Soul Mates {Channeled}


I AM Speaks: Soul Mates; Every Moment; Peace
Received by Laura Goldman Weinberg

Soul Mates 
I AM the One. Do not look outside yourself to feel fulfilled. Do not search for that special someone. I AM the One you seek. 
There will always be a certain discontent within you, until you experience Our Oneness. No one else will fill your void as completely as I will. Let Me into your life. Let Me into your heart. 
Together We create wholeness—inner and outer wholeness. There is no room for lack when We are One. Everything is complete and whole. 
Call out to Me. I will fill your void. Let your soul scream forth and I will be there. I AM always there, but you are not always aware of Me. Call for Me. I AM the One. I AM your Soul mate. What else could your soul be yearning for? 
In the beginning, We were One. Then you merged out from My Essence like the rays of the sun—moving forth from Our Oneness. We began to create life everywhere—adding special touches here and there—different colors and vibrations. There are aspects of yourself in everything—as I AM found in all things. 
When finally you merged with matter, you blocked out the awareness of your Self—your true Self. In that blocking—that closing off—a yearning took place—a yearning to be open fully and completely to the Light. So that inner yearning is a desire for the fullness of My Love—the fullness of My Being to be known within you. 
Certain souls have become closer to you through the years. Some souls may vibrate more closely to yours due to their colors and tones and due to some sharing or interaction in a part of your realm. But in the beginning, there was wholeness and complete Love.
When a mother first leaves her child, the child feels a pinch of separation—an ache and longing to be with the mother—to feel completely loved and whole again. I AM your true Parent. You are My Child. You yearn for My Presence to be known more fully. 
Do not look for fulfillment in the physical realm of form and matter. Do not look for fullness in a world that has removed itself from Me. One day all will be whole again, but now you must live in a searching, growing world. So look within, not without. Love Me within and that love will grow and blossom and transform your life.
Certain people come into your life when you need them—to help you grow—to help you move forward to the next step on your path. You will draw to yourself the people you need to help you see Me more clearly. 
I will send you the proper mate or special friends to share your life, if that be your desire, but turn to Me to guide you. Turn to Me to fill you. Turn to Me and your world will be transformed. 
I AM the One you seek. I AM the One—the Only One for you.
Every Moment
Be with Me in every moment. Trust Me. Let go. Let go of the ego. Let go of your need to control. And allow Me to guide you in every moment of every day. Listen to My Words. Relax in My Love. And let your life unfold easily and effortlessly. 
Do not be concerned about tomorrow or the next day. Trust in Me to take care of all things. I create order in the universe, do I not? So, too, do I create order in your life. 
So let go and allow Me to fill you—to shine forth through you. Right now. And in every moment. Relax in My Arms and live today in My Love—and tomorrow—and the next day. Enjoy a life filled with My Essence—with My Love. 
Relax and be with Me. Let Me fill you. Let Me unfold the next moment for you—just for you. Be with Me and experience life to the fullest. Let go of your worries and relax in My Love. Be with Me right now and forever. 
I AM Peace. The Peace in silence. The Peace in laughter. The Peace in the calm stillness. I AM also the Peace in activity. The Peace in sound. The Peace in motion. Peace. 
I AM the Peace in your soul. Find Me in you and you will find peace—loving, contented, fulfilling peace. Bring My Peace into your life. Be still and feel Me. Feel My Peace radiating through your body. Relax your mind and find My Peace filling your awareness. Let go of any worries or concerns. Trust Me. Trust Me to fill you with peace. Let My Peace bring harmony to your family and to all your relationships—at home and at work. Take My Peace with you every moment.
Peace—true peace—can only exist in the world when peace is found within—within each person. How can there be wars among people who walk and talk in peace? Peace begins with you. If you do not like the wars outside, if you are not happy in your life, bring peace to your heart. Let Me fill you with peace—peace of body, mind, and soul. Only I can bring that to you. Be at peace with yourself. Love yourself and forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Find My Peace within and you will bring peace to My World—Our World. 
Remember that I take care of all My Children—large and small—all of creation. I love you. Let Me fill you with My Peace and there will finally be peace in the world.
From “The I AM Speaks” * Copyright © 2011, Laura Goldman Weinberg  *
