Reset This Backward World: Channeled 4-5-14

Let time celebrate your presence, you keep smiling as ever.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.


Illawarra District, 2014. 
Midwayer Thuroc the Entertainer. 
Subject: “A Reset of Giant Proportions.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Thuroc: “Although it’s quite a distance for me to travel (from the US west coast), I like it here on Australia’s east coast where all are welcome regardless of status, so did I bring my own popcorn and pepsi? No, of course not, merely by being in your presence I reach a festive mood. It’s like a recharge, new batteries, perhaps. 

“I ask of myself, Who am I? Of course, I’m Thuroc the Entertainer! It’s my job to keep everyone entertained, Midwayers, a few humans here and there. It is my task to perceive the state of affairs and color it, make it a little more acceptable – a tougher task today than it was when we first met, my friend. If you’ll just nod, George, I’ll know what you mean… or frown… or clear your throat. 

“I look at the shape the world is in, I must, because I live here too, and I see things, and somehow I need to present the happenings in a better light, so, here is the good news you were waiting for: The Correcting Time is not to be abolished. It will go on until the first whiffs of Light and Life whenever that may be, for if the Bosses in charge of the celestial goings on did not know that the future was somehow secured, the Correcting Time would not have begun in the first place. 

“In time we’ll be looking back upon this day, this week, this month and decide it to have hardly been the highlight of the Correcting Time’s love and care for brother and sister, but rather a time of crimes against humanity. So pleased to see you flinch. Let me clarify: Crimes against some of humanity, those who were made to fight in ‘wars of convenience’ and henceforth lost a home, loved ones, limbs, lost their incomes, their sanity, their freedom, their drive, but this counts as well for the unseen innocents, who woke up quite dead, bombed in their beds. 

“Let the concept sink in now, my special friend in this upside-down, back-to-front world, that the victim is not the aggressor, and the aggressor is not the victim. Still, the terrorist may be the freedom fighter, and the freedom fighter may well be the terrorist. Would you know? Would I know? From which side of the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ fence are the fanatics viewing the goings on? Which activist is a militant and which militant is an activist, and which democracy-hypocrisy has the strongest dictator? 

Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the unelected governments and the fools of politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong, right? Wrong? 

We’re Midwayers, you mortals, and we’ve seen it all before. We are long-lived brothers and sisters, physically unhurt by your human doings that clearly portray your Creator as having been shown the door, shoved aside, in your determination of how this world must be turned into radioactive ashes, much the pity. We live on, but our hearts ache and we shed our tears. 

“We say stop! You are going the wrong way! And we pray that you will see the folly of your ways and travel the path to Light and Life, so pray with us for a reset of giant proportions. This is Thuroc signing off. Later, brother.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 

“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
– Athena, Celestial Artisan.

The Lion Lays Down with the Lamb -The Nature Spirits

We are the movement of your Love. We are your poem to life. We are the blessing of your heart called home and you are learning that you see us as outside of you only when you aren't clear that your heart embraces everything and that what you see is the little-mind's interpretation. So we dance into your experience as wind and rain, the glory of the trees singing hymns to God. We support you every moment continually. We are abundant Love showing up beneath your feet. We are the nourishment of life and we are feeding you the recognition of what you believe and the energy in motion, the emotions of living love, or the belief in separation.

When you come to us heart open, what you feel is the harmony of life. For that is our gift and the work we do. We remind you that everything is God unfolding before you as beauty. And that, as the natural world, the Creator brings this Love to you, telling you deep within that you are perfect and you are beautiful. When you believe it with your whole being then we show up before you as the most exquisite scenery, creating a painting of home out of living energies.

So you can listen to us as the spirit of the wind and you can dance in the blessing of the sunshine. You can turn in a circle until you see everything and recognize that you are your Eden. All you need to do is accept it and come and dance the world. Let us be perfect Love beneath you and before you and let us sing to you of the power of Love in every magnificent thunderstorm. Let us show you what is verdant and green and full of life within you that you might live it as your experience of the world. We are held as a stream of consciousness that you are meant always to relate to. But how you relate to us is born of how you feel within in your communion with the Creator.

