Remain On Track Of Light In Your Mission


Machiventa - THE MISSION

I know the struggles of your hearts in these times of difficulty. I have been by your side through many struggles and pains as you valiantly attempt to remain on the track of light in this mission. You are all still so very human. It is so hard for you all to understand anything of true unity. Even in your pleas for understanding, you do not understand. Do not be shocked by my words. The inadequacy of all of you in this mission is quite profound. This is because you are coming up through the difficulties of the rebellion and default on a world that is nearly the worst of the lot. How many times we tell you, and yet your child-hearts hope and believe that it cannot be so bad here. Yet I tell you that it has been all but devastated, your beloved world. And when we are done, it will shine in beauty. Yet that is long off, and you are at the beginning. Those of you who think that you have been seasoned sufficiently do cause us some degree of humor. For in our sense of time, seven years and more is an eye-blink, not long enough to take the equivalent of a nap. Yet to you, I know that it seems long, over-long and taxing on the patience of hearts that yearn to see this world filled with the possibilities that lie ever growing in your hearts.

Dear ones, be patient. I know how difficult these words are to hear, and I say them to you all, for in each case there is an issue in which patience is a partial if not a total solution. You are all so eager, each in your own understanding. We love this in you, that you throw yourselves with sincere desire into your understandings of this mission. Your dedication is sublime, especially for beings who could easily have turned away. But your desires must be tempered by the wisdom of the understanding of time. For none of what any of you want can yet come to pass. The fullness of time is not upon you. I can promise you, and have, that much which is wondrous is yet before you and will be fulfilled in your lifetimes. Still, it will come as it does, and not because of your efforts to make it one way or another.

Be patient with one another. This is the primary call to patience that I would ask of you. Be patient as you seek deeper wisdom in mutual understanding. Do not see this desire to delve deeper, however awkwardly and crudely it is performed, as a danger or difficulty in this mission. We have come to encourage you to share openly, in ways that are not usual to your world. But in your imperfection, you cannot do it well without practice. And hence you practice with one another, awkwardly and without great tact. How could it be otherwise? You live on a world where the free expression of truth has long been suppressed - even though for supposedly high value - where you are still experiencing the heady freedom of new possibilities that have long been waiting for human lives to embody.

In the newness of your freedom, some of you run ahead in this avenue and that avenue. Many of you have been running ahead in different directions. And you have been dismayed to find that others' perceptions of your direction are not always what you would have expected. Yet is it so unusual that you would have difficulty in such things, when your world has always had such difficulties? I do not mean to chide you, but your wonderful achievements still only leave you barely ready to enter the first grade curriculum. Even though some have worked ahead of others in our one-room school house, we do not have very advanced workers from the perspective of what has yet to be done. So perhaps a rush to pride, whatever achievements and comprehensions you may believe that you have, may be premature.

Remember, this mission is a testing place and a learning ground for many things. And we are just barely out of the starting gate. You are still enrolled in our provisional and experimental stages. While there are many, and progress is evident to most of you, we are still a long, long distance from the main course. If you accept this readily and cheerfully, and take your time to enjoy the process along the way, you will find endless fascination in it. But the linear and direct approach that you often seek tends to use up your energies and you wear yourselves out with unrealistic expectation.

Expectation is always a mixed thing. One part is hope, and this you must have. I can tell you with utter assurance that your hopes and dreams, however much they may appear at risk, will be fulfilled. The fulfillment may not look exactly as you had expected, but you will be satisfied. The other part of expectation, however, can all too often be a form of naivete. If you expect one another to behave with flawless, or even considerable decorum at this stage in your development, then you are doomed to disappointment. We marvel at how well you do. Yet your human assessments of success in interpersonal interaction is not much like our methods of assessment. You do not yet know many of the factors such as the actuality of different personality types and how this enters into human interaction. You do not know many, many of the differentials that go into your interactions - entirely aside from personal history, biochemistry , spiritual awareness and those things which you can and do sometimes recognize. Without an understanding of many basics, your assessments of one another’s performances tend to range from the peculiar to the unfortunate.

