R-U Brave?

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Kuthumi: Dealing with Changing Energies
3.)  Shhhhh...Baby's Sleeping
4.)  Mayan Messages: Integration
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  You Are Brave

Isis' Message of the Day -
Pay it Forward . . . If you have the financial capability, find a neighbor or someone who may be unemployed who is struggling to make ends meet that has children going back to school and give what you can to help.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. There is a vastness that we wish to convey. You see your self as a separate individual contained within the body. And yet, you are more than the body. You are energy and that is of God/Source/Creator. Many of you know of this "energy" because of the aura. But that "Aura" is you. It is an aspect of Your Soul. You as a "being" of "energy" or Soul, is so much greater than you know. You are a Child of God. Another way to say that is you are an aspect of God which means you are connected and a part of the Divine. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

Kuthumi: Dealing with Changing Energies
Channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark
August, 15, 2010
I Kuthumi enter your energy fields once again. I come to guide you through the great changes of your evolutionary process. You have entered a new creation of being. There is no going back, that is not possible. Indeed it is time now for much of your past experiences to be released from your emotional bodies and held only as a distant remembrance on the mental body. In this way any emotion is overcome and released.
This is essential on your path of awakening and empowerment, for old emotions of resentment, pain and anger will merely hold you where you are now in your progression process.
You will not progress forward, but stagnate. This will lead to depression and great loss of vital energy and Light.
It would be a very wise exercise to sit quietly and take an overview of your emotional body. Ask to be shown that which your sub-conscious mind holds deeply. I can tell you that you will not like what you are shown – either by your higher self or another person through comments and events. No, you will not. Why do you think it has been hidden so deeply for so long? I remind you that you are no longer the same person who so skillfully buried that emotional event. You have grown, attitudes have changed. So do not fear. Please do understand that the poison must be released before complete healing can take place. Think of how much lighter you will feel. Think of the higher vibration you can now carry without a hidden weight holding you back. You see in this way you develop purpose and understanding of the necessity to deeply cleanse.
You are creating a further change in attitude, in vibration, in Light. You are empowering yourself even more through this process. You may call on us here, the Council of Light, the Arch-Angels and the many spirit guides who come to assist you and uphold you in their unconditional love.
The Emotions of Others

As you gain a higher vibration in your being, you also become more aware of the emotions of others. It becomes very easy to connect to their radiant energy fields. I caution you to be aware of soaking up another’s negative emotions into your own energetic field. You see, those who are struggling with the energetic changes are becoming easily distressed and confused. This often leads to anger. Many are trying to cope with financial strains, the result of previous personal choices made. Governments are also experiencing this on a larger scale, which in turn accelerates negative personal finances and anguish. So there is much negative emotion in the ethers.
Fortunately the many Light workers on the Earth assist greatly in transmuting this energy, particularly when meditating. This is essential to mankind’s transition.
There is much happening through these times. I have been asked how can you transcend that which belongs to another. How can we get through these times of change on Earth? I give you now the keys in three steps.
Step one –
Travel lightly. Release your own emotional clutter and baggage of past. As I have said, it is essential to keep clearing your own emotional body. Like the layers of an onion, there are many issues. Some which are shown to you, you may think unimportant, or that you have already dealt with that issue. Yet your higher self has shown it to you again. Therefore there is still anger or pain being retained which must be released. I tell you, when you can look at an old hurt or a person associated with it, when you can view the incident and feel nothing, no emotion, it was merely something you experienced – a distant memory – then you have completely released and you are free of it. I urge you not to act impatiently through this clearing process. It cannot be rushed. Allow your higher self to guide you, to show you, usually in a meditative state. Sometimes it is an issue from a previous life time that has still not been healed. These are usually held very deeply within you. Yet your soul has chosen to carry them to this lifetime to be cleared, healed. So rejoice when you begin positive steps to understand and release these old issues. You are undertaking what you agreed to do before you incarnated in this life time. It is important that you regularly clear the emotional body. Do not allow fear, resentments or judgments to take root on your emotional body.
Step two –
Recognition. Own or throw it out. This is a very simple, yet essential step in this process. Ask yourself this question, “ Is this emotion mine or someone else’s?” Simple is it not? Yet so important. I give you some examples my friend. At work, is it your anger, frustration, or another’s? Is it your opinion, or someone else’s? Your choice, or another's? Has another hurt you through their actions or words? Therefore it is another’s attitude or behavior is it not? Recognition. Yours or someone else's. Now you must choose your action. Do you store it – usually on the emotional body, or release it? Please release.
Step three –
Transmute, transmute and transmute again. This is the key to surviving these transitional times. As I have said own it, or transmute it. Understand all is experience. Understand you are now ending the experience of duality. Old karma is now ending. Any new karma you create will be dealt with instantly. Yes, instant karma, a final learning of treating others as you yourself would like to be treated.
Soul Living

