

Conversations with Monjoronson #47 – Social Morality
– Apr. 11, 2012 Topics: Emergency in the Middle East Necessity for proactive social sustainability Work
of the Most Highs The need for a sustainable social morality Truly difficult decisions are ahead Achieving a change
in the morality of the future Change from the bottom up is required Only a co-creative effort will save our world Christ
Michael’s program requires careful decision-making The adage of “Mind your own business” for nations Love
others as you love yourself TR:
Daniel Raphael Moderator: Michael McCray (MMc) April 11, 2012
Prayer: Our Father, we come to you this morning and
ask your help in our session with our and your Paradise Son, Monjoronson. We wish to receive his wisdom, his help for
our future here on this planet, so that we, as a planet of people can become closer to you. We thank you for your help
and guidance of those you have sent to be closest to us. Amen. MMc: Good morning, Monjoronson! MONJORONSON:
Thank you for tending the store while I was away, and my gratitude, of course, is extended to Charles, who has done a remarkable
job as always. What will we be working on today? MMc: We want to thank you for sending Charles to
us while you were away, tending to the emergencies on our planet. I wonder if you would like to touch upon what those
emergencies might entail. Emergency in the Middle East
MONJORONSON: Yes, I will be cautious as to what I reveal.
In essence, it involves the Middle East and our work is to delay the conflagration that will envelop that area within the
next few years. This is inevitable and it has been our work to delay that inevitability as long as possible to put into
place the workings of the projects that we have been working on for a number of years. These are now just becoming more
complete and ready for public engagement. We want to have those processes that support social sustainability to be in
place and distributed before this conflagration occupies the minds of everyone all around the world. This conflagration
will create a crisis and people will see the need for sustainability. They will realize that the efforts to maintain
material sustainability will not be successful and that they will then become concerned about their social welfare and the
sustainability of their society, communities, neighborhoods and families. Necessity for proactive social sustainability At
that time, it will be necessary to have this proactive, positive, constructive effort to begin the process of building social
sustainability through local design teams. This is as far as we have projected our work so far and it is necessary that
this be known before this conflagration occurs. This area where Jesus was born is a most difficult area. While
it provided the most beneficial and positive, constructive and social, cultural and societal base for his life as Jesus, it
now is one of the most difficult, distraught and traumatic areas of the world, particularly for highly civilized individuals,
communities and nations. You are seeing the worst behavior by the most advanced populations, materially and societally.
What is missing, of course, is the spiritual influence that is so pervasive in the universe. Spirituality
that Jesus sought to develop has now engulfed the whole world and this region where he originated has now become the “rotten
spot on the apple,” so to speak. We are concerned that this conflagration once started will spread and we are
doing our utmost to delay that as long as possible. In the end, the decisions of leaders and the populations of nations
will decide. There must be in place a process by which ordinary people can participate in sharing their opinions as
a nation with their leaders, and the leaders of other nations. There must now become a more responsible participation
of ordinary citizens in their governance and they can provide some cultural leadership to the development of their communities,
states, nations and your civilization. We are always striving for the best possible outcome and to be proactive to bring
about the seeds of positive change that develop into a sustainable society, which, in the end, is social sustainability that
is the forerunner of the days of light and life. You must have stable societies to have peace and to increase the spirituality
of individuals. Work of the Most Highs The Most Highs are working in the organizations of humankind
to bring about the best possible outcomes. They think that your corporations are money hungry organizations, who
are concerned only about the bottom line and big benefits, but it is in their interests to assist in the development of a
stable civilization, stable nations, stable societies and a stable global economy. That way, everyone wins and profits
continue to flow in. You are going to see the end of the era of international, global corporations being so egregiously
avaricious, greedy. They are the forerunners of new corporate philosophies, which must come to the forefront of your
societies to assist the stability of humankind. It does not do corporations and shareholders any good to see the economic
base of their commerce undercut, or have the legs cut off of a global economy. Everyone suffers and particularly
those who desire to have large incomes, great sized dividends and profits. MMc: Thank you. Our last
published session was #45, done on March 23 with Charles. Session #46 on March 30 has not been published yet.
