New Era Conversations #21 – Working with spirit;
Quantum Mechanics – May 9, 2014
Teacher: Monjoronson
Preparations for cataclysms
Geology of Urantia
vectors of probability
The origin of quantum physics
The new consciousness out-forming our world
Working with the consciousness of spirit
Becoming all that you can be increases with open-mindedness
Bring out the good by not looking at the bad
Question on restarting commerce after the collapse
A quest for equality will always promote competition
A metaphor of fractals
question on modesty
An example for using the schematic
to examine beliefs
Morontial and spiritual language
Conflicting values of competition in young children
Update on the vignette project
Parting words
TR: Daniel
Team members present: Roxanne
Andrews, Susan Bryner and Michael McCray
May 9, 2014
Prayer: Heavenly
Father, Michael, Nebadonia and all who gather around us this morning, welcome! We come together, this small group
of humans—and I suspect a much larger group of celestials—to discuss the co-creative work of Michael’s Correcting
Time. We thank you for being here; we thank you for including us and our audience in these tasks. May
the Father’s love come to predominate in the hearts of all those on Urantia. Amen.
MONJORONSON: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. Welcome!
Group: Greets
MONJORONSON: It is good to be with you once again. As a
member of the Triumvirate, I report that the Triumvirate has been very busy with the developmental steps of its many programs. We
have asked our subordinates to carry the ball while we have been away with these tasks. I am here today with you
to share in the wisdom that we have gathered together, and that you are welcome to ask questions whenever they arise. Let
us begin with your questions, please.
Preparations for cataclysms
Roxie: Of questions from our readers: Jenny writes: “In my community
in north central Arkansas, we now have started our community/school garden with great support and success. The
rehab doors are open and we intend to teach those people about cooking, gardening and small building projects, and we are
working on our farm to the best of our ability. Networking with the leaders of our rural area, what are some of
the most effective preparations we can start to help this local area ride through these cataclysms?” And
related: “How can those ideas be relayed to people who may not be open to the idea that preparations are
even needed?”
MONJORONSON: Thank you, Jenny, for the work that you
are doing. You are, in fact, working on the most essential aspects of community building. You are echoing
the historic past of your species, as they moved from being hunters to hunter/gatherers, to gatherers and then to agrarian
developers, where they began to collect seeds and replant those seeds in the ground, and stay in one location through the
seasons. You are echoing the roots of all humanity, and this is an essential part in building the peace within
each individual as they reconnect with the roots of their planet and their roots of your species. You are helping
individuals use their hands; this is an effective process to give their lives focus and activities. We would suggest
that you instruct your students to use this time as a time of reflection, while their hands are busy planting seeds and picking
weeds and building buildings, as so on, that their minds are still productive and it is a time of contemplation and reflection
as they move about. This time can be very useful for minds to make connections of the loose ends of their lives,
so that they can make sense of their life in the past and the present and begin to build the future. Congratulations!
Roxie: Her second question is: “Living in the Bible Belt, the majority of people
here are fundamental Christians that believe in atonement and “the rapture.” Is there any message that
should be portrayed to these people before, during, or after these events, or should I allow their spiritual journey to unfold
from their adjusters and stay out of their personal belief systems? Thanks again.
suggest that you attend to the latter suggestion; that you stay out of their personal lives and their personal beliefs. You
are setting the example for your community, for your own life. People hang onto beliefs when they need them and
they begin asking questions when those beliefs begin to become weak or insufficient to support their lives. You
are living in a way that will suggest to others to ask questions about how you live. If you tend to tell them what
they ought to think or what they ought to believe, then you have put them into opposition, but if you remain friendly, but
out of discussion, they will eventually ask you what you believe in, and that will be the time then to discuss what
your believe and how those beliefs support your life.
Geology of Urantia
Roxie: In a question from a different reader, he quoted you, Monjoronson, (May 25, 2009) about the
following “ground breaking revelation:” “The magma and core of your planet continues to circulate. What
you do not realize is that while the core may rotate and be solid—the semi-solid fluid of iron in a spherical form—the
magma above it actually rotates very slowly and in an elliptical orbit around the core, so that through time,
it will come quite close to the mantle of your planet, warming your surface slowly—almost imperceptibly.”
