Short Bio 4 - JFS

What Else Matters When There Is Love.
One Origin, One Destiny, We Are One.

“Knowing that the ego,
Is the source of all my fear,
I stay within my Spirit Self,
Where all is calm and clear.”

~ Kaypacha



This website was written because it was asked for.
My language is finite, words are impotent.
Let God's Will be your peace.


Life is much more than thinking about it.


Close both eyes to see with the other eye. Rumi


Divine LOVE is the 'Only Answer,
and for deep 'Authentic Selfless Love, you will need a greatly purified Soul - purity of heart -  the mind should be perfectly purified, - custody {control/restraint} of the eyes ears and mouth are absolutely necessary, i.e., ethical/spiritual perfection, then only will you be fit enough to receive the descent of Divine Light and Love of bliss joy and peace, a direct unique intuitive experience of Truth or Absolute Consciousness, of union with God the one you Love, and all of existence,
for we are 'All {all-inclusive} a Spark of the Divine.
Love and Forgive All, do not judge, tolerate, and be Cheerful, Love & Forgive Yourself.

God often tries to give you what you ask for but can’t because the vehicle he uses is inspiration. You cannot be inspired while thinking. You are inspired through your heart. God is often blocked, as are we in our attempts to serve your needs, answer your prayers or provide the help you seek. Our guidance comes from ways that aren’t always through your mind. It may be a song, a touch, or a shove in the right direction. We provide numerous cues that go unrecognized because you aren’t present in the moment aware enough to notice.
Take time to notice. Live in the moment - present. Stay in your heart and operate from there. You will solve more problems that way.
Your heart holds the key as do you by remaining where all the answers lie.
                                          -A Multidimensional Message-


You Cannot Get Away From Evil:
This world is a strange world.
We have to learn many lessons.
Many obstacles will come to the
growing aspirant at every step.
Do not be agitated by little things.
Don't worry about little things.
God is preparing you in a variety of ways.
Feel this. Be grateful to the Lord.
All of us grow by committing mistakes and
blunders. You must forget the past entirely.
You cannot eliminate evil persons from any
part of the world. Wherever you go, you will
have to live amidst them, but if you have a
loving open nonjudgmental heart, this will
change the situation.
You should try to love all, even the worst man
who wants to destroy you, - this is the life of
unconditional love of the aspirant, for the spark of the Divine
is in all of us; it is who we are - for we are all One
and the same at our center. 
For some we should live amidst people who want to destroy us, amidst unfavourable surroundings, - and then work and meditate. Then only can we grow, then peace freedom wisdom joy and unity will come,
then only can you have the unruffled mind of a Sage.
For this you must have tremendous inner
spiritual strength and faith through spiritual
practice and discipline - for self-realization and harmony will follow only if you are serious and intense and have a Strong Thirst for unconditional love and removing Illusion and 
sorrow from your life. 
Rise Above Criticism:
Bearing insult and injury is the nature of
one on the path of Spiritual Perfection.
Rise above criticisms and remarks. Do good to
the man who wants to poison you and harm you, -  
it is very difficult to understand the mind of a man
even though you move with him very closely for
years together, and to understand even one's own
mind. God alone knows the real culprit. 
Put the above into practice. Out of evil comes good,
it will give you strength and wisdom. Face
difficulties boldly. Draw inner strength from GOD.
If you are still weak and are swayed or tossed
by 'words', jugglery. Become adamantine, don't allow anyone to give you their pain, be sympathetic to that person; help if they ask, or see a need. 'Tit for tat' is the nature of a small mundane illiterate egoistic mind where Union with God is not possible, mix with people who will take you up to the next level. To be moved by trifles, to worry for months and brood over the past, this is a bad
habit, and a waste of energy in a useless direction.
You can't have peace of mind doing this, this  is not wisdom. 
If you have failed, it does not matter,
we all learn and grow by mistakes.
Don't waste your energy in worrying
unnecessarily to scandal and criticisms.
Cultivate the spirit of tolerance and forgiveness -
forgive forgive forgive and forget everything, that is
spiritual strength - rest in peace & work like a lion.
Never utter any harsh word to anyone. If anyone
utters a harsh vicious word to you or about anyone,
I feel for that person, if you have the Grace or Feel you are in a position to correct or defend someone, do so charitably, do not argue {evil will destroy itself}, defend yourself if your or someone else's Life is threatened. - Even if a thousand people poison your ears and mind by speaking ill of you or someone else, do not hear or listen to them, they will destroy your destiny fortune mind and heart, cultivate virtue; set a good example - Walk like a lion. Radiate Joy, Peace and Strength to all around.


