeling within, that no matter how lonely one could be, a special connection with the God of their being would always be there at their beckoned call. We are always functioning in the background, waiving our arms so to speak to get the attention of our human hosts. 

“You see, child, with all life’s routine distractions the spiritual life gets very little attention. I can however say that whenever anyone would prioritize some of their time, so some precious while would be allotted to their on-board Partner, a deep rest and well-being shall dwell in the soul of that human. Life would be much easier to live, as the Mystery Monitor is aware of all the comings and goings of the human partner – including his or her thoughts, as nothing is hidden from the Creator God – and would be able to give some valuable insights as to how to live. Think about this: If God seems far away, who moved? It is the spiritual disconnect on this planet which is in need of an overhaul so individual connections can be established for all time and eternity. 

“Today is the day when some commemorate the humble birth of the Ruler of this universe, laid in a manger in a simple stall because there was no room at the inn. Please make room in your hearts for Him as He too hails from the Source of Light. 

“Thank you for taking the time to listen.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light
www.circle of light.net

Dreaming Mind - 6-25-13

Beloved ones, when you rise up into the Real of Love, heart open, present with Me, then the whole sub-creation of duality falls away, and you are free to be the presence of Love giving itself to the world.  When you are living in the heart and not the mind, there is no separation between you and the experience of Real life, and you are free to be the movement of God I Am -- reaching forth to love the world and to bless it, however the world seems to be appear through the vehicle of the ego mind.  

You can live in this Reality of Love alive to the blessings of the immersion in life.  And you can be fully functioning in the world but instead of seeing it through the eyes of the ego, interpreting everything in relation to "me" (your ego self), you are rather seeing with the single eye of Love and aware of yourself as My movement, My outreach in each joyous opportunity to give, and to bless, and to see right through the idea of separation into the Real and ever-living bliss of this Now Moment.

It is a shift in perspective that is very real and powerful.  It is lifting out of the limited identities of ego to become, beloved ones, the embracing heart available to hold everything within it and to joyously celebrate life -- whatever that experience happens to be.  For without any interpretation of the ego, life is life, and experience is experience, and every moment is a miracle.  Every moment is a blessing.

Take a moment to be present with the Reality of Love and feel what it means to be present without the little mind ever saying to you, "This is bad, I don't want it" or "this is good, I want more".  Rather, feel yourself as the welcoming heart alive to every opportunity to be this Love, and nothing else.  When you live through the heart like this, there is only Love looking to be useful and to bless.  There is only the over-arching grace that makes everything unfold to the greatest good.  And that greatest good is that Love be made conscious as the world rising from within each precious life to cherish every moment as the breath of God and to rejoice in being the living conduit for the expansion of this truth: only Love is Real.  

Without the mind pushing things away, every experience is an opportunity to be giving of the full blessing of the open heart, acknowledging that all life is a gift from Me.  For the heart pushes nothing away.  It simply loves.  It loves that which the mind would label "difficult".  It loves that which the mind calls "pain".  It loves every experience, each precious opening, each moment of discovery as the waking heart expands its awareness of the good and rejoices in the ability to be My outreach in every way.

If there is no resistance and no withdrawal from the up-close experience of the heart, there exists in you this majestic silence that creates the space to recognize the meeting place of God with God in the reality of the heart, every moment.  Every breath is leading you inexorably to the truth -- that you are ever here with Me receiving good, being Love and being My expansion touching the world and naming it perfect. In the mirror of your heart all life may see itself and know that it is blessed and fully alive in My presence.

When your heart is awake in this moment, you are expansive, vital, and fully alive.  And what happens in the dreaming mind - the ego - is exactly like a dream you dream at night.  It continues to play out each scenario until you wake in the realization there is only Love.  And when you do, beloved ones, resistance falls away and the basis for duality is gone.  And you are free.  You are free to be the joyous and open heart of God I Am celebrating life that has no limits.  You are free to let this Love move you perfectly, trusting every moment to place you for the highest blessing, not only for yourself, but for everyone, that you might be, for other hearts, the recognition of the Reality of Love.

Every day you get to choose how you approach your life.  Will you immerse yourself in drama and interpretations of the little mind?  Will you live your moments in the sub-creation that is the playing out of every thought of "other than God", "other than Love"?  Or will you leap beyond the dreaming mind into the atmosphere of grace where your heart soars and opens to the miracle of who you are -- the living Christ, the open heart of the Creator. The heart reaches, truly, through eternity holding the vibration of Love's purity even while the mind continues dreaming for a little while.  The heart's power is truly magnetic and sends out its heartbeat as a call, waking hearts effortlessly, easily, until the power of Love fully recognizes itself.  Then that which comes alive as your experience is at last the experience of only God, and the dreaming stops.

