SaLuSa et al. 2-28-14

f there are ripples on the surface of a lake, we cannot see the depth. Similarly unless the mind is restful, we cannot experience the harmony and union within us.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


SaLuSa, February 28, 2014

Dear Ones, we come with good news to inform you that the dedicated work you have put in, is about to bring the rewards that you have deservedly earnt. Our combined efforts have brought about a speeding up of the necessary work needed to bring about a notable stage in the progress required to bring the changes about. Your efforts have brought about a review of the progress made, and the decision was taken to rapidly move ahead. It means that specific events will occur that you will become aware of that will clearly reveal the commencement of another stage leading to "The Event". Within a relatively short period you will be given irrefutable proof of the advances being made, but do not expect them to be broadcast by the main media. The dark Ones will suppress the truth and will do anything to stop progress, and that means you may have to search around to find evidence of what is happening.

After all this time of waiting every effort has been put into bringing the necessary changes about, and the stage has now been reached where the Light is in its ascendancy. No longer do the dark ones have the controlling power that they used to have. Instead the Light has suddenly moved into a commanding position and its progress will now accelerate. Lightworkers are asked to keep their focus on the goal that they are working towards. It still requires a focused dedication to keep the momentum going, as there is still a long way to go. However, the good news is that it is all downhill now and you will not find as many difficulties on your path as previously. By now most of you know what is required of you, and many have awaited this particular time to commence their tasks. If you are one who seems to be without a specific task, you can do good work by continuing to spread the Light.

You will find that as the Light continues to grow so your lives will flow more easily. The struggles you have encountered in the past will gradually become less and less, and a time will come when everything flows smoothly and satisfactorily. It is your destiny to experience the fulfillment of your expectations and enjoy the upliftment in your vibrations. As you do so, you will find that your consciousness will also expand and you will be far down the route to full consciousness. Your whole journey has been one of seeking your path back to what you were when you first started out on your journey millennia ago.

By now you should have realised that you are not your body, which is simply something you have "put on" to enable you to experience in the lower dimension. Neither are you true "Earthlings" and your home is amongst the stars where you will return and reside as a Being of Light. You are all to be honoured and respected for having taken on the task of living through the dense realms whilst carrying the Light. You have lifted up Beings who may otherwise have been completely overwhelmed by the lower vibrations. You eagerly and without thought for yourself took on the challenge of helping lost souls, knowing that you would not be allowed to lose your way indefinitely. At all times your lives would be followed and help given wherever possible.

So please do not judge those who appear to have fallen from the Light. They need immense help and understanding to get them back on the path to it, and you have volunteered to help them do so. You do not know at this stage what experiences you have gone through to get where you are now. However, when your consciousness levels have been raised you will see yourself in the "Mirror of Truth" and will no doubt be pleased to find you have fulfilled your promises. The truth about you has to be revealed in stages as and when you are strong enough to accept it. There is nothing shocking about it, but it is simply most surprising and for many of you unbelievable.

Be open minded as you become more aware of the truth, and know that it will always have that special feeling that will not be denied. If it seems too much to believe, keep it in mind as in time you will accept it for what it is. If you knew what a wonderful time lies ahead you would not have any worries about the future, as your lives are now on a different track although that may be hard to accept in your present circumstances. These are times of turmoil as the necessary changes go ahead, yet out of them shall come the peace and harmony that you have been seeking.

From hereon life should be more easy on you and there will be no lack of encouragement. Indeed, many of you will need little if any as you will be spurred on by the developments that must come very soon. It will come in the form of confirmation of events taking place, that you would normally be unaware of but are now being revealed. Some will leave people feeling shocked but by and large they should be found uplifting. Lightworkers can be of immense help by gently enlightening people to the truth. Keep your attention on the developments as some will directly involve your activities. Be ready to adjust and always keep on the path to full consciousness. We are looking forward to making more contact with you, but it is not yet the time for more open contact. It will come of course, and even so is not too far into the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that at last the news is more enlightening and positively uplifting. It should carry on at quite a fast pace and developments to your liking and upliftment. As always we will be monitoring the activities of the dark Ones, as even a small number of them can cause problems for you. We leave you with our love and blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
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Heavenletter #4844 The Well-Being of Hearts, February 28, 2014 

God said: 