Love All 
Love is happiness. Love is life. Love is energy. Love is immortality. Love is wisdom. Love never fails. 
Love is success. Love is victory. Love is eternal sunshine. Love alone creates and unites.
Love is the moving principle of all forms of fellowship. When you realise your oneness with a man, you can really love him whole heartedly. The world can only be united for common welfare through unselfish, pure, divine love.
Love dissolves hatred and animosity. Love promotes understanding. To love all as one loves oneself is the succinct statement of dharma. Universal love is the mark of saintliness. Without love there is no life.
God resides in all creatures. God is immanent in all forms. Therefore love all. Be compassionate to all creatures. This gives the greatest joy to God. Love all in the one love divine. Modern civilisation is complicated and artificial. Simple folk live in a world of love and peace. Let no one hate another or harm another.
Look not at the defects of your neighbours. Look at your own shortcomings and imperfections. Love one another. When these principles govern an individual's life, then man is happy, peaceful and joyful.
Love is the basis of all real and permanent happiness, of all real and permanent peace. Love is the supreme gift; it is the greatest thing in the world. Love never fails. Perfect love casts out fear. Love lends impetus and incentive to life. It makes one daring, courageous and strong.
Love makes one generous, unselfish, patient, merciful and forgiving. Love discloses the sublimest meaning and purpose of life. Love makes one have good will towards his neighbour, loyalty towards his friends, and it gives compassion for the enemy.
To love is to suffer. Love and suffering always go together, 
a healthy suffering that is a growing love.

Never married - no children, over 21

Sivananda Daily Reading

Guide to Sadhakas { For those who are seeking }
Be prepared to suffer any amount of pain. Have a set of maxims with you always to induce vairagya (dispassion). Treat sensual enjoyment as poison, as vomited food, as dung or urine. They cannot give you satisfaction. Preserve your virya (vital energy) carefully. Sleep always separately. Revere ladies as the Mother divine. Root out the sex idea. Prostrate before all. See God in every face, in everything.
Take to sankirtan (chanting), satsang (holy company), prayer when the mind is overpowered by lower instincts. Face obstacles coolly and boldly. Care not about criticism when you are in the right path. Yield not to flattery. Respect even rogues and scoundrels - serve them. Admit your faults plainly. Take care of your health - do not neglect daily asana and other yoga exercises. Be active and nimble always.
Develop your heart by giving. Be extra ordinarily charitable   give more than one's expectations. Desires multiply miseries. Develop contentment. Control the senses one by one. Develop brahmakara-vritti ("I am Brahman" idea) by repeated thinking. Have a check over all your thoughts keep them pure and sublime. Do not lose your temper when anyone insults you or taunts or rebukes you. It is a mere variety of sounds; a mere play of words. Rest your mind in God. Live in the truth. Be up and doing in the path of perfection.
Have a definite aim in your life and proceed towards it cautiously. The benefits of mauna (silence) are incalculable. Never give up this practice. There are four important means for passion to enter the mind - sound, touch, sight and thought. Be vigilant! Have intimate connection with none but God. Mix little with others. Be moderate in all things - extremes are always dangerous.
Every day have self-analysis and introspection. Know the extent of your growth. Give up curiosities in the spiritual path. Conserve your energy and concentrate. Think little of the food, body, relatives. Think more of the Atman. You must realise God in this very birth itself.

My Garden Path The Divine Life See The Good In All
Pray Sing Study Selfless Service Discipline Trust Brotherhood Good Health Firm Will Moral Integrity

What is divine life? To shed the animal in man and to sublimate the human in him to the divine; to express the sublimation in his daily life, in his hourly life, in thought, word and deed. That is divine life.
- - -

O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me! I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let Me Walk In Beauty,
and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make My Hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make Me Wise
so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I Seek Strength,
not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make Me Always Ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So When Life Fades,
as the fading sunset,
my spirit may come to you without shame.
Chief Yellow Lark, Lakota Tribe


