
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Governmental changes are close to taking place
3.)  Today Will Be Puddly and Wonderful and Delicious
4.)  Lady Gaia Speaks . . .
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Your key to self-forgiveness

Isis' Message of the Day -
A verse from the Veda says, "What you see, you become." In  other words, just the experience of perceiving the world makes you what you are.  This is a quite literal statement.
Bashar: "The inner is the outer reality; the outer is the inner reality. They are not two different things. It is one. So as you believe in, so you see out. As you sow, so you reap. That's what that means. The seeds you plant within yourself are what you see growing in the garden around you. So if you do not like the flowers you see growing, then change your order of seed. Plant something different, and then something new will grow."
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Allow yourselves to enjoy your days dear friends, for so much time is wasted on worry and fear. When you reach our side someday you will see that life is meant to be lived very simply, one moment at a time, trusting in God, trusting in your own hearts, and knowing that all is in right order. "But how can life's challenges be in right order?" so many of you ask.
Dear ones, earth is a school and these challenges are simply lessons that your soul has created for yourself. When you walk in faith, knowing that in the end you are eternal beings and surrendering to the lessons in front of you, then the challenges become less challenging. Instead of wasting time on worry and fear, you free up your energy and your mind to receive the guidance that can get you through the challenges more easily and help you understand the lessons. Instead of wasting your energy on worry and fear, you direct it towards loving and creative solutions.
We know you have made fear an acronym on your planet for "False Events Appearing Real," and that is true. We would also offer you this definition:
Resisting Your Heart 
For when you remember you are eternal beings here in the school called earth, suddenly the big problems take on a new scale and become simply lessons and challenges to be resolved. When you surrender to your heart in the present moment, then all of the sudden you free up your energy and you open yourself up to new solutions.
Dear ones, try not to give into the very human temptations of worry and fear. Try to remember the truth - that you are loved, guided, supported, and gently assisted in all your lessons, and that when you let go of fear, and embrace the truth of God's love your life can transform rather magically.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here:  * 

SaLuSa: Governmental changes are close to taking place
June 2, 2010
You have more violent happenings occurring on Earth, and we ask is there ever a day when peace reigns. Man is still strongly influenced by his warrior image that he has carried with him for eons of time. When will you learn that your war like ways are so futile and gain you no advantage in the long run? If only for karmic reasons each victory you claim carries consequences that travel with you for many lives. History shows that you have assumed might is right, and you use it to trample over those that get in the way of your ambitions. The old ways leave us feeling despair, but there is a rising movement amongst the people that has had enough of them. It arises from the desire for peace amongst all people, and it is growing stronger each day. It cannot continue to be ignored and those in power that do, will find themselves moved out of office. We of the Galactic Federation place our energies with the peacemakers, and it shall be seen to bring success.
Governmental changes are close to taking place, and with them will come those dear souls who have bided their time for such an occasion. You know some of them very well, and they will spearhead the moves towards creating world peace. Differences of opinion will be settled amicably and fairly, and with the return of your rights no one will be wrongly treated or imprisoned. A breath of fresh air will sweep through the halls of power, and those harboring dark intentions will be replaced. When the people realize what is taking place they will stand alongside those souls who have put themselves forward. By so doing there will be an acceptance that the old ways must be relinquished, for peaceful co-operation between all countries. You are one family on Earth, and the time has arrived to put aside all that has created separation between you all.
Nothing can be more pleasing for us than to see Man waking up to his divinity, and realizing his Oneness with all life. When Man wakes up to his full responsibilities to each other, the world will be quickly transformed. The Light will grow even stronger, and the last remnants of plan for your enslavement will disappear for good. Freedom is not something you have fully experienced yet, but it will come before the end time comes upon you. Meantime we ask you to continue strengthening your vision of peace on Earth, and you will help speed up the changes. Remember that you have immense untapped power within, and you can have more influence on the future than you imagine. There is of course a plan that will ensure a victorious ending for the Light, but you can affect it through your collective energy.