In saying this, I exempt none of you. Yet in saying this, I imply no criticism. For you are amazing creatures, whom I love with a deep and abiding dedication. For in the face of great difficulty, and confusion, you yet manage more love for one another than would be expected. Have a care that you not mistake specific behaviors as the only demonstrations of love. For there are many different patterns that indicate loving response, and you tend to pare down the list to a few impossible of attainment.

One of the most useful pursuits you can share together is an examination of what it means to love - not to come to a consensus, but rather to see the vast range of ways in which genuine love can be expressed. In your interactions with one another on your material circuits communications lists, we have seen extraordinary expressions of love from all sides. Yet few of you see that this is so. Because you do not know one another as you will one day do, you do not see the many successes of your shared love, and tend to see only the failures. Love is profound and seeks ways more diverse that you can yet imagine to promote its truth, beauty and goodness parameters. Almost all of you have displayed extraordinary caring in the midst of this marvelous human effort towards coming together.

Harmony is not expressed in monotones. It is the arrangement of a riot of colors, woven together until they work and do not clash. You cannot possibly weave them from the start, especially when you are all such beginners. There is a good deal of pride that enters into your reactions. You have had to have pride on this planet to survive. Yet you know the dangers of this feeling. Others of you have what you might term excess humility. You do not yet see that what you have to offer is as valuable as others who seem to be brighter stars. Yet if you will not speak up and offer yourselves, you will remain invisible. But you are not invisible to us, and we lovingly urge you to enter into the process of becoming family.

Even so, you cannot, none of you, sustain a pace in which you terrifically continue without ceasing. All of you need to pay attention to the patterns of your own energies and take the necessary time for living your lives and seeking the spiritual sources that are always so lovingly near. This family conversation will continue for a long, long time. You need not solve all problems in a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, or yet even more. You cannot do so even if you so wish. And here again I ask of you patience, not alone with each other, but also with yourselves. You are yet children, and not able to function without your rest periods. You must seek balance in this as in all other things that you do.

We watch with love and encouragement as you work together, like unruly puppies, to forge the family bonds that you all hold to be so important. For this we love you almost achingly at times; you are precious to us beyond compare. Seek this family understanding, but seek also your other avenues of love. You need not fear that you will fall into difficulty that cannot be resolved. You are doing well, if you could see as we see. Did you not realize that in these very early days, there would be much sorting out as you all, in your diversity, moved from the stage of wonder and into the next stage of development in this mission?

What you are doing is inherently creative. The learning of expression of love is always the most creative of acts. Usually, there are times in any creative process where the process seems to break down, yet if you push through, believing that success can be had, you will come out into the excitement of the deeper creativity that is only had after the initial difficulties are overcome. Persistence and dedication are powerful creative tools. Do not fear the outcomes, for you are most certainly in the hands of the Father. Yet also, do not cease and weary of the important lessons in coming to understand one another ever better.

You are on a marvelous journey. But sometimes you travel through the scratchy grass where stinging bugs seem to thwart your way. Hold one another’s hands, and look to the snowy mountain above the jungle. You are going there, and you will help one another. The grasses will continue to lacerate until you are older and stronger, but help one another to salve the wounds, even when you are sometimes the apparent cause of one another’s wounds. Learn forgiveness, patience and forbearance, for these are some of the watchwords of love. Remember that inside each of you lives the very heartbeat of the Father’s love, and it will never fail you. Remember also that Michael’s spirit stands with you, ever guiding your path to the future. With such guidance, and a universe more of support, you cannot fail.

