

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Communication with the Federation Of Light
3.) Real Happiness
4.) Be Your Own Blessing
5.) Jeshua - Message of the
6.) Is what we have been told about What God Wants true?
Isis' Message of the Day -
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try
to have more things or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works
is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." ~Margaret
Young ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================

Know that everything, at some level, is seeking the Light, is seeking balance and harmony, seeking to
return to that which it was in the beginning. Each phase of new awareness or expanded consciousness has its special miracles
and benefits which are to be savored and enjoyed. Each time you release some old self-limiting, painful thought form,
habit or discordant energies within, you are transformed, and you remove a small (or large) part of your disguise which allows
you to integrate another facet of your wondrous God Self. In doing so, you are gradually creating a new empowered
“you,” and a new reality opens to you whereby you have access to many new concepts, as well as new talents,
and your sensitivity to the exquisite nuances of Spirit miraculously unfold around you.
~ I AM Archangel Michael ~
Communication with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
Welcome to you, assuming all is well for us to communicate. I wonder if I may start off by asking
something that I feel may assist us? Someone wrote in asking if you could elaborate further to gain better understanding on
our part, regarding the statement you made in the last channelling: "here we must point out ... that all that we have spoken
of ... all that we have shared with you ... and all that has penetrated into your hearts, must now be encountered by
the part of you that is of a higher understanding." I tried my best to reply, but found once again ... words to be inadequate
and feel that you would be able to do a better job! Would you be so kind?
Many thoughts of divine love to you dearest lady and we will certainly try our best to assist in this way.
Although we would say that the higher part of the soul who inquired knows the answer anyway.
As does mine, but trying to grasp it in this human form is not so easy and we so want to get it right!
In it's simplistic form we would elaborate by telling you that all
that lies within your heart is of love. What you, in this human flesh form feel to be real is merely a fragment of
that which is. Therefore, that which you believe you understand on this level of yourself, in this form, can be interpreted
by your higher self in a much deeper way if you simply allow this part of you to be handed over to the higher part of you.
And what is the easiest way to do this?
Trusting that by 'acknowledging' this intention that it is therefore taken care of. What we would like
to add is that although this aspect of you down on the earth plane may sometimes feel lost with in all that
is taking place the higher part of you is exactly on the button with everything. The more you choose to open yourself
up to accepting that the higher part of you can be accessed the more it is that knowledge of higher understanding will
be able to filter through. The funny part about this for you is that you may not always know it is happening. Suddenly you
recognize that you "understand" more than you did before, yet as you say, this understanding is not necessarily
something that can be explained in words of your language. May we suggest that although the language barrier may be present,
that which the heart is picking up on cannot be denied. So therefore we would say, not to concern the self. There are indeed
many things that one may feel they have not grasped the concept of and yet we say, you
know so much more than you 'think' you know.
As your vibration rises through
love, you are able to 'get this.' For the more you love the more you know, or put another way, are able to recall.
Yes, we continue on with the same message that we started with. For that is the most important message there is to offer. To find love that you feel you have lost. It is not lost dear friends, it
may be that it has been subdued over time and circumstance but never lost. For it is you and you know where you are. The very fact that this body of yours is animated is
because you/love is inside of it. As witnessed upon your planet when the spiritself leaves the physical instrument then
that instrument can no longer be automated for there is no love in there to drive it.
Perhaps practice visualizing whilst in a meditational state of mind that you are leaving the physicality
for a time and going where? We would suggest a beautiful vacation would be to visit the higher self. For there you will discover
everything that you are, everything that everything is.For you are everything! Bask
in this knowledge. Bask in all knowledge and see around you nothing but light of the purest highest vibration. That is home
dear ones. This is where you come from. This is where you feel all truth.
You are simply allowing a minute aspect of this purest highest light to experience an earthly lifetime,
once again. In the big scheme of things this minute aspect of you is not so much as a speck of dust and yet without it,
without you choosing to be part of this earthly experiment there would be little reason for amendments (?).
