Remember Who U Really R



Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, The time is drawing nearer for tests and triumphs. What we mean by this is that those who have been doing the spiritual work will begin to see triumphs in their lives. Those who have not will have experiences that encourage them to take the spiritual path. This is not said to instill fear, because these are glorious times. This is said to prepare people for the next round of events. Remember to have glory in God/Creator/All That Is and to rejoice in the being you are. Be at peace and teach only love.


Message from Melchizedek
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
January 10, 2012
Beloved Ones, 
I wish to have discourse on the coming attractions, so to speak. At this time, many of you are experiencing the intense energies in the manifesting of the extremes of energy flux, with feeling uplifted in higher energies and all the positiveness and joyfulness that this can bring, and then at other times, often during the same day, you feel depleted of your energy and just need to rest and often cannot keep your eyes open in the early evening. These are the energetic downloads that you are receiving and if you are experiencing these symptoms, it means that you are One who is able to take in more Light of the higher vibration and assimilate it. Your physical body is adapting to these at a slower rate and this is why you feel the need to spend long hours sleeping. 
During high energy influx days, it is more important than ever to stay well hydrated and focused on raising and keeping your frequency levels at the highest you are capable of in each moment. Memorize key words that you know can uplift your consciousness to higher levels and if you are not up to decreeing and affirming longer versions of your daily practice, then try to repeat these key words in multiples of seven or twelve times. These are tools that can bring you quickly back on track when your energy level is falling. Also, we remind you to call upon your Angels, guides and teachers and "Ask" daily for their support and the upliftment of your energies. They stand ready to help you regain your balance and equilibrium. 
You have each asked for an acceleration of your forward movement, Dear Ones, and this is what you knew you would have to deal with. Those of you who follow the messages from this Scribe are Ones who are firmly on the path to Ascension and indeed, there is a portal that is available whenever you come to this place of Light on the internet. As this website was being created, the Scribe intended and asked that each One who came to read our messages be blessed with whatever they are needing the most at that very moment and this is happening. Allow yourselves to absorb the energies that are infused with the words that come forth through this Scribe, for they are the energies of the higher realms. 
We hold each of you in our hearts and each of you are well known to us. We have traveled far in our journeys together, Beloved Ones, and now you are in the midst of the very purpose of your sojourn here on Earth. The Light that you emanate in your part of the World is helping to act as a catalyst to those around you. You may or may not realize this as you go about your daily lives but it is so. Honor yourselves as we honor you for the roles that you play. We understand that being catalysts for change is not always an easy role to play and that you are often met with resistance, for it is not easy for some of the Awakening Ones to give up the comfortable illusions they have been living with their entire lives. 
Still, their resistance is futile for the winds of change are blowing more powerfully throughout the entire atmosphere of your Planet. This change is being accomplished by the higher vibration of Love. The power of Love is Divine in its essence and awakens within each heart the longing to return to Source, to home. This year of 2012 will see far reaching and momentous changes within all aspects of Human life and the best way to stay in equilibrium as these changes take place is to daily align with Source and state your intention to anchor and embody your Divine Presence on Earth. This will create the pathway for the greater Light that you are to begin the process. 
Love and support each other and all of your awakening Loved Ones. You are all in this together and need to exercise loving kindness, patience, and discernment in your encounters. Know that you have a team of Light Family working with you and that you are never alone. Have faith that this is so, Dear Ones. 
I AM Melchizedek
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff {Channeled}


