
Keep Constant, B Impeccable
B On Guard, Purify

SaLuSa, February 22, 2013

The pressures you are putting on your authorities, leaves them in no doubt you are not going to sit back and allow the old ways to continue. You are calling for change that will put you on course for the introduction of New Age benefits that have been held back. It is clear for example that there has to be moves towards introducing free energy, as electricity and gas prices are being allowed to escalate world wide to the point where people cannot afford them. We wonder how many demonstrations will take place before the subject is given serious consideration. People have been very patient but there comes a point when they cannot take any more. That is a dangerous time for the authorities who must not ignore what is taking place. Riots are not pleasant and we do not advocate any form of violence, but we do understand when you see such action as the only way to get attention to your demands. It means that we may have to intervene on your behalf if matters get out of hand.

Fortunately following the recent inflows of energy that have lifted people up, there is a calming affect produced by those who have taken them into their being, and are able to project Love and Light on to situations. That is keeping a balance within society, and is helping wake up even more individuals to the need for peaceful activities. Much more will be gained by bringing out the best in people, rather than causing confrontation with those in power. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and we encourage you to use it, and by your example bring people round to your way of thinking. You will notice that as more people awaken they also experience a change in their level of consciousness, and it becomes easier to bring them together to work for a common purpose. That is where your power lays and it will bring positive results.

As you are finding, it is still difficult to make progress when the dark Ones are still holding onto their power. There is however a limit as to how far they can go, as they no longer have the extensive back up that they depended on to be successful. They are being picked off one at the time and it is weakening their ability to carry through with their plans. The lack the co-ordination and leadership that was once always there to support them. Our hope is that they will discontinue their activities and see the Light, and take another path that will lead them out of the darkness. From our perspective it is never too late for a soul to change tracks, and they would be welcomed back as it is not our place to be the judge of their past lives. It is for this reason that we have previously asked you to hold back judgment of any other soul who remains in the dark, but rather be one who endeavors to lift them up by giving of your love. Darkness is the absence of Light, and you who are Lightworkers can change that situation without imposing yourself upon another soul.

You still have plenty of work to do bring the New Age into being, but it is becoming easier as you have an immense back up from us and other sources. There is never a time that we are not with you, and we do our best to inspire you and encourage you to always seek the most perfect outcome in all situations. You hold the banner for all those who are awakening, and they will find you when the need arises. We know that your heart is in the right place and is where you work from, so that your decisions are made in the best interests of everyone. We have such admiration for you all, and are pleased that before not too long you will see the results of your endeavors. Do not despair, as you have really done the difficult bit and have advanced much further than you realize. It is more important than it ever was to keep focused on the outcome of the changes, rather than concentrate on the imbalances themselves. See all falling into place as has been expected and promised, because you are so near to the final days of the old paradigm. It has little or no power to remain in the present high levels of energy, and must break up and return to the lower levels of vibration.

As soon as the levels of consciousness reach a certain point, you will literally force the awaited changes to come into being. The negativity that is holding them up will find that its power has become dissipated, and can no longer dictate the time line that they would like to restrict you to. Already more headway is being made than at any previous time, and fulfillment of the promises made to you are so very near. However, the final divine word rests with God ensuring total success once it is given. Even so we believe that in a matter of some months the direction you are going in will become clear, and we expect there to be massive support from you. Your part will be to spread the good news as you understand it, and bring more souls in to the Light.

We oversee what is happening upon Earth, but nevertheless take something of a back seat as our Allies continue to take more control of what is happening. Naturally we give them our guidance, having a better overall understanding of how matters are likely to work out. We are the unseen helpers who pave the way for your ultimate victory over the dark Ones. We bear no malice or anger where they are concerned, and have compassion for any soul that has drifted away from their Light. We never forget that everything is an important part of the whole, and we give of our Light in equal part to all on their evolutionary path. Everyone has the same potential to find their way back to the Light, and we help where we are asked for guidance.

