Group: Singularities of Light
by Steve Rother 9/15/2012
20, 2012
Steve: What can I say? Except that after 17 years of channeling the group in a collective voice, I am now experiencing
them as what they call a singularity. If my brain ever stopped to think about it I’m sure it would block me. Nonetheless,
the depth of information and love is absolutely undeniable. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am.
Many who will
be reading these words may not know the accents that I use to channel these beings. The Keeper of Time is a more comfortable
with English. Elrah’s enthusiasm and excitement make it difficult for me to focus at times, but I am adjusting. Even
as they talk about incarnations it is helpful to re-member that none of the group with the exception of myself have ever been
to Earth. The accents, especially in the case of Elrah, are my closest interpretations of the distinct rhythms that they use
to communicate and don’t originate from a geographical location..
It is time
for a deeper understanding of all the layers. Here we go.
Have a wonderful
month and may you experience life with your eyes wide open.
Big hugs,
from Home
You have been
waiting for this and moving around trying to find the perfect space to perceive what is about to happen. It is getting very
exciting for many of you, as some have reached the level where the excitement turns into a little bit of fear because you
are not comfortable with where things are at this moment. Here is the only
piece that you need to know: every being is moving. Every, single
level of vibration is moving to the next level and it is literally moving as an entire bandwidth of vibration, not a single
layer but a whole bandwidth of vibration that you would call Earth. All of its creatures and beings are going through this
transition right now. Both you and we have used the words raising your vibration, and that is a very accurate description
of what takes place. The biggest challenge when we say raising your vibration is that you immediately go into your field of
duality, which dictates that one vibration is better than another vibration. That is part of what we wish to speak of, for
you are seeing evidence all over your planet right now of exactly what we previously predicted. So, let us bring that to your
attention on a few different levels. This morning I lay in bed as I awoke and thought about the day ahead of me. I felt thankful
for this gift of another day in my world. I knew it was up to me to create whatever kind of day I chose to have. I have a
new appreciation of my everyday living now.
In the past,
days would come and go so quickly. Time would turn into months and then years. Certain events in life would mark the passing
of time such as holidays, anniversary's, etc. Birthdays especially would make me evaluate where I was in my life. I would
think "am I where I feel I should be at this point of my life?" I have a friend who I have known since we were fourteen years
old. We would have such deep talks about life when we were so very young. We would always set our five year life plan. It
makes me laugh now because we were so busy living life we would forget about any plans we had made. There is a saying I like
by John Lennon "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." I know it is important to have goals that
keep us motivated but it is equally important to go with the flow. Some of my happiest memories are when life wasn't working
the way I had planned, so I decided to go with plan "B." By being flexible I allowed myself to open the door to many possibilities.
I awaken to the awe of everyday now. The gift of going through a serious illness is that I have been forced to slow down and
simply be. I have become more aware of the sacredness in my daily living. I am making time to listen, watch and feel more
deeply. I now enjoy nature with a deeper appreciation. My senses have become heightened. I make sure to look deeply into a
person's eyes, listen with all my attention to what they are saying and feel the joy of touching each other's hearts and soul.
I appreciate the sunshine warming my face as the slight breeze blows and the beauty of a sunset more often. I feel an awakening
to a new and clearer version of reality, which affects the way I live my life. I use to say I was going to live to be well
past a hundred years old. I may do that but it is more important to enjoy every day along the way. Abe Lincoln had a profound
saying. "It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years!"
the Wobble
The Earth
has changed her wobble because of the shift in dimension and the shift of vibrational change. The Earth had to enter a new
dimension in order to grow and make a space for empowered humans on this planet. As a result she has moved, and because of
her movement it has literally caused physical reactions. You have seen these in the form of earthquakes; they have happened
in more ways than just earthquakes, but that is the basic idea. You have seen this happen in Chile, off the coasts of Australia
and also Japan. Those three earthquakes changed the tilt and the rotational spin of planet Earth. Although it was known that
this took place, no one was aware of the long term effects it would have. You are now experiencing these effects, as the Earth
re-balances herself through the re-distribution of water.