Question: Is this elliptical orbit of the magma, the result of the gigantic impact between Urantia and
another celestial body the size of Mars?
MONJORONSON: No, it is not. It is simply
the nature of the inner fluid-geology of your planet. It is part of the rotation of your world, and also the influence
of the moon and the sun. It creates an elliptical movement in the side under the mantle. Those influences
change how the fluid part rises to the surface and then recedes.
Roxie: That is
all the questions from our readers that I have.
Early vectors of probability
Susan: In a previous discussion, I think it was Charles, who referred to the early development of
the spiritual nature of the work of social sustainability. He was talking about some of the middle ground vectors
of probability that were hoped for. One vector was the spirituality of the planet, and that the planet is under
spiritual management, become recognized. I got to thinking that in these vectors of probability, there are potential
dangers in our human tendency to organize, dogmatize, and venerate the leader over the concepts. I was wondering
if you could address what early steps or groundwork are being laid to avoid these potential dangers with the social sustainability
project and the spiritual nature of the work being introduced. And what can we do here, so that we avoid the potential
dangers that have retarded developments in the past?
MONJORONSON: Thank you for your thoughtful question;
it is very timely. The basics of the lines of probability—the vectors—began from us many centuries
ago, well over thousands of years ago. The major influence that continues to affect the present is the mission
of Machiventa Melchizedek as the Teacher of Salem. There was an eruption of related spirituality during that time
that bloomed. I wish to say, across all of these centuries and millennia, it is the consciousness of humankind
that continues the presence of those developments. Had no one taken an interest in them, they would have disappeared,
but the influences that you see are cultural, they are racial, they are ethnic and they are teacher related.
Our efforts from the beginning were to raise the consciousness of all humankind to be in alignment with the planetary
work of Christ Michael for this planet and system of planets. When human consciousness aligns itself with this
consciousness of the planet and of this local universe, then the influence of this vector becomes more and more powerful as
more and more people pick up this thought stream and belief system.
Is this making sense
to you so far?
Susan: Yes, I think so. You are saying that this has been
building for some time and there has been an influence upon the alignment of human consciousness to get to this point?
MONJORONSON: Yes, I just wanted to start this to see if you were on board, and then there is far
more to say about it. There has been a continual influence by spirit, touching your world through teachers, through
leaders, through avatars and through those individuals who have been revered. You have seen many of these influences
through time. The work in the most recent centuries has been that of the Reformation and the thought streams from
that. Many of those were detrimental as they were far too extreme and austere. Nonetheless, there was
an adjustment. The Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment and the growth of science, plus in the late 1800’s
there was a blooming of metaphysical thought that became organized and developed wherein people began to realize that thought
out-forms itself in the manifestation of your world. This has been validated by your quantum physics mechanics,
scientists and theoreticians, such that there is the probability of particles [that] can be aligned by thought.
The origin of quantum physics
are aware of the difficulty Mr. Einstein had with quantum physics, as he thought that God did not play dice. Well,
you are quite certain that God does not play dice, but the universe is constructed into basic systems: one is described by
Newtonian Physics, which is cause and effect oriented, and which also relates to relativity; and, there is quantum mechanics
which deals with the creative aspect of thought that is originated from God. All this is highly uniform in the
consciousness of your world. You may think that that is esoteric and far removed from your practices, but it is
not. It is a reality that you live as Newtonian beings on your world, yet your thoughts are in quantum capacities
to adjust and amend the material universe and the out-forming of what happens. You are connecting the dots; when
there is a consistency of thought among humankind then you will see a consistency of development.
The new consciousness out-forming our world
This is very uniform when people are together. The influence has also come about through some later individuals—we
have mentioned them before—Barbara Marx Hubbard is one, and so are the Dalai Lama and Andrew Cohen, Ervin Laszlo, and
many others. These are individuals who are leading the way to unify consciousness. They are the pioneers;
they are the frontiers people of a new consciousness that is out-forming in your world. We are assisting individuals
to out-form, or connect the dots of that consciousness back into the material form so that your world can operate in harmony,
socially, politically and economically.