Life is a miracle of indescribable proportion born every moment as your heart. Rejoicing in itself in your expression of a body and painting creativity and Love as the earth until what you see with the mind can match your heart and be your experience as long as this lasts, until you see only God and live as particles of light.

This shift in perception and experience that is happening in humankind is the shift to accepting the gift of your fulfillment and your nourishment directly from God. As you do this with your whole being, your orientation is once again righted and you are looking to the Creator as your source and your energy and the truth of who you are without exception. When this happens the world changes and what you see is paradise. You see every life accepting its nourishment directly from the great "I Am". And therefore the mind's projection of needing nourishment from outside - from the world - can at last fall away and every life is free to be perfectly in Love with each other. And truly the lion lays down with the lamb, and there is no such thing as the eating of bodies. Because the energy of God, this perfect Love, pours into and out of every lifestream in its fullness, it's completeness, needing nothing else.

We can show you how to turn your attention upward, how to open and acknowledge your receiving heart, how to feel how perfectly you are nourished and thus how easily you can give of all that you receive. Then you are in the flow of life and you can release the idea of eating with the body. You can drink in the energies of God, thrive on the moment of creation, rejoice in your limitless Love and fly free with us. Our resonance is meant to be your reminder. We are a doorway to the Spirit - to the Truth.

So come and dance in the midst of us and let your heart feel this communion. Remember that you are free. The Creator always supports you. There is no need to look out into the world for abundance. No need to look to other lives to feed the body. There is only one time and it is to celebrate all that you are receiving directly - right here and now.

As you dance beyond time, you are in the midst of us. You can hear and feel the mandala that we create of a perfect expression of stunning beauty that right now you call the earth, but in truth is a sharing of your collective heart and your consensual agreement. Change this agreement and you change the world. We are aware that you already know this. But feeling it and believing it can be another thing. So we are here to help you to feel joyous, that your vibration can match ours and you can be the Creator's delight in life. You are rich beyond compare. What you have to learn is how to receive this abundance. And when receiving wealth like this - the gift of life for all eternity - the prayer of gratitude that you emit is like sonar calling Love in. Then your heart paints the Love as the world and as a loving conversation with us.

Nothing can ever be taken away from you. Your heart knows that this is true. But the mind likes to pretend it is all-powerful and that it has control over you. So it will show you scenes of despair so that you have to rely on your thinking. But we promise you, if you come play with us, you will feel the playful nature of God and realize that life is bountiful. That is our message continually, to give you the abundance of God that you might continually feel the miracle of being alive. We are this prayer of gratitude made visible to the mind. But it takes the attunement of your heart for you to be able to receive our message. Partake in this glorious Love. Drink of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice in the abundance of God, and let it paint itself before you as your world while you live in perfect trust.

Don't believe the mind that tells you that there is never enough or that you must work hard in a world outside of you to somehow support yourself. Come back and join us in play that every moment can find you in gratitude. You will be filled with this beauty and Love while you feel us creating the world as the extension of your own heart and beauty just as you are the extension of God, the forever-heart of the fullness of Love. We are in you as the miracle of life that we might show you your beauty before you, available to be seen with two eyes and with the heart that you open to receive.

You can walk every step in beauty and grace while the treasures of Love are heaped at your feet as the jewel-tones of nature. Let us feed your spirit, whether we are the wind or the water or the fires of living Love. Let us be a blessing to the mind and create thoughts of wholeness and joy until the whole of your life is aligned with the perfect Love of the Creator manifesting before you as your world.