My friend, these simple steps have the power to assist you greatly in all areas of your life. As your vibration is raised you are readily able to pick up the emotions and energies of others around you. Much of what you transmute will come from others, at work, at home, in business. You see some of you are more evolved souls than others. Therefore some are able to recognize and clear themselves more easily. Yet these evolved souls are very much needed now on Earth. The work they do in transmuting and clearing is vital to all on Earth through the Great Shift you are experiencing.
If you can follow these guidelines I give you now, you will experience a faster and smoother conscious awakening of Soul. You will experience the first steps of the New Earth. A higher vibration through soul awareness – soul living.
Master Kuthumi
Copyright © 2003-2010 Rev. Lynette Leckie-Clark - All rights reserved. You are welome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.
In her own words, Lynette says: “We are on a great journey of reconnection. We need to develop our lost skills, held within our cellular structure and our Soul memory.To those of you who hear the Master's call, who feel an inner tug, I say to you - begin Now. Take your first step to a world of Light. A world of Love.
I am but an instrument the Master's use to assist you in that process. “
She lives in Queensland, Australia with her husband Michael. http://www.kuthumischool.com/  *  

Shhhhh...Baby's Sleeping
by Rebecca Couch

Just when you think there is nothing more to say, there is nothing and more to say!
Your counsel of guides and support team are always there for you even when you think you are fully in the doldrums and no wind has been pressing your sails for days and days. It is all good. Remember that it is out of the darkness, the void, the no-thing-ness that all is fertilized, percolated and born again. Be especially patient with yourself during this time, for it is as delicate and important as any gestation period. Allow. Trust.
You keep thinking that you want to know the answers to everything and yet you fail to consider what that would actually be like and also that while the human brain has far more capacity to express, it's a good idea not to blow it up in the process! Trust. (T.R.U.S.T. Thinking Rationally Usually Starts Trouble!) Remember the 3D experience is to slow things down in the constraints of conceptualized time to then come to experience the freedom of no time within it, so don't buck the process. Patience.

Remember that your body is catching up in transformative response to all that is taking place expressed from the universe and the sun of your galaxy and the movement of your planet and all others and the rotation of your moon and the magnification from the higher realms and the affect on your atmosphere and the purification of the old and influxes to your spiritual body and the healing of your emotional body and the blanking out of your mental body, and, and, and... Is there any wonder why you just need to sit and watch the birds and how the leaves flip around in the wind? Is there any wonder why your dreams are crazy when you can sleep and that bed seems like the most beautiful, blissful place in your world that demands a giant "ahhhhhh" every time you collapse your weary spine into it?!
Honestly, as if you haven't heard this a thousand times before, the whole point of this is to LOVE YOURSELF THROUGH IT. It's the fuel of all things, so throw it at whatever you can to survive! Love is always the answer and Self Love right now is the greatest untapped commodity in the world. Love yourself through it as if you are swaddling and cradling and cooing yourself in a giant rocking chair. Music helps too. Music truly is the soother of the soul - well, most types anyway. To that nurtured child feed it gentle foods, happy thoughts, kind expressions, sweet perfumes. Disallow anything that would disturb or unsettle it, for it is precious. When you have ever let yourself consider the miracle of gestation and what those busy cells by pure nature know to do to construct the intricacies of the flesh and its incredible systems - that is just what is happening to you right now, so shhhhhh...baby's sleeping.

© 2010 Rebecca Couch and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart * www.heartlight.ca   *  Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on www.heartlight.ca  * 