The disruption of all that is caused by those people who have expectations
of what they think “ought” to occur, and how it “ought” to occur, and when it “ought”
to occur. Just as the Heisenberg Principle can determine the velocity of an electron, but you cannot simultaneously
locate its location, so too, it is that when you think about these things, and you hope for them, and you visualize them,
you are leaving it up to the universe to formulate the best outcome; but when you have expectations of when it can occur,
then that disrupts the alignment of those happenings. You cannot have both; you cannot have it when you think it
ought to occur, as you think it ought to occur.
with the consciousness of spirit
When you work with us, and you work with consciousness of spirit of this
planet, you need to let go of when it appears, or in what form it appears. You are maintaining this through an
open consciousness that is in alignment with Christ Michael himself, and Nebadonia. This is consciousness! These
vectors that we speak of sometimes are individuals; they are personalities, but the thought stream and consciousness of your
world that brought this world into existence continues on, and there is a way that it will enter into the future with or without
you. The future can arrive more subtly and more powerfully and more uniformly when you are in alignment with the
thoughts of Christ Michael. Some of you call this “love.” That is a gross collection of
all the values that support love. You must be tolerant, patient and forgiving—genuinely forgiving—and
that you do not remember the harm that is there or have resentments.
So you see, the
vectors are all those influences that are bringing about the eventual good. We have shared many things with you,
and there are many things we have not shared, or have shared only in closed sessions with very few whom we know hold a uniform
consciousness without expectation. The vectors that we speak of will soon manifest in outward form. This,
of course, can be disrupted by those individuals who have expectations. The consciousness of humanity is further
disrupted by those who work against the three core values of your species—when they are selfish, when they are materialistic,
they truly do not understand the flow of the universe—that they have made the universe finite and definable and solid
and Newtonian. They are disruptive to the outward good that we want to manifest through you.
Becoming all that you can be increases with open-mindedness
Remember, this is a co-creative effort: this requires not only your compliance but your belief and your willing acceptance
of an indefinite future. Many of you see your lives as having definite ends. Some of you have gone to
college and become accountants, for example, and then you are accountants for the rest of your life and that is all you have
thought yourself to be. But you could have become far more than just an accountant: you could have become a profound
writer and a philosopher besides being an excellent accountant. These vectors represent lines of probability, and
the probability increases for success when you are open-minded and are open to belief of the possibility that these things
can happen and will happen. Remember, the “continuum of belief” begins with hope; and then
you have belief, and faith, and trust, and knowing. When you
know the outcome is coming, then you know it has already come into existence; it is already there, it simply is in process
of becoming manifest in the reality of your Newtonian world.
I have spoken to you in some removed
ways concerning physics, yet physics expresses itself in your world in very subtle ways. You live in a dual universe,
or so you would think, but in God’s mind and Christ Michael’s mind and my mind, they are all one. You
simply need to have one foot in each part of the universe to manifest the right and perfect outcome for your life. Is
there any aspect of this which you have questions about? I wish to clarify any aspect for our readers, if possible.
Susan: Thank you, the answer was so in depth it is probably going to take me a little while to digest
it. As far as my question went, I asked about what steps or groundwork is being laid to avoid potential dangers
and you gave me this beautiful lesson on the history of the developments of our world, and that the groundwork has been being
laid for a millennia or more. What I understood from this was that each of us individually, needs to be open to
the possibilities and trust and believe in the process. This is probably the most important groundwork that we,
individually, can lay. Did I pick up on some of this correctly?
Bring out the good by not looking at the bad
you did, and let me answer your question more directly. You are aware that bad things can happen, but you know
that good things can happen as well, and so, the answer to your question is that this is a very definite Zen process; you
bring about the good by not looking at the bad. So, you know that wherever your focus is, is where you will see
outcomes that are beneficial to your situation. When we see leaders focus on the negative, we know that their energies
are now being dissipated in unproductive ways. It is simply a matter that they need to keep their focus and maintain
their direction and their inertia going in the same direction to fulfill the right outcomes for their life. I hope
this answer is a little bit more definitive for you.
Susan: Yes. Yes, it most definitely did. Thank
MONJORONSON: You are welcome.
Question on restarting commerce after the collapse
MMc: A
reader is interested in preparing a model for restoring order that might be advanced to the authorities after the collapse. He
asks, “On the advent of a local barter system, which may resemble the ancient Saturday markets, how could the three core values
be of help at the village level to restart commerce?
