Relationships / Soulmates / Twin Flames


Partnering with God

Relationships / Soulmates / Twin Flames


Question: My husband and I do not share the same spiritual
path. In fact, I wonder if he has one at all. This has caused quite a
bit of tension between us because he also tends to be critical of
my New Age activities. I would appreciate any advice about coex-
isting in peace with nonspiritual partners.

Answer: You are greatly loved for asking such a question, for this
situation presents itself often as humans on your planet discover
themselves and have to cope with what to do with their partners
who are not in the same posture.
    First, you must understand that your partner is as blessed and
loved by God as you are. If he never once prays, or never once
 meditates, or never once speaks to his inner spirituality and dies
 without a clue to his real spirituality, he has made the journey and
 is as honored as anyone on the planet. It is the parable of The
 Prodigal Son again. I tell you this so you understand that he is never
 to be evangelized. You may feel that he would be a better person
 if he only had enlightenment, but this is his process. Let him ask
 you--never preach to him.
     When a mate understands that you do not judge him for not
 being "in the fold" of your process, then he will tend to relax with
 what you are doing, as strange and odd as it might appear to him.
 Let there be no threat to the partnership from your work. Let your
 activities be for yourself alone, and don't bring them into his space.
 Also, be cautious about violating your community space, as well
with your New Age dealings.
     Now, what should you ask of a mate who does not share your
 ideas? And what should he or she ask of you? Here is the answer,
and it can absolutely be accomplished if your love for each other
is as proclaimed. Face off with him and ask this: "In love, I ask you
to not judge me in my ways, or verbalize your criticism of them.
They will not interfere with my life with you." Then make sure
you keep this promise! Indeed, you might not go to as many
spiritual places or participate in as many New Age activities, but
you are respecting the partnership first. Know this: You can work
on your enlightenment personally and never have to go anywhere.
Make the sacrifice to show him that your beliefs will not tear you
both apart. What does he want from you? Tell him, " I will never
try to involve you in anything that you do not believe in, and
I will not bring my beliefs into your space." Finally, take time to
be together! Don't let your quest take over the partnership. You
never have to speak of your New Age work. Let the changes in
your personality speak for themselves. Let the healing in your
body speak for itself. Let the peace of your countenance speak
loudly to him. Believe me, the mate will notice these things first!
There is plenty of time for you to grow in the New Age system and
still relax with your mate.
     Dear ones, you must understand that when you approach
your partners with this kind of integrity, they will gradually change.
They won't necessarily embrace the New Age, but over time they
will absolutely see that what you have is not going to disturb the
partnership, and has helped you. Most of the anger and disagree-
ment is about fear--fear of losing you! Once you show a mate that
you are sincere in the balance between your activities and the
integrity of the partnership, the mate will relax and let you be.
    The love between humans is directly related to the love of
God. When you begin to use it in your partnership--nonjudg-
ment, integrity of purpose, and sincerity of conversation--it
cannot be ignored. Usually your partner will respond to it, and
your life with a nonspiritual partner can not only be peaceful, but
very loving indeed.
    By the way, the term nonspiritual human is very funny to me!
Cover a plant with a cloth and call it a rock. It thinks it is a rock,
and walks through life doing "rocklike" things. But the one who
covered it will always know it is a plant, and when the cover comes
off in the end, everyone will have a good laugh. There is no such
thing as a nonspiritual human...just humans who don't know yet
about the cover.
Soulmates / Twin Flames

Question: I've heard a lot about "soulmates" and "twin flames."
Could Spirit explain more about these, and what we should do to
draw this energy into our lives?

Answer: In your karmic group, you cannot live lifetime after
lifetime without sometimes "recognizing" humans as being some-
thing more than they seem. Suppose you had a wonderful mate
or partner in a powerful lifetime of great experience and purpose.
Even though it might have been many expressions (incarnations)
ago, the karmic residue remains at the cellular level. In addition,
your Higher Self knows everything, and you are invited to be
closer to it in this New Age.
    Suddenly a person (gender makes no difference) seemingly
stumbles into your life and knocks you over with their presence.
Perhaps they have said nothing or are not especially outgoing, but
from your standpoint they are shouting, "I know you!" This is the
soulmate or twin flame attribute.
    There is much to say regarding twin flames and soulmates
(and many good things have been channeled as well by Saint
Germain, a true human alchemy specialist), but here is some basic
advice. Please be aware that if you find this person, there is no
astral ruling that says you should automatically be with him or her!
Most of the time this soulmate attribute is something you feel from
the past that really does relate to what your contract is now. You
have played out parts with this person before, and this time you
are resting from him or her. Meeting this person can be a real
experience, however!
    There are differences between what causes a soulmate in
comparison to a twin flame, and these have been explained by
others. The fact remains, however, that they both carry a "charge"
of energy that you feel at the cellular level.
    In some cases, there are some of you who have been waiting
for this person for either relationships or business partnering--
and time has been waiting for things to be correct for a union.
Knowing the difference in what to do with a person such as this
is part of your new intuitive power of communication with your
Higher Self. Usually, the situation will be obvious as to whether to
take action with this person. Don't try to create a situation or
delude yourself into thinking you must take action if you "recog-
nize" a soulmate.
    It is more often true that a soulmate or twin flame from a past
life is only "recognized karmic energy," and not a sign or
indication from the Universe for you to do anything romantically.
This seeming romantic message is often a false one due to the
amazing past-life energy present. Those who have ignored this
 advice have found themselves on the learning end of a very
 powerful and unpleasant lesson. Many times this person is the last
 one you will want to become personally involved with in your
 current lifetime! Spark is an English word that will give an idea of
what can happen between the two of you. You are often
 magnetically opposite this time around, appropriately to keep you
apart. Forcing the issue can create a feeling of stone against stone.
That is why you didn't meet this person earlier. How can you
     The secret in knowing which situation is correct is based
around synchronicity and ease of action. If you find yourself in
chaos trying to put this "perfect" partner together, where nothing
is going smoothly, then the situation is shouting that it is not
appropriate! Call on everything within you to help make such a
choice, to know if the sparks are going to repel--or attract. If the
situation melds together easily and smoothly, without problem or
drama, then you have indeed met someone special, someone who
is worth the effort to bring into your life.
    Dear ones, The love of appropriate twin flames or soulmates
who have presented themselves synchronistically in your life is
one of the highest loves between human beings. It can be between
children and parents, or romantically between partners. If it is
romantic, it can hold the charge of "first love," and the feelings
thereof for an entire lifetime. If you find this, under any circum-
stances, cherish it and don't let it go, for it's anointed, and carries
with it the seeds of Spirit itself.