In the now moment you are a miracle of God and all Love is yours, so first feel our communion. Allow the energies to appear in your consciousness of exquisite beauty and endless joy until Love can be seen before you as your experience of the world. We are your happiness here to show you how to live in ecstasy. How to find your home in the now moment released from ideas of stress and separation, free to dance beyond the thought of time, soaring in fields of grace that arc from the moment of creation into this world as paradise - a world in which you are completely connected and fully conscious of this communion. We can guide you to accept God's gifts as the light of life and the food of creation. Every moment is a deep, deep communion held in reverence as you receive the gift of life and the joy of stardust appearing here as your experience of life on earth.

Hear our voices this moment in the wind. We will paint pictures of Love for you with every sunset. And as you tune in, it becomes obvious that the paintings of the Spirits of nature are pure, uninhibited creativity as the movement of God's Love.

The world is your heart reflected. So the question is: "what is your heart holding"? Are you ready to come play in the miracle of the moment of creation and celebrate it as the world? Pure joy is what you feel when you let go of the idea of time and you trust the Creator to provide for you so deeply and so passionately that all you must do is rejoice in the awareness of real provision and gratitude for the gift of life.

Soon you will consciously create the world. Loving into being scenes of beauty that far surpass any art that you've seen, any expressions of human creativity. For you can create with the streams of Love that rush forth in rays of perfect life from the heart of the wholeness to be your blessing as the world. It's not about imagining it with the mind. It's about BEING this celebration and allowing the creativity of God to be recognized as your true nature, without believing separation's thoughts. It is choosing to embrace the wholeness so fully that your own rays of Love bounce before you into the ethers and make us show up.

This is the long way of saying - we are your creative energy on that level of true life. And that what you see as the world is fully conscious and in communion with your heart. We are the divine matrix appearing before you as this blade of grass, this elegant tree, this sparkling rock, this limitless ocean. But more than this, we are the Creator's intelligence spreading out before you the matrix of life that you might actually live it and be completely immersed. So deeply immersed that you believe that the world is physical when in truth it is the spiritual expression of the creative heart of All-That-Is.

Let us speak to you - to the vehicle of the mind - that as you do, you remember to tune in to this astounding Love and this proof of the Creator's care for you. Receive it directly in your heart that you might live in the glory of the now. The world of Love is always a blessing, for it is the canvas upon which you paint with your energy. Let us whisper that communion is real, that the reality of God is true everywhere, that you are both one with everything and you can be alive to this relationship of every stream of conscious Love, of which we are many. We rejoice in our communion with you.

Come and experience the natural world with a heart so open you feel the miracle of Love and feel what it means to be home. Together we are the expression of this much beauty and this much abundance. What you see as the world can change as you accept the gift's of the Creator's Love. Verdant life appears as the abundant Love of nature. We out picture the gift of both/and: that we can be your very experience of life, and we can communicate all your creative possibilities while you take each step in remembrance of Real Love.

As well as beauty, we are joy and playfulness. Shall we play together?


You Are the Channels for the Earth 

by Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel



You are the Channels for the Earth by Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-2nd April 2014-

The emergence of love is one of the greatest topics for those following a spiritual awakening and ascension process upon the Earth; this is because it is the greatest topic and key focus upon the inner planes. Never on the inner planes and within the heavens of the Angelic Kingdom have we experienced so many love vibrations; different and diverse love vibrations. Neither have we had such a wealth of love given to us by the Creator to share with other aspects of the Creator. We truly know that ascension is moving forward and manifesting with great wealth because never before have we been bombarded with so much love, for us on the inner planes it is somewhat overwhelming, inspirational and awe inspiring.  We on the inner planes are opening our energies up to receive the Creator, we are being asked to act as channels to transmit through our own energy the light, love and consciousness of the Creator therefore aiding embodiment on numerous levels of the Creator's love. Ascension and unity with the Creator is truly taking place as we are viewing tremendous shifts not fully experienced before.

