Sheldan: Channeled 4-29-14

Longing brings a sense of pain. To avoid the pain, you try to push away the longing. The skill is to bear the pain of longing and move on. Do not make the longing short – that is why it is called loooonging.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sheldan Nidle - April 29, 2014

1 Ix, 17 Kank'in, 10 Caban

Dratzo! Events continue to happen behind the scenes! A number of key edicts were signed and then summarily ignored by the dark. This ultimately is a grand faux pas for the dark. It has only intensified the need to legally or otherwise push this dark cabal from power in a number of major nations. Implementing N.E.S.A.R.A. is now a major priority for the various coalitions that are moving to free humanity from their grasp. This is occurring, as the dark remains able to provide its major minions with a seemingly endless degree of wealth. This wealth is wrapped in the pain and suffering of most of your populations. We are constantly disgusted by what is happening. Yet this new focus, with our assistance, can now lead you to a swift victory. Many actions are afoot, and we expect visible results to manifest quickly. Timed events are now progressing through a number of meetings that we held with our earthly allies. The dark's arrogance is to cost them dearly and cause their defeat. Their demise is to lead to new governance and a new financial system tied into a great prosperity for all.

What the ancient families and the many secret sacred societies realize is that a special bond, broken by the heinous deeds of Atlantis, needs to be restored. The Anunnaki carried on with their policies over the past 13 millennia. The bond between Agartha, Earth's surface humanity and the Galactic Federation requires a most public restoration. This event is really to be the seed that births a new solar-system-wide star nation. Those who are currently finishing off the dark cabal understand this and are working with our liaisons to make this an open reality. What is next for you is not just a new monetary system. It is, in fact, the foundation for a series of reunions that are to return you to a number of noble truths. The most important of these is your off-world origins and your relationship with your galactic human family. Next, there is your connection to all life in physicality. We are all, in essence, physical angels. We possess a mutual responsibility to unfold the divine plan here and throughout physicality!

Various responsibilities were abandoned by the dark when they plunged you into the travails of limited consciousness. This scurrilous act was the precursor to all that you encountered over the past 13 millennia. We watched as these dark ones worked carefully with their allies in the Anchara continuum to continue to deny you your natural sovereignty and work deviously to turn you into a slave race. This abomination is to end now! You are in reality being returned step by step to your former fully conscious state. We are here to assist in this special process and to permit you to once again work in harmony with Gaia and the rest of the planets that surround your great Sun! This star nation is truly to be a most incredible and welcome member of the Galactic Federation of Light. You are the key to a galactic peace and to a grand union that is to encompass all sentient beings residing in this galaxy. In this context, you are in fact the prophesized lynchpin for the next series of epochs that comprise our mutual histories.

Your Ascended Masters live in harmony in Agartha and are the forerunners for what is now occurring. You need to visualize Gaia and her many sister worlds as living beings who possess special qualities given them by the Creator. We have a sacred duty to protect and sustain a wide variety of eco-systems on these worlds. Moreover, we require a special relationship with the Sun and these interrelated realms. Each world shares a great unity with her sisters. Our mission is to use our time on these worlds to make them well and to sustain an interlocked, diverse and wondrous series of eco-systems. Each star nation sees this as a primary shared duty. We discuss this with each other and work to spread the energies of the Divine throughout this galaxy. We are blessed, and intend to bless each part of this galaxy with our sacred works. These deeds aid us in gaining a better understanding of how physicality was born and how we can assist in its effortless expansion. We are special wayshowers and unfolders of the divine plan.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Much is happening around this globe! At present, our blessed associates are freeing you from the clutches of the dark cabal's intent to start some type of a major conflagration. These efforts are doomed to failure. The global reset of the world's currency is now occurring along with the growing announcements of many nations to move toward a precious metal currency. Hence, international banking is slipping from their grasp as new and strict banking regulations come into effect. These are mere preliminaries to what lies directly ahead. N.E.S.A.R.A. is to be implemented shortly. Associates have made great inroads with a series of secret meetings between themselves and a group consisting of the ancient families and those who are recipients of vast depositories of gold, silver and precious stones. Their purpose is to legally overthrow those who now control many of the world's governments.

Your world stands on the brink of a new reality. The change in currencies and the new banking system are just the beginning of a pathway that is leading to N.E.S.A.R.A. This development is to free you from the last attempt by the cabal to stay in power. While all of this is happening, Heaven is preparing to give you a higher set of gold and silver cords. These are to invoke in you a degree of increased bouts with headaches accompanied by a general queasiness and a feeling that you are shaking inside. These symptoms are to abate as you become more accustomed to a higher energy field flowing throughout your body. These alterations are to prepare you for the coming of your Galactic Federation mentors. With these transformations in place, you are ready to have them interact with you on a daily basis.

