1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Mother Mary: The Nature of Mother
3.) The Arcturians: Events are Forcing Adjustments to Rigid Belief Systems
4.) Archangel Gabriel: Transcendence
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) The Voice You Hear
7.) Ashtar: You Are A Master On The Earth!
Isis' Message of the Day -
There are no strangers on this planet only family we have yet to meet. We are ALL children of God! Brothers
and sisters experiencing being in the human family. Are you your brothers keeper? Yes, for you are your brother. Just as you
cannot be separate yourself from your Creator you cannot separate yourself from each other. It matters not what color your
skin or what part of Mother Earth you come from you are part of One family . . . the Human family of God.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================
Dear ones! We are always near you! You cannot always see us, but we can see you. When you give love to
a child, think of us. When you give love to a pet, think of us. When you give love to a stranger, think of us. As you do these
things, realize that we are sending our love to you. As you give love to others, open yourselves to receiving divine love
from us. Dear ones. We love you. We support you. Know that you are all children of god. Let us say this again,
know that you are all children of god! This means, each and everyone one of you is worthwhile. Know and believe in your true
worth. Find your light from within. Bring god into action today by shining your light. Be at peace. Go take on the day.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience
in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced
along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton.
Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Mother Mary: The Nature of Mother
channeled by Judith Coates May 6, 2011
Gentle ones, blessed ones, Children of the Most High, I would speak with you about the
nature of mother. My son, the one you have known as Jeshua, Jesus, has often spoken with the terminology of Patriarchy, of
the Father, but in this day and time your are moving beyond what you would see as the restricted definition of Father. The
One Creator is, in Truth, genderless.
Now, in the process of becoming aware of your holiness, you have often chosen the experience
of motherhood, fatherhood upon this plane because you have desired to know all, and you have desired to know Love. The little
ones offer you great opportunity to know and to extend love. They will sandpaper the rough spots from you. And you, they.
For indeed, the little ones come as great masters. But they also come with their own rough edges, the own desires for completion
of certain aspects, and they say to you, “Here I am. Have fun with me. Sandpaper me.” And you do. It is very much
a process of mellowing.
Look deeply into the eyes of the little ones and see the Light, for each one comes with
a remembrance of the Light. The little ones who have come to you are wondrous angels in disguise. They have come to you because
you have asked them to be companion with you. You have asked them to push out the boundaries of what you have thought human
family was all about. And they have come because they know that you have great strength to guide them. They ask of you to
give them certain structure within which they can grow. It was the same with Jeshua.
I gave unto him certain structure, order, discipline within the family. Not constricting,
but of certain expectations as to how there would be harmony and respect. And because he is Love – as all of the small
ones are, including even the tall ones – he responded to the higher nature.
The little ones will respond to your expectations. In other words, when you set a certain
structure for them, and a certain vision for them, they will rise up to meet it – and even the tall ones will respond
to the vision. For the innermost desire is to be loved and to know one’s self as Love. It comes forth as a desire to
please, and when there is clarity about expectations, and when the vision is held with consistency and love, honoring the
highest Self of them, they will accommodate that vision. For indeed they desire to be harmony. They desire to bring forth
love. But they do ask of you discipline, order and consistent structure. And within the structure allow the communication
that I would call discussion.
You have experienced a time in your growing up when you were trying to discover –
remember – who you are, and you tried pushing out all of the boundaries to see what would lie beyond those boundaries.
“If I rebel enough, what happens?” And so you tried it. And so did Jeshua.
When he first agreed to activate a body within the incarnation known as Jeshua, he knew
well the oneness with the Father. And there was an agreement – such as you have made – to take on certain collective
belief that is held within a time interval, known as a lifetime. So there was a process of setting aside temporarily some
of the remembrance. He wanted to know, “What does it feel like to be a small child in this time? What does it feel like
to have human emotion?” He knew that always he was one with his Father, but he also desired to know human experience.
Now, some of your writings and your depictions have portrayed him as being so holy that
you could not relate to him on an intimate level – nor he to you. But he knew sorrow. He knew doubts. He knew the emotion
of love. He knew the emotion of jealousy. He knew the emotion of wondering if he was good enough. For he had a cousin John,
whom he loved. You have called John the one who baptized: John, the Baptist.