Love has to have expression. You have to have expression in order to evolve and become a brighter light
upon the planet. You are asking a question that is vast in your head are you not Blossom?
Yes. And probably a bit to huge to be answered in a nutshell, yet it seemed to 'pop up'. So here
goes. What exactly was/is the point of this experiment .... this human being thing?
What is the point of any experiment? To see the outcome? To see what one can learn from it. To see what
advantages it presents. For all experiments, whether one feels are successful or failures, so much is learned by/from them.
In our understanding there is no such thing as failure only lessons learned. Is it not so that through experiments of
what you many call 'failure' that the most is learned?
Dearest souls of planet earth, do you know
how much you have enhanced the all by volunteering to be part of this divine plan? This experiment, this game that some
appear to be insulted by in calling it so, was not devised in the manner in which it turned out to be. As we spoke
of in our initial communications Blossom (the bridge) we thought it would be wondrous for the souls expression to be given
free will. We were of such excitement as to the miraculous events that each soul as an individualized aspect of the one would
be able to elaborate upon. We, being and coming only from love, had not the notion that this particular experiment
could turn out the way it did because of free will. As the energy slowly transformed into a lower frequency due to this
free choice we still did not know what the outcome would be. We who are only of love could not know, for we had not experienced
such things within our way of being. Yet before our eyes this 'experiment' was unfolding in a way that we could not tamper
with, it intrigued us as you know, yet as your time and indeed your attitudes moved on we questioned at times
as to whether or not this 'experiment' should be halted/aborted.
This may seem harsh to you yet it was just a matter of yourselves returning home or elsewhere. Far
easier a solution. We continued to surmise the situation and we know that no matter what prevails love conquers all.
Therefore, after many, many councils held it was decided that the experiment should continue. This is where you must feel
the importance of who you are and why you are here. You that are on this earth plane now are the ones that have come to see
it through its final configurations.
You are the very ones that have the where with all to make sure that this experiment that was started through
love shall return to its former glory. It has taken its toll on the very universe and therefore effected all universes but
there is only love anywhere in it's different guises and youwarriors
of light have been chosen to bring your planet and the experiment upon
it into one that turned out in the end to be one of the greatest stories ever told!
Thank you. From our viewpoint ... and I can only speak for me, as much as I get that we are moving
into our higher love vibration, and I certainly can feel the difference within me, I still feel so 'far away' from
where I feel I should be in my understanding . I am aware of such possibilities that can be performed by the human being.
Not from ego, not from 'look what I can do,' but from love ... such miraculous things that we are capable of almost
to the extent of becoming another species it would seem, compared to that which I am capable of now and I am assuming
( and one never should) that the lack of me being able to achieve such things is due to my position in this experiment. I
feel that by now I should be achieving so much more. This new world that is spoken of you say is awaiting us to
walk into it. Well, in me, I don't feel I am anywhere near ready to live in this Golden Age. I am trying, truly I
am working in each moment to release myself from the old me and bring in the new me. Yet I am aware of my thoughts sometimes and
I guess it's just a knowing that I'm not there yet'!
We thank you for your blatant honesty. And yet we would say to each one of you that all
is not as it seems. The veil is lifting. Think upon
it as a fog/smog that you have been accustomed to living in as far back as you can recall. Everything around you is unclear
and hazy. This is not your immediate fault. This has occurred through the experiment and the different paths it took. Yet
now we say to you, we promise you, we say again the veil is lifting and as it rises, as the smog
clears you will have new eyes to see.
All before you that you could only squint with your eyes to try to catch a glimpse of will be
there as clear as day! We mean this also metaphorically dearest friends. That which your heart's that are of such delight
and purity are now when the time comes to reveal the truth will make all the difference in the understanding also
of your true self. It is there, it is within you and yet, at this point in time, until the veil is removed, it is
almost impossible for you to feel the truth of you who you are. Yet you are catching glimpses are you not?