You are not failing now. Farewell - 


Michigan, US of A, January 20, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Self-forgiveness: The First Step Toward Freedom.”
Received by Chris.
Ophelius: “The message for today is about self-forgiveness. We have covered the topic of forgiveness many times and forgiving others is an essential part of growth and forward progression, but today my friends, I want to focus on the first step to forgiving others and that is forgiving the self. Without this first and vital step of forgiveness, you cannot move forward, even when all other forms of self-mastery are applied. This is the key to release for all forms of self-bondage and the antidote to all spirit poisons.
“All of you have, at one time or another, made choices that you have regretted and perhaps hurt someone, be it friend or foe, willingly or indirectly, by your actions. Or perhaps you have failed at some important task or goal and have blamed others for your failure. Feeling down on yourself and having a hopeless outlook about the future, or continually blaming yourself for repeated failed attempts to move beyond some rut of predictable actions or vices can keep you in a state of stagnation where you cannot move forward and heal from the mistakes of the past.
“Often times fear is the driving force that keeps you from seeing the open door to your freedom. Fear of other’s opinions and judgements about your self-conscious imperfections or perhaps fear of ridicule for changing sides – your need to be right even when you know you are wrong about some position or action you have taken – pride. Making right moral choices, taking responsibility for poor decisions, does not show weakness, but rather shows strength of character and is an example to those who you believe are judging you, that you are a person of integrity.
“My dear friends, it is OK to have made mistakes – it is OK to have failed! This is how you learn, but in order for you to have gained wisdom from these lessons, you must acknowledge that you have failed and made poor choices. Without acknowledgement, you are likely to repeat the same mistakes, again and again, leaving you in a trap that you cannot escape from. Having examined the self, and having acknowledged the error readies the self and grants permission to forgive.
“Asking for forgiveness from someone you have wronged is a part of the healing process. If there is no chance to ask for it, then you must ask it for yourself and in witness of your Indwelling Spirit. If you have asked for forgiveness from someone and it was rejected, that burden remains on the other party and they must do the work necessary to free their selves of the hurt. You must let go of it, and move on using the experience as a lesson for self-improvement.
“Once you have learned to forgive yourself, you can move toward the next step of forgiving others for wrongs they have done to you. You are all essentially learning, in the kindergarten of your ascendant careers, to love and be tolerant of the imperfections of others who are learning alongside you. In the bigger picture, my friends, all these bumps, bruises, and injuries to the ego are all but scaffolding that will fall away – only the learning moments that lead to forward progression and perfection will remain and become a part of the growing soul. Let your souls grow weighty, and free yourself from self-inflected bondage – learn to forgive yourself.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”


Dear Ones,

You have perhaps learned that your body shape or communication systems may differ in the future. Both are accurate indicators of what will transpire. But now we wish to describe the changes within your being. For indeed before those outer pieces are evident, inner shifts are necessary.

You have learned how to access your angels, your higher-self, your inner-being - all spiritual/emotional elements of your new being. Granted, you do not necessarily feel adept in accessing those pieces of your being, but you know it is possible and you have most likely tried at least one of many techniques in the past few years. It is now time to address your physical being.

Your inner physical body is changing rapidly causing some of you to report headaches, stomach discomfort or other similar ailments. Or perhaps you recently had the flu, a cold or an ache somewhere in your being. All indicators your body is shifting.

Of course, please do not discount addressing your ailments with the medical world. Current medical knowledge is a large piece of this transition. For without the past century of medical advancements, you would not have as much freedom to explore your new world. Maslow's Hierarchy described this as meeting the base needs of life - food, water and shelter - before self-actualization can be initiated.

If you feared you might die or have a limited life because of polio, scarlet fever, diphtheria, epilepsy, tuberculosis and so many other diseases that are no longer of great concern to you, you would have little interest in the New Age. Instead of discounting the medical world, realize that just as is true of your transportation (automobiles, airplanes) and communication systems (internet, cell phones), advancements on all levels are encouraging you to participate in this self-actualization transition.

That is not to say you need to worship any invention or medical discovery, but that you need to give all their due in this wondrous transition.

Let us return to your inner-being. Perhaps you cannot fully appreciate the changes in your DNA and cells. Most of you do not have the instruments to observe these shifts. You know you feel differently at times, but you cannot measure or detect how that different feeling is an indicator that your body is shifting.

An indicator, if you choose to observe it, is that your blood is helping to harmonize your inner shifts by creating the vibrations, harmonies and colors necessary to expedite your inner physical shifts. As we discussed during our internet Creation Energies show this week (, your blood may appear to be a different hue or color - ranging from blues to yellows to browns. Red will remain the base color of your blood, but the different hues will indicate what your inner physical being feels it lacks during this transition.

Will your blood remain this new color? Perhaps or perhaps not. Your physical body has always had the capability to regenerate itself even though you have not used those skills for eons.