Dear Ones help keep the peace, and help keep the balance between different sects and races. Sometimes they find it hard to accept the Oneness of the Human Race, and often religious differences are ingrained into their memory from their childhood. Lovingly accept the differences and allow others to follow their own path, providing it does not interfere with another souls freedom of choice. Fear is at the root of most troubles, and of course played upon by the Illuminati and their supporters. Replace fear with love and allow others to follow their dictates until they realize that their experience has been fulfilled and no longer needed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy to see what progress has been made towards bringing peace to the Earth, although we appreciate that many minor wars still take their toll on human life. It will not be too long before peace will be agreed across the planet, and we will ensure that it is permanent.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us!

Urantia, February 9, 2013 (date of transcription).
The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson about Assignment.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “This lesson may at first puzzle you, although in time much of the content of all my lessons will become clear. Life itself consists of lessons which you give yourself through the choices and decisions you make. You have the prerogative to always change your mind and do things differently, especially when things don’t turn out as expected. However, dear one, they are the seemingly hard lessons which carry the greatest blessings as they embody precious knowledge you can in no other way acquire. They are those lessons which form your character as at times you are tested every inch of the way, until you ‘arrive at a place of calmer waters’ and life seems to flow smoother for a time.

“You may liken life to an assignment – one which your higher self decided upon before your birth. This thought may seem incredible to you, but that is because you still hold onto the vestiges of your old belief system, and belief systems are concepts from seers, prophets and believers, set down in your so-called holy books which are full of concepts from these people. Oh yes! Much of it is inspired, but much of it, also, is human thought contamination, and personal opinion. Hardly anything contains pure celestial truth, but some of it is truth, and each and every one of you lives part of that truth until it becomes clearer in your mind. You do have that precious capacity of thought and you each represent a part of that truth as you learn it in your evolving discernment and soul-development.

“In your mortal assignments, it is up to each one to discover that part of truth which is their very own, and that precious part is the discovery that you all are the beloved children of the Creator God. It is this discovery which helps you to become grounded between heaven and earth and in a way it represents the beginning of your spiritual assignment to become perfect even as the Ultimate Creator is perfect. You gradually begin to realize that life consists of different levels, and now you enter a higher and more moral and ethical level of living as you earnestly begin to co-operate with the Guidance of Spirit within, and you begin to weave your eternal soul in co-operation with this Spirit. Your own spirit-self will become unrestrained by this co-operation. This, of course, happens through your willingness to make time to listen and act on this Guidance.

This Gift from God, this Still Small Voice comes with the counterpart of your assignment. ‘You will have opened the door’ by your willingness to search for answers, and will have found those answers waiting within yourself. It is part and parcel of becoming an independent thinking human being who dares to believe in an unseen God. And having had so much confirmation from within, you can no longer deny My existence in you, unless you become willful and turn away from Me. But you are smart enough to realize, that I offer you the greatest hope of all as I have given you the peace of mind for which you have been searching all your life. For this was and still is part of My assignment, to aid you through this life so you can fulfill that part of your mortal assignment and become that which the Eternal desires for you and has individually gifted you with, which is to live life to the best of your ability. For in the mind of God, there is a plan for all His mortal children to become perfect as He is.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4473 Your Heart Counts, Too , February 22, 2013 

God said: 

What is going on with that heart of yours today? That heart of yours bounces up and down, up and down. Yes, you want your heart to be moved, yet maybe not so much as your heart does. Your heart, which is boundless, nevertheless, must not spread itself too thin. Your heart, unlike Mine, can’t be everywhere all at once. Your heart has to take a measured pace. It cannot speed everywhere.

Love and love yourself. Care and care for your heart. Your heart is unlimited, and yet it cannot be at the beck and call of everyone and everything. Yes, your heart cannot spend itself every day on everything everyone might wish. Seeming others are not to pull the strings of your heart. Do you get what I am saying? I do say that your heart is go to everyone everywhere, and I also tell you to refrain from over-spending your heart.

Yes, you are to be a friend of all, yet, that does not mean that when your friend is suffering, that you are to suffer as well. That is over-extending your heart. You have gone to the bank and taken out all your funds. You have exceeded your balance. Do you see what I mean? Sometimes, in the name of friend, in the name of love, you over-extend your heart. You allow others to take too much of your heart. Your heart has no bottom to it, and, at the same time, you can’t let your heart go every which way as if your own heart doesn’t count.