In the space of ten years you have had so many experiences, that have sent you through the highs and lows. Yet you have come out of them with a positive vision of your immediate future, and not totally conceded your sovereign rights to the dark Ones. They are to be returned to you along with everything that is necessary to restore you to your rightful position on Earth. You are its guardians and Mother Earth also looks to you to help restore her, to the pristine condition that she once held. There will be changes necessary to remove the blight upon the earth, and much cleansing will take place. When the cycle began millennia of time ago, she was truly a beautiful star within your Solar System, literally a jewel in the firmament. Be assured that regardless of the present state of Earth, she will soon be restored. Her hand will shake the rudder of the ship you call Earth, but you shall be protected as far as possible.
You are experiencing what will be one of the biggest oil spillages in your short history. You wonder why in view of its threat to the Gulf of Mexico we do not step in, but if we did not let you see the result of your actions it would only be repeated again. It seems a strange response to you when you know that we have the technology to deal with it quickly, but it would still be interference without us receiving an official request to do so. Man only seems to learn when matters become serious, and our intervention would not really help the right decisions to be made. We want to se you take responsibility for your wanton damage to Mother Earth, and take steps to ensure it cannot happen again. Yes, you are getting better at clearing up your mess, but far away from the ideal guardianship required.
When you consider your ancient history, you will realize that it is normal for dramatic changes to occur when a solar cycle ends. Both Lemuria and Atlantis disappeared almost without trace, in each case allowing a new civilization to emerge from the remains. This time is similar except that you are not going to experience your demise. Instead you are ascending as your mission will have been fulfilled, and duality can be put behind you. Whatever memories you have of the old Earth, will fade into the background when you awaken to the new one. It will be perfect for new Man, and a most exhilarating and joyous experience where all is built upon the energy of love.
Your remaining time on Earth will bridge the gap between where you are now, and would have been but for the actions of the Illuminate. It is why the changes will go ahead, even though some question why when it is such a short period of time to Ascension. It is because there is a greater chance that more souls will see the Light, when the stress and problems that now exist are removed. When you are relaxed you are more receptive to the incoming energies, and they will expand your consciousness levels. After all, the main objective of all that is happening is to get you prepared for Ascension, and everything will be done to help you. The Creator desires that all souls make their way back to the Source, and creation has set up a path before you that will attract your attention. You cannot really stand still even if you wanted to, and if you stepped backwards the impetus to evolve would take you forward again. All experience is of value, and that is why in duality you will all have had your share of lives in both the dark and Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see your beautiful Earth becoming brighter than ever, as the Light is growing with each soul that accepts it. You become the beacons of Light that others are attracted to and follow, and you are leading the way home. Bless you for your dedication to the Love and Light that you all are, and may your path be lead you to the happiness you seek.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

HEAVEN #3477
Today Will Be Puddly and Wonderful and Delicious
June 2, 2010
God said:
What would be fun for you to do today? And if today is an ordinary work day, what can you do to make your work day today more fun? Why not have more fun whatever you are doing today? Why not make life today a walk in the park?
Why not be exhilarated today? Why not give yourself the gift of enthusiasm?
Someone is going to be enthusiastic today, and I ask: Why not you?
If you have to clean house today, make it fun. You can make anything fun. When you were a child, you knew how to have fun. You knew how to play. Play today when you are at work. Make work play. Make it light, and you will get more done, and you will get more done with alacrity. Whistle while you work.
Have a heyday today! Ride a merry-go-round. Enjoy. Be in suspense. What will happen next to delight your heart?
What exhilaration are you going to give to today? What exhilaration are you going to give to the world today?
If you cannot find it within yourself to brighten up someone else's day today, at least brighten your own. Take an interest in uplifting your life, your bit of life today. Just take care of today. Open up your life. Lift it above the ordinary. Make it sparkling. Make your day the delight of all.
Work with your heart today. That is to say to encourage your heart today. Invite it out of itself. Invite it to enter the domain of fun. Bang the drums of fun. When you wash your face today, splash the water. Listen to its sounds. Remind yourself about the days when splashing water was play. Remind yourself when everything was play. Skipping in puddles was play. Walking to school was play. Whatever you were on your way to was play. Remember when play was play.
Remember when just being alive was enough, when being alive was good, when life was new, and something fresh kept coming up, and you had the energy to play tag and hopscotch and chase your dreams. Chase them now.
Have a dream that today will be puddly and wonderful and delicious.