And John was of a strong physique, very muscular, and could do anything with the body
very quickly. He could run. He could climb the rocks. He could swim very easily. And Jeshua, being a bit younger, looked up
to his cousin John and wanted to be of the same physical prowess as his cousin. And there were times Jeshua experienced what
you have experienced: envy, self-judgment. Until the one known as Joseph, his father, said to him, “Claim your power.
Know who you are. Go sit by flowing water and feel the peace of the heart. Do not envy another one’s qualities, but
take stock truly of Who you are.” And Jeshua contemplated and remembered.
Now is a time of ascending out of the limited understanding of who you have thought yourself
to be. Try seeing through the eyes of the child. For a child does not see great complexity. A child sees simplicity, spontaneity,
a now moment. You know you do not have to make complex plans to protect yourself, to protect the body, to protect all of your
material goods. Many of your brothers and sisters have already experienced losing all of the material goods through changes
in the Earth’s surface. Many of your brothers and sisters have experienced loss of material goods recently when you
had the great waters that came upon the land. And you have seen that the ones who have lost possessions in the great cleansing
are re-manifesting new possessions. Or they have said, “You know, simplicity of possessions is a great gift to me. Maybe
I don’t have to take care of quite so much.”
This year you will have opportunity to see the family of man, of woman, in its choices.
You will see conflict; you will see disasters, as they will be judged to be; you will see disease and inharmony of the body,
of the emotions. But you will also see others who are choosing for their unlimitedness, who are choosing for love, for healing.
This yeas look to your Family. Look to the wondrous Family that expresses upon this plane
– and beyond this plane. Allow yourselves to reach out with the heart in your times of meditation, your times of quiet,
your times of prayer to commune with my Children seen and unseen. Allow yourself to reach out and to gather in under the wings,
the most unlimited expansive wings of the Christ consciousness, all of mankind/womankind, all of the Children of the Most
High, and to bless them with your love.
And then get you very busy extending your love in tangible ways: extend the food that
is needed to nourish the body; share with the brothers and sisters the warmth of clothing, of blanket, whatever the needs
for comfort. Allow yourself in each week to gift unto your brothers and sisters one tangible gift. It will not be difficult.
Set it as one of the things that you will do in your week. Put it upon your appointment book to give a tangible object of
love – good, clothing, household articles, toys for the little ones – to your organizations that collect and dispense
such goods. And if there is not such an organization in your area, form one. You have much that you can share. Look unto your
own dwelling place, for there is much that you have that you can share with others. Then, most importantly, look unto your
own Dwelling Place within and share with others what have within: love and understanding, the word of comfort, of encouragement,
the smile that bring radiance to your face and healing to one in sorrow or confusion.
Allow yourself to ask, “How can I be of service to my brothers, my sisters?”
Adopt in each week one new person into your life. It does not have to be for what you would see as all time – but you
may find that you want to keep that one as friend for all time. Adopt one new friend in each week. And when you come to the
end of this year, you will have an abundance of new friends.
Adopt the one at your grocery store with a smile, with a word that goes beyond just asking
the consumer price of an object. In other words, ask that one how she/he is doing. Share of yourself.
Adopt a small one into your heart; perhaps even into your dwelling place, your home. Follow
your guidance. Share your time, your learning, your wisdom born of experience with a small one. Adopt a grandparent. Be a
companion; learn of their wisdom.
You are the Family of the Most High. You are going beyond what the world has described
as relationship of family. You are allowing yourself to look beyond the narrow description of family to know heart to heart
what Family is. And as you allow yourself to adopt family members – who have always been your Family – you are
extending my work upon this plane.
Always I have been seen as the Mother, but I cannot do the work of Mother without your
help. You are the Mother what is nurturing the Love that is now coming forth to be known upon this plane. No longer is Love
being held back by the words of the world that would say, “It is not safe to show your heart. It is not safe to love.
It is not safe even to smile for ‘what will they think?’” You are acknowledging that you are the Family
of the Most High and, as such, you are Children of Love, and Love is your very nature.
You are my Family and I am your Mother. Collect unto Me the lost Children of the Family.
