Seek Spirit To Guide This World


Make the Divine your sweet beloved. This is the first thing to do and the last thing to do.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Urantia, January 28, 2014. 
Teacher: The Beloved One
Subject: “Purity of Intent.” 

Received by Lytske

The Beloved One: “Another day of teaching has broken upon this planet, and the question remains: ‘How shall you use this day? Will there be some constructive thoughts in the human brain or is it already stressed about the day ahead?’ Ideally, give yourselves a moment of clarity before stumbling out of bed and perhaps grudgingly beginning another day on this disordered and backward planet, so out of step with her sister planets. Think about how this backwardness is being added to by each negative thought and decision of its inhabitants. It needs the goodwill of all to put on your collective ‘thinking caps’ and decide what kind of day you are going to experience – either a day of upliftment or another humdrum day where nothing positive ever happens. 

“You see, dear ones, it is totally in your hands to decide what sort of day you are going to have, and the gift of free will can be a most powerful tool to use. However, since thoughtlessness runs rampant on this planet, it might be expedient to ask for some insight to have some help with that tool of free will – to help steady your minds when you wield that tool. One thing would then be made clear in your minds; that it is totally unnecessary to wield the tool of free will on your own. You may request of the most valuable Spark from God within to help guide you. It is so very easy to for a moment stop and ask with intent of the Indwelling Guide what might be the best way to put your free will to use, so it can benefit the progress of the planet. 

“You see, dear mortals, if such a request would be voiced by only ten percent of the population, the whole planet would make a turn-around into the right direction, towards progress for all. It stands to reason that such a request needs to be forthcoming with the purest of intent. Yes, such an important request for help would entail the cooperation between God and human in harmonizing human will with the will of God. Cooperation is what we, your Heavenly Indwellers, represent. So there you have it, a pure Spark from God indwelling each thinking mortal on the planet. 

“Do you ever stop to realize how powerful it could be if some humans with sincerely and purity of intent would ask for help and guidance instead of thoughtlessly praying ‘may God’s will be done.’ Instead you might say, ‘I will, that God’s will be done in me, by me and through me.’ How soon your native planet would be brought in line with the rest of creation! Never forget, that they are the humans themselves who are adding to the planet’s misery. Therefore would it not be a wonderful idea on anyone’s part to be able to say on looking back later on their mortal life, ‘I did my best to help change things around for the better on my native planet with all my power and purity of intent’. Think how that would make you feel in eternity! Happy memories are far stronger than unhappy regretful ones.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“You shall minister in My Name” – The Beloved One.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4836 It Is Your Own Giving of Love That You Long For, February 20, 2014 

God said: 

When your heart longs for love, give love to others. Not too much, yet seek to fill others’ hearts. Your love does not have to be accepted, and yet you must give it. We’re not talking about fanfare, you understand. Giving love is feeling love in your heart. No others have to know from where exactly where the love is coming from. Love is here. For a moment, you have shared your love. It is your own giving of love that you long for.
Longing for love is longing to give love from your heart. Your giving love doesn’t require having to be a public matter. It is enough that you love. Your love does not have to be requited. Love is given or it is not. Let your giving of love be for another heart to receive.
It is true that love falls where it falls, and, yet, you can drop off love from your heart wherever and whenever you like. There is no law against it. This is not asking for love back. Love is not a commodity. Giving love is finding a place to drop off your love. You always have more to give. This is how love likes it.
You do not take ownership of love, not the giving and not the recipient of your love. The way you give a smile is the way you give love. You do not count the smiles you give. You simply smile, and smiles are given, and smiles are received. Whatever regard is made of your smiles, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you smile. You do not count the smiles. You do not measure them. A smile is a smile, and love is love.
We are not talking about love forced. Love is free and freely-given, or it is not love. Forced love from you is not love, and loved forced from another is not love. Love is love, and love is freeing.
Consider your love like a canoe in sun-sparkled water. You paddle your canoe, and all who are on the shore see you. This is how love is. It is just there, and it is given. And someone who may even be at a distance receives your love. He may be aware of your canoe passing by even as he is not consciously aware. The sparkling light has reached him just the same. And you have been canoeing in the water, and the water sparkles on you. No one is truly a passerby to your love. It splashes on all. Even when you aim your love to someone in particular, it splashes on everyone.
There is nothing you focus on more than love, yet too often you may focus your love on getting it back. How wonderful that would be, yes, of course. At the same time, how wonderful it is for you to give love like confetti. Let your love fall all over the world. Let every thought be how much love there is in the world, and how much love you have to give. However much love you have to give, you have a thousand times more, an infinity’s worth more of love to give. The reservoir of love is never emptied. Even if you have to scratch for your love to give, you have a reservoir filled with love, and, so, you can be the fulfiller of love.
You may think you want to receive all the love in the world. What you really want is to give it and keep on giving it. Without your focusing on it, the love you give will bounce back to you and from surprising places. Let it. Don’t keep looking for love. Keep giving it.
