Sheldan Nidle


Devotees are the fan; God is the air. The air is always there, but the fans make you feel it.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sheldan Nidle - 28 January, 2014

1 Akbal, 6 Yax, 10 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Much is happening around your globe. The dark cabal's leaders fully understand that their long reign is coming to an end. Our earthly associates are busy putting the finishing touches on a global currency reset and are using this event to quick-start a new worldwide banking system. Right now things are happening that will bring the first taste of global prosperity to this realm. A new gold-backed currency will eliminate the former restrictions set by the Dumbarton Oaks Agreements. The era of the Federal Reserve dollar is over. A new financial landscape is forming to put the control of each national currency back in the hands of the nation state from which it comes. Each bank will then abide by a strict set of rules which will end the fraud and chicanery of the past. Banking will no longer be a license to steal, and the gross "cons" that banks were noted for will end. Quite swiftly, the new governance that will arise as a result of this prosperity will enforce these new regulations. This new reality will be the forerunner of a disclosure that solidifies your march toward full consciousness.

The present chores of this fleet are built around the need to assure that all that is agreed to does indeed manifest. The present time is one in which the old dark order, possessed of unrelenting greed, arrogance and irresponsibility,will be succeeded by those who use their consciousness and growing sense of responsibility to bring forth a new reality. It is this special new reality that will be fully birthed when your present consciousness transformation is finished. This, as we said before, requires that we provide many mentors whose primary task is to bring you back to full consciousness. This pathway will involve the cities of Agartha. Special places throughout this realm are set-aside for the final stage of your journey. We have coordinated the building and operating of Light Chambers that are to finish this most divine task. When you leave these living transformers, you are to be fully conscious. After a short training you will be capable of operating well within a new 5-dimensional reality!

What is ahead for you is a great leap in consciousness. This divine operation is meant to raise this reality to the fifth dimension and to prepare you to become the prime guardians of this sector of physicality. You are to reunite with your Agarthan brethren, and together, to colonize the other three water worlds. These new galactic societies are to forge a galactic council to preside over this special guardianship. Moreover, you are to bring this newly united star nation into the Galactic Federation and fulfill your sacred destiny. Numerous galaxies, near and far, have heard about your grand destiny and wish to share these events with you. In effect, you are to become a prototype for peace, prosperity and unity! Many ships from these galaxies are here now, watching and assisting us in your ongoing transformation. In returning to the status of physical angels, you have given many the vision of how the divine plan unfolds in its miraculous ways. This gives all in this enormous fleet much joy.

As all of what we have stated unfolds, remember that this set of divine alterations is part of an even greater change that is sweeping throughout this galaxy. We first colonized this solar system with the full affirmation of this region's Spiritual Hierarchy. We watched the dark arrive long ago and wipe out this first colony. We then received permission to intervene and the land of Mu was created. Later came Atlantis and a truly odd scheme by the dark to make humans a slave race. This process has now failed. You are leaving the shackles of limited consciousness behind. You have learned much from your millennia of adventures under the dark's hard hand. This is over. It is time to return to the realm of full consciousness and fulfill the grand destiny given you by Heaven. We and your spiritual and space family, now come together and will perform a special prearranged alchemy. These events are to right this galaxy to the Light and permit you to make a great and necessary magic. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Events are now taking place that will change this reality. The various secret societies from both the East and West are finishing tasks that permit the world to begin global currency reset and to manifest a new financial system. The present banking oligarchy is composed of an "old guard" whose time for defeat has come. Ever since the days of ancient Rome, this stolid group retained control of the globe's purse strings. These dangerous and egocentric ones are to be jettisoned and left to their own devices. Arrests will follow, and with them their demise. These blessed events have taken us millennia to arrange and decades to make a reality! What is to succeed them is a system that is purged of their immorality and gross disrespect for humanity. Humans were their unwilling slaves and failed to see the great powers that each possesses. It is the time to accept that your liberation is at hand.

This first stage of your prosperity will be followed by the distribution of the various prosperity funds. This is to be a two-part process. Once this is complete, new governance will manifest. As you can see, this is indeed a truly blessed time for all. The old debt-ridden system is to fall. A new system will replace it that frees you from debt and allows you to achieve your sacred desires. Take this time to reflect. Look carefully at your societies. See how they can be improved. Look at the Earth as well. See her in a new light. Help her and swiftly transform how your societies provide for your energies and your transportation of people and goods. Be ready to embrace startling new technologies, and above all, do so in the spiritual context of your growing consciousness! Be conscious of everything and do not let this opportunity slip!