Put like that I feel so much better about it, in fact about myself. Having lived many lifetimes
in this density, as most of us have, has left certain remnants that we are asking to be removed. It has left its imprint
in many regards. It is so very reassuring to know that these past displeasures shall be leaving us fully for good! My
heart, along with so many is bouncing with excitement at the knowing that we shall experience the joy of who we are. What
a pleasure it will be to wake up in the morning and have our days filled with nothing other than the love that we are, in
its truest form. Can't wait ... but I know I shall have to.
Yet when you consider how long you have all been waiting , we would say that the wait is over .
I wasn't sure whether or not you wanted me to write the word 'almost' over.
Yet what was it that you wrote? We are not prone to making mistakes! We have learned that in your timing
the wait seems very much longer than in ours, yet we say again, in our terms of timing the wait is over.
Loving thanks to you. One thing I am looking forward to doing when we all eventually 'blend' is having
a good laugh with you about 'all that we couldn't understand ' from our position.
Yet we do not laugh at you we shall only enjoy the vibration of that laughter with you. Feel our presence
drawing ever closer. Feel the love that we send to you in the core of your being. Not long now dearest friends. Not long now.
How long is a piece of string? So be it! In love and thanks.
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with
spirit and cosmic energies. * www.blossomgoodchild.com/ *
John Cali's Spirit Speaks Newsletter Conversation With Spirit and John Cali ISSN: 1539-431X June 7, 2011
Real Happiness
Last week I was talking with our dear friend, Mikala St. Germain, whom many of you know.
She was telling me about a channeling website she'd come across. Some of the ideas there came as unpleasant surprises to her.
John Cali
One of those unpleasant surprises was this one: We can only find real happiness in giving,
not in receiving or pleasing ourselves.
Here, in her own words, is Mikala's reaction:
"My immediate reaction was, 'Now, that's just wrong.' I thought maybe you might use that
for a newsletter. I know you and CJ have spoken on the larger topic many times, but I was shocked that it's still out there
and thriving."
I also was surprised to see these ideas still floating around out there in cyberspace
and in people's minds. It reminds me of my Catholic upbringing which taught us to always put other people first, even when
that caused great damage to ourselves.
Here's Spirit.
Many humans we observe do not expect to be happy. If they ever do achieve that elusive
goal, it will only be after a long, hard struggle. So goes that line of thinking.
John mentioned his Catholic upbringing. He and others were taught, implicitly if not explicitly,
they did not deserve to be happy. That was not what God wanted for them. God wanted them to serve only him and others, while
neglecting themselves. Then some day, they might find a bit of happiness here and there.
Of course, that idea of what God wants has wrought more human horror and grief than any
other idea humans have forced upon one another. Who decides "what God wants" anyway?
We've talked about all this, publicly and privately, for many years. And yet, as Mikala
said, those ideas are "still out there and thriving."
Your higher self, that wiser broader part of you, lives eternally in a state of perfect
happiness. You -- the human part of you -- when you are fully aligned with your higher selves, are also happy. And it won't
matter what is happening in the world around you. It won't matter what other people are choosing to do with their lives.
All that matters, all that ever has mattered, are the thoughts you think and the choices
you make. Happiness is a choice you
can freely make. Unhappiness is a choice you
can freely make. No one, nothing can compel you to be either happy or unhappy.
When you fully acknowledge and accept you are God, you cannot be anything other than happy.
When you know you, as God in human form, deserve to be happy, you will be.
When you deliberately choose happiness, you will find happiness everywhere you look. You
will be at peace with yourselves and the world. Only when you are happy can you best serve yourselves and others. It's that
simple. That's what real happiness is.
NOTE: "Coincidentally," after we finished
this newsletter yesterday, I came across something Wayne Dyer posted on Twitter:
"A woman asked me recently 'What are the blocks to my happiness? I said 'the belief that
you have blocks.'"
HEAVEN #3856
Be Your Own Blessing
June 16, 2011
God said:
Life is unpredictable, and you don’t want to predict life anyway.