A couple of
years ago, Russia experienced a severe and unprecedented heat wave. Now you are seeing similar extreme temperatures and those
same energies in different parts of the world. You are calling it a drought or heat wave, but it is actually the re-distribution
of water through your Earthly systems. Just imagine a big ball spinning perfectly balanced and even, then and all of a sudden
you move it to another dimensional level. It will have a tendency to wobble until it finds its perfect spin again. The way
that Earth is finding her perfect spin and balance is by re-distributing water on the planet. This will continue for the next
3-5 years then it will gradually start to settle down and anchor in the new Earth. This is actually a healthy process that
is moving energies forward. However, this may be challenging for the next several years as the Earth makes this transition
herself. Crops will fail and many of the things you rely on will be distributed in different areas around the planet. The
Earth is pregnant and that is the beautiful part. She is about to give birth and it is much closer than you ever imagined.
Is she giving birth to another Earth? No. She is giving birth to another form of human. Previously, all the humans would have
had to leave planet Earth through some sort of cataclysmic event in order to wipe out one vibrational level and start anew.
But that is not happening right now. You are the first beings that have ever dared to challenge this and believe that we can
consciously move from this level to this level without releasing the physical bodies. Congratulations, dear ones, you are
doing it! You are way ahead of the game with this and are working very effectively to achieve it.
Now we will
share some of the other changes that you see taking place all over your world. All you have to do is turn on your news to
see what is happening. Countries of the world were organized on a vibrational level that would not be able to exist in the
new Earth, and that is part of the reason many countries are having difficulties and revolts over old energy. It is very simple:
You can choose where you wish to be. Please understand that as you move to the next level, there will still be both high and
low vibrations within that next level. You will never all be on the exact same vibrational level, for that would be very exclusive.
Here is what we wish to share with you, dear ones. Any organization or collective of humans is liable to have some challenges
over the next several years as you go through these changes. They will be adjustment challenges, for many of you have formed
your organizations. Whether it is a church, business, or club of some sort, you formed these groups on certain levels of vibration.
So as they move to the next level, there will be some adjustments needed. Organizations formed on principles that will not
exist on the new Earth will start experiencing challenges. Please do not judge these challenges as being good, bad, high or
low vibrations, as that is an effect of duality in your world which you are now moving completely away from. They are simply
adjustments the same way you are going through adjustments with your physical body as you are moving through one existence
vibrational level to the next.
and Responsibility
What you
are seeing right now, especially in the United States, is the presidential election process, which has turned into something
rather unusual. We are not quite sure what it is, but what you will see is duality played out over and over and over again.
You have two sides that are arguing against each other. Even if there were a third position, which has not happened but would
change the dynamics, many of the old energy techniques and systems have hung on and simply refused to change. Doing the same
thing over and over and over again yet expecting different results is what your definition of insanity is. That is what is
now taking place on your planet more than you could ever know. You are trying to do the same things repeatedly and expecting
the same results, even though you are now in a different vibrational level. Well, there is a responsibility – ahh yes,
there is a word that scares many of you – there is a responsibility of being in this level of light. This is similar
to the way that you often see varying levels of abundance or money, if you will, on your planet. There are people who have
difficulty holding any money, some who are barely comfortable, and then others who have so much abundance that they do not
know what to do with or cannot deal with it all. It is not a perfect system, dear ones. Do not ever judge yourselves by how
much money you have or how good at making money you are. It is a system simply that can be changed, and here is the interesting
piece. If you look at the money aspect and translate that into vibration, you could say that the people who have the most
money on this planet almost have a responsibility to somehow help people whether in monetary gifts or through programs that
help empower others. With regards to abundance if you choose your place on the ladder on a lower rung, you can live a very
comfortable life. Yes, you will struggle with money at times but will be very comfortable. On the higher rung you may never
struggle with money, but you will have responsibilities that you do not have on the lower rungs. Many of you have quietly
chosen to be in the middle because it is somewhat comfortable. We are asking you to take the responsibility first and change
all of it. Not only will it affect your abundance, but it will help you to move vibrationally and release any restricting
conflicts that get in your way as you move to the next level. We are watching you starting to do this in many ways in your
organizations, businesses, friendships, and spiritual families. You are starting to spread this out in a very beautiful way.