Many of you are familiar with color and harmony therapies for your outer physical being. You are now opening your personal "medical kit" to harmonize your inner-being.

How is it possible for you to expand your DNA, change your cellular structure and yet maintain the same type and flow of blood required for your Old Age physical being?

You are changing. That is a phrase that applies to every atom of your being. Even though we have discussed cellular changes, many of you did not understand that a cellular change requires a complete physical, spiritual and emotional overhaul. You cannot maintain your Old Age being in your New Age world.

You are not alone in such shifting - you are just among the first to do so.

Many of you are wondering if your new body shape will be different from what is now the norm. Such thoughts are not necessary or even within your realm of understanding at this time.

All you need to concern yourself with is that your inner-being is rapidly shifting to accommodate your new DNA strands and cellular structure. That shift might include a different hue of blood, different intake of food and drink, different interests and different needs for rest. This is not a entry-level shift. In truth, your physical being is going through more shifts than was true during puberty or pregnancy. It is complete and permanent.

Such statements are not to frighten you, but to inform you that you are shifting physically. And by doing so, your needs, interests and internal physical being will be different.

Do not be concerned that your physician will report your unusual blood color, additional DNA strands, and other physical changes. Unless your medical personnel are of the Lightworker advance team, they will only detect what they have always seen. Their observations will be similar to the stories of Native Americans who did not initially see European boats for they had no historical perspective to understand the meaning of those boats. They could not perceive something they did not understand or expect. So it will be for your medical personnel.

Of course, the obvious question is what else is shifting within your being? We cannot tell you specifics other than your blood, cells and DNA are different or shifting to accommodate your Lightworker being. Other shifts will be more specific to your role. Just as is true for body builders developing different muscles than is required for a long distance bicycle racer or Olympic swimmer.

Do not be frightened of your physical changes. Relish them for you are a Lightworker creating a body to best accommodate your new role. Your physical body will never again be as it was. Nor will you wish it to be once you have completed your shift.

Your body changes are not a punishment, but a gift from you and the Universes to the Lightworker that you are. So be it. Amen.

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light

Your Heart Is the Cathedral of Love
In Which Every Life Meets Its Creator

Beloved ones, in the Now Moment, Love is becoming. It emerges whole and perfect and the blossoming of My heart. It is supported by the whole of Creation as knowledge, as the miracle that is you, lifted up into fuller life, more open, more available, and more alive in the power of Love.

Beloved ones, this is you in this moment, bursting forth, complete in total ecstasy, a laughing splendor of My discovery of Love, My All in the miracle of the Love I Am given expression and focus. Every moment Love is becoming you, and every moment life emerges victorious, completely and ever available to be this Love I Am, multiplied, magnified and ever expanding in joy.

Every moment Love is becoming and anything you believe you see can follow those words and you will know that whatever your eyes seem to look upon, in truth is Love, right now being born within you and being reflected as your world.

As you find yourself living in reverence, waiting with your heart attuned to discover the Real life exploding right into view, right now, you will be completely amazed at the majesty and the grace of life expressing itself in that which you call the world. Everywhere that you look with your heart, you find the miracle of God alive. All That I Am as creativity, the expression of the expanding drive to give the Love I Am…

If you live with this attitude, knowing that all is brand new, then you carry no predefined definition of what life is or what is the world, and you are free, beloved ones, to be the witness of what it is that Really occurs as the truth of Love I Am is born in and all around you.

Love is becoming this expression of life, as consciousness reveals itself like a special gift and you watch to see just what Love will reveal, how I Am coming to be the world and to hold all in the perfection in which it is made. If you can be free of the definitions of ego, you bear witness to the birth of the perfection of God and you will find not only the miracle but the sweet joy and cosmic laughter as you see My face, beloved ones, in everything you encounter.

One moment you believe you are seeing a friend, and your eyes may observe a human personage. The next moment your heart reveals to you how I delightfully and joyously come into view, showing Myself in the qualities that are held in the consciousness of just that friend and the luminous painting of the perfection of God as the eye of Love and the heart of the one shows itself right before you, as you wink between the dimensions of Love and the expression of the world.