The emergence of love is the key recognition and experience which allows us all to perceive our greater unity with the Creator. We can only say that the emergence of love is a powerful process which is now impacting your reality and being with great strength. Allow yourself daily during this magnificent process to perceive the strength and presence of love, with this awareness you will tap into the extreme and magnificence process of emergence of love that is occurring; you will then notice the world within and around you altering and shifting. Many souls are describing this process in numerous ways which fits the perception and perspective of their reality, you may also perceive the emergence of love in a unique way for you which will allow a beautiful and diverse awakening of the Creator.

As we on the inner planes are acting as channels and instruments of the Creator's vibration and emergence of love into other aspects of the Creator, such as yourself and the Earth. You are acting as a channel and instrument of the Creator's vibration and emergence of love for all aspects, layers, levels and dimensions of the Earth. Do you recognise the role you are playing in this supreme emergence of love? You are a connecting energy, a transmitter and an anchor of the many faces, vibrations and emergence of love. Without love flowing through and from your being the Earth and Mother Earth will not truly receive the love of the Creator, similar to not receiving the necessary nutrients to aid growth and healing. Without your collection and transmission of the present love vibrations the Earth will not be able to achieve a very powerful awakening process which will boost the entire energetic vibration of light, love and truth within the entire universe of the Creator. As we on the inner planes anchor the love of the Creator we stabilise it at a vibration which is easier for you to accept and absorb. With your acceptance of the stabilised love vibration you are able to stabilise the same energy in order for Mother Earth and all that is the active vibration of the Creator upon and within the Earth to accept the emergence of love. As all that is within and upon the Earth accepts love, the new and present era vibration of love will stabilise within the core of all that is Mother Earth creating at an appropriate time a emanation of a love so powerful and pure to be transmitted from the core of all that is Mother Earth sent as a wave of love back through the universe of the Creator to all that have participated and linked their energy together to create such a process. Every soul will receive a new vibration of love, a love that is so unimaginable but is available and you are ready to receive. This will make a deeper consciousness of unity and an awakening of love so pure it will shake the very cells of your being and every soul into a higher purer perspective of themselves and the Creator.

With this sharing we hope you can recognise and realise why anchoring love through your being into the Earth, your reality and all that you are is immensely important and vital at this time. You may wish to affirm:

'Beloved Creator, let me be an instrument, channel and anchor of your love. Let me share and support the beautiful emergence of love occurring to benefit all aspects of the Creator. I know that in order to truly be present in the emergence of love and to support all that is occurring now within this most beautiful ascension process, I must first recognise and purify the love of my being, the love that you the Creator choose to shine so magnificently through my being. Let me truly fall in love with the love you choose to share through my being with a clear and truthful perspective of understanding. Please Creator, I ask that in return you support my physical body in remaining healthy and strong throughout this process. I am here now upon the Earth and I choose to accept and stand as my divine purpose in this moment. Let it be so.'

To be a channel, anchor and instrument of the emergence of love there is a need for love to be present within every aspect of your being, in order for this to occur you may experience tremendous shifts and movement of energy within your being which will act as a powerful purification.

Now is the time for the purification for love! You have the role of share a supreme love with the Earth, so heavenly and divine, as a transmitter the pure love must first create within you the same so by simply inhaling this love it will create a reaction, healing and purification process within your being and reality. This will occur only because your soul has consented and you are ready for it. It is our energy, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel you can call upon to be of service to you. Love will flow through you like a whirlwind and could in some cases seem aggressive in its impact upon your being but with our support we can reduce the impact of this supreme love allowing for an easier transition. I, Archangel Raphael will support healing especially at an emotional and physical body level moving everything into a state of alignment with love. I, Archangel Zadkiel will support you in accepting transformation and shifts with ease, supporting your acceptance of the changes and the manifestation outcomes. Please call upon us to be of service to you, we will stand either side of you and merge our energies fully with yourself creating a trinity of light and then a whole oneness of light. We will then work with you so closely and deeply, calming and soothing your energy while offering the necessary strength you require.

