Sheldan: Channeled 5-7-14

Just open your fist and the sky is there in your hand.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sheldan Nidle - May 6, 2014

8 Imix, 4 Moan, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We come again with more good news! Everywhere on your planet, events are manifesting that are to bring you freedom, prosperity and new governance. When this wondrous cycle is completed, there is to be disclosure. We welcome what is happening on your world and how it so gloriously fits into the divine plan for this solar system. Changes are omnipresent. Mercury is literally exploding with one active volcano creating another. Venus, Gaia and Mars are now in the midst of a spectacular number of climate changes, which are to lead to these orbs returning to their pristine realities. Our part in this is to mentor your grand transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. These tasks are underway as Heaven is preparing you for the reception of this new consciousness. Meanwhile, the dark and its minions are reeling as one plan after another fails to stop this inevitable transformation. You are meant to alter yourselves into a galactic consciousness, which is to spread swiftly across this solar system and forge a new and magnificent star nation.

Your world is actually two. One is Inner Earth and the home of your Agarthan cousins. They are the last remnant of the colonists that seeded Gaia some 900,000 years ago. At first, they occupied the continent that most of you call Lemuria. Eventually, they moved a part of their colony to inner Earth. It is this latter group that became the last vestige of what Lemuria was about. The Atlanteans attacked and claimed the surface realm for themselves. This eventually led to a simmering conflict, which boiled over some 13 millennia ago. The Atlantean attack on ancient Ionia (southern Europe) backfired and caused the ancient gas chambers that held up the land to explode. Atlantis sank beneath the sea. What was left after a grand migration by the Atlanteans to another star system was your limited-conscious ancestors and the Atlantean's successors, the Anunnaki. These two groups forged the next 13 millennia of your history. The "Golden Ages" were your first set of experiences with the Anunnaki as your new masters.

Even the ancient Chinese, Mesopotamians, Indians and Egyptians knew just how long ago this happened. Our assigned task was to watch over you and intervene only when Heaven so agreed. This policy led to a number of messianic missions and the rise of numerous religions, which the Anunnaki and their minions altered to what they thought was fully acceptable for their evil purposes. The consequences of their actions developed into the hatred and divisions that continue to plague humanity even to this day. This history is vital for you to understand what is occurring. Your world woke up and is currently working diligently to correct the major errors of the past. The most important of these is obeying an authority that wishes harm to its people and to the world. Further, humanity is learning how it can assist, instead of continue to harm Mother Earth. This enlightened action is causing reactions that are leading to a new epoch for humanity. It is also preparing you for disclosure.

Disclosure can permit us to move quickly to the next step, a massive global first contact with you. We have watched previously as the dark ones dashed the beginning of new governance! We knew, despite these early difficulties, that you were to triumph over the dark. The past two years have seen a final holding action by the dark's minions to keep their ground. This last series of actions failed. What is now happening is the final step between what was to occur and our arrival. We have had discussions with those who desire to topple the dark and have seen them grow. They have thrown off their hate and wish only to push them out of power. The rest is to follow as needed. New governance is to set the stage for our arrival. Surface humanity has been cut off from its extraterrestrial origins for far too long. It time to reconnect. It is time for a grand reunion that returns you to your original state of full consciousness. It is time for you to reunite with your Lemurian cousins and together forge a new star nation.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We bless and praise Heaven for all its glories and wisdom. The moment for a grand celebration has come. Our beloved associates are finishing off a most marvelous set of enterprises that are to terminate the power and the lies of the dark ones and their endless minions who seem to be ready to delay our sacred tasks. Heaven and her emissaries arrive. The dark is now to allow all that has been given us to appear. The Light is indeed triumphant! The path to Truth, Prosperity and Redemption is at hand. This path is to lead you first to facts and realities that set the table for the arrival of our space and spiritual families! Their arrival is to signal that it is time to begin to learn and understand the wonders inherent in full consciousness. We accept you as our enthusiastic children. There is much to learn, do and understand in this new and divine dimension!

We are all to live in a world filled with the essence of Heaven and cloaked in the joy that comes from Oneness with the Creator! You are to experience rapture and feel your Soul filled with the celestial and cleansing music of Love and of Light! Here you are in bliss and you use this to unfold the divine plan in the various physical realms. This is ahead for you. We as an Ascended collective are here to help you through the first moments of this endless glory. Long ago, we began to pass through the spiritual veil and rediscover exactly what full consciousness was about. We know much. Yet, we understand that full knowledge of this realm takes more than a moment to master. It takes lifetimes that are each literally more than a millennia in length. Together, we are to take our joint knowledge and produce a new star nation.