Feed them, clothe them, nurture them with our Love. Remind them of the goodness of Life and the Father’s Love, from
before time. Love them for me, as I love you, my Child.
- Mother Mary in expression through Judith Coates
Copyright © 2011 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free
to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address www.oakbridge.org *
The Arcturians: Events are Forcing Adjustments to Rigid Belief Systems
through Marilyn Raffaelle
May 1, 2011
The Arcturian
Group speak:
We of the Arcturian Group say to you all that you are doing a fine job of the shift,
in spite of the chaos many of you are experiencing and seeing. We tell you that although these experiences are very difficult,
it is the only way in which consciousness is able to shift for many. There are those who would never shift their awareness
from what they have always known; from that which is comfortable, and which still serves them.
The chaos of the storms is serving to break up energy that was stagnant and old. Energy
that needed to be removed and transmuted. As a result, many are being forced to adjust rigid belief systems and ways of thinking.
Although this may seem very harsh (and it is), we see those involved quickly moving into new states of consciousness. It is
a "kick out of the box" so to speak.
Gaia is using these methods to transmute and shift her energy, bringing herself into
alignment with that which is new and higher in order for the coming changes to manifest.
Understand that the issues in the middle east as well as the weather related chaos
are all about shifting energies. Many simply would not choose to shift. It is comfortable to remain in that which is familiar.
However much of what is familiar in most instances has now been outgrown, is old, and is untrue.
All who are on earth at this time chose to be here and experience this shift while
on earth, choosing to experience whatever lessons were necessary in order to evolve into a new state of consciousness. All
have been given the choice as to whether to leave or stay for the shift. This was done on a deeper level, so many who are
leaving at this time do not understand or remember that they chose to leave.
This is usually because on a deeper level, they do not feel they can be where they
need to be in time. They will come back into the new energy. There are no accidents. All is on track for you the people of
earth and Gaia herself to move into a higher, lighter frequency energy. This is what is happening now, not the end of the
world, but the end of the world as you have known it.
You are doing a fine job, dear ones, we just wish for you to understand that many
simply cannot do this journey without a "boot." All will soon balance out and you will see how the world is moving into a
new and better place. The word "soon" is one that the channel does not like. We understand that our ideas of "soon" may be
different than yours, but we can say that all is on track for each of you to fulfill the desired destination as set up by
you before entering into this life experience.
Many of you came in with a whole sheet of lessons needing to be learned and that is
why life has been so intense for many of you. In past lifetimes you brought with you perhaps one or two lessons chosen; however
this time, you came in with all lessons needing to be finished in time for the massive shifting now in progress. You see,
you knew before coming in that things would be difficult, but you chose to come anyway. You are brave, hardworking, spiritual
beings of light who will rejoice and high five each other when this is finally finished and you are able to see the bigger
Many of the children being born now have no lessons to learn;
they have already finished their three dimensional lessons, but chose to be on earth at this important time simply to add
their Light to the planet. That is why so many of them do not fit into "the box" so to speak, they are functioning beyond
many of the adults who are their teachers. These children do not understand why three dimensional issues they see as irrelevant,
are important to so many around them. Be patient with these children; they do need structure and love, but most of all need
you to understand that they see the world from a whole different perspective than those who have not yet evolved to their
There will be more earth changes, there will be more chaos, and there will be more
of that you wish not to have. However, keep in mind that this is serving Gaia to shift and clear as well as serving mankind
to move out of third dimensional duality/separation consciousness and into Oneness. It is serving to move the world into a
whole new way of seeing.
It is pushing mankind to finally understand the futility of war and destruction in
the face of a reality of Oneness. It is moving the current world view more deeply into truth, and those who move with it will
find their way becomes easier. Those who do not, will find that living continues to be more and more difficult because the
energy that would support the old is rapidly leaving.
Be open and be ready to feel, hear, and see changes within yourselves and within your
personal world. Trust your intuition, and begin to see a bigger picture based upon the realization that you are all in and
of the One Divine consciousness. There is no separation, individuality yes, but no separation. Those who would war and kill
and want you to believe that this is somehow connected to your innate freedom and peace, see all life as separate. This is
the old energy-that which cannot survive in the higher dimensional energies.