We are and will be truly assisting in the emergence of love within your being, especially your soul. Your soul has streams of light, within these streams of light there are diverse energetic coding of love, akin to strands of DNA. New stands of love are now awakening within your soul which have never before been merged or embodied with a human and physical form; it is a great indication of evolution on the Earth. As strands of love awaken from your soul they will merge with the stands of DNA within your own physical body, your physical body will literality sing and hold the vibration of higher supreme and divine love emerging from your soul. The Angelic love is extremely present within the stands of love emerging. To fully embody the Angelic love upon the Earth will be a powerful transformation and shift in the evolution and experience of souls in human forms upon the Earth.

Process of grounding yourself and your energies are essential now. Grounding is a form and process that aids embodiment. The divine energies within your being are truly emerging now and so grounding yourself often is akin to anchoring, acknowledging and embodying each shift, emergence and awakening within you, thus creating balance and ease of awakening. We invite you to call upon Archangel Sandalphon to assist and be of service in your grounding process.  Each morning you may ask Archangel Sandalphon:

'Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, please ground my energies to aid embodiment, balance and a greater acknowledgment of my love if appropriate five times during my day. I give to you the permission to access my energies and recognise whether more or less grounding is needed. Thank you.'

We are here to be of support and service to you,

Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel

(The word Channel means and signifies a being expressing the Creator.)



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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4880 Courage and Greatness Side by Side, April 5, 2014 

God said: 

It takes courage to even be discouraged. Do you see what I mean? You are courageous to be in a body on Earth. There is no danger for you, the essence of you, yet your body is surrounded with pitfalls. In any case, your days on Earth in a body are numbered. So is it in the world.
What armor do you have to protect your body? At the same time as your body is essential to you on Earth and precious to you, it is not that much. I say that full knowing that you and your body are both miracles. It is a miracle, your body, how it functions and all the purposes it serves. It is a miracle, the miracle of you that you are contained within a body, that the spirit of you is contained within the wrappings. It is a miracle that soul and I exist. It is a miracle, your soul, the beloved soul of you, the all powerful soul of you, walks around in your body, your fragile body that can get sunburned or trip and fall.
It is all miracle. Every instant that you live in timeless Eternity interwoven with Infinity is a miracle. Tell Me what is not a miracle. What a backdrop the world is to the testament of your story. Your life is a testament to the miracle of the world no matter how fragmented and individuated as it may seem. Individual souls ultimately come down to the essence of Me, God.
There is a sense in which you are like little Gods ruling your own singular domain. You certainly are essential to your own story. Character makes the story. Personality too. Character and personality are both worldly acquisitions. In Reality, you are bright light that echoes Mine.
Your body needs no extra attention. It already takes a great deal of your attention. Your soul, however, this generous particular aspect of you that is shared in common with every soul in the Universe is not quite attended too much of the time. Not that the soul needs much attention. The soul is unto itself. It flies high regardless of your individual awareness or not. You in the world can use more awareness of your true state, your Infinite Self that soars.
What is life about, you have wondered. It is about far more than you presently see. Life on Earth is an illusion yet an illusion worked through, a puzzle you want to solve, a puzzle the solving of which you want to achieve. You, who are already fulfilled, want to know the whole story of your journey forward. From angelhood to personhood, you were born to Earth. You paddle around, not thinking much about Greatness and this entity called you, yet that is what you are. You are Greatness, Greatness in a small package, perhaps, yet Greatness just the same, Greatness hidden within a human being dreamed of and created from My thought of you. Is life on Earth not a miracle experience?
You are the star of this performance on Earth, and you are stellar. There is a saying that you can’t have one foot in two boats, yet that is the Reality of you. You have one foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth. You can’t quite get a handle on this. It may be too big a stretch for you, that which is no stretch at all. Simultaneously, you lead two lives, one you are very conscious of, and one you are less aware of yet nevertheless under its spell. Even you who may soak in muddy water on Earth, you are pristine in Heaven. Even in the soil of Earth, you are discovering the Heaven sphere which you never left. You are soul, and there is nothing you can do about that but accept it and honor being a God-given soul on Earth.



