Sheldan Channeled

Like a lit candle can light another candle, only one who has, can give. One who is free can free you; one who is love can kindle the love in you.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sheldan Nidle - May 13, 2014

2 Lamat, 11 Moan, 10 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to you with more good news! Those who have repeatedly delayed the inevitable are reaching the point of no return. Their defeat is taking place because a dedicated group of our earthly associates refused to allow this despicable nonsense to continue. Measures are now in force to permit you to have your freedom and taste the wonders of a prosperity that is to open new doors of knowledge, wisdom and technology. These events are only the merest beginnings for all. Each of you possesses energies and talents that are to soar as this reality manifests. The coming new government and the unfolding new financial system are here to provide the foundations for the ever-accelerating growth in your consciousness. Long ago, as Atlantis sank beneath the waves, you were given a temporary set of masters. These were the Anunnaki. They created the means for a small group to become a class above you, and this is now ending. A new reality is forming. It terminates the power of these earthly minions and gives you the divine sovereignty reserved for everyone.

This transformation is something that is swiftly to require our physical presence. The last part of these alterations needs to be explained to you and you require a deep rapport with the one assigned to mentor you. Heaven has forged a process whereby we can easily interact with you and prepare you for the final series of transformations. Previously, we briefly described the changes being put into effect by your heavenly body guardians to prepare you physically for what is shortly to occur. As you become aware of the degree of these changes, you require someone who can appropriately explain what is going on. These alterations are not only physical. They involve as well your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Each of these elements needs to be fully integrated into a greater whole called full consciousness. We understand this as we live in this wholeness daily. Nonetheless, we are using a special program given us by Heaven to assist you in this most needed transformation.

The special Light Chambers to be used by you are a miraculous series of living instruments. In just three day's time they are able to convert you from limited to full consciousness. This process took your Ascended Masters many lifetimes to achieve. The final step for them was a most special ceremony that allowed them to transmogrify into their current immortality. Take this gift when the time arrives and bless Heaven for what is being done to adjust not only your genetics but your special connections to your divine I Am Presence! Once you have spent your time with the Light Chamber, you are ready to begin a quick training in the divine etiquette of full consciousness. Only at that moment are you fully ready to join with your Inner Earth cousins to produce the means to create a new star nation. At present, planets that are a fraction of what they once were surround you. These worlds are preparing for a new environment in which they are to be filled with a diverse eco-system that encompasses both their inner and outer realms.

This new star nation is to become a center point in this galaxy for conferences that are to include literally thousands of nearby galaxies. You are to be the hosts for myriad life forms and a whole host of new and wondrous technologies. The Creator spread sentient life across physicality. Our mission is to discover and interact with this life. The divine Love and Light that is to flow here is why Gaia, after roaming for millions of years across this galaxy, chose this planetary system above all others. Heaven protected this solar system from intrusion for an additional eon. We first colonized this unique part of this galaxy about 2 million years ago. This colony was ravaged by the dark and in a subsequent series of circumstances we were allowed to colonize again some 900,000 years ago. You are, of course, the offspring of this history. Your time in the darkness is over. We come to watch over you and make sure that your transformation into full consciousness occurs as planned!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day with many exciting things to discuss with you. The first steps in creating a new financial system have happened. A massive currency re-evaluation is underway. When this is finished, it is to pave the way for the rise of a new global gold-backed monetary system to appear. This operation, along with new and more transparent banking regulations, is another sign that the old, corrupt way of doing business is quickly to disappear. It is to be replaced by a system that is much more suited to the global prosperity that Heaven is getting ready to roll out. We bless and thank all in Spirit who help to make all this possible. Our prayers are being answered. These are the precursors to divine sovereignty and a sacred lifestyle that is quickly manifesting on the Earth plane. This new way is to lead to a grand spiritual reunion with our galactic human family.

We are guardians of a lifeline that has survived the vile machinations of the dark and its minions. Look at what you accomplished and cheer! Many more events are underway that are to manifest and transform this reality into Light. You are blessed for coming lifetime after lifetime into this abyss and using your divine grace to enhance the good and prevent any major triumphs by the dark. You are now riding down a path that is filled with the last stand of numerous dark ones who have to recant and proclaim the inevitable. As this happens, a grand Light that surrounds this realm grows brighter. Love infused from Heaven's myriad blessings likewise descends deeper into the Earth plane. The healing of this realm has indeed begun in earnest. A new sacred way is opening as the dark starts at long last to let go of its grip.