Mayan Messages: Integration
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
DAY  42
In the previous Message, we spoke of Imix 2 as New Beginnings and shared information on the purpose of polarity in your Realm. This day we will speak of  how to integrate polarities in order to create a balanced life full of love which will fuel the fire of passion for the "mission" you chose to accomplish during this lifetime.
Polarity is simply a word meaning "opposite." Where there is up, there is down,   Where there is hot, there is cold. Where there is joy, there is sadness. The song, Turn, Turn, Turn speaks volumes on this subject.
Why have worlds of polarity? From Creator Source and down through many Dimensions, all that existed was Love, the pure essence of energetic love. The Realm of Pure Love is indescribable to you, because it is beyond emotions. For many eons, there have been many, including your Self, who wished to experience something "different."
And so, with great passion, groups gathered to create various worlds, dimensions and experiences. This one you are currently experiencing is only one of a myriad within all "time" and "space." It appears real because it is real. You are here and you remember little to nothing of the other Realms where you have resided. And that is how it should be, for that was one of the pieces of the contract for those who signed up for Mothership Earth.
And so, you are here. Although it is a delightful place, it does have handicaps with the limitations that were created to make this experience a possibility. You were very excited to be one of the chosen Spirits to enter into this incarnation. Before you incarnated, you were of the Light. (Those of the Dark wouldn't be reading this right now.).
For each individual on Earth, there was a unique reason why you chose to incarnate and goals you wished to accomplish. Many of these goals overlap, but each of you is unique in how you will pursue and accomplish those goals. Many will turn against their spiritual guidance and intuition and not pursue the goals they intended before incarnation. There is no "sin" in this; however, you will be breaking the contract that you set up for yourself. Within that contract in most cases, you have assigned spiritual Helpers, as well as your own Higher Self to help you stay on the Path to your desired goals.
When you do stray off the Path, it is like having a GPS set up in your car. When you make a wrong turn, you receive a warning that you are off your Path. The GPS will then set up a new route to get you back on track. Perhaps you will turn the machine off. This is akin to not following your intuition or synchronicities.
Maybe you will intentionally choose another Path or set of experiences. The GPS has no judgment regarding your changed destination. It will simply create a new route for you to follow. When you divert from the new Path, it will give you a warning. This is like changing your life script, but still following your intuition. However, if you divert too far off the Path you chose before incarnation, you will  get more reminders that you are off track.
Many of you will simply turn the GPS off. This is a sure way to set yourself up for a bumpy ride. Your intuition and Spirit helpers help clear the Path for the intentions you set. However, if you do not ask for their assistance, they cannot intervene in your choices. It would be like wandering through a thick jungle with no sense of direction. The main reason you enlisted them to help you stay on track is because you were fully aware that a Veil of separation and not remembering would cloak you as soon as your Spirit entered the human body.
No matter which route you choose, there is one common denominator. This is a world of polarity. You can choose whatever you wish to experience. As a baby and throughout your life, you will experience many things. You will learn that if you touch something very hot or very cold, it will hurt. At some time, you may become aware that the extreme opposites actually feel the same. Have you ever been extremely happy or sad? In both cases, the tears flow and the emotions feel the same.
It is good to experience the opposite ends of some of the polarities. That is one reason why you are here, to experience new things. It is your choice at any step along the way to choose to either ride the rollercoaster or the Tunnel of Love.
Today we are talking about the integration of polarity. This can be accomplished in two ways. You can either choose to experience both sides of a specific polarity, such as "love" and "fear." Or, you can choose to experience a balance of the two in order to reach your intended goals. Either way, you will experience the integration of both. You will reach your destination either after many rides on the rollercoaster, the ups and downs of life, or you can reach it by choosing to ride the Tunnel of Love without experiencing deep levels of fear.
For those of you who wish to integrate the polarities in your life "with grace," we will show you a way to accomplish this. At this time, we will introduce the Tun of today, the energy of 3. This is the energy of the trinity. For today's illustration, three is symbolic of the two points of polarity with the addition of the middle or balancing point.
Do you remember studying the "number line" when you were in school? The line stretched out infinitely to the left (negative numbers) and to the right (positive numbers). A little dot represented a number or place on the line. That is how your world of polarity works. You can choose an infinite number of negative possibilities or an infinite number of positive possibilities.
The little dot on the number line is where you are NOW. At any point, you can choose with clear intentions and passion what you wish to experience. By the time you read this, it is certain that you have been all over the number line. You have chosen both negative and positive circumstances, both consciously and unconsciously.
What we offer today is a smoother road. Better choices. More balance. You  no longer need to experience the extremes. Now is a good time to get clear and back on your Path. For those of you on your Path, you understand what I am saying. You have learned how much smoother, calmer and wonderful the ride is when you have balanced the polarities.
For you, we ask that you share your wisdom with those who are still struggling against their Guidance. Please share with others the ways you hook into your inner self, whether through meditation, quieting the mind, or prayer, for it is all the same. There are many paths to the same goal, so as you share, be mindful that you are simply stating ways that helped you. Let the listener develop his or her own Path, with your support.
For those of you who wish to balance your life, we encourage you to quiet your inner and outer mind. Soon, you will once again hear your inner voice. Soon, you will release the fears, behaviors and belief codes that keep you habitually returning to old ways that keep you from your wildest dreams. As you learn to step from dot to dot on the number line, you will become more balanced.
It is like riding a bicycle. It requires concentration and practice until you master the skill. Once you learn to ride the bicycle, you will get faster and be able to zip past those dots at record speed. The trick is to know when you have arrived. Many will go overboard and become zealots, feeling the need to save all others from what they have gone through. If you realize you have passed your mark, turn your bike around and retrace your steps until you find yourself in a place of peace.
You are not here to save the world, but to be a part of the world. By asking for guidance from your Spirit Helpers and tuning into the wisdom of your Higher Self, you will soon know why you are here and be able to stay on your Path. It is much easier to ride a bicycle on a Path that has already been paved and prepared for you. You will find watering holes; resting places and repair shops appear whenever you need them.
Once your basic needs are met, you will be better equipped to make this world a better place, simply by being who you are. Your level of happiness, joy and love will grow exponentially. This energy will flow out of you and permeate all. You will create and enjoy with passion, sharing the unique gifts you have, simply by being. In this way, you will have integrated the polarities in your life and can now enjoy going to the amusement park to experience the rollercoasters and Tunnel of Love without wreaking havoc on your emotional state of being.
Have fun, stay focused and enjoy the ride! 
Ik 3                    
Theresa Crabtree
You are encouraged to pass this message to others. We ask that you send it in its entirety and with the email address attached.
Theresa Crabtree is a channel for the Mayan Day Keepers.  She may be reached at: TheresaAndDitoh@yahoo.com   or through her website:  www.t-a-d-a.com  * An eBook containing all 260 messages is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are raw and unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.
To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: http://www.t-a-d-a.com   The website also includes many resources on herbs, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, I will share with you a great truth: as you abide in joy and in freedom, it is contagious. It allows others to know how strong they are, how great the master that they are; that if you can say, “I trust, I know, I will live as the holy Child that I am,” it allows them also a crack in the door or the window to know that there is another way to look at things. And quite often they will fight against it because it is foreign to them, because that is not what the world teaches.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