But even while you dream a little longer, beloved ones, the Reality of Love is so strong here, that when you focus on Love's truth, the dream recedes and the shining rays of Light begin to penetrate the images of the little mind until even when you try to hold your story still, even when you cling with all your might to your identity as a limited human, even when you pretend that you are suffering, the Light comes and shines on everything until even in the dream you can see that what is Real is the Light of God, and the dream is insubstantial.  

This is why I call you now to focus here as the open heart in sweet communion with Me.  For the more committed to this practice you are, the more aware you are of our holy communion, the more the Reality of Love is present here.  Even in midst of the the dream, love fills you and the dream can't hold you anymore.  That which you used to fear is filled with rays of Light.  And the images of the nightmare, if they come at all are insubstantial, laced with images of beauty until even the ego mind can't hold on to pain, can't pretend to value its own suffering over the powerful upliftment of Love.  

Does this mean that your experiences of life in the world will stop?  Or does it mean every experience is only beautiful?  The answer, beloved ones, to these questions comes when you realize it's not about you or about your ego, but totally about where you can serve this Love.  Where Love is calling you to touch the heart's awakening.  And when you see with the expanded vision of the open heart then that which is lived for the giving and the Love becomes for you the greatest blessing and the little mind releases its selfishness and opens to become the vehicle of grace.  Present in this place of living Love, you experience only beauty and truth.

When your heart is wide awake and you are centered here in Me -- when you are filled with Light and lifted into wonder, then even if, for a moment, the dream seems difficult, you will find that Love, as its allowed to penetrate, will transform not only your experience but your perspective --  until you are the living prayer of gratitude for being allowed to serve Love in the form of humanity.  And yes, when your heart is open and you are resonating with the truth, then that which comes before you is the reflection of your open heart and will show you images of the world of beauty and peace.  But suddenly that becomes less important than being able to be Love's outreach, to be the hand of God I Am touching a precious cheek, giving a smile of reassurance to one who's lost their way.  Then you are standing firm in the resonance of unity until that which is dry tinder in human hearts, left from the ravages of the ego, sparks into flames of living Love through the gift of your ability to be My presence holding Love here.

Beloved ones, the heart is the expanded vision that sees the vision of Love and holds the whole world in it.  You will know that you are living as My presence here when you are not thinking about you, no matter what is happening.  Rather, you are awake to the power of
Love, joyously held in Love's consciousness, taking every step through the heart that you become the heart's perception, rather than the experience of the little mind that is focused on the limited self.

When you are free of the interpretation of the little mind, and free of its resistance to what it doesn't like, you are also free to be where Love guides you.  You are free to be available as the presence of Love.  Let the details of your life be lifted into Light as you stand in My presence, as you live this communion.  

Without judgment, every moment is a miracle no matter what seems to be happening.  You have often heard stories of the rapture where people are lifted up and leave the world behind.  This isn't about the little mind, the human identity, the personality.  It is about the experience of being the heart of Love until you are truly Love's consciousness, here with
Me, in this moment that is eternal.  Present from the pinnacle of life reaching out as the heart of Love into the world without any judgment; present in Love's ecstasy as the heart of God.

Each of you has moments of this experience when there is nothing separating you from the truth of your heart.  Now you are called to expand this truth until even the mind is filled with Light and every experience is met by the heart of God I Am knowing itself as Love's perfection. Awake to the hologram of Life, you receive, with clarity, exactly why you are gifted to the world this moment and how every life is sparked and blessed in the flames of Love.  Become a conflagration that lights the consciousness of all humanity and the recognition is complete: that only Love is Real.

Beloved ones, let your focus on the ego go.  Shift your awareness to your open heart.  Let the dream recede even while you are living it, that the Reality of Love may become more present and more real to you than the stories of the mind.  Beloved ones, you are Love's presence and Love's blessing...Now.


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Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72631

Michigan, US of A, September 15, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Relationships are the Reflection of the Divine.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, dear one, we would like to talk about relationships and how important they are in the journey of the soul. There are many types of relationships and these are the very things that prepare us for unification with the I AM, and so it is that these relationships become the survivable part of the human experience – that highly prized gift you share with the Creator as you live, and move, and have your being. Beneath all your striving, your pursuits, your successes, your love of others, there is but one Real Relationship, and that is to know the One Truth and to find and experience the greatest, most pure, and absolute unconditional love there is in all of creation – to experience the final embrace of God. 

“All of you humans on the earth are in various stages of spiritual development and each of you has a greater or lesser degree of personal experience and relationship with deity. Simply acknowledging the sovereignty of God as creator of all constitutes a relationship. When you are born into the world, the Creator puts in place a ‘tension’ between you and Himself that draws you back to Him like a magnet. We call this drawing power ‘Spiritual Gravity’. God knows that because you are new souls starting out at the beginning of life that you must learn very quickly many things and develop relationships with others to prepare you for your journey back home, and so you naturally seek out those experiences and relationships on earth that emit the greatest spiritual gravity. 