MONJORONSON: (One moment.) You do not need
to fear that the process of commerce would cease. Commerce is an inherent part of your social structure, your social
existence. It is a part of who you are, just as you have society for a functional community, there is some process
of governance within a functional community and some process of economics and finance; whether that is in the primitive mode
of barter and trade, or whether it is in high finance where there are just ones and zeros that are invisible, except when
they show up on a printed page. Humans will always strive to answer their needs quickly.
You can rest assured that in your entrepreneurial culture there will be individuals immediately who know how to move
from the monetary system to the barter system and trade. What balances this so that the good is maintained is a
sense of the three core values so that the quest for an improved quality of life does not include cocaine, for instance. It
does not include many other elements, which are detrimental. When you see those appear, then you are beginning
to see the spot of rot on the apple, which will contaminate the rest of the apple, and eventually, the barrel of apples. The
focus of the three core values is very much in alignment with the consciousness of good, that you want to have a high quality
of life. What this truly means is that in your barter system, and in your trade system, is that you are seeking
purpose with the outcome of having meaning. When barter and trade becomes simply a system of acquiring more materialism,
then you have lost the heart of the early barter system; then you are into the accumulation of wealth and the focus is diverted
from where it should be.
The quest for growth will express itself in a similar way. An
individual may want to do barter and trade and then eventually open a daycare center for those who want to have more time
to do barter and trade. What a wonderful opportunity to teach young minds the three core values of social sustainability
and the consciousness that espouses and promotes good order in your world, socially and otherwise.
A quest for equality will always promote competition
A quest for equality will always promote a competition. You will see that individuals will see others as
having more, or better in their own interpretations and seek to have that as well. And so, when someone has a nice
flowerpot, you can assemble another one and soon there will be an individual who is working as a potter to provide those products. Commerce
grows quite naturally. The underlying basis/foundation for building a community on that financial system is also
to have in the forefront of thinking of each individual is the three core values and how these contribute to lives. It
offers a way of thinking about doing good for others, the next moral step. Most of the time in your society, you
try to get by with doing nothing for anybody, either negatively or positively. But the three core values are proactive
to promote doing good for others. It is an advancement of the “pay it forward” moral process, so that
you can participate in making decisions that affect the whole of your society. This is essential for the development
of a stable, socially sustainable community.
A metaphor of fractals
MMc: An audience member writes that he has come to think of the three core values as a fractal. When
used together, each solution reflects the same fractal, thus if any part of the solution is out of harmony with all three
of the values, the solution is imperfect. Is this a valid assessment?
is an excellent metaphor, thank you. And that reflects his answer.
MMc: Isn’t
truth, beauty and goodness also a fractal?
MMc: And
if so, does this represent an aspect of the Supreme?
MMc: Do
you want to enlarge on any of those answers? Or I’m happy with them if you are.
are happy.
A question on modesty
MMc: A reader notes that over his lifetime, Americans seemed increasingly foul with their language
and sloppy with their dress. He asks, “Is there a model of modesty or modest behavior that is common to the
worlds not yet settled in light and life, but not part of the rebellion? And if so, what if any of that standard
can be revealed to us?
MONJORONSON: Certainly. The problem that
you describe is one of valuation. It is a matter of valuing one thing over another. It is understandable
that a person can have coarse language and have no coarse intent in using that. It is simply a matter of using
language that seems disconnected from deeper meanings. As far as dress is concerned, this is a valuation process
as well, that the valuation of the individual who is dressed sloppily may be that they are quite comfortable and they think
that they are dressed quite well. Yet, in the eye of the viewer, the observer, this may bring about some kind of
reticence or reluctance to accept that level of awareness, that level of dress. There are some societies that clothe
themselves with very little clothing at all. For instance, many cultures wear simply modesty cloths to cover their
pubic areas only, and the rest of the bodies are without clothing. Are they immodest? Are they exhibitioners? Or
are they simply accepting of their situation and this is without opinion? What you speak of is as much a result
of your own opinions about what you see and what you hear. One would have to go deeper into the assumptions of
the person using that language, or wearing those clothes, which are seen as immodest. The observer, too, must begin
to examine their own assumptions about what they hear and what they see. This provides a much more informed perspective
about the phenomena of dress and language.