Our divine mission from the start has been to bless this realm and aid its peoples as they begin to grow and become aware again of the power of the Light. Many souls have reached a supreme state of grace and become one with Heaven. We stand as Masters of this miraculous transformation given to each of us when we proved worthy of this grand accolade. We serve only to ease your pain and to prepare you now for a most wondrous dispensation granted to you by the Almighty. One cannot exaggerate the nature of this dispensation and how you are being readied for a most incredible journey. Full consciousness is a state in which the spiritual combines fully with the physical. In this magical moment, you are healed of all things and become a full member of Heaven's army. You are in divine service and see the world in a whole new Light!

Today, we carried on with our mission to inform you about what is occurring and prepare you for the rise of a whole new reality. In this realm, you are to meet your ancestors and "break bread" with the entirety of galactic humanity! In short, you are to end your journey and begin anew with your fellows. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Website: Planetary Activation Organization


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4919 A Prize-Winning Camera Shot , May 14, 2014 

God said: 

When was it said that drama was the purpose of life? Your life on stage is indeed a drama. Shakespeare could not tell a better saga or devise such a plot. Trumpets could not make a better clarion call. No actors on stage could act to such perfection as do My children in their lives on Earth. Each moment is a prize-winning camera shot. And then there is another and another.
Drama is not the purpose of your life, nor is karma. Oh, yes, there is drama in your lives, but that depends upon what angle your camera is set. I did not set you on Earth for drama or karma. Karma is your idea of the payment of a debt. It is a cycle of distribution and re-distribution. I absolutely do want to shake you out of the idea that you are on Earth for retribution, yours, Mine, or anyone’s. Why would I dream of such a cycle? I see no justification for it. Hark, the herald angels sing.
Put yourself on speed-dial. Fast forward your life. Let your life be dynamic more than dramatic. Get out of situations that keep you down, and get into situations that uplift. Honestly, this is up to you. No matter what your history, in past or present or future lives, you are the writer of your story now. By no means is everything out of your hands.
If you feel you are pulling a stone wheel by a rope around your neck, for Heaven’s sake, loosen that rope and start out free from it. You are not attached to it except as you say you are.
When you see a newborn baby, know that its karma is to be born. That is your karma as well. Lions are born-free. Why not you?
You have a life now, and you live it the best you can according to your consciousness. You are only aware of what you are aware. Everyone on Earth can come to see further. It is a privilege for you to be alive on Earth at this time or any time. If you see yourself bound to a wheel of fortune, look higher.
You may be sure that managers of grape-orchards do not set out for some vines to blossom more than other vines. Oh, yes, perhaps some vines get more sun than others or more shade, more water or less water and so on. Every vine and every leaf and every blossom naturally grow to the sun. There are no vines that say, “Poor me.” There are no vines that say: “Ouch, this was my karma this year.” There are no vines, no leaves, no grapes who, in effect, shrug their shoulders and say: “Alas, this is my karma.”
If a simple vineyard manager has no intent to hamper his grapes, would I ask for an eye for an eye? It would be too complex anyway. Who wants to keep accounts and do all the book-keeping? Not I. Seems like a waste of time, even as time does not truly exist and surely doesn’t exist in Heavenland.
If I tell you, and I do tell you, to let go of the past, then how could I restrict you to the past by iron bands or, even, guitar strings, or filaments of DNA? Why would I?
Because Eve ate an apple, why would I kick you out of the Garden of Eden? Certainly, I see beyond such cause and effect, especially, since I tell you there is no cause and effect. How could I say you are bound to it? If there were cause and effect, surely, I would tell you to get out of it or off of it.
True, there are many layers of understanding.
I do not give you warnings. I do not shake My finger at you. I do not tell you to stand in the hall or kneel on stones. I do not talk about right and wrongs and righting the wrongs. I eschew judgment. I do not say one thing and do another. What can karma be but judgment?
Rather than karma, I like to think of understanding. Understand that you are free. I gave you free will. I have never denounced My decision for you to have free will and for you to use it. Nothing has to hold you back from breaking free. There is more than luck, beloveds.


Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Spirituality and Laws.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Spirituality is a primordial component of a human being. The influence of the Father in one’s life is a constant. People can choose to ignore this influence – the advice and suggestions from the Divine In-dweller – but the Father’s work in inspiring us to become the best we can be never ceases. 