“Many are drawn to this spirit gravity in the compliment of being – a lover, for it is said that ‘to behold the eyes of love is to see the face of God.’ This is why so many seek for the elusive ‘soul-mate’, because to them, this relationship would signify the greatest degree of ‘reflection’ or unconditional love, which emits the greatest degree of spiritual gravity – the closest thing to unity with the creator while living in a state of imperfection. All relationships – friends, lovers, parents, and children will exhibit varying degrees of this spiritual gravity and so you experience varying degrees of love from each relationship, which in reality is a reflection of the divine countenance, but conditioned by imperfection. This is why your most valuable relationships are those that love you with ‘less-condition’. 

“Some seek this spiritual gravity through indirect relationships as in the creation of art or music. A musician channels the expression of the soul in his or her music; the artist, through his or her painting or sculpture. The ‘feed-back’ or appreciation or joy that others get from experiencing the artist’s work provides the spiritual gravity and the reflection of the divine through this indirect relationship. 

“It therefore becomes evident that those things that survive and become a part the soul are in ‘relationship’ with the three divine attributes: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Each relationship that embodies Truth, Beauty, or Goodness, teaches us something that we can use to transform our imperfect self into something that will bring us closer into unity with Source. 

“To freely give love without expectation is to mimic the divine pattern, and so as you do this, you shall receive even greater love in return because by giving, you move closer to unity, therefore do you ‘feel’ the greater effect of spirit gravity – Unconditional Love. 

“Peace to You,
“The Circle of Seven.”


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4690 How to Express Infinity , September 27, 2013 

God said: 

You know how waves flow out and expand, and more waves come and more and more and still yet more. This is one way Vastness is expressed.
Another way to express eternal expansion is to say: In one drop, all is contained.
How many ways are there to express Infinity? There is no end to the ways, even as Oneness Alone Is, and there is no way but Vastness Itself.
What is love but Vastness? What is Eternity but Vastness? What is Infinity but the quality of Vastness? What are you but Vastness?
What wealth you inherit with your DNA! Infinite is your wealth, your health, your joy, your Life.
Or, We can sum up Vastness as Love, love expanding like the Ocean, love with no limits, love going as far as itself with no closure, love crossing the Earth, filling it, taking over the Earth and all that seems to occur when there is love and love alone and no more to express than love and fullness of life and beauty to behold.
When you see love, feel love, come close to love, you are experiencing Vastness. This is what is so lovely about life on Earth, its Vastness. Life is not far from Vastness. Life occurs in Vastness. Is that right? Not quite right because Vastness is something even greater than a container for Life. Life cannot be contained. Life goes all over the place, spills out, overflows, enwraps you as it plays and plays again like waves lapping.
Have fun in Life and Love.
We can say that life is a kind of fingerpainting. Instructions do not come with the fingerpaints. You simply spatter the paint, and you spatter any way you feel like, and your hands play. After a while, you may come to a style that is uniquely yours. How many ways can fingerpaints be expressed? Infinite I suppose are the ways that fingerpaints can be expressed and the ways love can be expressed and the ways you can express the uniqueness of your individuality and the Oneness of your Self. There are so many supporting ways love can find to serve you, and you to serve love.
Indeed, notice love and note how love comes out from corners to make you as you are, not only make you love, but also make you an object of love. Love brandishes itself before you. Love wants you to see it, the real thing. Love wants you to take notice of it so you are at ease with giving it, giving it joyfully, never stinting at it, never holding love in or love back, but love right out there, love speaking up, never minding what an observer may think.
This day I give you full permission to love without asking for permission, without anything but love itself, love itself yearning to come out without hesitation, without repression, love not for appearances’ sake, but for the sake of love itself.
Honor the love in your heart. Endorse it. Know that love is good, good to give and good to receive. Love is all good when it is love and not some kind of toll you pay.
Love has to come at no cost. At all costs, love must have the freedom to be itself without appraisal. Love must know its value. The value of love is so high that no appraisal can be put on it. Love is an open door. This is good enough, your heart to have easy access, your heart open for love to come in and love to find a way to enact itself, love not corralled but love pouring down, and love filling all the empty coffers in the world. Be love.

Having just moved into his new office, a pompous, new colonel was sitting at his desk when an airman knocked on the door. Conscious of his new position, the colonel quickly picked up the phone, told the airman to enter, then said into the phone, 'Yes, General, I'll be seeing him this afternoon and I'll pass along your message. In the meantime, thank you for your good wishes, sir.' Feeling as though he had sufficiently impressed the young enlisted man, he asked, 'What do you want?'
'Nothing important, sir,' the airman replied, 'I'm just here to hook up your telephone.'
Don't Worry - B Happy, and keep your hearts clean soft & generous -