We say to you all, we are with you in love and support.
The Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle
I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to Sleeping Bear National Park where
these photos were taken. I have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began meditating and then following the mystical principles presented through
Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material in 1970. This brought an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand
and bring together in practice, the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myth which in turn led to a series of
intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would
allow them get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. I do personal and phone channeled readings. ** www.onenessofall.com/ * Marilyn@onenessofall.com *
Archangel Gabriel: Transcendence
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
May 6, 2011
Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called transcendence. This quality
employs the ability to overcome the seeming transgressions of others by moving into a higher level of understanding, feeling
forgiveness in One’s heart and rising above the situation. By employing this quality, One is working with the Higher
aspects of One’s Self. By doing so, One can be said to transcend the situation. However, this must truly be felt in
the heart in order for this to occur in reality.
Transcendence requires the ability to always see the glass as half
full rather than half empty. It requires a positive attitude towards life no matter what transpires in One’s
life. It is a quality that needs to be cultivated while in the earthly form and is one of the tests of life that each of you
will have to engage in at some point as you live your life here on Earth. It is not an easy quality to embody, for it requires
for you to have a Higher perspective on each situation that comes before you in order for you to surpass all obstacles and
human limitations.
Many people in life find themselves in physical bodies that are disabled in some way so
that their movement in life is severely restricted and through employing this quality of transcendence surpass their limitations
and find a way to live their lives fully and completely even though they have these challenges and these people become great
Beacons of Light to others, as a great inspiration to show others that it is in our attitude towards what is in our lives
that counts and that our reality is created through our determination to fully experience this opportunity called life whilst
in the body. The World has many such Souls who have helped Humanity see the unlimitedness within each of us to surpass and
overcome all challenges.
Employing this quality brings great rewards to the Soul who successfully embodies this
ability and attribute, for they move forward and progress much more quickly than those who have not yet employed this quality,
for they have tapped into a great secret of life, one which will serve them well for all time, for in some way they have tapped
into the great potential and majesty of their true Being and they never look back. When One is always looking at ways to move
around an apparent obstacle to find another solution or way, and going within for guidance, there is always a solution that
comes forth.
Transcendence requires great faith in the Higher power
of the Spirit and is a surrender to this power and can bring many miracles to the One who employs it and with this quality
One knows that in life, nothing is impossible if we put our Creator into the equation. Creator loves to move through into
manifestation within each Being and does so lovingly and completely. It only requires the willingness of the Soul to open
to this loving attention and it is done. So it is incumbent upon each Soul to reach up into the Higher realms in order to
surpass their current challenges and when this is done, the answers come forth in wonderful ways that they could never have
I leave you now to ponder on these words with my Love and devotion.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with
the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of
Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: http://www.therainbowscribe.com *
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, have you watched a flock of birds lately; how they fly off in one direction
and then all of a sudden they all turn as a grouping and fly in another way—one Mind. And that was known when we first
created this reality.
HEAVEN #3816
The Voice You Hear
May 7, 2011
God said:
I speak, and I use not words. That is to say, I vibrate love. I am Consciousness. Words
speak for Me, and yet I do not speak them. I am like a Roar of Love. You can imagine how My Roar reaches the whole wide world
and beyond. There is nowhere where My Roar of Love does not reach. The reverberation of My First Roar continues. This is the
Voice you hear.
My Roar is happy, you understand. This is joy and love expressing in fullness. There is
no word for My Roar, for My Roar that reverberates is also silent. My Roar is so strong that it underlies every single thing
and Being on Earth.
My Roar has been called a hum. Roar is closer to the Truth, yet My Roar, which is Pure
Love, is friendly. I call you to Me. It is that simple.
Consider that you are at a fair. I am like a hawker who calls out his wares. “Pie
for sale. Free today! God for sale. Come take a sample. Ground to walk on. Air to breathe. Sky colored blue above you. The
grass is green. Come. Get some love. My Voice never tires.”
I am so powerful, I vibrate, and I vibrate only love. What I vibrate comes to pass. Love
is a done deal.