An example for using the schematic
to examine beliefs
Thank you for this example, as it helps us explain more thoroughly the
process of examining beliefs within the schematic of social sustainability. You must examine your values to begin
with when you ask those questions. You must examine the beliefs that develop out of those values, and then the
expectations. Then the expectations lead you back to the assumptions as a sub-set of your beliefs to those which
are hidden to you, unknown to you, or which you have not revealed in the surface of your questions. The schematic
requires the most outstanding clarity and transparency of thinking and speaking in a social sustainability design team setting. Your
questions and your comments are primary to the process of gaining clarity. It is an excellent way of doing this. I
offer these thoughts and these comments to you concerning your question not as criticism, but simply as learning tools to
examine the thoughts and assumptions that go on within your thinking.
Morontial and spiritual language
We, of the celestial and spiritual
realm, are most fortunate in that we wear our assumptions on the surface of our language. The complexity and depth
of the morontial language and spiritual language is such that you cannot express a conceptual thought without also revealing
the assumptions beneath it. It is much like how you use verbs that have tense and have gender, and so on, to them. So,
you see when early people cross over to the mansion worlds, to the resurrection halls, you will still carry many of those
thoughts, beliefs and assumptions with you, and it is learning process that causes so much shock in newcomers to this realm
that we keep them in a closed system, much like a warm cocoon and slowly release their awareness to the full consciousness
of where they are, and the situation that they exist in. Slowly, over time, as individuals mature through the resurrection
hall process, and the first worlds that they are transported to, it is a matter of becoming acquainted with the reality of
where they are, which is so disconnected with so many assumptions of where they have been. As these are schools,
this is a process of learning from the experience. You will have time to reflect with your own individual teacher
about your experiences, what you are learning, and comparing them to your prior term as a mortal. This is a very
valuable time to launch into your new career and is one in which your supervising teacher and monitor will be able to judge
and establish and weigh your growth and how and what new schools and classes you will need to attend to progress with your
I have gone far astray from answering your question. I use it for instructional
purposes and also to assist those who are near the time when they cross over. It is a time for preparing for that
transition to begin to adjust their own assumptions and their own beliefs about the world and their life to come. Those
who know what to expect, and what to anticipate are better prepared for this crossing over and are able to engage more
advanced classes more rapidly than those who are in disbelief or who disavow the belief in an afterlife at all. I
hope that answering your questions in this way does not offend.
MMc: No, there
is no offence here. Always when you enlarge upon an answer for me to one of my questions, I find that there is
an enlarged truth that is given me so that I can not only understand the answer that is given specifically for my question,
but I can also see a much wider viewpoint than what I had when I started. So, I very much appreciate the
fact that you at times go beyond the answer to my questions. Thank you. (Monjoronson: You
are welcome.)
Are there cultural phrases on other worlds that can’t be translated into English
to embellish the concept of truth, beauty and goodness?
will leave it with those three; you have struggled enough with it as it is. (Laughter.)
MMc: Thank you, Sir.
An audience member asks: “The celestials who have revealed
themselves to us have been reasonably casual as to the manner in which they can be referred.” That is they
have instilled the sense that we are family. Is there a manner of referral to the Magisterial Mission personnel
that would be compatible with their station in the universe and the gravity of their mission here?
MONJORONSON: Thank you for your question. There is, but we hazard to make any suggestions,
as we note that many of your believers have deified many personalities, which are not deities, or even divine. And
so, we would rather err in the liberalness in which we have our relationships, rather than to err in thinking of the respect
and awe you would have if you truly knew to whom you are speaking. Our ability to accept your casual responses
and addresses to us is easy. We each know where we have come from and from whom we have our being, and so we are
not offended by your casualness, as we know that we are not puffing ourselves up with the belief or the value of our positions
and who we are. To do that would be nefarious, to use it correctly, that those individuals who hold themselves
in high regard and condescension of those who are lesser are not part of beings of light.
MMc: Please
know that you and the rest of the celestials are held in highest esteem on my part. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: We know that. Thank you.