I have received some feedback from our audience about session #45. Charles, in speaking about social sustainability,
he wished to separate the social and moral structures. He did not wish to cause our readers to become enmeshed in controversy
that the change in moral outlook might cause. It is clear to me from the feedback that I’ve received that some
of our readers got as far as one of Charles’ comments and were stopped there and weren’t able to take in the rest
of the information in that session. One of our readers asked, “Did Charles actually advocate the death penalty
for murders and child predators to maintain a stable society?” MONJORONSON: Is that your question,
sir? MMc: Yes, that’s the question. The need for a sustainable social morality MONJORONSON:
Charles and our team have worked on this paper of morality for quite some time and it is universally and unanimously the opinion
of the team members and myself, Charles and others, that the decisions to accept an advanced societal morality is the decision
of your society, states, nations and communities. We do not advocate any position; we are simply telling you that to
have a sustainable civilization and sustainable societies, you must have a sustainable morality. How you effect that
is a choice among the mortals who choose to go in this direction. He told you that there is a personal morality and
a societal morality and a global or civilizational morality, and that these are quite distinctly different, and that the responsibilities
for each of those levels rests with those individual levels. The individual cannot take on the morality of a
society, and a society cannot take on the morality of the global level. The choices will become more apparent as your
world progresses and changes. You must realize, too, that everyone on this earth will be dead within 100 years.
Of course there will be a new crop, a new generation that follows. That— the elimination of murderers and child
predators— is oftentimes not an unkind situation for a society to entertain, but the choice to do so is a moral decision
that must be made by a whole society, and not simply by a majority but by consensus. That requires all groups and subgroups
to participate in that decision, as it will affect everyone and that there must not be any group left out that would cause
rebellion or revolt, because of the decision. The majority is simply the weakest option for governance. A decision
of this type requires far more than just a majority. MMc: This concept that there is a personal morality,
as well as a social morality and the two are not the same is, I believe, a new concept for most of our readers. I wondered
if you might be willing to explain what this social morality might entail. MONJORONSON: A social morality
simply is a guide, a means, a uniform moral means of making decisions at the societal level. It means that as a society
is empowered by the moral code that it approves to make decisions, which, if made by an individual would be immoral.
And the same could be said for a civilizational or global morality, that a nation that takes it upon itself to invade another
nation, for whatever reasons without consideration of the global community, would be an immoral act and that nation would
be in jeopardy as having gone against the larger community of nations in making its decision. So too, for a
society, that it must make decisions that support the sustainability of that society, and in doing so, it makes a contribution
to the sustainability of your global civilization. The considerations are hugely different than the morality for an
individual. A society is concerned about its survivability, in addition to its existence and sustainability. Your
societies have not learned yet how to guard against the behavior of individuals, even leaders that create immoral acts that
put the nation in jeopardy. Nations and societies have a real existence as a social organism. That organism
has necessities that need to be maintained and sustained so that it continues to survive, exist and become sustainable.
If those societal needs are not met or are put in jeopardy because of ignorance or lack of education or poor leadership or
lethargy and idle minds on the part of the population, then that society will cease to exist. This nation, the United
States, occupies a particular and even a peculiar place in the history of Urantia, and in many ways seems to have been destined
to occur here, and that it represents the best option for the development to initiate a global civilization. Not that
it is the ultimate model for global development of democracies, for surely it is not, because it is so incredibly immature,
but that it offers an opportunity for humankind to start over. It has received some of the best minds in the world,
which have come here to live, and have assisted this nation to prosper. This nation has a responsibility to
the world and to itself, to survive, exist and enter the age of social sustainability. However, the ignorance on the
part of your social scientists and your political leaders is such that the continued survival, existence and sustainability
are in great jeopardy. Continued as it is, this United States will not exist in another 80 years. It will be a
society of disparate groups and states. Our interest is in this whole planet. Machiventa certainly has his
work cut out for him to bring this ragtag group of nations and societies into wholeness and oneness of like-mind, to sustain
this world in the eventuality of entering into the days of light and life. You see, planetary management must surpass
the obligations of societies, and at times, even of individuals. Our concern with individuals, of course, is
their personal spiritual growth so that they have a soul that will last them, sustain them and carry them over into the morontial
realm, so they can continue their ascendant career. This responsibility is dear, and our commitment to it is without
question. Though individuals may leave this lifetime early, it is essential that they have every cultural, spiritual
and organizational opportunity to accept the love and generosity of Christ Michael in their hearts and to believe in the afterlife
and continue on. Societies must begin to think in terms of societal maintenance and stability to continue into the future.