I am a boomerang. Boom, My love reaches you. And it bounces back to Me. The boomerang
of My love bops many on the head, in the heart, in the gut, on the knees, on the toes, on the nose, in the eyes, in your hands.
My love transmutes the whole shebang of the world. Boomerang and shebang are you, am I, is Everyone. You are a target of love,
and I am a Sharpshooter, and you have been targeted, and you have been hit. And what a striking hit that is. Imagine a thousand
fresh red roses thrown at you. The thing is that you can hold them all in your arms. They are yours. They are indelible. The
roses of My love last forever. The gun of My love reaches all. No one escapes. Oh, some disgruntled ones may think they do,
yet they are just playing a part. That’s fun too.
More fun are the Roses of My Love. Bang bang bang. I shoot the Roses of My Love from My
huge Heart of Love. There is no escape, Beloveds. I always find you. There is no hiding from Me. You hid from yourself. Why
bother, I ask you. Why bother to hide from Me? Why bother to hide your love when love will out? No matter how you dissemble,
what you are made of will come to the fore, and you will seem like new, and the world will seem like new, and the world will
be new. Like you, it will be what it always was, even though it was disguised with this guile or that.
Heigh ho, off to the world We go.
The Word was God. The roar was love. The Word God was pronounced in infinite ways, and
you appeared on the horizon, and you were boomeranged to Earth and destined to come back to Me, soon, right away, or sooner
or later. Love is your Destiny. Partake of love. Taste it now. Nibble it. Take big bites. You are destined to have all of
it. It is yours. You are not an interloper. First you are a recipient of love, and then you are a wise and wooly giver of
it. While you bobble from Heaven to Earth and back again, you give and receive love. The giving and receiving are interchangeable.
Hear My Roar.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to
God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the
hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™,
Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield,
IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Ashtar: You Are A Master On The Earth!
Given through Susan Leland
May 1, 2011
(Ashtar speaks about time as he observes it in 3D):
Greetings, Beloved Family!
As we are about to gather again in this joyful togetherness of Oneness, let us reflect upon where we have been together. It
has been a long journey, indeed! We have experienced sameness of purpose and mission in other of your lifetimes and dimensional
presences. Sometimes you have been with me on my ship, the New Jerusalem. At other times you have been with our Fleet upon
your own ships. Yet at still other times you have been on a particular planet, representing the civilization our ships were
visiting. In all cases you 'knew' me and your starseed brothers and sisters, but for many of you, you have not been consciously
aware of the Ashtar Command during your lifetimes on Planet Earth until this one.
So, we are once again together in
service, in this Greatest Mission on Earth. We can only tell you what Joy we feel as you, our ground crew in human uniforms,
turn up your Lights to full recognition of our togetherness, our Oneness in purpose and preparation for this great shift,
the Ascension of Planet Earth and all participating members of Mother Gaia's kingdoms! We stand together, Beloved Ones, and
while there is still much to do, we can assure you that all is 'on track' and moving forward at warp speed! Preparations are
more intense than ever - indeed we are at the very brink of new revelations and announcements in all areas, as our work culminates
in 'public' results!
Now, we are aware that many of you are 'boggled' by 3D concerns. It is entirely appropriate that
you be feeling the weight of them. And you do know why - each and every one of you! This is the time to be looking at your
fears, concerns, worries, etc., from a higher perspective - from the perspective of a Master!!! Even if your moments of mastery
come and go, it is for every one of you to consciously and deliberately practice with the greatest level of certitude, the
perspective, attitude and knowing that you are indeed a Master walking the Earth!
The entire World and the Universe
beyond has waited for this time of change, and for you, Beloved Family, to be Ascension Leaders toward the Light of the Higher
Dimensions. We shall lift up together into this perspective when we do our Exercise for Peace, even while offering our Love
to Mother Gaia and to all in the World who are experiencing such extreme difficulties as severe weather, toxins, disinformation,
imbalances and all manner of blockages within their energy fields.
Let us gather in Love as you accept the gifts we bring to this celebration and as we share
them compassionately and unconditionally with all of Planet Earth from the perspective of the Master! Salut!
Given through Susan Leland, May 1, 2011 www.AshtarontheRoad.com * © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011. All Rights Reserved. *
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