You have no preexisting definitions of life, beloved ones. You watch Me become clothed in this person, that one, in this joy of Nature and find Me expressing in the voice of the animals and dancing Myself into full visibility as the movement of life in the world.
When your heart is fully engaged, you are beyond what you call multi-tasking. You are completely aware of every "channel" of the instantaneous birth of the whole Love of God, All That I Am, bursting forth to thrill you and fill you and wrap you in magnificence until every breath is gratitude for the miracle of Love becoming this expression of life.

Be free of the ego mind's programming. Release the need you have given to all things. Stand free, here as Me, and be the witness to the birth of Creation in all of the things that touch you and express your heart. All of Creation lives in you and every bit of it waits upon your witness, to be acknowledged by the heart of God I Am, for all life needs to be seen deeply and with Love.

You see with My eyes, beloved ones. You have full omni-dimensional vision with your heart. When you remember how it has been being human and how much it can mean to have someone acknowledge you, you recognize a fundamental part of Creation. Beloved ones, if I did not need this and want this, then the movement of Creation would have remained still. But dearest ones, it is the glory of relationship and the deep acknowledgement of Love that brings forth the flowering of the heart of God and lets this Love fully be the gift that acknowledges every stream of life, every expression of My Love.

You are the heart that brings this gift, that acknowledges the miracle of everything and weaves it all together into the circle of My endless Love, wrapped in My heart. You have as yet so little awareness of what it is you are meant to do, of the part that you play in Creation, beloved ones, and how important you are with your consciousness of Love – how powerful the need is for your extension that you might touch every aspect of the All, that you might fully fulfill your mission as the center point of All That Is…that all of Creation may see itself in relationship with Me and every life be fulfilled.

It is impossible to express the miracle that the gift of Creation is to Me. But you, beloved ones, are what makes it work. You are My outreach of Love. You are My heart becoming the whole in full interrelated relationship. You are the birth of the circle of Love that makes all of life fully conscious.

When you feel this vibration of living Love resonate through your being and empower your heart, beloved ones, give yourself over and live in awe as Love moves you to extend this circle of My "living arms" – that every life, every stream of conscious Love, every part of this continual explosion knows itself as knowledge and is lifted up….Knows itself in relationship with Me, knows intimately the miracle and the gift of the Moment of Creation touching all things with this intimate and personal Love.

It is possible to be the All, to feel Creation move within you, while in your heart you are given the instructions of Love…filled with new awareness of the birth of new vision of exactly how to love this Creation I Am and to be My heart in outreach…part of the gentle explosion, full of the acknowledgement of heart-felt communion, the gifting of My Love to All That Is, intimately and tenderly.

When you drop the barriers of the little mind, the restriction of an identity that is human, you will be able to tune into the Love that you are and all that you accomplish in this moment, as you are moved to be My acknowledgement of all the Love that lives within you, that you might know the exquisite interaction of God, heart to heart, spirit to spirit, giving textures to the whole of Love.
As you breathe in the gold of the Spirit, the shining treasure of unlimited consciousness, you become the acknowledgement of that treasure of Love that is All That I Am, interacting in this heartfelt moment.

The meeting place of Love is you, beloved ones, where that which is created meets its God, where every "en-conscious-ment" of every aspect of the Love I Am comes into communion with Me. You, beloved ones, are available at last to be My heart, limitless and free; to be the pure joy of giving My Love and feeling the great gift of its return when the circle of Love is fulfilled once again.
You are the center of the living whole of Love. You are the place where every life finds Me. You, beloved ones, are the open heart of God, witness to the birth of the miracle of relationship with Me. Because you are willing to be present, to let Love be that which you are, then you are the manifestation of the holy Now where the purpose of Creation comes into view, where all life finds itself loved by Me through you.

Can you comprehend what it means to be the heart of God I Am? Beloved ones, not from here, not with the little mind; but deep within, your heart knows. Your heart is completely connected to the whole matrix of life, to every magnificent expression of God. Each one is blessed by the willingness to stand as the open heart of God I Am, as the willingness to be My Love in action, the meeting place of giving and receiving, the place where everything can see itself as I see it.