SaLuSa: You Are All Great Souls Remembering Who You Really Are
Through Mike Quinsey
January 11, 2012
Dear Ones bear in mind that it is your beliefs that can hold you back, so it is particularly important this year you have an open mind. As it progresses so greater truths will come out, and depending on the source you will be wise to carefully consider what is being given. Certainly the final decision is up to you alone and no on else can take responsibility, but this is a time to be honest with yourself and follow your hearts prompting. As your consciousness levels increase, so you will be able to discern the truth more easily, and slowly build up your understanding. You have had many lives and opportunities to push on with your spiritual evolution, and now you have reached the very last chance to join all of those who have already prepared for Ascension. Of course some will continue to have little or no interest, having made their decision to have further experience in the 3rd dimension. Allow for such souls who are entitled as much as anyone else to follow their own path.
Much activity still takes place and we have every expectation of a major break through very soon. We are helped quite considerably by those of you who are not just standing up for the truth, but getting out and about to spread it far and wide. It has the affect of changing the energies to a much higher vibration, and along with other efforts to bring more Light to Earth is helping transmute the lower energies. We could force the changes but that is not the way we work and it is best that we do so together, as it is important that you create your own pace of progress. There are of course matters that are directly our own responsibility, and we are absolutely on course as planned. Have no fears whatsoever, as the Galactic Federation is a formidable player in the game that is being played. Victory is already ours and that also means that  your path to Ascension has been cleared, and nothing can prevent a grand completion that shall be celebrated throughout the Universe.
When you are informed that you are Human Angels we know it is hard to comprehend and many find it hard to accept. However, we would not mislead you and it is time that you learnt the truth about yourselves. Part of your problem is that you have been made to feel worthless and not given the respect you deserve. Indeed, it has affected relationships between you all and you have also failed to respect each other. Your problems as a Human Race go back thousands of years, when you fell further and further into the pit of darkness. Getting out of has resulted in a scramble where your instinct has meant that only the fittest and strongest have survived, and it has been like that ever since. However, in recent times the Light has penetrated that hard outer skin and lit up your hearts, so that love and compassion have grown. Now you have considerable forces of Lightworkers who are standing up and speaking their piece, and it is helping others to realize their special place in the Universe. You are all great souls remembering who you really are and preparing to take your place with us.
By the end of the year those of you who chose to ascend will be ready, and will have changed quite considerably to what you are now. The main difference will be in your levels of consciousness which are going to greatly expand in the very near future. In that you will have our help including technologies that can speed up the whole process. This is quite in order and in general terms all knowledge will be programmed into you, as there is no need to spend considerable time studying as you are used to doing. In time you will directly tap into the Universal Consciousness, and acquire levels of Christ Consciousness that will take you anywhere that you desire. You will have overcome the limitations that are holding you back at present.
Many leaders cannot yet think in terms of peaceful co-existence, and still find it difficult to trust each other. That is something that we shall involve ourselves in as you the people are demanding it, together with an end to all wars. We shall provide the backcloth that will prevent any country taking up arms against another, and ensure that it is not violated. We have simple peaceful means of doing so by making war impossible, and making all weapons of war unusable. The money and energy spent on arming for war over millennia of time could have given you all good standards of living. The destruction and loss of life has been in direct disobedience of God's Laws, which is why you have created such severe karma. However, many have moved beyond such levels of darkness and evil. The battle between the Light and Dark is all but over, and the Light is about to take a momentous step forward so that all shall see the direction that Humanity is going in.
As we have often stated of late, the dark Ones are making their final attempts to cause fear but it will no longer have the affects they hope for, and that will deny them the energy they feed off. Stay calm and know what is happening without giving any of your energy to them. We would rather you saw them as lost souls and as such give of your love to them, so that they may one day return to the Light, as they surely will. No soul is ever lost for all time, and God with great compassion surrounds them with love that will ignite their Godsparks once again. In their own way they have served a great purpose, by showing you what can happen when you lose your way and are engulfed by darkness.
Many of you have achieved remarkable progress over the last few years in lifting your vibrations, and are carrying the Light for Humanity. It is what you came to do, and you are part of a wonderful assembly that incarnated especially to help others and see Ascension take place. So much of your work has gone on quietly behind the scenes, but now it is reaching the time when you should be able to step forward and complete your life plan. Disclosure moves ever nearer and that will release many people who can openly speak of their truth through personal experience. What exciting times are just around the corner and we await our own opportunity to speak with you through your media systems. We have much to tell you about, and are already fully prepared for that occasion.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you on behalf of our teams who feel so pleased and privileged to take part in such a great event as your Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa. 
Mike Quinsey


Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, do not to put it off and say, “Well, after I have released the body, then I will know heaven, or after I win the lottery, then I will have the golden coins to do whatever I want to do,” or to say, “Well, after I meet that most beloved one, then I will live happily ever after.” Well, I say unto you, you can live happily ever after without anyone else, without waiting for a beloved one. You already have the beloved one within you. Look within and fall in love with yourself.