HEAVEN #3562
You Are Brave
August 26, 2010
God said:
You may come to a crossroad where you decide that life, so to speak, is not going to interfere with your life.
Life is not a gauntlet you are running, yet some days you feel pelted with snowballs or hail. You keep going, and you let hail fall where it may. The weather is not a deterrent to you. You keep walking. You are like the mailman, and neither rain nor sleet nor snow stops you from delivering the mail. The mailman also picks up letters that people want him to mail for them. So in life, you deliver messages, and you also pick up messages from the assorted mail that is known as life.
In life, you may pick up and deliver messages that seem random, or may seem serious, and they are, after all, only messages. Not all messages from life merit great thought. Some mail is casual, even tossed aside or out. And some are bills you pay. And some are love letters and some messages you can’t figure out why they were sent and why they were addressed to you. What can you do but sort the mail as best you can, and then get up and keep going.
In any case, mail comes when it comes, and if your name is on it, your name is on it. You don’t have to let packages fall on your head. Mail, like inclement weather, is not supposed to knock a good man down nor is it to keep him down. Packages do not have to batter your heart any more than the rain, sleet, and snow. They are part of life, and yet, at the same time, they are incidental to life. We can say you weather them, or We can say you come out the other end of the rainbow.
You walk through certain terrain, and never can you stay there. At some point, you do have to get up and go on your way. The mail that comes, comes, and you survive it. As unwilling as you may be to admit, because of the assorted mail, you have gained. You have grown. You can be wiser without being sadder. No one said you had to be sadder. It is not a requirement. Suffering may be an elective you have chosen.
It has been said that life is a school. Let’s just say for the moment that life is a school. The point is you are going to graduate. So then what is all the fuss about? You are going to get through this school you matriculate in. You may not choose all the courses you will take. Nevertheless, you are going to demonstrate great scholarship. You already have. So you have a few scars. What is that? You are a survivor of life. You may even walk out a hero. And why not?
Everyone alive on Earth is brave. It is brave to venture forth on a journey that no one has even been on before. There never was a journey like yours, and there never was anyone just like you, never ever. Even though all are One and are on the same adventure, no one has traveled the exact route as you. No one is dropping off and picking up the exact same mail as you.
As best you can, make others’ journeys a little easier. Take some of the debris out of the way. Shelter others when you can. Smooth the road a little. Make it as nice for others as you possibly can. That may well be your path in life, sweeping the path before others. In so doing, your own journey is more gentle. As much as you can, think of others and let them know that you are, indeed, thinking of them. All the people in your life want you to be thinking of them.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

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