Root Of Our Global Difficulties |
Selamat Balik! We return in the midst of great negotiations that are preparing to bring your
world to the point of transformation. The dark cabal has forged its own demise with its relentless greed and hubris. The next
financial collapse is approaching unabated, and shows up clearly on the dark's radar screens. All those in the know financially
are deeply concerned about the global economy, but their expressions of misgiving merely touch the surface of what lies ahead.
The dark cabalists' desire to save their own skins from their fiscal irresponsibility has been dashed by the inescapable fact
of their deeply flawed financial constructs. The present monetary and economic system is riddled with fault lines that are
now coming apart and a radical fix is the only way forward. Our Earth allies have positioned themselves in such a way that
the only way for this fix to manifest is by means of the proposals they first introduced nearly a decade ago. A majority of
those in the financial world understand this clearly and very much want to get on with it. An immense force for change is
building around the dark's minions. The switch to a new system of finance necessitates
a commensurate change in who controls government. Over the millennia, the dark cabal's rule has been unchallenged; the obstacles
now springing up around them are unprecedented. That their desires are being set aside by various influential players in the
global economy is deeply shocking to them, and they are amazed that their tried-and-true tactics for squashing such insolence
are unable to prevent a growing rebellion. This inability to maintain a hitherto undisputed preeminence is spreading panic
in the ranks of the cabal, as they watch many nations secretly plotting to dethrone the dark's chief instrument, the UN corporatocracy,
and they are becoming truly desperate. In the 1940s, this dark ruling cadre set up a world system that is now on the point
of collapse, yet it doggedly refuses to yield to new ways or new circumstances. It is this intransigence that has spurred
the present series of secret meetings by others in the power elites, and
these are producing a cogent strategy for drastically loosening the grip of this still-powerful corporatocracy. The monetary troubles of the US corporate government are a major key to this strategy: over
the past few years, the implausible fiscal policies of this government and
its associates have brought them to this impasse as a debt of unfathomable proportions becomes due. This debt lacks any legitimate
instruments to stay the inevitable, which is why recent machinations on the part of the Federal
Reserve Bank have failed to produce any efficacious result. A series of astute legal maneuvers by our Earth allies
have led several small nations to seek redress of fiscal grievance for debts accrued at the hands of this invasive corporatocracy,
and this adds to the legal prosecutorial portfolio being prepared by our Earth allies. A major bankruptcy and its consequences
are anticipated. This lineup of sundry legal actions is to force the illegal US government from power; the world community
can no longer afford to tolerate the injurious policies of this rogue regime. An about-face in global fiscal policy is now
at the eleventh hour! The pivot of this about-face is to have in place the structures to replace the numerous corporatocracies
allied to the US regime. The dark and its minions have woven a complex web comprising nations in Europe, Asia, Australia,
Africa, and South America.
In anticipation of this moment of regime change, the Earth allies have spent years putting together a series of temporary
governments which are ready to come on line when the definitive financial showdown kicks in. This moment is close at hand.
Once the new global financial system unfolds, an equally new political system
will simultaneously come into being. Decades of truly diabolical intentions have been leading up to this moment: in the beginning,
the dark possessed the technology to entice the naïve to join its ranks, and by the end of World War II, a dark master plan started to manifest.
By the early 1960s, a devious plot for global enslavement and depopulation was well underway and set to reach maturity by
the mid-1990s. This met a speed bump in the person of the late president, John F. Kennedy. He defied the
recommendations of the advisors and family surrounding him by instituting a plan for world peace and prosperity, the first
step of which was a nuclear test ban treaty. Implementing the rest of his vision revolved around his 1964 reelection. He informed
us of his intention to give a speech that would include disclosure of not only the benevolent ET presence but also the many
off-world technologies acquired by the US secret government. By the early
fall of 1963, Kennedy and Khrushchev were in secret discussions to create a US-Soviet non-aggression pact which was to lead
to massive demilitarization on both sides and an announcement of the secret technologies held by both sides. We were ready
to step in as needed to encourage peace and a non-nuclear future for your world. Kennedy's assassination by the US secret
government brought this to an abrupt halt. At the time of the American President's death, we did not yet possess a first contact edict
for your world, nor were we involved in discussions with the Galactic Federation's Main Council concerning this topic. Earth's
society was considered immature and lacking the elements for survival, and it was not until the early 1990s that Heaven's
mandates sent us to your shores. Prior to that, a series of personal missions by various star-nations, such as the Pleiades
and Sirius, were underway, all of which were unable to formally recommend Earth as being ready for a first contact. Instead,
they were inclined toward a continuation of limited intervention. It must be borne in mind that you are the remnants of a
former Galactic Federation colony, which means that watching over you and intervening when necessary is a right bestowed on
us by Heaven. The present circumstances are greatly tempered by what President Kennedy tried to instigate.
He deeply wished to bring peace to your world and to transform the ubiquitous hate and schisms into Love and global cooperation.
To this end, he drew up plans to bring in a new monetary system and to create
an atmosphere conducive to peace and prosperity. As you can see, these goals were in consonance with those of our Earth allies.
The Earth allies arise out of ancient secret societies dedicated to the Light and gain coherence from the deep yearning of
many influential individuals who are children of the major dark-minion families. All these ones are committed to bringing
you a new reality. They have linked with us to further these goals, which now include the return to full consciousness. This diverse group is close to victory. Furthermore, we have apprised them of the prevailing
heavenly timetable, under the exigencies of which the Galactic Federation is bound to institute a full first contact by a
certain date. Thus we are honor-bound to monitor the actions of our Earth allies and to intervene if necessary. The time comes
to move your reality into full consciousness. All has been carefully prepared: crystal cities in Agartha (Inner Earth) are
ready to receive you; mentors have been trained and a vast dossier kept on each of you; the mechanism for full consciousness
is in place. Only the dark now stands in your way, and they are ready to fall! The moment for showing what you are capable
of has arrived. Come together! Your victory awaits! Today, we discussed the roots of your present difficulties and
the events leading up to first contact. Our Earth allies are focused on carrying out what needs to be done prior to our arrival.
Be confident of your abilities to do what is necessary to prepare your societies for these glorious events! Know, dear Ones,
in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity
of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` |