Self Trust, Self Belief - "Yes I Can 101 !"


Isis' Message of the Day -
Although you believe that your physical essence is on this Earth Plane the you that you really are is gathering with your Spiritual Family and The Creator to celebrate yet once more your remembrance of HOME.  Peace be with you My Beloveds you are surrounded by all that is love.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Sekhmet: Self trust, Self belief,  "Yes I Can 101!"
Given through Susan Leland
Posted January 31, 2011

Sekhmet Speaking at the Ascension Energy Tools Teleconference 1-18-11

Well, good evening, everyone! Thank you so much for coming to this engagement, wherein we engage your faculties, your gifts, and the totality of who you are, so that you can engage, perhaps with a higher degree of what you call success, or delight, or Joy in all of your endeavors. Now we understand that humans just naturally come equipped with this part that is called the ego.  Now the ego has a job, a function - it's to protect you, it's to keep you safe. Sometimes that means that the ego would prefer that you hide in the dark, rather than come into the Light, and let it shine into you, and through you.
The ego broadcasts fear, and there are certain outgrowths of fear, such as, 'I don't really think I can do this,' or  'Well I just don't think I can believe, or trust in myself,' or The information I'm getting, yes, it sounds good and maybe it works well for that guy over there, but it's not going to work for me,' because my ego said it's not.
So, you can test, and we have discussed the pendulum, yes how to test, and that is available on the Energy Tools Website if you're not sure what we're discussing. We're not here to review self-testing. You can test. You can say: 'Is my ego going to overwhelm this conversation I AM about to begin?'  And if your ego wants to play a big role in it, then what you need to do is a little message, 'Hello ego, it's a wonderful day, but you know you've been working so hard! I just love you, and I really appreciate you, but I'm telling you right now it's your nap time,' or however you want to say it.
In other words, it is important to have your ego at rest, and so that you're not picking up a big heart thumping, 'No you can't, no you can't, no you can't!' Your ego is the seat of what you call power and control dramas, and your ego would really like to be the master of all you are.
So the first thing to do is to calm your ego, quiet your ego, have a discussion, you know, 'Down Rover,' or whatever it is you need to do. That's important before you begin an exercise of self-empowerment, and from there evolve into self-healing, or helping someone else to empower, to heal, to balance, to change attitudes and habits, or whatever it is that you want to do.
That is the end result. We're talking about preparation here. Now, when you do that, you are clearing the way, so to speak. You're allowing yourself to shine forth in all of your Divine glory, and to know that you are in charge. Now you can bring in any helpers that you desire. But be sure you bring them in from the highest realms.
You know, so many people get sabotaged at the beginning by some message, or messenger from the astral plane. So here you go: develop a mantra, program a crystal and hold it, or stand before it, or sit it in front of it. Do whatever it is that you want to do. You can use your nano-wand if you want to program. Call forth the energies and the guidance to you come from the realms that are higher - the Lighted Realms are higher than the astral - or another way of saying it, is from the highest realms of 4D and above, because the highest realms of 4D are the Angelic Realms, and the Fairy Realms, and so on. It's only the lower that is the astral. You just don't want anything to sneak in from the astral.
Your ego is real big about picking up messages from the astral, and then thump, thumpety thump, it's broadcasting it throughout your whole being. You might consider that your ego is the prime receiver for communication from the astral. So you want to avoid all of that, so you clear your fields.
Now those are tips and hints to get you ready. You can use a mantra, you can use a sign like the Voice does, a reminder to you. Some people Love to plaster sticky notes on their mirrors. Clear your fields, and then utilize whatever it is that you want to utilize to connect in with the totality of who you are.
Why is that important? Well, when you do, you bring in the higher dimensional energies, and while you're at it, if you want to call forth your Guides to be in assistance with you, that's great!  One of the things that the Voice likes to do is to ask her Guides to give her a little tingle, a little buzz, you know. She greets them. She calls them forth from the Highest Realms, and then she waits. They might do a little tingle of a message, or they might do a whisper like a little wind blowing through the energy fields, or you might feel a sudden warmth, or you might feel a little cooling breeze, however it is.
Again, you can test: 'Oh, is this my very own personal Guides from the Highest Realms of Light, yes or no?'  If you get a 'no,' and you think an astral guy has snuck in there somehow, you can always say, 'I now command you to leave my fields forever!'  Guess what - the Law of the Universe says that one has to leave, that thought form, that wave, that energy has to leave. Now we understand we're giving you a lot of rapid fire advice and that is so we can have time for what you like to call the 'Q and A,' because we know we might generate a little bit of that, and that's ok, so we're just kind of imparting everything that we can.