You are about to meet the representatives of your ancestors. You are also to mingle with the spiritual Beings of Heaven. The "veil" is to open. We are here to guide you to full consciousness and to teach those primary things that you need to be familiar with. This time will be one of joy and an equal part of responsibility. Many wonders are to become known to you. Use this time to improve yourselves and to forgive each other. Learn about your shared unity with all Life! Comprehend the great gift that is your life on, and shortly, in Gaia. Be ready to abandon your many beliefs and to expand on others. This is a very moral and relatively bloodless "revolution". It is to leave you in a consciousness state that you have not enjoyed physically for over 13 millennia. Be grateful. Be gracious and Bless all for what is happening to this realm.

Today, we continued our many messages that explain to you what is happening here. We ask that you take this in and do what your Higher Self advises when you are in prayer or in a meditative state. Be proud of what you are becoming and be ready to welcome all who have come to impart these wonders to you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization


Michigan, US of A, January 12, 2014. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “Prepare your Mind for Expansion by Unclogging the Bottleneck.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about preparing your mind for consciousness expansion. Preparation is a necessary first step toward raising your spiritual vibration and it is something you can do now as earth-bound universe citizens rather than waiting until you arrive on the first Mansion world where you will have to be detained and healed of all your dysfunctions and erroneous beliefs before you can continue on into higher worlds of light. Your life here and hereafter will be much more productive, satisfying, and joyful – filled with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness when you clear the mind of those things that distort the light and cast shadows on your future. 

“You can think about consciousness like a series of spherical containers that are connected by a bottleneck similar to a vase which has a slender tube that expands into a larger volume. As we view consciousness in time, we see a small vase (the one you currently use) connected to a yet larger vase, which is again connected to a larger vase and so on into eternity – each vase becoming a larger container as you progress and ascend the grand universe. The vases are getting larger as time goes by because your consciousness is expanding and you are becoming more god-like which requires a greater awareness of universe realities and an intellect that can more easily understand the Will of the Creator. 

“It is this slender part of the vase which we would like to focus on because this is the bottleneck where sediments collect, which prevents the mind from accessing the larger volume of the small vase that you have available to you in this life. Not only is it possible for you to transcend the bottleneck and enter this first expanded area of consciousness, here and now, but you can also enter into the slender tube of the succeeding vase that would be accessed on the first mansion world. What we are referring to is accessing the soul-mind which is available to all mortals on the evolutionary worlds, yet is attained by so few. 

“These sediments which block the tube are the dysfunctions of mind – the selfishness of egocentric thought; the need to be right; erroneous belief systems and fallacies of reality that are learned through family life, and through societal and religious memes. These are the limiting factors that prevent the expansion of mind and they are often times very difficult to dislodge. Unfortunately many minds have to experience great suffering before they ‘let go’ of these limiting beliefs that prevent them from moving forward. 

“You students on the path can prepare your minds for expansion by unclogging the bottleneck. Examine your personal beliefs and the conditions to which you have been subjected in your upbringing. Look to role models of those who have expanded their minds and investigate the path which led them to higher consciousness. Remain open to new ideas and always view life as a continuum that transcends this material life and goes on into eternity and the adventure that lies ahead of you. Always work to remove those things that limit your thinking and you will find you will flow through the slender neck of the vase into the larger places that are filled with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.” 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius.



Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Michael Lightline - Jan. 16, 2014.
Christ Michael – T/R-JL
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, thank you--thank you for us. And I deliberately mean that “us.” I feel each one of us can very genuinely and heartfelt say: thank you for me--thank you for this life of mine. But also: thank you for all of “us.” Thank you for these dear friends, these other people with whom I’ve shared my life. Now I have them and all our events, all that experience in my soul. I have them in my soul as they have me in theirs.
Thank you for all of us all around us--those ones we meet on the sidewalk in a busy city, or passing us on the road—on and on, out from city to state, to county, to this whole world, because I’m a part of it. I’m a part of the operation of this whole world and all the people in it. There is a family here.
Thank you for all the marvelous beings I’m destined to meet—the angels, the Melchizedeks, the Life Carriers; all these other sons and daughters of yours I get to meet, and know, and appropriate their reality. They too will come into a greater understanding and wealth of what my human reality has been. Thank you…thank you… thank you. Amen.
Michael: Good evening, this is Michael. Mother Spirit and I accept with a gracious humility your thanks, from all of you. We feel your prayers. We feel your worship, your appreciation for your lives. This is our glory of being your spiritual parents, and being so near you and a part of you. We do so love it when you acknowledge us, just to say hello: “Hello Michael.” “Hello Mother Spirit--Nebadonia.”
It’s the same as when you parents are so delighted when your children turn their beaming faces up towards you and give you that big smile. It’s the love in their faces, and their regard, their respect, their dependence upon you for all the goodness that you are capable of giving them. And there they are. They’re your children. They literally came right out of you. And their delight is your delight. Their trials are yours, their pains are yours. Their experiences, the ones you have together, are yours.
So you know how Mother Spirit and I feel about all of our children. This is our reason for being, just as we ourselves are our Father’s reason for being. This is all free choice. Our Father chooses to share himself with all of us, every personality, every unique being of the trillions of trillions of trillions of trillions. There’s no number you can put on it: it’s a spiritual  thing--God’s creation of all these unique personalities that we know and experience as their very essence. But you are especially our children, Mother Spirit’s and mine.
Think of this very freedom that we feel from our Father, the way he cuts us loose, and the degree to which he does this. True, no one escapes God’s parameters of their particular order of being, whether you are a Creator Son of God, a Creator Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, a Life Carrier, an angel, a human being. Every order of being exists within his parameters. But within those, you are truly free. So much of your future of what you will continue to experience: this is your choice.
It’s a little bit scary, isn’t it, for a human being, to take upon themselves this responsibility for their own lives. And then further, through their connection of love, and respect, and honoring, to have their children’s lives, and their friend’s lives, also in their hands. Then they have the response from their children, and from their friends; and they can encourage  that very ability so it’s genuine, so it’s honest, so it’s true. It’s the freedom that you give your children, and your dearest friends, so that you can truly have them: so what of them you put in your soul is truly them. It’s coming right out of their essence.
This is our Father’s delight, and why he gives us such freedom. He only asks of us--all of us--to be able to respond to each other; even, if we so choose, to respond to him too. Remember: you--as much as Mother Spirit and I--have him right within you as part of you. Though true enough, we are one with our Father in a way that you will spend some time growing into.
We are already “out here.” We have already crossed and connected with the whole of the time and space creation, this whole universe. Now it is yours to encounter and make it your own, and that depends upon your response-ability. Then what a delightful dance ensues, does it not, only because of freedom?--only because each of us, as a personal being, has that creative spark of his right in us. We can originate something all our own, and then share it. This is what we have to give to each other, something of our own. This is what we can get from each other, some freely-given something to have in our soul.
This is so fundamental. It’s so important that you understand this because it does answer the question: Why does God allow certain things to happen, shall we say, genuine evil--which I’ll define here as very intentionally and consciously knowingly, hurting another for the sake of some ego-glorification, some self-assurance, some sense of power. How can he allow that? How can God allow one personal being to deliberately and consciously hurt another? This is the puzzle for so many.
You’ve read your marvelous Urantia Book that goes into such enormous detail—more than the human race has never known before--about the Lucifer rebellion. He was the head of a whole System of six hundred-and-some planets who got an idea of rebellion in his mind, totally with his own creativity, his own creative spirit. He got the idea and he built upon that. Then he shared it with his lieutenant, and convinced a number of Planetary Heads to join in his rebellion, his deliberately going against all of God’s, and mine, and Mother Spirit’s way of doing things. He came up with a rebellion that has had such evil, it has no parallel in all of our Local Universe of millions of planets, of hundreds of billions of years of evolution and development.
So to understand, first of all: this was part of the Unqualified Absolute, the truly unqualified nature of Cosmic Possibility that this rebellion happened. It was possible. It was real. It happened. And it has been evil to an unparalleled extent over the last two hundred thousand years. You wonder: if God had the power, if I had the power just to squash the rebellion instantly, why didn’t we do so? Concerning many billions of otherwise innocent human beings on these rebel planets, even higher beings on the Local System headquarters, how could we allow this much suffering?
This is one indicator, and yet only a small indicator, of what we mean by free will, of our not stepping in and immediately squashing the rebellion, which even the Constellation Fathers—Lucifer’s immediate superiors—could have done. It didn’t require me. My Constellation’s Fathers had the power to do that. Why did they hold off until almost every one of the System’s celestial family had decided one way or another, with the rebellion or against it?
Only then after this maximum expression of free will choice was the rebellion, in a sense, squashed. Still, the evil created and established as a pattern has come right down into your modern day cultures of human beings killing each other, torturing each other, doing the most obscene things to each other in the name of God. This still exists on the poor unfortunate planets that joined the rebellion. This too is a facet of free will.
Evil is possible. People can conceive of it and then carry it out, again, as I defined it, as a very conscious, deliberate hurting of another person for whatever reason.
After your World War II, in which tens of millions perished in the most obscene ways, one finding of your Nuremberg trials was that evil requires no further definition than a lack of empathy, a breaking of the human bond of the most glorious things--of being able to share your lives and feel what each other feel. You can share that, all that love, all that delight, all that laughter and humor, all that joy. Yet to deliberately cut oneself off from that empathy in order to enable one to hurt another; and see that, and feel that power; and yet not feel the pain, not see the suffering, not know the fear: that is definition enough of evil. And it is a corollary of free will because it is undeniably happening.
And so when we use that expression “free will” it is to say you are a creature--because you were created--you are a creature of free will dignity. You are not just an impersonal aspect of physics and chemistry, nor even just the animal intelligence, the amazing intelligence of some of your highest animals. Consider the enormous intelligence behind the hundreds, sometimes close to a thousand responses that animals can give to their human trainers. Yet given the enormous intelligence that animals have, they are still not personal beings as a human being is. They do not have your creative spirit. They do not have your free will dignity because they literally cannot create, as you can right out of yourselves, something equally unique as your own personality. This, my children is the meaning of free will dignity.
This dignity gives you some choice, and so we’re coming full circle to: what do you want to do with this future stretching out before you into eternity? What do you want to have in your soul, to carry with you as part of you, forever? What is your possibility in this eternal now, because the possibility is real to the degree that you can realize it.
It sounds like a circular argument, but to feel it, to use it, to see that whole world out there, and the people in it, responding to you because you are responding to it and to them: that’s the joyous dance that is only possible with your free will, with your own creativity.
Then to feel that from another--to not only love, but to be loved--is worth the sometimes terrible price attendant to that free will, that creativity, that bringing something right out of yourself, and receiving something right out of another. This is hopefully how you will fill your eternity to come.
Will you/won’t you you join the dance, once you know the delight of freely sharing it? Won’t you learn how to tickle, and be tickled; to know joy and light-heartedness; learn how to let others be free in your presence? Yes, this all can be a little scary because you’re stepping off into sheer possibility. You’re acknowledging that full range of awesome possibility, but you’re reaching out unafraid to share your life with another.
So join the merry dance. Fill your souls with joy and laughter. Be genuine. Be one within yourself and, as you say, “right up front.” Have the courage to be yourself right on the surface.
Well, enough of our teasing. Mother Spirit and I do love to, if you will, dangle these possibilities out in front of you, for you to entertain and reflect upon, and even to live by--if you so choose.
Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, we can do that too. Part of our joy is the conversations we can have with you. So go ahead.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4814 God Is Not Your Sugar-Daddy, January 29, 2014 

