Results or Gifts?
by Jennfer Hoffman
Everything in our reality exists because we made a choice to accept or decline something
at some point in time. This is our life journey of choosing one thing over another based on our beliefs, thoughts, perceptions
and memories. And we then make future decisions based on the results we achieve with each of these choices. But that strategy
ignores some very important information because with the result our perspective is on the 'happening'. When we look for the
gift, our focus is on the learning. The gift is more spiritually powerful, while the result is more emotionally compelling.
Results make us feel good or bad, powerful or powerless, validated or victimized. But
results do not lead to anything because we use them to judge our decisions by how we feel. If we like the result, we chose
well, if not then we chose poorly. But with this perspective we are making slow, if any, progress and can feel like we're
going in circles. This is why we are faced with the same kinds of choices and we always choose in the same way. Using results
to judge our spiritual path never allows our circle of potential choices to expand because we are making choices from our
emotions instead of our understanding.
There is a lesson and a blessing in all things. This is the gift which illuminates the
path to our learning. We are not here to suffer, we are here to learn, heal, grow and transform our human experience into
a spiritual partnership. Our challenge is to stop 'feeling' our way through this process and start learning from every step
of our journey so we can have closure and expand our field of potential, moving from one level of understanding to another
in ways that expand our life path and release us from suffering and painful learning into knowing life as a joyful experience
of purposeful manifestation.
There will always be opportunities to accept or decline but without understanding we are
stuck in our emotional cycles that create the same experiences again and again because there is no closure, where we are stuck
on the treadmill of experience, constantly moving but not making any progress. With learning we take responsibility, release
our victim consciousness and make conscious, powerful choices about how we use our power. And this is where the gift becomes
the stepping stone to greater understanding, more awareness and manifesting new opportunities to accept or decline that are
aligned with our goals for joyful and abundant living.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.