
Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Self {click} 


 Self is not just the mind-body complex. Often people think of the Self
as the mind-body complex. This is an erroneous notion. Neither the body
nor the mind is the Self. All the yoga you do is for the body. All the
meditation you do is for the mind.

 Whether calm or disturbed, your mind remains mind.

Whether sick or well, your body remains body.

Self is all-encompassing.

  Service without attitude

Love without reason

Knowledge without intellect

Life beyond time and events

Is what you are.

 The only purpose for this body to exist is to make you aware of how
beautiful you are, and to make you aware that it is possible to live all
the values you cherish and create a world of divinity around you.

- Sri Sri

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

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