

To the uninformed, chakras are taken to be mystical entities derived
from Eastern traditions. While many people in the West have little
understanding of chakras and their energy, these energy centers are quite
real. We need to appreciate the Eastern teachers, for they have studied
the subtle energies for centuries and have evolved various disciplines,
or yogas, from their learning.
The word "chakra" is Sanskrit for "wheel" or "disk," and signifies one 
of the basic energy centers in the body. There are seven major chakras
which branch forth from the spinal column. Each of these
chakras has a strong association with systems and organs of the human
body, as well as with certain emotional and spiritual issues.
   Chakra energies typically spin in a clockwise direction, swirling out-
ward from the spine. They can be measured and felt. The amount and the
quality of the chakra energy typically correlate with the overall health of
the person, with a decline in energy in one chakra having significant con-
sequences for the organs of the body associated with that energy center.
   Most people have an intuitive understanding of the chakra energies.
The crown chakra at the top of the head is the area where Divine Com-
munion flows into the person. In ancient drawings, saints and sovereigns
and others who were felt to be in communion with God are depicted
with halos of golden energy floating at the top of their heads. Similar to
the Angel-wings myth, these halos, or nimbuses, are the visible expres-
sions of crown chakra energies.
We all intuitively understand that the fourth chakra, located in
the center of the chest, emanates love energy. The fifth chakra, at
the base of the throat, is associated with the ability to say what you
mean; therefore, having laryngitis, or a sore or scratchy throat, is often
related to feeling unsafe about expressing your own needs, and/or an
uncomfortable truth.
The lower three chakras are rooted in the density experience. That
  is, there is no Ascended version of the lower chakras, while there does
  exist a higher-frequency alignment in the upper chakras.
   The first chakra, at the base of the spine, is associated with one's
  grounding in the physical world and with issues of safety self-pres-
  ervation, and belonging. The second chakra, near the navel, is associated
   with emotion, intimacy, and sexuality The third chakra, at the solar
    plexus, is associated with ego identity, personal power, and the muscular
  system. Each of these three chakras is identified with the body and tied
    to the third-dimensional density experience.
      Beginning with the fourth chakra, the heart, the energies become
 increasingly refined. Thus, the fourth chakra is associated with the
   energy of love, and the fifth chakra, the throat area, with Truth. The
   sixth chakra, often referred to as the "third eye," is associated with
 mental clarity and clairvoyance. The seventh chakra opens to Divine
Connectivity and wisdom.
In general, as a person evolves, they move their energetic focus up
the chakra system. Thus, to a youngster finding his way in a world
of grownups and uncharted environments, safety is a daily concern
(first chakra). To the young adult, sexuality and intimacy are at the
 forefront of their experience (second chakra). Ego identity and a sense
 of personal power are issues commonly present in the workplace
(third chakra). Of course, all chakra energies are available at all times.
Thus, all can know love; all can know Divine Flow.
It usually takes some time for people to be able to access Universal
Love and Divine Wisdom. The issues of the lower three chakras are
  simply "too compelling," and preoccupy our attention. This is why
 yoga and meditation are especially useful in helping us access the higher
 streams of energy.
To the extent that a person has unresolved emotional issues, the associ-
ated chakra will spin out energy associated with that issue. This energy is
 an invisible attractor to those who have similar issues. People are drawn
together by their energy, and have the opportunity to work through the
  issues that are distorting their energy flow.
  For example, often someone who has an unresolved sexual abuse
history sends out a chakra energy that attracts a partner who has sexual
issues as well. Similarly, a victim attracts a perpetrator and an addict
finds an enabler. Each of these patterns puts out an energy signature
which invites a relationship with someone who resonates with the dis-
torted energy How. This results in a mutual healing opportunity.
  Your chakras carry your consciousness and energy out into the envi-
ronment. They are lenses through which you view the world. They
engage the world at the level of their song, and we call into our lives
circumstances and people who offer an energetic fit, and an opportunity
to bring the unresolved issues to the forefront of awareness.
  The lower three chakras are completely aligned with the density
experience. These three chakras are whirlpools of energy associated
with traditional density understandings. These chakras will not go
away because they serve to keep the body alive; they just become more
peaceful as we mature and heal. As you are able to hold the energy of
 spaciousness and love, the energy of the lower chakras evolves from
 a whirlpool into the Divine infinite swirl. They quiet down, and you
 are then less distracted by issues of safety, sex, and power. You find it
 easier to center yourself in the heart if you choose to interrupt the event-
 response cycle with the energy of gratitude.
   If you are experiencing an emotion that is not Peace, Love, or Joy, then
 one of your lower chakras has been activated. The key is to breathe
 deeply and say thank you, for it is in the recognition that you are not
 in Joy that you find your true power! No matter how evolved we might
 consider ourselves, from time to time events in the world will trigger
 an unpleasant experience. When that happens, an event-response loop
 has been initiated, based on an unconscious judgment or hurt that you
 are carrying. You have a choice as to how you will interact with the
 experience. Once the pain signal has caught your attention, you must
 decide where to go next.
   It is easier to intercept an event-response loop when one brings
 the Ascended Heart energy to the situation. With gratitude and
 love in place, any pain-based event can be expanded beyond its
 perceived limitations. The world of experience will give you many, many,
 many opportunities to practice returning to your heart! Address each
 event with love and gratitude, and your peace will be assured.
 The Self-Ascension Chakra Portrait (not shown) offers a visual
 representation of the chakras swirling in the state of Divine Completion,
 the infinity symbol. The lower chakras still offer energy and energetic
 nourishment to the physical body. However, the flow of that energy is
 balanced and reflects the connection of the person's consciousness with
 Divine Flow. It offers you a glimpse of the state sought by followers of
 most of the world's religious traditions, one in which the heart is swirling
 energy in all directions, and the transpersonal connection to All-That-Is
 (the Lotus Chakra) is active. The Chakra Portrait also offers a view of
 the golden portal of swirling spiral energy that surrounds one who is
 in balance and communion.
   Regardless of your understanding of the chakra system, we all under-
 stand Love. We all recognize that love heals, love unifies, love encourages,
love expands, love nourishes us. Nothing we have shared here
will take you somewhere you don't want to go.
   The intention of this work is to offer you an expanded paradigm and
to help you anchor in your heart. It aims to assist you in recognizing
the freedom that comes when you trust your heart and inner knowing.
When we truly anchor in our hearts, new responses to perceived prob-
lems arise automatically. True harmony results!
{More to follow, please check back}

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