

We should all be enriched by Newton, Edison, Eddington,
Rutherford, Einstein, and we should also be enriched by Budda,
Krishna, Christ, and Mohammed, so that you become rich in both
your dimensions: the outer and the inner. Science is good as far
as it goes, but it does not go far enough - and it cannot. I am not
saying that it CAN go and it does not go, no - it cannot go into the
interiority of your being. The very methodology of science
prevents it from going in. It can only go outwards, it can study
only objectively; it cannot go into the subjectivity itself. That is
the function of religion. --- The society needs science, the society
needs religion. And if you ask me what should be the first priority,
science should be the first priority - because first the outer, the
circumference, then the inner, because the inner is more subtle,
more delicate. --- Science can create the space for real religion
to exist on the earth. --- +
LOGIC - Logic believes in two categories: the known and the
unknown. That which is unknown today will become known
tomorrow. That which is known today was unknown yesterday.
So there is not much difference between the known and the
unknown; they belong to the same category. Logic does not
believe in the unknowable - and the unknowable is the very
heart of life, the very heartbeat of the universe. ---
I am not against logic. Use it - it is a beautiful strategy as far
as things are concerned, the marketplace is concerned, the
superficial world is concerned - but beware that you don't go
on carrying it into deeper layers of life and experience. There
it is a hindrance. --- Logic means mind. Mind is helpful in
understanding the objective world. Mind is a hindrance in
understanding the subjective world, because the subjective
world is beyond the mind, behind the mind.
You can use your eyes to see others, but you cannot use
your eyes to see yourself. If you want to see yourself through
your own eyes you have to use a mirror. To look in a mirror
means you are creating a reflection of yourself - which is not
you, certainly not you, but you can see the reflection. Logic
can see only the reflected glory of existence; it cannot see
existence itself because existence is far deeper than logical
formulations. --- Mind is logic, they are synonymous. You
can't have an illogical mind - that doesn't happen, that is not
possible. That will be like having enlightened darkness.
That will be like having a healthy disease ... Don't say mind
is logical because that creates the fallacy. Mind is not logical,
mind is simply logic! Logic is called mind! So you can never
have a mind which is more than logic, mind will remain logic.
You can go beyond the mind, you can enter into the
transcendental, but mind will have to be left behind. That's
the function of using contradictions, paradoxes. What is the
function of a paradox? The function is to baffle your mind,
to shatter your mind ... to shock it, to shatter its logic. And
it will not leave easily ... It will gather itself together again ...
It will do it again and again. --- The man who has attained
knows that what he has attained cannot be delivered in
thoughts. He will say, "Don't just go on gathering my
words, because these words are dead." The function of his
words are to provoke you, to seduce you for a journey
beyond logic, beyond the mind, beyond matter and
dimension. God has not to be approached through logic
but through love. To approach him through logic is to miss
him. The sure way to miss God is logic. It prohibits, it
hinders; God cannot be caught in a logical net. The
logical net is too crude - and God is so subtle. He
is not like a fish, he is more like water. You can catch the
fish in the net but not the water, the water will escape. --- +

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