This is not possible, as your nation exists. We have introduced this societal morality concept to you at this
time because it has not been discovered or put in place by human leaders, whether they are political or social scientists
or religious philosophers. This is a bit late in the scheme of things, but it will be a decision that individuals, communities
and societies will necessarily make. To continue the practice of uncontrolled propagation of lesser-minded individuals,
who are selfish and egregiously self-centered with no interest in the afterlife or spirituality or knowing God, is creating
a cultural, intellectual, and spiritual deficit in your society and many other societies. This cannot continue on without
having tremendous negative effects upon your world and your societies and the leadership that aspires to guide your nations.
We do not need to give you examples, as this is well known to you already. Truly difficult decisions are ahead The
times ahead will require you as individuals, and your societies to make truly very difficult decisions, in order to maintain
social stability and contribute to the positive growth and construction of your new emerging societies. Without a positive,
proactive, socially sustainable morality this simply will not occur. It requires tremendous courage to live in an advanced
society. It requires tremendous courage to take the leap from this generation into the next generation and the following
generation. More bloody sweat will be on the brows of many people before you have stabilized your world with this new
morality. The options for your societies and for leaders are to begin to think rationally about your societies as social
organisms that must be maintained and cared for and nurtured in order for it to evolve and mature, and even remain in existence.
You live now on a world that has immense social change. I cannot over-emphasize the magnitude of social
change that is occurring in your world right now. Nations can literally disappear within months or years on your world
at this time. It could happen to a great nation as easily as it could happen to a small nation. It simply requires
the diligence, a good faith effort to do the best for the largest number of people. Yes, there is a huge difference
between personal morality, which has been the tribal morality that you received from the Fertile Crescent four or five thousand
years ago, to the present time. There has been no moral change since then. Now that your world is beginning to
become much more interconnected, it needs to aspire to a societal morality for it to continue that growth path materially,
spiritually and socially. MMc: I can understand from what you say and what Charles told us, that this new
morality needs to be proactive, and it needs to be sustainable. I guess I have one more question and that is about the
morality of the future: How do we go about creating it? Achieving a change in the morality of the future MONJORONSON:
One moment. It is not about “creating” it, but of understanding the logic and reasoning of its necessity,
and then choosing to move in that direction. The first awakening needs to be made in the minds of the masses of
your society. That awakening is this: That asocial sustainability concept requires proactive decision-making to
improve the future. We are not interested in maintaining or sustaining your present societal configurations—unworkable,
as we have said before, and unsustainable. The second awareness is that failure to move towards social sustainability
quite literally extends your societies to eventual disintegration. As your nation and your community of nations exist,
there is no plan in place for your continued existence that provides a goal towards which you work to fulfill the options
of existing in the future. Everyone, from your governmental leaders, to your economic advisors, to militarists are simply
trying to maintain the best position they can right now, without consideration for the long-term existence of the playing
field of the world, or of their area of interest. For society to accept the goal of social sustainability, places
a goal in the future toward which you can work every day. The goal of social sustainability is not some visionary impossibility
of sending everyone to the moon as workers to mine it, for instance. The future for all nations must be social sustainability
for them to exist. Having that goal then organizes all decision-making from that future date to the present date to
this moment now, today, that contributes toward social sustainability. I take you back to the era of World War
II, and the invasion at Normandy by the Allied Forces. This was a plan that had been thought of years before.