Of course, knowing you, you want to know if your prince will come and when and what his
name is, yet you are not meant to read the script of a play before you go to the live theatre. Better to watch the play as
it occurs.
What is it exactly that you imagine you gain by knowing what and when and how life is
going to appear? It is better to live your life than to preview it.
Understandably, you would like reassurance. Let Me reassure you now that you are going
to have a blessed life. I ask you to make it blessed. I ask you to be a good sport when things don’t go your way, and
level-headed when things do go your way. Life is not meant to be an ambush, nor is life meant to make you swagger.
You create your future, but you don’t own it. It’s not yours the way a check
made out to you may be. The imagined future becomes the present soon enough. Get out of the past, and get out of the future.
Dance where you are. This is the day I have set before you.
In a way, seeking to know what happens next in life is a little like getting the questions
to a final exam ahead of time so you can ace the exam. It is cheating. There is no real advantage. There is only a mistaken
illusion of advantage.
You don’t want your life to be a rerun. You want your life to be vibrant, and you
want to live it as it arrives. This is like eating the soup when it’s fresh and hot off the stove. Do you really want
stale bread served with your soup as well? It’s better to cross the bridge when you come to it. I say it’s essential
to live today.
If you were given a favorable prediction, what makes you think you wouldn’t worry
just the same? You might worry: “Is this really true?” You might carry your anxiety about the future along with
you just the same. With a favorable prediction, you might even carry greater anxiety because now you feel there is more at
And if you were given an unfavorable prediction, you would be upset, and your upset would
indeed impact upon your life in the interim. You might kick the present time away as not worth it.
Were you to receive a prediction, even a favorable one, odds are you would then want to
have a revised version of it. You might suggest, “Add a little here, take away a little there. “Why not? Why not?”
you would ask. “And why couldn’t it be a red dress instead of blue?”
You could write a story about a man who knew what his life would be in a year from now.
As the fiction writer, you might wonder how the man would live the year before with the knowledge of what the future held.
You might even wonder if his knowing might change his future. Yet all of this is moot, for no one knows the exactitude of
his future.
Do you really want a predictable life? Ho hum.
May I suggest that you create your life as you go along in it?
If you really do want to know the trend of your future, I will tell you how. Pay attention
to your thoughts now. Your present thoughts can tell you the flavor of your future. In fact, I will tell you to look forward
to many blessings. I will tell you to accept the concept that everything is a blessing. May you be your own blessing.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to
God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to
stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff,
Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington
Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, sometimes I come in the guise of another one and I ask, “Can I come
in and have a cup of coffee with you? Can I come in and sup with you?” I may not use quite those words. You do not ever
know who the “stranger” is who comes to you, but after you have spoken with this one, you find that they are not
a stranger. They are truly you. They are truly One with you; you can reach them and you can love them, because that is what
they are asking for.
Is what we have been told about What God Wants true?
by Neale Donald Walsch
June 2011
We begin today a survey of some of the things many people have been told by their ancestors,
by their parents, by their teachers and by other authority figures in their lives, about What God Wants.
It may be tough for some of you to get through this survey. Please do it anyway.
These passed-on messages have created the here-and-now views, ideas and experiences of
millions of people who at least loosely adhere to, or live in cultures which have been deeply affected by, the doctrines of
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the big three of the world’s organized religions.
Some of these teachings also became a part of other religions. The result of this is that
a huge portion of the world’s people have been exposed to these ideas and deeply affected by them.
Let’s take the most obvious topics first.
Many humans have been told that What God Wants is for humans to understand that God
is the Supreme Being, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Giver of Life, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Wise Beyond
Human Understanding.
God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the Unmoved Mover, separate
from humanity, but the creator of it in His own image. Separate from life, but the Creator of it, as His gift to humanity.
