February 20, 2011
My children, this is your Father Michael. As you grow in Spirit, you will discover many new
facets of living TRUTH in the universe that become a part of your very being. LIFE is here for you to enjoy and experience,
adding new fibers of consciousness into your soul. We encourage you to relax more with your life, to stop and enjoy
the beauty around you, to appreciate the small things you experience each day. The key is to enhance the quality of
your life by slowing down and letting the day share its wonders with you.
The busyness of your culture has stimulated your energy systems to the point of distraction—shifting
focus from being centered within to an exacerbation of those conditions in your world that bind you in fear and chaos.
It takes a singular focus to go within and “seek the stillness” of the Spirit where you will find the peace and
solace you desire. This is why we teach you to quiet your minds so that the divine sounds of LIFE around you can be
You will find this inner reality rich with information on how to craft those facets of universe TRUTH
into grounded real life awareness. You will be trained and taught ideas and ideals that will gladden your heart, refresh
your thinking, and renew your body. Slow down, my children, and allow what is inside you to resonate deeply, and flourish
in the inner truth that is gently guiding you into life abundant.