Relationships & Community

I Wanna Know What Love Is!?



We can choose to live below the belt {the five senses},
or, to live in our heart.
To go from selfishness pain fear confusion & separation,
to unconditional love peace unity joy & freedom, to be
asleep, or to awaken, to be limited, or to expand. I trust
we will all find our way to loving global and personal
relationships. Authentic relationship begins with the
Divine relationship with Spirit, with your own Divine self.
Once you find the peace that is your truth, then you can
be in healthy relationship with others. You don't need a
technique or skill, you need only to trust your heart!
If you want a deeper relationship with Spirit, you must
ask for it! Connect with the Divine daily, and call-in your
guidance. Be willing to receive. Let go! Surrender what
surrender looks like ...

      As we move ever more into fear, safety will be sought in many
      ways. It is imperative to hold the space of true safety, that
      which comes from within.
       Know that safety can only be found when you are able to clearly view
      the illusion without participating in it.
      Re-define relationship as the soul-centered ecstasy of joyously celebrating
      the truth. Be free of illusion so that you may embrace the knowing of
      the truth of your being-ness. This is relationship.
      True relationship begins with knowing who you are.
      All relationship begins in the ecstatic knowingness of your authenticity,
      of your wholeness. This is true relationship. It is found as you establish
      your connection with the Divine oneness, re-claim your relationship
      with light, and understand the need for expansion.
      When you come into union with another being that has come into the
      ecstatic knowing-ness of their authenticity, then you are completing
      the expansionary process. You are joining light with light. You are
      expanding. You are bringing mutual understandings and experiences to
      each other thereby offering back to God the expansion of light through
      the experience. This has always been your mission here as a collective.
      Once this is achieved, you take it further.
      When you and your partner bring that wholeness to another couple who
      have found their wholeness, you create a community of light. You are all
      offering service to the Divine in the manner of which is in service to the
      perfection. It is the reason you are Travelers to begin with; to expand,
      to understand, to experience. Most importantly, bring all expansionary
      experience back to the Divine. This is a very simple and important
      concept, it is why you are here, and why you have always been.
     All true relationships must integrate gratitude, receiving, and giving.
     This is the only way it can continue, and it must first begin with your
     own relationship with the Divine.
     Many among you are servants, as many among you are pirates,
     i.e.,the concept, the work, of those who considered you to be
     "less than", and they, "greater than." Who bring in the crime of,
     judgement separation power and control.
    This perversion of egoic energy that is introduced by those who
    polarize, judge, separate, those beings who are about food, sex,
    glamour, and the existence without any connectivity to Divine
    understanding, are so far away from the Divine light that they
    have forgotten they, themselves, are part of the growth.
   The perfection of their straying, of their illusion, combined with
   the perfection of their ability to no longer be connected is most
   important. It offers great understanding as to where you are now
   at this time in our Earth history.
   The energies of interference that were planted long ago were the
   energies of egoic outcome. Egoic outcome does not serve the model
   of gratitude, receiving, and giving. Egoic outcome only serves the I.
   "What's in it for me? What about me, and why me'?"
   It is the model you see before you now at this time in your collective
  experience as the expansion of light. This model is once again present
  on this planet, and stronger than it has ever been. It has had eons
  of evolution, and like all energies, has had the time and ability to
  become ever more sophisticated. This self-preserving energy is indeed
  what has led to the mutation of the model and why it is imperative to
  fully understand it.
 Let us begin with an important premise: Egoic outcome only believes
 in gratitude if it serves the Me. It only believes in receiving if it is for
 the benefit of the Me. Know that it will only give if it believes it is for
 the benefit of the Me. There is an easier way to say this. If it is not of
 wholeness, it is of ego, and it is the difference between the two
 models. One model has wholeness, one model has ego.
 It is the work of union, the work of beings of wholeness sharing their
 wholeness with other beings of wholeness. This creates a community
 of wholeness. Together you create an understanding of wholeness,
 so that the work of wholeness is expanded. People are seeking this
 energy, and it brings to all the alignment they seek.

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