R-U At Your Transition Point

Are You at Your Transition ‘Whatever!’ Point?

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com



Dear Ones,

You have cleared most, if not all, of your deeply held secrets - whether spiritual, emotional or physical. You have suffered through your 'dark night of the soul' on many levels - in dream time or awake.

You are exhausted and have little to offer yourself, much less others. You feel as if your world was turned upside down and tossed into a ravine. Nothing that was is and yet you awake to the same 3D world as 6 months ago. You have discarded friends and family and felt such deep loneliness that you can barely cope. Yet, you continue on.

The energy infusing you now is, in essence, an energy drink to revitalize, to help you hope again and to help you better understand yourself. For it is difficult for you to think beyond today or tomorrow given your deep exhaustion.

You know better than others that this is not a 'normal' exhaustion - you sleep many hours and yet awake tired and sometimes unable to contemplate the activities you used to complete with ease. Meeting new people or old friends often feels burdensome - unless the groupings are small and intimate or so large you do not need to interact.

You feel as if your nerves are on the edge of your skin. Yet, you continue on. Hoping and yes, praying it will be over soon.

Just the thought of another energy shift seems too much to contemplate, let alone live through. In truth, you do not care enough to become nervous or frightened. You have reached a 'whatever' point in this New Age/new earth transition. Little excites you and much exhausts you. You have no energy to spare - much less interest to move through yet another deep energy burst. And so it is that the Universes are sending you additional energies in preparation for the next big energy shift.

You will note these additional energies when you short-circuit electrical or computer equipment, when you feel as if you have to move or do something, anything, or you will burst. Yet, you will feel exhausted. Waking up hoping you can complete at least half of what you want to complete - and on the same day having a need to go somewhere, anywhere just to reduce the energy infusing your being - the energies gifted to you by the Universes.

Perhaps you are equating this energy infusion to an energy drink or a cup of coffee. You will feel somewhat like that only deeper and richer.

Most likely this Universal gifted energy infusion will affect your sleep patterns. You might need a nap during the day following a night without sleep or find that you sleep well at night and yet need several naps during the day. Your body is adjusting to yet another energy ramp up. The difference is that the energy infusion of the next few days is a gift from the Universes. It is not part of your expected physical changes. Let us explain.

Until now, you have gradually accepted energies as presented to the whole of earth - and thus the Universes. Some of you have dipped deeper into the energies than others, but all have been able to access these energies. The energy infusion of the next few days is for those of you who wish to ramp up faster than others, but do not have the energies to do so on your own. You have requested an outside energy source such as is being provided until the end of May.

We are not overtaking your being. You are exhausted, and as is true for your morning cup of coffee, you have requested our assistance in grabbing the brass ring arriving in a few days.

What is meant by our last statement? You, as a group of advance Lightworkers, have requested rapid progression into the New Age/new earth. Your physical body is exhausted, yet all indicators are that the soon-to-be planetary movements will allow you to skip some steps in your evolutionary process. Those of you at the forefront of this shift sense that potential movement with awe, excitement and sheer exhaustion. You want to be part of it, but do not have the energies to jump the hurdles occurring in the next few weeks. You have requested assistance. And so you are receiving.

Those who wish to jump those hurdles will feel spurts of energy that do not seem possible upon waking.

Those not at the forefront of this movement will not note the energy infusion for they do not require such at this time. They are content to follow your path as you cut away trees and brambles. It is you at the forefront who are exhausted, who sometimes feel as if you can not possibly go one step further - and yet, you yearn to do so with every fiber of your being.

You are not unique in terms of being wiser or braver than others - merely a bit more impatient. And so it is you are being fed the energy needed to jump the hurdles of the next few weeks. Others will do so at a later date - with your loving guidance if you wish or in their time. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Illawarra District, Australia, May 4, 2013.
Planetary Supreme, Urantia. (Gaia or Mother Earth).
Subject: “Information, Empathy and Love.”

Received by George Barnard.

Urantia: “I am the air you breathe. I am the water you drink. I am the food you eat. And I am the ground you walk on. I am Urantia, I am Gaia, your Mother Earth. Physiologically, you are my subjects, and you will only be complete when you have moved through time and arrived in eternity. Likewise, I will not be complete until long after, when the entire grand universe shines in Light and Life for all to see. Although we all, you and I, have personalities in our own right, we are yet embryos of what in the end analysis we do become.