Look forward to today, or the rest of today today, and make your life today a song like this:
"Hello, Today. Come right in. Bring your wares to me and animate me. Today and today and today and forever, I am alive on Earth today in order to be vibrant and alive! I relish each day. I am excited to be alive today. Come dance with me, Today! Let's go around the mulberry bush. Let's play Hide-go-seek. Let's be flying birds today and swimming fish and playful puppies. Let's be everything today. Let's take flight and soar. Let's be kites today. Let's be balloons. Let's be everything fun today. Let's find fun in unexpected places. Let's smile big. Let's laugh loud. Let's take delight and be delightful.
"Today, let's run upstairs. Let's go somewhere we have never been before even if it's right where I've always been. Let's have an adventure today, even if we explore where I sit in the chair I am. Let's gallivant through our day today, Today!
"Today, let's make today a parade. Let's make today a holiday as I am at work. Let me look forward to holidays and work days. What do I care what day you are, Today, and where I am. I am alive on Earth, and we spend today together on Earth. We are explorers together, and we do not know ahead of time what treasures we shall find. We only know that we will find them, for I have an eagle-eye for treasures. I can spot them anywhere and everywhere. I am a treasure-hunter, and together, Today, you and I are on a treasure-hunt!"
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Lady Gaia Speaks . . .
Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas
When my blood was spilled at the hands of Hu-man kind, did those heartless ones see not  the pain or the sorrow that they were inflicting upon me, as they did see only the "$ signs" and the"£ signs" with the numerous zero's adinfinitum! They chose not to see or feel my anguish as the oils flow a wasting into the mighty oceans and even Poseidon and I,with Pan and all manner of sea devas and principles, shed from our hearts as that ebbing away of vital earth life forces was set into awfull motion! What manner of men has thus stooped to such level seeing or feeling nought of the pangs of pain and the pleading calls from a nature that is besmirched with and raped by such sacrilege and basic disregard.
What feels now the vast family of Hu-mankind as my blood still spills incessantly into oceans deep, where all of nature bleeds in sheer and dire distress, succumbing to depths of abusive wanton abandonment. What say you now, beloved HU-mankind, as your gluttony and greed is resplendent in pillage and rape that lies 'un tethered' now, and into who's hands do we now place our hearts in trust to recoup this blow   to all mankind and all upon this body physical of mine? Beloved one's be sure that all things must be set to right's, for these blinkers are in need to be taken off unseeing eyes,of greed and avarice.There does need to be that reawakening in the hearts and souls from all manner of you dear ones,who fight the fight for truth and loving so to repair.
Be active in your hearts and minds, allowing inner feelings, reach out in togetherness and unified be in Oneness to set you free and fertile yet again!With your mighty hearts and minds in dual accord and fond rapport send out this message loud and clear for now becomes the time when Hu-mankind has it's voice to raise up and to be heard.T'is now the time of greater reunification and of combining all your grand and glorious, magnificent energies; to establish and invent the newer road to be taken on this my aching body, on this your current home. Remember that we walk this path together, and it is now the call to arms, placing forth our wants and needs to be heard, reheard, and re-echoed around this beautiful planet,my earthly body, so enthuse.
I leave you all with heart and soul ablaze, with loving adoration for your days, for NOW IS THE TIME to voice your hearts desires in one accord, uplifting all and everyone aspires. I am your Earthly Mother Lady Gaia, our paths are interlinked, they are as One. So, let us now re-pledge our motivation and together will we receive remuneration.
I Am the Lady Gaia by your sides,
I love you so ....Namaste
(c) Alec Christos Gabbitas for Lady Gaia, Poseidon and Pan.  *  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you have the power to go back to any event, incident, happening in the past, and to look at it and change it; any event. Because truly, it is now a memory, and you can change memory. You have the power to change your beliefs about the present, because the present comes forth from your belief.
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Your key to self-forgiveness
by Neal Donald Walsch
My dear friends...
We've been talking in this space the last two weeks about one of the most important things in life: being friends. I want to reprint that commentary here, in case some of you missed it, so that as I go on into Part 3 of this observation, you will not have to wonder what was said in Parts 1 and 2.
So here are the first two parts again, with the newest commentary continuing at the bottom of this reprint...

I hope and trust that your life has been wonderful this week. Let me say that the important thing is to be friends.
Be friends with everybody.
Be friends with your spouse. Be friends with your children. Be friends with your relatives. Be friends with your neighbors and your fellow workers and your acquaintances. And yes, even be friends with your enemies. friends.