“In your material life you have decided to separate spirituality from every other aspect of your society. When I talk about spirituality, I don’t refer to a church, but to your simply having the goal to fulfill the will of your Father in your life. The name you use for the Creator is irrelevant. What isimportant is that you think of Him as the highest Source of truth, beauty and goodness you can imagine. Those who kill and oppress their peers in the name of a vengeful God who prefers some people over others and who doesn’t treat all His children in the same way, are not living the will of the Father. Theirs is a God of their limited imagination. However, those who believe in a God of love, who is the individual Father of each and every person in this world, and inhabits each one, can truly aspire to manifest His will and become a reflection of this God. The attributes of the Father are truth, beauty, and goodness. Anything that doesn’t have all of these three attributes, doesn’t come from God. 

“To those who walk this higher path, the rules and laws of the world are irrelevant. Human ideas of morality do not come close to the standards which those who aim for perfection require of themselves. Even when these persons have higher standards and even when some of the things that are accepted by society are repugnant to them, their life is filled with freedom, joy, and they are truly the masters of their own destiny. 

“How could this be? With so many rules in this world a system that restricts human behavior even further would feel more oppressive and suffocating. The difference is that human rules are based on prohibition, the negative exhortation of not doing some things – you shall not kill, you shall not steal, etc. The rules of the universe can be summarized in one word – love. We are inspired to practice love, the highest love we can imagine, without reservation or condition, and for all beings, even for the Father himself, with the supreme goal of expressing that same quality of love we receive from God. This is a positive exhortation. We are asked to do something positive, instead of not doing something ‘bad’. 

“A positive exhortation never allows for misunderstandings or deviations to the rule. With all your laws, rules and prohibitions, you always manage to find reasons to justify the most horrible barbarities. Not killing is a prohibition that exists pretty much in all the cultures and governments in the world today. It is so common that killing should not even happen in this world. However, this is not the case, for every day there are murders all over the world. Governments accept that killing is forbidden, except when it is necessary. Think about this for a moment. Where is the sense, the logic in this? 

“Those who live according to the rules of love know that killing has nothing to do with love, because if you love someone you would never hurt that person. They know that, regardless of what is written in your constitutions or your laws, killing is never justified, not in wars, not when your siblings consider you as their enemy, and not when others reason in a different way to you. This is why the Master exhorts us to aspire to express a paternal love, not just a fraternal love. Those who have children and truly love them know that there is nothing these children can do to lose the love of their parents. 

“Consider now all the children of humanity to be your children, not humanity’s children, but for them to be your own personal children, because if one of these little ones is in need and there is nobody else around to help them, it will be up to you. The children of the world should be the responsibility of all, not just the governments, not society, but all those men and women who truly love their peers. 

“It is easier for most people to accept that they can love all the children in the world like they would love their own. It is harder for them to imagine that this love could extend to all people in the world. However, what are men and women, if not grown children? Can you love someone at the beginning of their life, and then take away that love later in life? 

“Yes, it is possible to love everyone equally, and this is one thing that has not been tried on this world to any significant degree. In a world where the only rule is love, there is no need for anything else, no laws, no governments, no judicial bodies. This is the goal for this world and it depends on your doing your part to be a self-governing individual, motivated by the highest spiritual aspirations, and not by what others say is allowed. This is a change that will arise from the heart of every person that is illuminated by their inner Divine Spark, and from there it will extend throughout the world.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
"Evil has a very short half-life. 
That which is God-like is eternal" –
Dr. Mendoza.




Whenever you hear of a teacher teaching this, or a teacher teaching that, ask yourself: do they offer me simplicity or complexity? Do they offer an ordinary peace, or must I have several trappings around me? Do they give me complex meditations and prayers and things to do, or do they simply remind me of the Truth and ask me to rest in it? Will they tell me that I need to go on a thousand pilgrimages? Or do they remind me that when I make my cup of tea in the morning, Heaven is present if I will remember who is making the tea: Christ.

Be not distracted. For in the end of this Age there is coming forth a whole smorgasbord of those who profess to be teachers of enlightenment, who will guide you into all knowledge. Look carefully and see, do they demand of you that you follow them? Do they demand of you that you give up your own discernment? Or do they egg you on to look deeper within?

Use time constructively. You can heal your heart, you can practice forgiveness, you can awaken as Christ. You’re going to have to because the planet is doing the same thing, and if you don’t come with her you won’t be able to handle her light and her frequency and you’ll need to move to a different neighborhood. That’s all. No judgment, no fear, no being struck dead by God…only a simple offering. You can awaken now, or you can awaken somewhere else, later.

What you are seeing on the planet is a polarization that is occurring because every soul is being confronted by the decision to heal and to forgive. Or to hold onto the idols of their woundedness and to judge.

The more that souls choose to awaken and to heal, the less the need for shocking circumstances to get their attention. The more mankind awakens, the easier the transition of the Earth. -
 ​ Jeshua​