I do not carry ill will, not even for a moment. I certainly don’t hold a grudge. Why would I? And why would you, beloveds? Why would you hang onto negativity? If you hold it, it’s yours.  Negativity is not a virtue. Negativity may be a hanger-on, yet you do not have to hold on to it. You are not to hold anything against anyone, for then you affront yourself.
Be done with negativity. Just say goodbye to it once and for all. What would you ever want it for? What is negativity but a hard feeling in your heart? Hearts are not meant to be hardened. There are to be no strictures in your heart.
Free your heart from anything that hampers it. Hardening of the heart is hampering. Yield your heart. Replenish it. Grudges deny your heart. Grudges make you petulant. Grudges are control. Hold a grudge, and you give self-regard for your own heart away.
It may be you want to proclaim yourself right above all. You will sacrifice a lot to come out ahead of someone else. It must be you are looking for a fight. What do you think you win? Let go, let go. Let go of any animosity that remains. Animosity is poison. By what claim would you poison your heart? It makes no sense. It does make sense to restore your heart. Your heart was not made to be the fall guy for another’s lack of sensitivity. The heart in your chest is your own. Your heart is not fair game for anyone who comes along. You are not to give your heart away. Only in love are you to give from your heart. Only in joy.
Victory over another doesn’t carry joy, or it is a joy short-lived. Perhaps you think you are punishing someone with your resentment. If you succeed in punishing someone, that is a loss. In every case, you punish yourself.
You must not close your heart, not for anyone. Your heart is a like a flower that must open to the sun. You are not to make your heart a victim. You are not to sell your heart down the river. Give away your heart to love and love alone. May your heart give sway to love. May your heart keep its integrity which is love. Do not give up your heart to falsehood. Rather than resent another for whatever wrongs they may have committed, embrace your heart. Air it out. Resentment, grudges, hurt and all that, let them go. Do not take your heart hostage. Do not take away the liberty of your heart. Do not sell it. Do not trade it. Open it.
You are to inherit My throne. Certainly, you must learn to rule yourself before you rule others, and never are you to be a punisher of others. You are someone who is meant to love. Forgive yourself for your trespasses. Peel back any veneer you have pushed onto your heart.
Hearts are meant to be soft. Your heart is meant to be soft. Starting today, get onto the right foot. Any hostility you have kept has to be washed away now so you can move forward in life. Eject from your mind anything that is not according to the well-being of your heart and others’. Someone you may hold responsible for the roughness of your heart is not responsible. You are. You allowed your heart to become renegade. No one else is responsible. Only you. You have wounded yourself. It is you who latched on to another’s error and made it your own.


Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “A Man of Work and Action.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Many among you feel that they don’t have the benefit of the necessary time to really live. They think that given the amount of time they must dedicate to their jobs and the struggle for material survival, there is really no time for anything else. However, a life well lived is possible even in a relatively short period of time, since what is expected from human life can be achieved independent of any external circumstances. 

“Consider the example of the Master. During his life on this world, Michael didn’t spent the major part of His time in meditation or contemplation. He was a man of work and action. He faced the same problems all human beings on Urantia face and have faced, and he did it with an outlook on life considered normal for His time. However, in a little more than thirty years, He reached the zenith of material life and He reached the level that would have made possible the event of fusion with His Thought Adjuster had the Master been an ordinary man. 

“The great advantage for Michael was that He very soon learned the value of ‘conversing’ with His Father. He always dedicated some time to receiving divine inspiration, even if frequently only a few minutes were available during his days filled with tasks and duties. Thus, he early learned to know the will of His Father, and He decided to submit to this will. 

“In order to achieve great spiritual growth, you don’t need to get away from everything. You just need to learn to search within yourself and to listen to the voice of God, which is expressed to your mind by your Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth. The best catalyst for an effective spiritual transformation is the will to listen within and to follow the advice that is freely provided. If you already have made the decision to dedicate your life to the Father’s will, hold firmly to this resolution, and let it guide your efforts and your decisions at every moment of your life. This is the secret to taking advantage of the short time you have to learn during your material life. 

“Life has been designed this way, not to be a leisurely excursion, but to serve as an edifying and rich experience that will forge souls prepared for the increasingly bigger responsibilities of eternity. It is on earth where every little step in the direction of spiritual progress has the greatest value in determining the level at which you will resume your ascending career in the next world.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Life has been designed not to be a leisurely excursion, but to serve
as an edifying and rich experience that will forge souls prepared for
the increasingly bigger responsibilities of eternity.”