It became a goal that they worked towards, off and on, as circumstances allowed, and eventually it became such a necessity
that those plans were put in place. Preparations for that invasion required over 12 months for knowledge of that invasion,
to coordinate nations, military forces, materiel and the preparation for training, and coordination among commanders on the
beachheads. They had a goal, they had a day, and they put it in motion and then it happened. All the decisions
of Allied commanders were aware of this and they were making preparations, whether they were inside the continent of Europe,
or outside, to bring about this end. All decisions, all thoughts were towards that invasion. They had even made
advanced plans about which cities to take first, and how to proceed across the country as they invaded it. Change
from the bottom up is required This plan of social sustainability is one which will bring all your nations into
a sustainable future, but it requires daily decisions by individuals, by managers, by directors, by presidents, governors,
legislators and congress, city councils—everyone—and local design teams to participate in fulfilling that end.
What is so radically different about this development of social sustainability is not just the morality that is required to
sustain your society as a social organism, down to the community level, but that it requires all communities to initiate participation.
This is not a top-down organizational process that your national or international leaders can bring about. Quite the
opposite; their interests are to maintain the status quo of their positions of power and authority and control. This
is how governments operate. It is only by the will of the people—not just dozens or hundreds, but thousands of
local design teams, whose other interests also involve the change of their culture. As example, how children
are taught, what they are taught, and the reasons why they are taught need to be addressed. There will be a tremendous
change in the curricula of all schools when a society decides to move toward social sustainability, and when I say “a
society decides,” I do not mean that there is a vote, but that people at the local level see the inherent logic, reason
and rationality and fair-mindedness of doing what is necessary. Failure to do that will mean the failure of social sustainability
at all societal and national levels. If this does not begin at the local level, it will not succeed. You
have in your nation—and other nations—the idea and support and activity of literally millions of individuals who
weekly take their recyclable trash to a recycling center and provide it there, sort it and give it away, so that it can be
reused, reclaimed, reinvented, redesigned or whatever. This is the same kind of grassroots effort that social
sustainability will require to move your culture into a stable and sustainable society. And yes, you are quite right
in your mind, in your thinking that everybody is not going to be interested, and this is quite accurate. This will require
the best minds, the best hearts, the best individuals to come forward to participate and make this contribution. There
are many millions of you who are far more interested in this than the millions who are not. If you are cynical and believe
that one individual cannot make a difference, then surely your society will not make a difference in the history of your world.
It requires individuals who completely believe in themselves to make a difference and are confident and capable to do so,
and who are willing to train themselves how to do that, and train their neighbors how to participate. We continue to
send you messengers, but it falls upon deaf ears. We realize that this is quite normal, as you think you have a stable
society, but you have far from a stable society! Your society will be in tumultuous times before too long. Only
a co-creative effort will save our world It gets difficult for my team to continue striving to exhort you to
activity, to thoughtful mindedness, to organize yourself as individuals first and then find supporting individuals who would
like to know more about what you are studying, but we will continue to do so because this is a co-creative effort to bring
your world into the days of light and life. As we have said before, many times through many teachers, your world will
not be healed or corrected or made right or reformed by fiat of the Creator, or by some miracle, but only through your co-creative
participation. You will not see a sudden change in your society; we will work through the same cultural growth and transformations
that have enveloped your world many times before, to again change your world and bring it into the days of light and life.