This is self trust, self belief, 'Yes I Can 101!'  That's kind of a magic number isn't it? You've already passed 100 - you're here. So we're just doing a little bit of a round-up of everything that we can give to you in a way of tips and hints. We like to call then tips and hints, because that sounds so doable. So reach out and bring all the ones into your being that will be helpful to you. So you can plaster your home space with sticky notes, you can stand or sit in front of your altar, you can go in front of a mirror. Now that's a really good one!
You can call forth any Guides that you choose, too. If you are feeling as though  you want some lavender Angels to come and be in assistance to you in this monumental thing that you're doing, then call forth your lavender Angels.
Now humans have this kind of habit of thought that is actually rescinded in The Course in Miracles and other great inspired works, but humans have this thought that, 'Well if I can do something little, then I can be sure that I have the power, and so I'll move up into a bigger intention and creation, and so on, and so on.' Well that's ok if you want to start there. Do you want to know what did it for the Voice on the physical level?  She cleared up a planter's wart on her foot. Now that doesn't sound very glamorous does it? But nevertheless it made her say, 'Oh, wow, I did it!' 
If you want to start small it's ok. You have dispensation to do that, but please also tell yourself there is no big or small: 'I can create any miracle I choose to create.' That's a good book, The Course in Miracles. You might want to just stop off at your favorite book store, or in the Library, if you are not familiar with it, and just read the first few pages about miracles. That's good stuff, and if you have the ability to somehow find that in a place where you are on the internet, it's ok to print it out. Print that out and hang it on your wall, read it every day for a week. That is empowering. That's from Sananda, you know.
He's kind of well known as a healer, as Jesus. But Sananda's the first one to tell you that you can do it for yourself. Connect with his energy if you feel so inclined. Call upon Sananda to be in support of your energies, to meet you energetically, to help you hold that wand for instance, to create the miracle. I tell you when Sananda joins in your fields that's a real high vibration, and you're going to feel that high vibration! You are going to have a much easier time creating when you're in high vibes. We know that has already been mentioned, but, that's another part to this whole thing. Now, as you get more proficient at it you can just use your hands, or pull out that wand and just say, 'I choose Love. I choose to be in the vibration of Love, and I create out of Love.'
Do you want a little red sports car? Get into the high vibes, because that's what you need to do. Don't forget the sticky notes, don't forget the mantras, don't forget if you're going to do something really big, that if you can get your brain relaxed into at least the alpha state, and maybe even theta state, so that you are not having monkey-mind chatter - ego beta-brain, interfering and disrupting what you're doing - then create your vision around your intentions.
In other words here's the thing: 'I now create absolute balance and harmony in my body.' Here's what it looks like: 'I move with ease and grace.  All of my joints and muscles are supporting me in my graceful and flexible movement.' This is great for arthritis, you know.  'I AM calm in all of my being. I AM relaxed, and I feel my energy flowing through me gracefully and easily to every part of my physicality.' I AM in great Joy, and my emotional body is reflecting that into my physicality. And I know that I AM in absolutely the highest of vibrations, and my brain is reflecting that into my entire physicality, and I feel the Light of the Divine Being I AM, and I feel that connection with my totality, and with my spirit self, with my Higher Self, with my God/Goddess within me, a nd so it is, I AM, and I'm sitting in the seat of my shiny red sports car,'  or whatever it is you desire.
You got it? High vibes intentionally stated from a positive manner. Not, 'Oh, I'm so tired I wish I had more energy. I'll just wave my wand a bit and I'll get energized.'  You can feel that that doesn't do it. And that is a validation to you that it's not going to happen. So why put that intention out? Why do you want to say: 'Oh, I'm going to sabotage this thing right from the start,'  because that's what you're doing. You're broadcasting your intention to sabotage your efforts.
You're taking yourself out of the driver's seat and putting blessed, blessed, ego in. Because ego says, 'Wait a minute, wait a minute. You don't want to get up that high. You don't know what might happen. You could fall, or some such silly thing.' Allow your ego to make friends with your inner child, and thank your ego for keeping you from falling out of that tree when you were eight years old, and your ego has done a great job. Kudos, medals to your ego, you know medals of appreciation. 'It's nap time now for you my beloved partner, and I'm going to get into the driver's seat, and I'm staying in the driver's seat by the way.'
So you've got a lot of things, components, that we've already put out here. But if you felt the high vibe when we took that little ride in my little red sports car up into the highest vibrations, you got the picture, because it's the vision. And it's more than a picture, because visions have sound, they have feelings, they have Lights!  So you get into that vision for yourself. Keep it simple. Keep your statement of your intention simple, and always in the command mode. You know that's something that Abraham has been teaching for a long time, and The Secret tells you the same thing, and any number of references, and great Master Teachers, 'Believe unto yourself!' 