Is Never Exclusive
The one
piece we wish to leave with you is that light is never exclusive to vibration. Please understand that you have all of these
different vibrational levels, yet the light that shines through all of them is exactly the same light. Because of this, you
can make a difference on any one of these levels that you choose to. If you choose to make a difference on this planet, you
will be drawn into one of these levels. Yes, right away you are thinking, “Oh, I need to be at the top level for I have
worked so hard on myself to be at this level and make a difference.” Light is not exclusive and the lowest vibration
on your planet must also feel the light. The moment you think you have reached a level at which you are you can relax and
be comfortable, get ready because you will be very surprised when seemingly out of nowhere you are moved to another level.
Your vibrational order is adjusted at that point, because you cannot go through that door when you are wavering back and forth
blocking the path. You must be able to go right through the doorway with everything intact.
~ “We” Are the Group
Now, we
have spoken as a collective and for 17 years. We have gotten to know many of you as a collective, as a voice. But we are not
one voice – we never were. We are a collection of beings, each one of them having their own expertise. Recently we used
the analogy of the old typewriters you used to have. For the longest time you had the typewriters that when you would hit
the key, a little thing would come up, hit the paper and put your message on the paper. Those were rather cute. Then you came
up with an invention that had a ball in the middle that contained all the letters and characters. Do you re-member the key?
When you hit the keys on the typewriter the ball would move to the perfect place on the page and make the indentation, return
and then move to the next perfect place when another key was struck. It all happened in the blink of an eye. That is exactly
how we are in what we call the group, for we are a collection of experts in many different areas. Our expertise and knowledge
has been bundled through a collective voice that we have been working with the Keeper on for 12 lifetimes. We have been very
successful in putting it out in this lifetime, working with it on that level. We have considered ourselves to be very successful
at reaching you with our message. Now you are reaching a different level, so we must change as well in order to reach the
same depth that you can to communicate with us. It is for that reason that we now open to some of the singularities that have
always been a part of that collective known as the group. The singularities we have introduced so far are two entities that
the Keeper knows very well. They have been a part of what he calls the group from the very beginning, although there are certain
members of the group that are transitory. In other words, then come away from the group for a while and when their expertise
is needed they come back in. These particular beings have been here from the very beginning. They are very close to the Keeper
in a number of ways. We will ask them to join you now, one at a time.
the Keeper of Time
I am. . . the Keeper of Time and I have worked with you for a long period to be here, now. You knew better than anyone else
where this was going. Here is what has happened, for you have now started to move time in a new way. You think of it as time,
but we tell you that time has actually been an illusion on your planet from the very beginning. Now you are beginning to understand
that and can see it in a new path, but you are also gaining the ability to control it. Many of you are thinking, “How
can I move backward in time, because that would be the perfect answer for everything? I would simply go back and fix anything
that was messed up in the past. I would certainly make a lot of money to bring forward, and suddenly my life would be fine.”
Well, you are missing one important piece. You live in a world where you see different perspectives at once. You see the past,
the present and the future. The past itself is nothing more than a memory. Think about it. The past is a very ingrained memory
that you live your life around, for you are who you used to be first and then you are who you are becoming. We would like
to help you change that, and it is a very simple technique. So, we will plant a very deep seed with you right now and return
to help you work with it over time to make sure you understand.
the past, present and future, your belief is that there is only one of those that is real: the present. The past is a memory
and the future is only a potential or a possibility. We would like you to think of it the way that Einstein thought of it
as a continuous fabric…as a continuous flow that goes from one area to another. You can think of this flow as going
through here then over there. Y would start your life over and as you would age, you would go into this direction so the flow
would be going in this direction. That is how you perceive it. You plant your consciousness right here and the flow goes like
this: here is your past and this is the future way over here. You are always trying to figure out, “How will I manage
to control the future? Once I can do that, I have everything I need.” What you do not understand is that the flow of
consciousness that you currently see as time is actually circular in nature. Although you believe that this is a flat plane,
we tell you it is curved. It is not only curved, but it is circular; your past and present wrap around each other in the most
beautiful way and connect.