The Great Spiritual Ones loved with all their hearts, yet they did not overspend. They did not give all their energy away. They loved, and they were loved, and, yet, their heart was not a free-for-all. They did not cut their hearts too thin.

The Great Ones felt the suffering that others had, and, yet, they did not suffer. What good would that have been to anyone? They cared, and, yet, they did not take on the suffering. But you may well. You may tend to take on other’s suffering.

The Great Ones did not get weighed down in the suffering of others.

Buddha is known for his happiness. How could he have been Buddha if he cried with everyone who came to him.

When a man came to Christ for healing, Christ did not take on the man’s illness. How could Christ have beckoned healing from weakness? No, only from strength.

And you, even as a friend to all, must maintain your strength. You simply can’t give it all away. You do not put yourself up for grabs.

It is such a balance We are speaking of. You are heartful. You are not heartless, not at all. It is a more universal heart that you give and not overdo the giving of your own personal heart.

So, it must seem to you that I am giving you a mixed message. I say: “Give your heart to all.” And, then, it must seem to you that I say at the same time: “Conserve your heart.”

Perhaps, I should say: “Give your heart, and then move on. Don’t stay in one place. Do not get bogged down.” As I remember it, Christ was always walking along. He kept moving.

He was always a constant, and yet he moved forward. His light would remain as he moved along. He could give more because he moved along. He could give more because he did not overspend himself.

He did not consider himself a Savior. He was the Messenger. Above all, he knew from where all blessings come. He never forgot the Source, and it was from My pocket that he gave. Do you understand Me now?

Cedomil Vugrincic

Harp of God Bulletin 2/20/13

A Giant Mirror

From: 11:11 Progress Group []

Urantia, February 5, 2013.

Teacher: The Beloved One.

Subject: "A Giant Mirror."

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: "Let us pause for a moment so you will be prepared for the
words which need to be spoken. This is a subject which is almost unknown on
this planet. It is hardly ever explored, unless it is told by those who have
had a near death experience. In those cases it is no one else's story but
theirs. This is a very important subject to give some thoughts, as this
moment is awaiting each human. It is the closure of the door to mortal life
when the physical temple is left behind. This is the moment when the human
soul emerges from its mortal habiliments and when it is transported by the
transport angels to the first mansion world, where in due course the
resurrection will occur. The time between mortal death and resurrection is
of no consequence as this is decided upon by the Judges on High, depending
solely upon one's spiritual development.

"The period intervening can be likened to the longer or shorter sleep of
death, during which nothing is gained, and depending on what kind of life
the mortal lived in the flesh, and whether or not some thoughts had been
given to eternity and the God who created mortal life. The responsibility
lies with each human to make the decision to become immortal. It is God's
Grace and Mercy which allows everyone to make that decision, no one is ever
coerced. Therefore, all depends on whether the mortal did establish a living
connection with the Spark of God within, which inhabits all thinking humans
on this planet. This Gift is your Pilot, your Guide, given to you when you
made your first moral decision when still a small child. You are then given
the choice to turn within and listen to your Guide.

"Our subject is that of the Giant Mirror. The Giant Mirror is a symbolic
approach to what happens after your resurrection. At that time your memories
return and you are confronted with them as in looking into a giant mirror,
seeing what you accomplished, what you could have been done better, and what
you might have neglected to do. The 'giant mirror' acts as a summing up of
the life you lived in the mortal estate. Then plans will be formulated for
self-correction and what you would like to pursue in the morontia estate to
become increasingly more perfect, as this is the next step in the ascension
journey to Paradise. There are innumerable Teachers and helpers to help you
on your way, but everything you will learn is adjusted according to your
spiritual development.

"And, yes, you will be able to meet up with those who moved on before you,
and they may also be able to help and direct you depending of course on
their spiritual development. Perfection is part of your life-plan which
comprises your divine blueprint you were born with on earth. God is good all
the time, never mind the erroneous belief systems you have been raised in.
These were simply a now no longer needed scaffolding, piece by piece falling
away as greater truth is slowly dawning upon you. Give these important
matters some thought and make attempts to clear your mirror whilst still in
the flesh. Endeavor to make friends with your Pilot Light within, and
establish a firm connection.

C The 11:11 Progress Group.

We are each other at our spiritual Root Source - 
ABC-22, January 1972. 