Now that brings us to another point. If you have someone, even someone you live with, let alone somebody you have appreciation for, respect for, that you honor, care about, love, and so on, and they're not where you are on your path, they don't have the same vision of you that you do. So why do you listen to them? It could be that their egos are telling them: 'You'd better watch out because this one is going to leave you behind in the dust, so you'd better give them the message that you don't believe in them.'
Beloved Ones, picture the lifetime of Yeshua. Picture the lifetime of Gandhi. They had lots of people telling them, 'No you can't.' But they went ahead and did their mission, and they gave to the World from the highest levels of their being, and they did miracles for the World.
Now we're going to talk about something else. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!  Many of you have been persecuted, tortured and killed in past lives for your very abilities to do miracles. Those of you with the female, or even the male, because it was not unheard of to persecute a male who had exceptional powers, but who was more gentle than the chief of the tribe, or whomever, and they too were subjected to that kind of treatment.
Someone could say: 'That man has the Devil in him!' and the next thing that man knew he was being hauled off to the burning stake, and you all know about the persecution of the women, of the women in the World, the female energies. Now we are looking at this Family, and we are here to tell you that you've lived both roles. You see the Family of Ashtar is old souls, and we've had many lifetimes. Lifetimes of triumphs, lifetimes of achievement, lifetimes of praise for your achievements, other lifetimes of great achievements, but you didn't get the praise. You got what you might call the raw end of the deal, and it hurt. You must come to resolution on this, Beloved Ones. It does NOT mean you need to go back and relive every lifetime. You don't need to do regression technique unless you really are inspired to do so. What you can do is do Ho'oponopono for yourself and all those involved.
It is so interesting the way the human mind wraps itself around a genetic memory, or a soul memory, and it's not there for you to see. It's just there, and guess who wants to remind you of it? That beloved precious part of you called your ego. And your ego says, 'Well you better watch out because you might get burned again,' or whatever.
Beloved Ones, here is Truth for you. Nobody's going to burn you this time around. This is a lifetime for triumphs, this is a lifetime for Ascension. This is the lifetime for you to bring all of your gifts forward with Joy. Now you don't need to step into an arena of doubters, of power and control people, who are so busy listening to their egos that they're not going to listen to the Truth that you have to tell them. You don't have to do that. You are becoming more and more magnets for those who want Truth, anyway. You are becoming more and more magnets for those who want your services. So why not empower that intention and say, 'I call forth to be of service to those who want my services, those who seek what I know, those whom I can help to empower, and so on, and so on, and so on.' Write yourself a piece on that, stick it on your refrigerator, big letters so you can read it across the room. Become magnets for all that you choose to attract, and that includes people, animals, plants, yes indeed, even crystals.
You might have passed by a crystal shop a hundred times on your way to the grocery store, but on the 101st time - remember look at those numbers in there, there's an 11. You say, 'Oh, I need to go in there!'  And perhaps you go walking around the store, and you stop, and there it is, the one that wants to go home with you, because that's the one that you can empower to be of great assistance to you in all that you're doing.
Or perhaps you've not received a nano-wand yet. Maybe it's time. Maybe you want to get on the list.*  Whatever it is - perhaps you want to take your hands and rub them together, and when you rub your hands together you can spiral them in a way that is small circles, and you're not even losing the contact with your hands. Try rubbing them back and forth and then try spiraling, and see where the heat builds up the fastest, and the hottest. That heat, Beloved Ones, is energy, and it's powerful, it's your empowerment. And you can then take that energy and put it anywhere you want on your body.
Congratulations! You have just learned a basic aspect of what is called the art of Reiki. Now for those of you who already know the art of Reiki, you know there's more to it, but you can do that. You can do that. This is empowerment of the first degree, and we ask that you engage the totality of Who You Are in accepting Who You Are. And do a little reading on that, or do some ho'oponopono's.
If you're still carrying the memories, or the attitudes that come from the memories, 'Of no you can't, because you've got a fear that you're going to get burned, or boiled in oil, or whipped, or abandoned, or outcast, or exiled, or whatever' - crucifixion time is over! For some of you it may need some inspiration, some reading. Again you can call upon whomever you wish to call upon. Sananda stands ready to come to each and every one of you, and empower you with his Love, and the Love of the Kumara Family, to simply feel that Love within yourself, because that's your power.
And of course, I Sekhmet, am always available, so if you have a particular question - how are we doing with the clock?  Can we do a question or two....." (Sekhmet proceeded to answer questions, which will be posted on our website.
*  The Grants of Grace list of people requesting Nano wands  * 
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, January 18, 2011   © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. *