Most humans have been told that God is a single God, a unified God, the Only God there
is. The word Allah means, literally, the God. Some humans have been told that this One God is divided into Three Parts, one
of which became human. Some humans have been told that there is more than one God. And some humans have been told that there
is no God at all. The majority of humans in the Twenty-First Century believe in a God of some sort.
Most of those who do believe in God have been told that What God Wants is Love and Justice.
To fulfill the first mandate, God has granted each human being ample and repeated opportunity
to be reconciled with Him.
To fulfill the second mandate, God, at the end of each human life, sits in Judgment of
every human soul, deciding at this Reckoning whether the soul has earned everlasting reward in Heaven or everlasting damnation
in Hell.
Most humans have been told that God is a jealous God, God is a vengeful God, God is an
angry God who can be filled with wrath and who uses violence directly on human beings—and who invites and even commands
human beings to do so on each other.
They’ve also been told that God is a caring God, a compassionate God, a merciful
God, a loving God who wants nothing but the best for human beings. All that humans have to do is obey Him.
It’s easy for humans to know how to obey God because God has told humans exactly
what to do and what not to do. It’s all there in Sacred Scripture. It can be found also in the words and in the teaching
of God’s personal representative on earth.
These are the beliefs of much of humanity.
One result of this teaching: Many human beings are afraid of God. They also love God.
So, many humans confuse fear and love, seeing them as connected in some way. Where God is concerned, we love to be afraid
(we have made it a virtue to be “God fearing”), and we are afraid not to love (we are commanded to “Love
the Lord thy God with all thy mind, all thy heart, and all thy soul”).
Humans fear what God will do to them if they do not obey Him. They have been told He will
punish them with everlasting torment. Many human beings therefore rely heavily on their understanding of God’s word
and God’s desires and what meets God’s approval when regulating their lives, interpreting situations or events,
and making decisions.
When former U. S. President George W. Bush was asked if he ever sought the advice of his
father, the first President Bush, he replied that he sought counsel from “a higher Father.” When the then new
spiritual leader of Hamas, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, delivered a speech at Gaza’s Islamic University in March, 2004, he told
those assembled that “God declared war” against America, Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Rantisi
added, “The war of God continues against them and I can see the victory coming up from the land of Palestine by the
hand of Hamas.” Two weeks later Rantisi was dead, killed by an Israeli rocket attack on his car.
Earlier it was said, “Humanity’s ideas about God produce humanity’s
ideas about life and about people.”
This is painfully clear. This is painfully obvious.
God’s Word and God’s Messenger
Many humans have been told that What God Wants is for God’s Word to be recognized
as being contained in the Holy Scriptures and Sacred Texts, and for God’s Messenger to be honored and listened to and
There are many Holy Scriptures and Sacred Texts, including the Adi Granth, the Bhagavad-gita,
the Book of Mormon, the Hadith, the I Ching, the Kojiki, the Lun-yü, the Mahabharata, the Mathnawi, the New Testament, the
Pali Canon, the Qur’an, the Tao-te Ching, the Talmud, the Torah, the Upanishad, the Veda, and the Yoga-sutras, to name
a few. Many humans have been told that only one of these texts is the right one. The rest are wrong. If you choose the teachings
of the “wrong” one, you’ll go to hell.
There are many Messengers, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Siddartha Gautama
(who has been called The Buddha), Jesus of Nazareth (who has been called The Savior), Muhammad (who has been called The Greatest
Prophet), Patanjai (who has been called The Enlightened One), Baha’u’llah (who has been called the Blessed One),
Jalal al-Din Rumi, (who has been called the Mystic), Paramahansa Yogananda (who has been called the Master), Joseph Smith
(who has been called many things), and others. Many humans have been told that only one of these messengers is the right one.
The rest are wrong. If you choose the message of the “wrong” one, you’ll go to hell.
One result of this teaching: Human beings have been trying to figure out which is the
right text and who is the right messenger for thousands of years. The followers of certain messengers and the believers in
certain texts have sought to convince the rest of the world that the messenger and text of their persuasion is the only one
to which people should turn.