Awareness is 'Conscious Noticing'
by Neale Donald Walsch
January 7, 2012
My dear friends...
Difficult as it may be for most of us to believe, we are already at the end of Week 1 of the New Year. Just 51 weeks left and we'll be right back where we were last week--at the end of another cycle. Later in this Bulletin I will offer my reflection on what I was thinking last Saturday night, New Year's Eve, as the clock struck 12, and an idea that came to me on Sunday morning as I crawled out of bed and into the New Year for good.
For now, in this opening note to all of you, we continue our exploration of The Holy Experience--which we have been examining now for several months. As I noted last week, personal and societal transformation is arduous. It is immensely challenging. It is not work for the feint of heart or the weak-spirited. It is work for the strong and the courageous. And it is the last step in having the Holy Experience.
The next step is declaring that one is going to do just that.
The fourth step in creating the Holy Experience is declaring that you are having it.
Declaration is the most powerful fuel in the engine of manifestation. It is about "speaking your word." The three Tools of Creation are Thought, Word, and Deed, and declaration is the second and third tool combined.
Declaring that you are having the Holy Experience requires, of course, that you are aware that you are having it. You must be aware that every moment of your life is Holy.
The Secret of Awareness

Awareness is one of the most important experiences that I could ever give my Self during the time that I'm here, living upon the Earth.
To be aware, it seems to me, is to be alive in the extreme. It is to live in Completion every moment. Or, as wonderful science-fiction writer Robert Heinlein put it, it is to "grok in fullness."
Awareness is a Quality of Being. It arises out of a decision that we, and only we, can make a very conscious decision to open our Selves to the wonder and the glory and the beauty of Life. Also, to the sadness and the hurt and the darkness.
When one decides to become Aware, one is choosing to be deeply committed to observing, and consciously noticing, the Totality of Every Single Moment.
That's an interesting phrase, isn't it? Conscious Noticing.
Awareness is not merely observing, but noticing at a very high level of consciousness exactly what is happening and exactly what is "so"... Right Here, Right Now.
Recently I was walking down the street with a friend and I looked at one of the trees that we were passing on our city street. "Wow, look at that!" I exclaimed. "Isn't it just beautiful the way that tree just sort of hugs that building over there?" My friend hadn't even noticed, until I mentioned it. "That's what I like about you," she said. "You see everything."
Well, I'm not sure that I see everything, but I do try to see as much as I possibly can of what is going on around me. Wouldn't it be great if we all did? Someone once said that "enlightenment" is nothing more than paying attention.
One thing I don't see as well as I wished I did is myself. I'm not always aware of the way I'm moving through the world, and how that is impacting and affecting others. 
So I think that Awareness is not just noticing what's going on around you, but what's going on within you as well. And, what is going on within others.
Of course, we can't always know that, and this is nothing to be playing guessing games with, so one thing we might do if we're unclear about such an important matter...and yes, what is going on within others IS an important thing we might do is to check in with them, and simply ask.
At the very least, this shows that you are totally present and care genuinely about them and about how things are with them and about how you are impacting them. This is another way of saying "I love you," and it feels very good on the other side of the room, I can tell you. I'm not sure that we spend enough time checking in with each other.
Next week we'll continue our look at The Holy Experience as we dive more deeply into 2012. I hope and trust that you had a wonderful New Year's Day. Now, for a look at what I was ruminating over last Sunday, see the article below!
Hugs and love,