My heart ever sees perfectly. It sees with the limitless eye of Love. It is perfect in its ability to be this expression of tender outreach into communion, and the perfect mirror for every living consciousness to see how much I love it and to experience "both/and" – being the whole of Love and living the gift of our communion.

Love is right now becoming you and you and you. Everything that you touch, everything that your heart feels, everything that you have felt as the world and so very much more. From within the timeless cathedral of Love that is your heart expressing the truth of My own…
Rise, come into precious acknowledgement by God and the way of Love is made clear because you are here being the meeting place that makes "both/and" Real.

When you feel the vastness of the cosmos moving through your heart and your being… When you feel Love being born in you, coming into relationship with humanity… When you recognize this deep tenderness and I reach forth as you and wrap each heart that it might see its place in the glorious kaleidoscope of Love that is the expression of My being…

You can live this Love. You are the heart of God becoming the greater truth that you are lived by Love. You are the movement of God. You are truly My outreach and the sacred place where the meeting occurs, where the dream of separation can disappear, where the unity of Love is made clear and manifest… It is your heart that provides this cathedral where humankind can let go of fear and allow the communion to occur; allow blessings to overflow and erase the belief in anything other than Love.

Beloved ones, when you hold to this truth and your heart knows it absolutely, then you are available to dissolve every wall, providing the sanctuary from the belief in duality. You are Love becoming even more…Love, whole and perfect, the acknowledgement of God I Am as this expression before you…not only as your heart, the conduit for Love creating Love's reflection in the symbols of the world…
You are also the crystalline mirror that lets every heart see the truth of its purity, its Love, its eternal nature and its endless communion with Me.

Oh, beloved ones, live in this spaciousness within your heart that is so vast that Creation as this world can live within it and know itself as the truth of Love and nothing else.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4456 A Forest of Thoughts, February 5, 2013 

God said: 

Confusion is simply what you notice when you walk through a forest. You might say that the forest is too congested with trees. A forest is good. A prairie is good. Even confusion is good. It shows that you are going somewhere.

You can get lost in a forest, yet a forest is also where you can be found. You do find yourself in a forest of thoughts.

While walking in a forest, it’s good to be looking up at the sky and the sun that peeks through the branches and leaves of the trees of the forest. I made the forest of the world and said it was good.

You may have thought you have to come to some conclusion about the forest. You may have thought you have to allocate orderly places for the trees and sort them through, yet, all you have to do is to keep walking through the forest. The forest does not have to be orderly. Forests are not landscaped. They are not weeded. They are not uniform. Forests are unplanned. They grow as they grow, and they are enchanted places, how the sun plays off the tops of the trees, how all the birds and such live there, and how you make your way through the forest. A forest is a forest, yet no two are alike, nor are they supposed to be.

Who said that a forest has to be trim? No, a forest has to be what it is. A forest has to grow as it grows. And you grow in the forest you find yourself in. And so, you can compare a forest to the world in which you live.

Who said you are supposed to know a world and have a clear map of it in your mind and walk through it straightforwardly knowing exactly what is what? Who says that confusion is not a good thing? Because there is confusion, you have to find your way. You have to explore. Embrace confusion. Allow it. One who knows everything and everything in its place in the relative world is missing out on the essence of life. Life in the world is not set up in perfect formation. No longer think that the world is incorrect. You may be incorrect in your summation of the world.

Enjoy your walk through the woods. Pick berries. Hug a tree. Listen to the sounds as you step on dry branches.

Commune in this forest that God has given you. Oh, yes, there are also glades you will come to, and you will love both the glades and the forest. Consider confusion your lucky card. Confusion does not have to be obliterated from your awareness. Better confusion and find your way than to close your eyes.

There is a purpose in your walk in the woods. The woods is something you walk through. It is not a gauntlet. It is a woods. It is for you to walk through. It may be a jungle, and a jungle is also beautiful and deserves merit. It has its own sounds and its own beauty.

Allow whatever you walk through to be noted and valued for what it is.

Shadow and sunlight are like two beautiful colors. You may have your preference for blue, yet that does not mean green is less.

You live in a beautiful world, and you have marked it down. You would redecorate the whole world. That is fine to have crusades but not to denigrate the world. Grow flowers and love what already is.