One of the most stinging criticisms I ever received was when someone to whom I was once married, and who I truly and dearly loved, once said to me: "You treat your friends better than you treat me."
I never, ever forgot that. Because I knew it was true. It is absolutely, stunningly true that I had more tolerance for, more patience with, more leniency regarding my friends' behaviors than I did with the person with whom I was sharing my life.
I said things to my life partner that I would never say to a friend. I criticized my life partner for things that I would simply "let go" with a friend. I noticed things with my life partner that I would overlook with a friend. And I let things bother me---annoy me, actually---that my life partner did that wouldn't even phase me if a friend did the exact same thing.
What is this about?, I began to wonder. Why do we so often treat those closest to us as if they were not "close" to us at all? Is it because we know them better than we know our friends, spending more time with them day in and day out as we do? Could it really be true that "familiarity breeds contempt"?
No, no...say it isn't so! Shouldn't familiarity breed compassion, understanding, patience, tolerance, acceptance, and deeper and deeper love? Shouldn't intimate relationship be the place of greatest safety, not of the least?
When I was a small child (which was very, very long ago) there was a song that was popular. Even then it was an Oldie But Goodie, and we had an old phonograph record of it sung by the Mills Brothers that I used to play on the family Victrola (Ha! Does anyone even know who or what I am talking about here---???)
The some was called, You Always Hurt the One You Love. And the lyrics went something like this...if I can remember them now...
You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You always take the sweetest rose
And crush it `til the petals fall
You always break the kindest heart
With a hasty word you can't recall
So if I broke your heart last night
It's because I love you most of all.
The irony of that song sticks with me to this very day. I have come to deeply regret (and to beg them and the heavens forgiveness for) the many ways that I have treated beloved others who have been close to me, and to realize that one of the greatest gifts we can give to a loved one is friendship. Pure and simple friendship. Just treat them like a Friend. Like we would treat someone we are afraid of losing.
So yes, be friends with your spouse. Be friends with your children. Be friends with your relatives. Be friends with your neighbors and your fellow workers and your acquaintances. And yes, even be friends with your enemies. And most of friends with yourself!
That may be the hardest thing to do of all. And so we'll take a close look at that next week.

PART 2...Okay, so now we get a chance to look at that.
It is true that being one's own best friend can be one of the hardest things in life to do. In my own experience it involved something along the lines of a three-step process, which felt like...
     1. Forgiveness
     2. Acceptance
     3. Celebration
My road to self-friendship began with self-forgiveness. It proceeded to self-acceptance, and it ended with self-celebration. Self-forgiveness was, for me, the biggest challenge.
I have done a lot of things in my life that I am not happy about. I found that I thought about these things all the time. And the more I thought about them, the worse I felt, of course. And also, the more I thought about them, the more I thought about them. Thought begets thought. Emotions give birth to more emotions of the same species. My mind was having its way with me.
I moved into heavy guilt about a lot of my past choices and behaviors. It didn't seem to do me any good to say that "I'll never do that again." What's past is past and can't be undone. So there was nothing to BE done...except live with it. Just "life with" the guilt.
Even if I "cleaned it up" by going to the people I felt I'd hurt and apologizing and offering to do whatever I could to make amends, I still couldn't off-load the guilt. I just couldn't forgive myself.
Then I had my conversation with God, and everything changed. I learned, first, that I was spotless and innocent in the eyes of The Divine. God looked upon me as I would look upon a 4-year-old child. I simply didn't know what I was doing; I simply didn't understand. Even if I really did understand, I actually didn't. I mean, I understood part of it. I grasped a little bit of it. I certainly knew the difference between Right and Wrong, but I didn't understand the Whole Story. I didn't know who I was, where I was, why I was where I was, or what I was trying to do here. No one had given me the answers to life's Four Fundamental Questions. No one had even asked me the questions. I didn't even know these questions existed.
Then, further into my conversation with God, I was told something even more shocking, more stunning to my system. "There is," God said to me, "no such thing as Right and Wrong."
As you can imagine, this overturned my whole value system (not that I was paying much attention to it anyway...). I had to start over from scratch in viewing and evaluating the choices and behaviors of my life.