As you pass through the limitations of your current life and reach the infinite, you change. You become one that has moved beyond the ways of this present world and learned what Heaven desires from us all. In this light, you can see what is needed and what needs to be sloughed off by you. You are to learn why you are here and what is expected of you. Your life contract becomes visible to you, as does all the contents of your personal Akashic records. You become able to converse easily with your spiritual guides and discover those who can advise you in the physical. This revelation opens up a torrent of wisdom, and gives you a guide as to how best to live your life and aid your fellows. You are able to accept new responsibilities and learn how to forge a true society based upon your abilities and those of others. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we further explored the wonderful events of the day. We examined the changes taking place and discovered where they are leading. The long awaited point of joy is nigh! Soon, the full extent of this is to manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4912 A World within a World, May 7, 2014 

God said: 

Everyone’s life is story. Everyone born on Earth has physical characteristics. Everyone is a character, and everyone has a personality, and everyone is an actor in a play, a very convincing play. As you play your part, you take it seriously. You really get into the part you play. Your acting ability is great. You fool everyone. You believe the edges of your story, and so does everyone else. This is called True Life when it is nothing of the kind. It is a picture of life, a photo taken through a special lens. Within this photo, lies quite a different image, often unacknowledged.
The point I would like to make today, as much as you believe in daily life, it is unbelievable. Somewhere within you, you know very well this perceived life is not real. It is not real to you, and yet you give great service to it. You play the part you play very well, and you take it seriously. You take as fact that which is, indeed, a mirage.
A mirage of water in a desert does not give you water to drink. It is not your sustenance, nor does your bounded life on Earth give you sustenance. Oh, yes, it feeds the body. It fills the bill for activity, yet Truth it is not. There is a world within a world.
Just as a great novel or poem can be read on different levels, so can the novel of your life be read on different levels. You, the portrayer of events, get caught up in the actions. You become entrenched in them as it were. You are sure your actions and all the events are indisputable. This is one level of life. It is external and limited while you, you are unlimited. You are certified unlimited.
We can see that your vision is microscopic rather than telescopic. So far as you can see, you are living a part, and I tell you that you are living an illusory part as an actor on a stage. You believe this part you play is the substance of you. The stage you play on is an interlude. It cannot be held onto. Attached to the role you play, you hold on to the role for dear life, and it is as serious to you as serious can be.
In truth, you are as much an observer of your life as an actor in it. You go through motions, and call the motions your existence. I keep telling you that you are Being. You are Stillness even within your role in the theater of life. This role you play is erasable. At some point, the fiction is done, and you are no longer the actor who portrays a person on Earth. You became attached to a role and think that this role is the extent of you. For a while, you are a squatter. You live in a body that is not yours and really has nothing to do with you, for you are Vastness, and not limited to the part you play.
The part you play can be marvelous and beautiful, and, still, you are greater than the part you play.
It is not essential that you take the part you play and the events that occur as seriously as you do. You have been holding on to the actions and events as if for dear life. You are immersed in the story called Life on Earth, and, yet, ultimately, you hold onto nothing, beloveds, and you let go of your grasp of it. All the tension no longer holds you. Let go of the tension now. No need to be so tense about illusion. A story unfolds, and, yet, you are not the story. You exist on another plane. This Life on Earth is not the end-all and be-all. Let go of the seriousness of it and release the tension. You don’t have to be uptight now as if you are holding onto a life line. You are an expression of the Unseen. You are an expression of love on Earth.


Illawarra District, Australia, 2014. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “Intricacies of Our Communications.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Samuel: “Today we will discuss a number of ways in which our respective minds can ‘meld’ and pass on information from spiritual realms to the mortal realm. In doing so, it is important for you to realize that the process is greatly enhanced by the degree to which your soul-growth has progressed. More important than that is the age, experience and status of your Thought Adjuster when considering His or Her task of clarifying the data transfer that I or any of your Teachers aim to transfer by any of many accepted means. 

“It is important to bear in mind, also, that we are severely limited by the very limitations of your mortal senses. Once you dwell in higher realms, many of your ‘occasional psychic senses’ will become everyday abilities. 

For now this is how some of our communications succeeded: Your seeing the near-equatorial east-west Panoptian mountain range with its swirling cloud masses, allowed you to imagine great rainfall, when the coastal north-south Australian mountain range leaves the outback quite dry. We instantly confirmed the rainfall by showing you the wild rivers, our water conservation by showing you the many wide canals. You already had those references, and of barge traffic, from your European experiences. 

“Your conclusions take but a split second, our confirmation of such facts are instantaneous by universe reflectivity. They can also come from your Thought Adjuster if your soul-mind fails to respond to our prompts. With the bio-engineered fruit you were shown, you sensed my pride at having produced that new staple to the Panoptian diet, and at your questioning my capacities, you glanced my laboratory of long ago. This was also how and when we got to know and appreciate each other better. 

“Although the vegetation used in our packaging has nothing much in common with any flora on your planet, by us momentarily showing you the leaves of the alfalfa plant, you assumed its suitability as a commercially grown natural fertilizer containing a great deal of trace elements from deep in the subsoil. We confirmed your conclusion to be quite correct, and trusted you to give thought to such recycling wherever possible. So you see that aspects of our communications are quite intricate, and vision is an important part. 

“That is it for now. If I were to give you any more, we could well be sharing pure revelation, and neither Aaron nor I have the approval for further disclosure. This is Samuel. Enjoy your day.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
There is no braver fool in any of our universes,
than he who uses the Master’s Name in vain –
ABC-22 in the 1970’s.