On many occasions throughout history these attempts at conversion have turned violent.
There has scarcely been a day on this planet when a battle has not been fought or a human being not killed in the name of
God, or for God’s Cause.
The Holy Scriptures of all major religions indicate that vanquishing, punishing and killing
is something that God Himself has repeatedly done, and so vanquishing, punishing and killing in God’s name and in the
name of God’s Messenger is acceptable and, in some circumstances, required.
This is, many of the world’s people believe, What God Wants.
Heaven and Hell
Many humans have been told that What God Wants is for people to live good lives, and
for good people to go to Heaven or Paradise after their deaths, while bad people go to Hell, Gehenna, or Hades. Those in Heaven
will live in unending bliss in reunion with God and those in Hell will live with other evildoers who have been damned to eternal
torture. Where each individual soul goes will be decided at the Reckoning on Judgment Day.
Some humans have been told that hell is a temporary experience during which sinners are
tormented by demons until the debt created by the evil of their lives has been paid, while others have been informed that
hell is but a phase in a soul’s journey as it passes through many experiences of reincarnation.
One result of this teaching: Millions of people have structured their entire lives around
the struggle to avoid “going to hell” and around the hope of “getting to heaven.” They have done extraordinary
and sometimes shocking things to produce this outcome.
The concept of heaven and hell has shaped not only their behavior, but their entire understanding
of life itself. It has also shaped human history.
Many humans have been told that What God Wants is for life to be a school, a place
of learning, a time of testing, a brief and precious opportunity to migrate the soul back to heaven, back to God, whence it
Many humans have also been told that it’s when life ends that the real joy begins.
All of life should be considered a prelude, a forerunner, a platform upon which is built the soul’s experience of eternity.
Life should therefore be led with an eye toward the Afterlife, for what is earned now will be experienced forever.
Most humans also believe that What God Wants is for people to understand that life consists
of what people can see, hear, taste, touch and smell—and nothing more.
One result of this teaching: Humans believe that life is not easy, nor is it supposed
to be. It’s a constant struggle. In this struggle, anything other than what is perceived by the five senses is considered
“supernatural” or “occult” and falls, therefore, into the category of “trafficking with the
Devil” and “the work of Satan.”
Humans are struggling to get back to God, and into God’s good graces. They are struggling
to get back home. This is what life is about. It’s about the struggle of the soul, living within the body, to get back
home, to return to God, from Whom it has been separated.
Most people of religious persuasion focus heavily on Heaven and Hell. Those who believe
that “getting to Heaven” is the ultimate Purpose of Life, and who truly and fervently believe that they can guarantee
their entrance into Heaven by doing certain things while on earth, will, of course, seek to do those things.
They’ll make sure that their sins are confessed regularly, and that their absolutions
are up to date, so that if they die suddenly their soul will be ready for Judgment Day. They’ll fast for hours, days,
or weeks at a time, travel on pilgrimages to distant holy places, go to church or temple or mosque or synagogue every week
without fail, tithe 10% of their income, eat or not eat certain foods, wear or not wear certain clothing, say or not say certain
words, and engage in all manner of rites and rituals.
They’ll obey the rules of their religion, honor the customs of their faith tradition,
and follow the instructions of their spiritual leaders in order to demonstrate to God that they are a worthy person, so that
a place will be reserved for them in Paradise.
If they are distressed enough and oppressed enough and unhappy enough, some humans will
even end their own lives and kill other people—including the totally innocent and the absolutely unsuspecting—for
the promise of a reward in heaven.
(If that promised reward happens to be 72 black-eyed virgins with whom to spend all of
eternity, and if the humans in question happen to be 18 to 30-year-old men with little future and a dust-laden, poverty stricken,
injustice-filled present, the chances of their making such an extraordinarily destructive decision will increase tenfold.)
They’ll do this because they believe this is What God Wants.
But is it?
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world
in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority
of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with
God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important
changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.org) * Blog: * www.TheAlternativeVoice.org *
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