It is a slow process; there are not quick answers. It is not done in 59 or 60 minutes on a television
show as you see so often. This is one in which requires participation of all of you for a long time. It requires
particularly the effort of some of you most diligently for the remainder of your lives. Many of you have dedicated your
lives to the work of Christ Michael and you must be aware that the Correcting Program is just that. It will lead you
slowly, carefully, thoughtfully inward into your heart and into your spiritual growth, into your societies and into your ascendant
career. The decisions will be tough, but you can make them—you will make them. MMc: Certainly
you have given us a great deal to think about. Christ Michael’s program requires careful decision-making MONJORONSON:
Yes, there is much to think about by you and by us. Christ Michael has given this an immense amount of time and thought
in his work and his preparations and even now in this program that he has initiated. There is no shortage of work for
everyone and thoughtful, careful decision-making. MMc: In our last session, we asked of Charles if there
was any guidance you might give me about a topic for our next session. He suggested that I would find topics within
the time period between then and our next session. I’ve been looking at the news and certainly those things in
the Middle East, Syria, and the Iranian situation and the situation in North Korea have made themselves known to me and what
I find in looking at them, if I look at them critically, is that the State Department wishes to keep Iran and North Korea
in the state of status quo, while the revolution in Syria is ongoing at this point, and they’ve passed their time for
a cease fire. We have senators who have suggested that the United States might take a military action. It appears
to me that what we are looking at is that our government reacting to maintain the status quo, as you say, is very disappointing
as it seems there is no way forward. I don’t have a question in that except that I didn’t find that looking
at the news, I didn’t find any great questions to my mind. There are certainly some disappointments in the way
that the United States conducts itself. The world doesn’t seem to want to…it seems to want to keep its foot
upon the neck of the rest of the world, to maintain its own integrity and its own safety. The adage of “Mind
your own business” for nations MONJORONSON: There will come a time in the not to distant future where
the old adage of, “Mind your own business” will be taken to heart. You can look around the world and see
the difficulties, and you simplify what is occurring, is that neighbors are meddling in other peoples’ garden patches
and that they have enough to do at home, if they would do it correctly. Whether it is the United States or Iran or other
nations, meddling in other nations’ affairs will forestall the inevitable and it makes it more difficult for everyone.
Small nations like to attack their neighbors and to impress their power upon the mighty powers that exist, and they get themselves
into trouble, forgetting the populations at home, which suffer so much. Apply that to this nation—or any
other nation—that there is enough to do at home to move it into stability and social sustainability, without going into
other nations and wreaking havoc and difficulty and causing trouble. You live in a world where there is a lot of bashing
of each other, which is unnecessary. Accepting the goal and mission objective of developing social sustainability will
draw nations’ leadership into protecting and supporting the social organisms of their nation. If this occurs,
then nations will realize the necessity of having good friends who mutually support each other’s social sustainability
and act in the interests of the others to both “do unto others as you would have done to yourself,” but also to
more actively, “pay it forward” as you have begun to see in your world. It is not sufficient to just protect
your neighbor, but to actually become involved in their betterment—your own betterment and the betterment of others. MMc:
Certainly that’s the…. I wonder if you have any closing words for us? Love others as you love
yourself MONJORONSON: Yes, briefly. The life of Jesus, whose death on the cross you recently commemorated,
spoke to you about loving others as you love yourself. It requires that you learn how to love yourself genuinely, honestly
and authentically, not self-persecution or self-aggrandizement. When you begin doing this, then you will see others
as worthy and deserving of receiving your love, and you will love them as Jesus loved them, not to make them dependent upon
you, but make them as you are, one who loves yourself genuinely, authentically, without self-punishment or self-aggrandizement.
This is what Jesus tried to teach you. His message is still alive. See this era now as the resurrection of his
coming out of the grave—this is what you must do is come out of your graves and live a real, whole, authentic, genuine
life, one that is not selfish, but one that also does not make others dependent upon you. Then you will become sustainable
in Christ Michael’s love, that you know and feel in your heart, and you know when you feel towards yourself in the same
way. Then you will see a world that will change. Good day. MMc: Before you leave us, I wonder
if you have any guidance for a topic for next session? MONJORONSON: One moment. No, I do not have
a project or something to speak about next week. There is a wealth of information given by prior celestial teachers
that is highly useful to this era, and which speaks to the last sentences of my discourse today. You all must learn
to love yourselves, how to live in a civil society, how to treat other people, how to live the virtues, how to live in wholeness.
I am going to give your question some thought, ask my staff to work on it as well before we meet again next week.
Thank you. MMc: We certainly appreciate your speaking with us today and certainly you have given us a great
deal to think about.


