WHO is GOD??

Who is God? 
God is the source of all light. God is the source of everything. He upholds the earth and the heavens. 
God is spirit. God is love. God is the source of all. God is the destroyer of ignorance. God is beyond all understanding.
God is the remover of all calamities. God is the granter of all prosperity. To the unenlightened man who depends on his senses for all final judgments, God remains unknown and therefore non-existent.
God is the one source of every action and every movement. God is the sustainer of all, the giver of all good and the bestower of all blessings. God is the eternal amongst fleeting things. He is the one in the midst of many. He is absolute consciousness.
God is the fulfiller of the desires of every man. The Lord is all effulgence, divine, the fulfiller of desires and the granter of insight and intuition.
Who is God? God is God. He who is universal consciousness, who is eternal, who himself witnesses all that passes in every heart, who exists immutably throughout the universe and who is ever free, independent and immortal is God.
Where is God? In his own glory. Seek him there. God has form and he is formless too. The Lord reveals himself even in a single leaf, in a blade of grass, in a drop of water.
God reveals himself only to the pure, the humble and the simple. He is the first and the last, the manifest, and the hidden. God cannot be defined. He has to be felt, seen, realised and lived in.
Religion is the link between God and man. Every religion establishes a relation between man and God. Religion should give shelter even to the worst type of sinner. It must be perfectly tolerant, broad minded and catholic.
The essence of religion is love. There is only one religion and that is the religion of love divine, which transcends all creeds and all scriptures. Behold the one essence in all. Love all. --- Sivananda

Relish Differences

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

You are likely questioning yourself and those around you. "Who has the correct answer? Is there a correct answer?"

You have the correct answer for you, as is true for all. For there are as many correct answers as the number of beings involved in the solution.

So it is you are becoming more confused than you thought possible just a few weeks ago. You are starting to identify with those who think differently than you and yet you are maintaining your thought processes. How is such possible?

When you lived in fear, you needed to choose sides, to be on the winning side if possible, but most certainly not the losing side.

As you evolve, you open to flexibility and creative input. So the questioning of your rightness despite the thoughts of others is logical given how such opens you to the possibility of more than one answer to every question, to exploring a variety of thoughts instead of one solution dictated by you or someone you believe more important than you.

As is true of any continuum, when you move to the end of that continuum, you waver a bit before finding the middle. So it is you are beginning to question your judgment as well as that of others. Who is right - you or others?

All of you following your inner guides are correct. For this is the age of inclusion instead of exclusion.

You are discovering there is more than one answer to any question. A frightening concept for many. Before entering 5D, you, for the most part, negated self-responsibility as others informed you who and what you should be. If you moved outside those social parameters, you did so knowing you could return to the "right" actions if you felt like doing so.

A case in point is how radical young adults were in the 60s and 70s only to accept the life presented by their society of job, marriage, and family. Even though initially the Baby Boomers seemed revolutionary, they drifted into the same rightness of society as their parents and grandparents.

Now that you are in different times and a different being, the social parameters are fading away. Something you dreamed of when you were young if you are a Baby Boomer.

But now that your new reality of questioning everything, including yourself, is happening, you are frightened for who will tell you what is right or wrong. So it is you are learning to trust your inner guide and negate the social parameters you have followed for eons.

You can be anyone - who do you want to be? An amazing concept for even in the 60s and 70s, you most often achieved new thoughts through groupthink.

Now there is no group. So if you decide to protest something, there might or might not be a few like-minded entities. For you are doing so not to join a group but to highlight your inner calling. Something you have never before done while of the earth. So you might feel a bit lonely at first waiting for others to join your cause or direction.

That is not to say that you must stand on a box on a street corner proclaiming your new thoughts, but instead that as you progress further into 5D, you will find fewer beings exactly like you.

Even though this first stage of independence is frightening because it feels foreign and lonely, you will quickly adapt. The difference between 3D and 5D is you likely found others who thought and acted very similar to you - or to others of that society if you never felt as if you were part of society.

Differences are now going to be celebrated instead of hidden. Much like a business brainstorming session in which new ideas are generated to solve a problem. Even though most of those ideas will not come to fruition, all enjoy the group participation as each idea is discussed.

So it will be for you once you get over your immediate shock that you can enjoy the company of someone who does think or act as do you. You will even discover that some of their ideas ring true within you.

You are interacting differently than ever before. In 3D, a consensus was required before forward movement was generated. Now consensus will seem stale and uninteresting.

As you watch the news or talk with others, you will begin to allow new thoughts to enter your being. Thoughts that will help you create your new life. For if everyone were the same, there would be no need to transition to 5D independence.

Instead of being frightened of your new thoughts or actions, savor them as they help you move into new you with new thoughts and actions. So be it. Amen.


Come into this moment and let yourselves feel this glorious Love. You are resplendent with life and forever present to receive this glory, to experience and to know that is has your name. So when we speak of abundance, this is where it begins, deep in your heart, in your communion with Me, in your acceptance of life, in your receiving these gifts, in your experience of the power, of the life that I Am as it rushes forth into your being and becomes your open heart.
To use as an example this body that you wear, regardless of what substance you believe it is made, you can recognize here some fundamental truths that are important in our communication, dear ones, on this subject of abundance. I have said to you continually that you are My heart, that you are the center of the cosmos, you are the conduit of this Love.


Teacher: Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “The Regeneration Process.” 

Message received by Anyas. 

Cell regeneration: The number of cells that an adult male loses per minute is roughly 96 million. Fortunately, in that same minute, about 96 million cells divide, replacing those that died. Just as you shed dead skin cells, dead cells from internal organs pass through and out of the body with waste products. 

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk more in-depth about the rebirth process. From established scientific facts, your physical organism is constantly reborn. It purges its old cells to replace them with new ones. It is one of the many amazing life’s mysteries. Indeed, life has to be sustained — newbies taking the relay for retirees — so to speak. 

“As above, so below. You can assume that the same occurs at the other levels of your being. Yet, your free will prerogative is very much associated with this process. How do you treat your emotions? This is a very important question to ask yourself. Do you allow inner toxicity to invade your emotional being as cancerous cells would invade your physical being if they went undetected for a while? Or do you quickly become aware of your emotional ‘acid reflux’ and do something about it? 

“Just as your physical system has to constantly be purged from its dead cells, your emotional system needs to be managed in a similar fashion. As well, your even more intangible spiritual self has to experience a constant spiritual rebirthing process. Out with the old, in with the new! 

“Jesus stressed the process of rebirth — not the one of death. Life does not know terminal death. You are constantly spiritually reborn to a better version of yourself if you live your life with awareness and high intentions. On the other hand, death may claim those who are spiritually suicidal. Rather than refueling their spiritual energies, they are subjecting them to a life-threatening fasting and become spiritually anorexic. Eventually, this may result in the miscarriage of their embryonic soul for lack of nutrition. 

“Dear ones, focus on your rebirth. This is the fountain of spiritual youth and such a youthful spirit translates itself into positive emotions and a vibrant body. Isn’t it the best total makeover one could wish for?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.


Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

- Mother Teresa -