And this ‘end analysis’ can come sooner or later for me. It is entirely up to you – depending on you, totally. I gather continuous information of all that transpires in, on, and above this earth, from the birth of the smallest tadpole to the eventual completion of the most grandiose of your schemes. In contrast to the Creators who found their origin in eternity, and who are able to perceive all events in all time past present and future, I must deduct the future from what I perceived in the totality of my past and what I gather in the present.

“With all I have learned, and with all that I hear and see, I admonish you to change your ways by changing your minds. Your thoughts come before action as surely as there must be the realisation of empathy in your mind before there can be love in your heart.’

George: “I sense where this is going, but now this is no longer a private conversation. I guess you are going on the record here…”

Urantia: “…as I intend my words and feelings to be known. Only the unwilling to learn can be in total darkness concerning the plight of another. Only the informed can be in empathy of those who suffer, and from this empathy of mind can spring love to dwell in the heart.

“So I ask of you to become informed about matters close and far away. I ask you to be distrustful of those who have a vested interest in misinforming you when myriad sources blare out the deeds of inequity, of unfairness, injustice, trauma and theft, starvation and despair. I have so much to give you! There is enough for all! With all your talk of peak oil, peak energy, peak water, silver, grain or gold, I’ve heard nothing about peak inventiveness. No, no such thing, or peak human intelligence, just selfishness and stubbornness.

“You do have all the answers if only you will think. You do have all the solutions if only you will care. To make ever deadlier weapons to take another’s prize and kill and starve and torture is not your answer. Information will cultivate your mind, empathy is what will plant your crop, and love and equality is what you will harvest. I am Urantia. I hold you lovingly to my breast.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the air you breathe. I am the water you drink. I am the food you eat.
And I am the ground you walk on – I am Urantia.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4554 The Children of God’s DNA, May 14, 2013

God said:

Of course, yes, you can think too much, and, yes, sometimes, you don’t think at all! What a combination of many patterns are the Children of My DNA.

Over-thinking is like kneading bread dough too much. There is a point of no return or a point of kneading that is not only non-productive but also counter-productive. Too much can be a minus.

It’s not that you can know ahead of time the perfect length of time to think on this or think on that. You may well not have to think at all or even give thought to thinking, for there is a Source within you that doesn’t need you to think. This resource within you gets along very well without intervention from you. Your conscious thought is not as needed as you may often think. This is not to advise you to be thoughtless, especially in regard to your role with others.

This special power you have is called by many names. It may be called insight, instinct, intuition, nature, natural. It may be waiting for an answer to come to you the way you might wait for a letter to arrive or a play to begin. It may be called following your nose or following a hunch. It may be called being led, or being given a sign, or an accident, or simply fate. From somewhere a direction comes, and all you have to do is to pick up the baton.

There is great value in listening and observing and knowing that something will stir you. You see or hear something, and it stirs something within you. The answer is always fully within you. You may not have to search for it. It may be more in the vein of letting a solution or direction voice itself.

We could compare this to finding a gold mine. You can dig everywhere for a gold mine, or you can come across it. Yet you want to be aware that you have come across it, whereas someone else may have missed the signs. Perhaps you missed the signs another time.

Clearly, it’s not that you lie in bed and wait for life to happen. You get up and out. You are not passive. You don’t wait for someone to build your house. At the same time, you don’t have to be an aggressor or build Rome in a day or wrench your home from the wilderness. You can know ahead of time that what you desire wants to come to you. Often when you struggle the least, answers come of their own accord.

Great inventions, by and large, did not come from force. They were stumbled upon. Men have found gold mines. They may not even have been looking for them. Good comes from work, and yet struggle is not better than discovery. A solution can come to you. Life can be easy. You don’t have to wrench what you are looking for.

Your heart has its mother lode within it. Your heart knows a lot, and it knows a lot on many levels. Remember your heart. Remember your heart can beat you to it, to whatever you are looking for and what you do not yet know you are looking for.

A configuration in the Universe gleans your desires from your thoughts, and then compiles a list. Then, as with a list, this configuration within the Universe goes shopping for you.

Sometimes gifts reach you in strange-looking packages, and yet you don’t want to be so quick to dismiss them. Your heart and eyes are meant to stay open. Advise your mind to leave doors open for unexpected opportunity. Keep many avenues open. All you desire may be waiting at a back door or hidden out of your sight, hidden out of your sight because you were looking for it to arrive a certain way even as it is already right in front of you in a different way. Wake up, Children of My DNA.