Conflicting values of competition in young children
Susan: In
an earlier answer to a reader’s question concerning re-growing an economic system, you made the statement that a quest
for equality of life creates competition and out of that commerce grows naturally. This got me thinking about a
current social tendency, at least in the western world, to promote the idea that every child is a “winner,” and
to shy away from the consequences of competition that illustrate vastly different skills and talents. It seems
to me that the social drift to do this is mixing up the value and meaning. We want to impart to a child that every
child is of the highest value, but then there are the practicalities of existence that are often in contrast to this. Not
all children have equal skills and talents. Our early education sends a mixed message. I’m wondering
if you could speak to this from the perspective of educating a child in our culture?
thank you. The aspect of competition is one that is necessary to grow a civilization. It is necessary
to grow a nation and a society, yet it is probably one of the most corrosive elements of developing the inner psyche of each
individual. The competition is in the act, not in the person. If you have two runners who are highly
competitive and one comes to the finish line 1/10 of a second, or 1/1000 of a second before the other, he is not the winner
and the other is the looser. That frames that race in terms of competitiveness of win or lose. You see,
competition has a purpose, but when it is corroded by the “I’m better than you,” and offers a looser proposition
of either/or to the other contestants, then you have a situation where competition is highly detrimental to the social interaction
of people and their social intra-action that occurs within an individual. When one begins to identify themselves
as a winner, and everyone else is a loser, then you have the worst of conditions for competition. This is when
competition becomes highly corrosive to the individual’s spiritual, social, emotional and growth. When you
transfer this individual perspective within a CEO, who uses that mechanism of a corporation that is earning billions of dollars
every quarter, into a personal vendetta with everyone else who is competing as companies, then you have a most corrosive situation
for large numbers of people. It is competition to improve a product [that] is important to the growth and development
and evolution of technologies, but when that is incorporated into an individual’s psyche, into their self-worth, which
is antipodal to others who are doing the same work, then you see the loss of social maturity, emotional maturity and spiritual
When you work with children it is important to let them know that what they wear is
not who they are, and to have the latest and newest sneakers does not make that person better than another. What
you see on the outside does not reflect the inside. Their worth and value and beauty—truth, beauty and goodness
within a person can express itself through relationships, through speech, through camaraderie, through that union of souls
which exists regardless of what they are wearing or the cars they drive. When there is the identification of self
with the external, then you have lost the meaning of life and living; then it becomes a shallow competition of one over another
and the disregard of those who are lost to circumstances that may be disastrous. And in the worst case, we have
seen this—and you have as well—that when there is a loss of life from someone and the comment of bystanders is,
“Well, we won’t have to worry about them competing with us any more,” then you have truly entered into the
immorality of life and living in the social context.
Update on the vignette project
Susan: Thank you. That was such a rich answer to the question; I really appreciate it. I
have one further question submitted by my brother, who we’ve talked about before in these discussions. He
completed a set of beautiful vignettes and presented them to his congregation. He experienced what has been discussed
here before, that about 1/3 of the people embraced them and were energized by them, 1/3 of them were confused and 1/3 rejected
them, which he thought was probably a success. His question is: “What next?” He
wonders if there is a larger audience that it might be beneficial for him to try to reach with these vignettes, or should
he step back from them now and continue his writing to engage deeper questions of spirit? I think essentially,
he is asking for a new assignment or for some direction. Do you have anything you could say to him?
MONJORONSON: Let me ask you a question, first. Is he tired of working with these 41 lessons?
Susan: That’s an excellent question. He feels like it is a completed project in
terms of writing them, but not necessarily disseminating them or even fine-tuning them for the potential broadening of the
MONJORONSON: Thank you. He must answer that question before
he can proceed. His answer will provide us a way of answering him personally for the direction of his life, concerning
these things. However, I do have a much broader answer. We would consider 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 a huge success! It
is an outstanding success, really, if taken in terms of marketing. If you were a marketer and you received 33%
positive response, you would be overwhelmingly ecstatic about how to proceed. The quandary he is addressing is
a non-question to us. Is he seeing his glass 1/3 full or 2/3 empty? If he considers that his glass is
1/3 full, then he has an immense opportunity for the future.