NEXT WEEK: Part 3-The Key to Forgiveness
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PART 3...I have found that the Key to Forgiveness of myself is not to forgive at all, but to understand.
God has made it very clear to me that when I understand the actions of others, when I understand those others themselves (what informs them, what animates them, what motivates them), forgiveness becomes unnecessary.
All I needed to do to find self-forgiveness, then, was to understand what informed, what animated, what motivated me when I made the choices and decisions I made, and when I behaved as I did.
I am not really a "bad" person. I am not villainous, and my intention in life is not malevolent. I'm not out to "get" anybody, and I don't even seek "revenge" when people have seemed out to "get" me. I'm just a regular guy, a good person, I hope---rather ordinary in my goodness, like the rest of us. I try not to cheat, steal, lie, hurt, damage, or destroy. And yet I have cheated, stolen, lied, hurt, damaged, and destroyed. So what is that about?
It's about my not knowing what in the heck I was doing---and thinking that the only way that I could get what I felt I needed was by doing what I was doing. I was so wrong in that. I was so misinformed. Or ill-informed might be a better word.
All I wanted, in the end, was to be happy. I just wanted to be happy in my life, and I was scrambling around trying to make it happen because I didn't know how to make it happen. No one teaches us how to be happy. There's no Happiness School anywhere. There should be, but there isn't. Maybe I'll start one. Maybe I'll create the CwG Happiness School...
So there I was, scrambling like a quarterback with a porous front line, darting around the backfield, trying not to be thrown for a Big Loss.
Sooner or later I'd find myself asking meekly, "Uh...can we run that play over again...?"
I did some things during that scramble that I am not proud of, some things that hurt other people...but now I understand why I did them. I understand that I wasn't trying to hurt anybody. And even though I knew that some things would hurt somebody, I did them not wanting them to be hurt, and just wondering in my simple mind, Why can't we all just be happy, without making someone else unhappy in the bargain?
And it's all because I didn't know how to be happy...or where to even find happiness. Or, worse yet, what happiness even was.
So if a person promises to pick you up at six, but doesn't arrive until nine-thirty, and the party you were going to is over, you might feel like you have something to forgive. But if, when they arrive at the door breathless and perspiring and shameful and embarrassed and chagrined and desperately hoping for forgiveness, they tell you that they actually started out an hour ahead of time but became hopelessly lost...suddenly, forgiveness is not the order of the day. You pop out of forgiveness almost immediately, and move into deep understanding and compassion.
And so that's what I did with myself and my own past. I was, I realized, hopelessly lost. It's worse than that. I didn't even know where I was going. Conversations with God showed me that, and I responded with compassion for myself, born of a deep understanding of why I did what I did during those years past.
God, of course, knows all of this ahead of time. I mean, without my having to explain. Like the mother who comes into the room to see the child's face distorted with shame and fear and sadness and self-recrimination as he gazes at the shattered family heirloom at his feet, God understands all that has happened---and why. God doesn't have to forgive, because understanding erases any need to forgive.
Then, on top of this comes God's remarkable revelation that in any event there is "no such thing as Right and Wrong!" So if I didn't have sufficient grounds for self-forgiveness (or the lack of any need for it) through understanding why I did all the things I did, I now had an even richer awareness of Life Itself---its purpose, its function, its process, and its construction. That is, how it is put together. And this completely eliminated the need for anything even closely resembling "forgiveness."
Step One in being friends with myself was complete! I could "let go" of all that guilt I had been carrying around. Yet I don't want you to think that I suddenly became cavalier about my past, and all the hurt I had caused. I let go of guilt, but I did not step away from regret.
Guilt and regret are not the same thing. If you feel into them, you'll know the difference. I will never give up `regretting' some of the things I've done. To do so would be to give up my humanity. But I have given up my guilt. If nothing else, I am "not guilty by reason of insanity." It was insane of me to think that I could find happiness doing what I was doing the way I was doing it!
With guilt gone, I felt better about myself---I was almost a person I really could have a friendship with. But I still had two more steps to go before I could complete that process...
NEXT WEEK: Part 4-The Gift of Acceptance

Love and Hugs,
From: Weekly Bulletin #388 * * NOTE: If you would like to send a comment or a question to Neale here at the Weekly Bulletin, you may do so by addressing an email to:  *
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * 
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *   

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