God said: 

That I love you doesn’t mean I cater to your every wish. Everything unfolds as it unfolds. Further than you can see, everything unfolds just right, and just right for you. Beloveds, you have been near-sighted.
It is told that I require Ten Commandments from you, and, yet, you, you give Me and yourself many more commandments than ten.
I am not stubborn. I see the mechanics of the Universe and how life on Earth plays out. You, however, may be adamant on how life should play out according to your reckoning. You are sure you know better. You resent that there is death and that your loved ones die and you can hardly forgive Me for saying that one day you too will die. From the window where I look out, there is no death whatsoever. The body, yes. Yet the body is not you. It is the wrapping you come in.
You would like to command Me to see that your heart is never broken. Demanding is also commanding. You may demand that the path of true love goes smoothly for you. Who was your true love once upon a time? Do you remember? Would the one you once claimed as your true love fill your heart now? Are you not, once in a while, grateful that your intention did not succeed? Say, “Thank You, God.”
You demand that I give you happiness. And you demand what that happiness ought to look like.
What you really demand is that I bow down to you. You tend to think that you really do know better than I. “Thy Will, not mine,” may never have sat well with you.
You want your life to fulfill your desires. You like Me to take care of you, and then you like to hold Me responsible for any unfulfilled desires of yours. You like the idea of Free Will! Grab it then. With free will comes responsibility. Really, with all love, I have to tell you that you can’t have everything your way. You cannot have it two ways. Don’t make Me your scapegoat.
Alas, much of the time, you don’t listen to Me anyway! You don’t want to because you have the illusion that you know everything better than I could. Although you may express a desire to know what I think, and, then, when I tell you, you find Me in the wrong.
You can’t have say in your life without responsibility. When I gave you Free Will, responsibility came with it.
True, sometimes I create miracles for you, but then you are offended when I don’t always hand you a miracle or say yes to your every wish. In fact, you may want to hold on to the past, and I firmly say no to you. In life, you take a boat ride, and forward is the only path open for you. Thank Me for that, beloveds. Thank Me that everything does not always come out the way you want.
You don’t have to wait for Me to make your life as you wish. Make your life what you wish. If you want to regulate your life, then be self-regulatory. Attract the life you want. Take the responsibility and forego blame. If you want to get somewhere, get on your horse, beloveds. Set yourself in the direction you want to go. Take the reins. Allow Me to visit your life. At the same time, you give your life to all.
Nothing surprises Me, yet I am sometimes amazed at the contrariness of My children. All that occurs in life is for you, whether it’s what you like or not. Too often you want life to stay the same, yet, you must know by now, that life in the world doesn’t stay the same. Life is forever changing. Sometimes the change is too fast for you, and other times the change is too slow.
Beloveds, you cannot always take the controls and lord it over Me. Guide yourself, yes, and, at the same time, put aside your judgments and trust in Me Who loves you, if you could but see.


What's the Price? { a little bit on the saucy side }