This time is one for healing and for an acceptance that the moment for great changes has arrived. The Heavens are strongly proclaiming your spiritual and physical liberation from the lies and manipulations of the dark ones. Heaven is decreeing that you are now to start the path to your physical ascension. This is why you are seeing events that are gathering momentum for a final event that is to gently allow you to enter a new reality filled with prosperity, new governance and the instruction by us of various truths that are to set the stage for a wondrous reunion with your spiritual and space families. We are your heavenly shepherds. We gather forth the vast flocks of humanity and steer you onto a path that is to allow you a return to full consciousness. It is then that we can fully instruct you on your great heavenly responsibilities. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued our ongoing message and informed you of what is now occurring globally. These events, as they manifest, are to permit you to veer away from the vile manipulations of the dark cabal. Much good news is given. Nonetheless, each is to happen in a timely and fruitful manner! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4904 Off-Stage, April 29, 2014 

God said: 

Know this: An answer will always come. An answer, a solution, is always waiting in the wings. You do not need to know an answer ahead of time. Life is easier for you when you do grasp that an answer will always come to you, dawn on you, or arrive even when you are not looking.
Does a response have to be the one you desire? Of course not. Yet, if you could see all the unweaving, you would stop fussing, for goodness and mercy do follow you all the days of your lives, even when you are sure you have been knocked about.
Winning isn’t always winning. Losing isn’t always losing. You must have a clue to this by now.  The fact is that you are always on the winning team. There is only winning. You don’t always know this because you have your heart set on a certain outcome, and you cannot quite see beyond your disappointment. You do have to dis-appoint yourself from foregone conclusions you make. You may have thought you were to climb Mount Everest, and life tells you that you are to climb Mount Killimanjaro or sail a boat on the Indian Ocean. Life is like that, yes? Life is unpredictable, yet you predict it with a finality. You are so sure about what is supposed to be. Your very surety is a sure sign that you don’t know. 
If you are in a relay race, there are relays that you cannot even imagine, and, yet, your willful mind says your race has to be this way and not that. Somehow, you miss the point. You had a vision in mind, a version in mind, yet you didn’t know enough. You bet on the wrong horse.
This is not a tragedy. There are no tragedies in life except as you proclaim them. You are learning something in the world, even as you are bewildered. Likely, you are a reluctant  bewildered human being in a bewildering world.
It is hard for you to believe that the answer is the right answer at that time. Listen to this: There are no mistakes in life. There is, however, plenty of mistaking life. Your interpretation of events is off. Life unfolds as it unfolds, and life knows what it is doing. Life may be hard to take, yet the hustle and bustle of life has a better handle on life than you do.
How hard you fight life. You can’t change life once the deed is done. You can’t. However, life often changes of itself.
Somehow you have to let go of the idea that life has to be according to your wishes. Life often is. Life usually is, yet you may have been unaware. Yes, you have been unaware. Had you truly been aware, if you had known enough, if you had seen far enough beneath the surface, you might not be so argumentative. Tragedy is a name you assign to what has befallen – what you see as having befallen. Life may seem like a pig in a poke, yet life is not a pig in a poke.
Life is a playing out of an energy, and much goes on off-stage. Therefore, you see gaps. Therefore, you see the unexpected. And, yet, although there is much that looks like chance, it has been part of a design.
If you could accept that life knows what it is doing, how much happier you would be. In any case, there is nothing for you to do but to take life the way it occurs. You do not have all the pieces of the puzzle. Life is never meant to be a defeat. There is meaning in everything even when you can’t fathom it. And so you move on and forgive life for not following the scenario you would have chosen. You don’t know what will happen next. And, yet, even an accident is not an accident. No matter what occurs, I, God, am in your corner, and there is fulfillment for you in the offing.


Urantia, April 16, 2014. 
Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Ask and You Shall Receive.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Since all mortals on all planets of time in space have been granted the gift of free will, it devolves upon all you thinking humans to accept your individual responsibilities as to how you shall behave yourselves throughout this foundational life on earth, upon which your eternal life hinges. It has become urgent for this matter to be spelled out to you all, so there can be no more erroneous beliefs in your minds about this most important question. This message is directed at all who have an ear to hear and an eye to see the current reality of your lives. 

“There is much trepidation growing in many human hearts with rumors of wars and happenings unfolding at the present time here on this little blue orb in space. 

“Celestials are questioning how much longer this war-mongering shall continue and innocent blood shall be shed for whatever self-serving reasons on account of few. Truly, are there so few thinking people left on the planet who actually notice all the scheming that goes on in the back-rooms of the materially wealthy, who are showing those true colors of being the poorest in spirit? Greed rules their lives! Their God-given Lights might soon disappear if they persist in their iniquitous and inhumane ways.

“Think of how the future of you all is at stake at this most crucial period in the history of the planet. You have made material progress in your mad rush to accumulate wealth, and for what? The last garment when leaving this earth has never had any pockets to stuff anything in. Or do you entertain the childish thought that you are going to have eternal life on this planet? How about individually enlivening your contact with your Pilot Light from God within, and growing spiritually in order to become more balanced human beings? 

“The first and foremost reason why you have been given life is to honor the Creator of all, who in his generosity is allowing you your time in this earthly sandbox to learn and play together as good little kids who strive to become the best they can be. Instead, a few are busy in usurping other’s sandcastles, without the right to do so. 

“What is the matter with you all? Recess is over! It is time to get serious and start learning the lessons at hand from which no one shall escape; you are all together in this sandbox, named Urantia. You have been given clear guidelines in a new revelation: The Urantia Book. 

“Please familiarize yourselves with its contents, and do find out why the beloved Ruler of a mighty universe was nailed to a cross like a common criminal, simply because He pronounced that the Creator God is a Father of unconditional love. 

“However, the rulers of that time convinced the people that they knew better, and without any due course of law the most dreadful deed was done, because greed ruled their lives. 

After His resurrection, He gifted you with the Spirit of Truth. The Creator gifted all thinking humans with a Pilot Light and the Spirit send Her Comforter. You humans are not bereft of help. Ask and you shall receive.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
– Athena, Celestial Artisan.