Did you know
that your future is connected to your past? Did know that the control of your future lies in clearing your past? Is that not
what some of you have been saying? This is a very simple understanding of that, for circular time is the only time there is.
Now, many of
you would wish to move backwards in time and have all the fun of being able to control your environment in that way. We tell
you, once you understand time and see the larger picture of what it truly is, you will have no desire to move backwards. It
would be like turning around your own internal digestive system. Not a pretty sight at all. The idea here is that you simply
work with this to grasp your own past, for that is the piece that you can change. Your piece is an ingrained memory and yes,
it is stamped on your heart. So, it is more than just a memory. It is an emotional memory that you will carry Home as you
re-turn to bring all the experiences of Earth. Here you are, working with it and it is so beautiful! If you could ever see
who you truly are, you would change everything in an instant to walk in your true magnificence instead of pretending to be
the lost little children that you sometimes pretend to be. “I need this, I must have that, someone must tell me the
way.” Dear ones, you silly things, you can walk there any time you wish. You simply have to open your eyes and realize
that you are already aware, then move accordingly instead of waiting for everything to find its perfect spot before you make
that next step…just step into it. Make the mistakes. Dare to do the two-step if you have to in order to catch up. Whatever
it is, you will harmonize and adapt into the energy once you move in that direction.
We tell you
the key to your future is in your past. It is not in the present moment, for it is in clearing up and reconciling each present
moment as if it has already passed. If you are holding unfinished relationships or energies from the past, that will hold
you back. It will not allow you to be complete, because you must take that negative energy back into your future, so it seems
to place you in a holding pattern. The past, present and future are not separated the way you thought. When you connect your
past and your future, you then understand that you have control over your life and you can make it grand. You ask, “Why
should I make it grand? Yes, I would love to be here but what makes me special?” You have no idea how special you are,
until you actually get Home and see all the people that stepped aside so that you could be sitting in this seat right now.
They are so incredibly proud of you for you have already done a job of changing planet Earth. We are incredibly proud of you
for the beautiful work. We promised that before this day was over we would make room for Elrah to come in himself, so we will
leave you now. I am. . . The Keeper of Time.
I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service. I am here to work with you in many different ways. You are all trying to figure out my accent
right now. Where is this coming from? What part of this Earth is this from? No, it is not from the Earth, it is a rhythm.
Many of your languages are rhythms, different patterns that you fall into quite often. We wish to share with you how I will
be working with you in the future. You are grand beings that have put on the veil of forgetfulness, and we wish to tell you
how to start removing that. Many of you will start to find that this is who you really are and who you have always been. Now
you are simply now taking off the pretend part. You are removing the jackets and coats that are no longer needed for your
What is
my gift? Now that is what I am here to share with you. I wish to tell you a little bit about this, so you can better understand
how you react on planet Earth. I have a gift that is known all throughout what you call heaven, or what I call Home. My gift
is very unique, for I have the ability to communicate with humans from Home. It is done vibrationally through a rhythm. Now
this is part of the reason that the Keeper and I mesh so well, for he is a drummer in this lifetime and he has always done
everything with a rhythm. Every time he walks from one side of the room to another, he is counting out a rhythm in some fashion.
Many times it is my rhythm that I have overlaid upon him, so that he may feel and communicate with me. We have walked together
with that connection and he trusts that. He has worked with this now to learn how to use some of his channeling abilities
in a different way. Because of his willingness to move, it allows us to come through in a slightly different manner with a
more focused area of vibration, to bring you expertise all the way to the core of our being.
My expertise
is communication and I have communicated much on this side of the veil. There are many that I have personally taught to be
able to communicate with humans. Many of you call it channeling, but some of you call it other things. You have no idea how
many prayers we hear on a daily basis and you pray for the strangest things, dear ones. Sometimes you pray for money then
you pray to not have money; you pray to have a relationship and when you get it, then you pray to get out of it. You are very
confused beings sometimes, but that does not matter to us because we love you unconditionally. We do not judge you in any
way and that is something we wish you would learn from us, for it is the next level of helping each other.