The “Now what?”
translates into these vignettes beginning as a series of lessons to expand the consciousness of that 1/3 of all Christians
who reflect the capacity to engage a larger perspective of their belief and their relationship with God and Jesus. To
us, this is a resounding success, and that to withdraw from this would be a personal decision that he must make. If
he chooses not to proceed, then we can use this with others who would wish to pursue this with the 1/3 of all believers within
the church that he belongs to—and when we say “the church,” we mean the larger national/international church
that he belongs to. When you consider 1/3 of all Catholics, or all Lutherans, or all Episcopalians, Methodists,
or all the other Christian based religions, then you can see what a huge resounding success this could be. If you
consider that there are over 3 billion Christian believers who believe in God and some aspect of Jesus, whether Jesus is the
Messiah or simply an astounding teacher, then you know that you have approximately 1 billion people who are hungry for greater
truth. This is a way of espousing truth, beauty and goodness to open the eyes of those in the world who seek greater
truth. There are many individuals who seek a personal and intimate relationship with God; they know God exists;
they know this, they are mystics or potential mystics of experiencing the presence of God in their lives. These
wonderful lessons are a means to do that. One question and answer begets another, and truly these are a wonderful
way of opening the readers to questions that they have about their own belief system and the assumptions that they have developed
out of that.
Yes, there is much good work to be done by tilling this fertile field. You
realize that if you are a farmer that you have certain hectares that need to come under the plow. A good farmer
will rotate his crops in thirds: 1/3 will be under the plow and seeded; 1/3 will be fallow; and 1/3 will be used
as a harvest crop to infuse the soil with nitrogen and other nutrients and fibers that make it ready to put under the plow
for the next year. And so we see this 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3 as a wonderful proposition for growth and continuity. Who
better can be this teacher than himself, as he has experienced the presence of God and is able to transfer that to others. Your
brother is extremely enthusiastic about his relationship with God within himself, and he effuses this to others and they can
read this through these words. His choice remains his own; we will use this whether he pursues it or not.
Susan: Thank you from him as well as me. I’m sort of gleaning from this that if
he continues to—using your analogy—till the soil, plant the seeds and continue to farm this . . . if he continues
to do this, the possibilities for the next step are going to appear to him and he can make some choices, rather than worrying
what the next step is that if he chose to continue to work with it that you and others will make possibilities present.
MONJORONSON: Yes. Let me add, that now he has proven the formula within his own local
church, it is now time to take it out to a larger audience, the other churches, and to have his Pastor use these in query
with other Pastors to see if there would be an interest in using them in those other local churches, and as well in their
region, nationally and internationally. He has done the work. He has worked in the laboratory of reality
of spiritual growth and development; now it is time to take it out and to apply it to other fields. He should know
that when he asks, we will go forward of him and his Pastor to discover where those fertile fields are, where those individuals
who might ask questions of their spiritual faith are and who yearn to grow. This is an opportunity for much development
for all concerned.
Susan: Thank you so much! Those are all the
questions that I have at this time.
Parting words
MONJORONSON: I wish to close now for the benefit of This One and for you. Our programs
are many, and many of which you do not know, or are not aware of. We have alluded to them through these vectors
of probability; some of these vectors are individual; some are programs and they all live within the consciousness of the
Correcting Time program. We see many new developments coming about; some which are even maturing and that they
will hopefully be manifest in the near future in ways which are useful to you in pragmatic terms. Such a program
we believe you are beginning to understand in terms of decades, the dedication we have to the Correcting Time, that you are
beginning to mature in your expectations, and that you are setting aside those finite expectations that you have and embedding
them rather with anticipation, an anticipation of what may become, without having formulated those expectations in a conscious,
material form.
Those of you here are primary to holding the consciousness of these programs
in their most expansive way. Were you to shut down your openness to these programs and the possibility of their
expansion, we would be at a loss for a meaningful, co-creative consciousness and contact with your world. I do
not mean to inflate you by saying these things, but co-creation means that you are present, you are aware of what is going
on, you accept responsibilities and you complete them (or work on them) and you follow through.
is no different from any organization or enterprise that you participate in on your world. If you are part of a
company, you must show up for work, you must stay present, you must accept the responsibilities of something to do, follow
through and then stay in touch. It is the same for us. You are continuing to do that. The
skepticism of many of our readers does not assist us. However it does not create objections or roadblocks to our
work either; those individuals who hold so firmly to what they “think” ought to be done and the ones who create
the most resistance to the right and perfect out-forming of what is becoming. Remember, your consciousness is expressing
itself in manifest ways, which we can measure outwardly with even a yardstick. Thank you.