Why would we
want to suddenly pull the veil aside and show you exactly who we are, bringing through a little bit more of the personality
and the expertise of each one of these beings? It is because your own human evolution is doing the same thing. You are starting
to move to the next level, where you are branching out in new ways that you have never felt comfortable with before. It is
magical. We dare you to stretch to see what is there, push your boundaries and your comfort zones a little bit more. See where
your joy is, see where your heart is. We are so familiar with this side of the veil and we wish to take you here, we wish
to bring you Home. We wish to help you re-member what it is like when you come Home. Why would we do that? Ahh, because each
and every one of you has a part of Home that you have brought to Earth that you are holding within this physical bubble of
biology. Many of you have already found your special piece from Home and you call it passion. When you find it, you cannot
do anything else. It is so beautiful because your eyes just light up when you passion. Even if somebody tells you that you
are doing something wrong, it does not make any difference because you know in your heart you are right. You know this is
your essence, and you feel it. That is the piece that will work for each and every one of you as you move forward. Elrah is
here to keep you laughing. Yes, I will tickle your funny bone if you take me too seriously. Make sure you know this is a game
you are playing; it is not your responsibility to take everything seriously or to fix everything. We want you to enjoy this
ride. We want you to enjoy every part of yourself here and to be able to be your essence.
If We share
with you that there is an influx of beings coming Home from planet Earth, for once they die they must come here and re-member
Home. Some of you are very involved with how we can prepare and help these beings ground to find the light from Home. Do not
worry about it, we are Lightworkers and we can fix it. The idea of this is very simple, because what takes place is that each
and every one of you is carrying a unique, individual a puzzle piece that no one else can carry. Now if you dare to step forward
and trust it, you will find your space; it works every time. You will see the next generation of this popping forward and
making you laugh in many different ways, but you will feel it always. You will feel that deep connection and you will move
in that direction. These are the parts of the new energy of the new planet Earth.
Over the
years, many of you have heard us speak of your passion. Some of you get quite frustrated at that and say, “We hear you
speak of this passion all the time, yet I have not been able to find mine. I feel little parts of it but it does not make
sense to me.” Most of you are trying to figure out how to make a living at it, but that is not what we asked you to
do. We asked you to find your passion. Most of you will end up making a living at it, but do not start with that for it will
taint that vision as soon as you put it out there. Instead, find what makes you happy. Many of you say, “I cannot find
my passion. I do not know what this is. I do not understand it when you talk about it.” What if we took you Home? What
if we brought you Home and showed you around, and then told you all the fun things that we can do at Home? Suddenly you would
start to re-member who you were when you were not on planet Earth. There is no problem finding your passion quickly now, because
there are no human belief systems all around to taint it or make it seem weird. The idea is very simple. As you move from
here to there, your passion changes. Now, what are you going to do with your passion for that is the biggest piece. How are
you going to work with this? Well, dear ones, we will be there not to show you the way, open the door or push you in one direction.
But we will be there to tickle your funny bone, make you laugh and re-member Home -- re-member who you are and why you came
here and what this is about. Dear ones, you may not believe it, but you are the greatest angels that have ever lived.
I have had
many lifetimes with the Keeper. There were times when we were best friends, and other times when we were business partners.
There were times when he was my brother, and there was even one time when he was my wife. We have had many lifetimes together
and we know each other very intimately, we reflect one another to the highest degree every single time. It is magical and
we wish to share that with you, for you can do that with each other. Yes, you can channel. All of you have the capability.
The voices are there, they are waiting for you to listen and find what fits for you. Dare to be yourself. Dare to be who you
are. We share that message from your heart for the rest of the world.
I am Elrah
of Rhythmic Service and I leave you with the simple reminder to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every chance
you get. Re-member it is a brand new game you are playing, so play well together.
The group
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~ From
The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady
Of the Light" * *** And
will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
*** Exact
date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *