Questions & Answers






Dear Spirit: As we begin to experience interdimensional energies,
what changes are occurring in our physical body, especially to the
pineal and thymus glands? How will these changes manifest in our
day-to-day reality {if at all} ? What symptoms might we experience
as we hold more light?
     Eventually you'll find an awakened thymus. This may be
noticed in about a decade, if at all. As to what symptoms you
might experience? Not all of them are positive, but neither are
they as you grow up:
    You might experience occasional headaches, ringing in the
ears, unusual sleep patterns, being overly tired (sometimes), an
increasing awareness of the feelings of others, increased sensi-
tivity in certain situations in crowds, a change in musical and/or
art preferences, and a realization that some of the friends you've
selected may not serve you anymore.
Lately I've been unable to tolerate certain situations--for ex-
ample, going into a store or mall where there's a lot of confusion
and noise. The same goes for certain kinds of music, I've also had
problems around certain people, where I've had to leave their
presence for the same reason. I told a friend recently that it's as
if "my cells hurt" when I'm exposed to certain things. What's going
on? Is it because I'm vibrating at a higher level? WiIl this pass, or
will I always be so sensitive?
    The answer has already been given in the question above,
but also know that none of these things are permanent. You're
in a physical learning situation, and many may temper with
time. The symptoms that may remain, however, are the new
preferences in music and quality of friendship.
Dear Spirit: I've had profound experiences with my animals and
 animals in general all of my life. In recent years, I have to say that
they've represented my strongest link in the Universe to "God."
The animals in my life today have healed me and given me strength
to go on in more ways than I can express in words. I believe that
they're sent, or perhaps come to Earth, as volunteers and teach-
 ers for Humans, Can you give us more information on how everyone
can learn from and communicate with the animals in their lives?
Also, please comment on "their karma/' as compared to "our karma,"
and how this concept interfaces with the potential for future
planetary peace and evolution.
    We've mentioned before that certain animals are here com-
pletely for the Human experience. Not only do they teach you
about the way Earth works, but some are actually designed to
give you unconditional love. They also teach you communica-
    Animals don't have karma in the same way a Human Being
does. Instead, they have purpose. It's difficult to explain, but
they're here to serve the planet, and to balance it for you. They
incarnate, but they have only one purpose, and that is to support
the planet so that you may be enhanced. The ones you call pets,
which you love dearly, incarnate back to you personally if you
will allow it.
    As you can imagine, there are many kinds of service that
these creatures offer, but the ones you believe are "sent,"
indeed are.
Dear Spirit; In which direction do we place our head when sleeping?
One channel suggests that it helps to place our heads pointing to
the north. But there's no elucidation as to whether this is appli-
cable globally, or if it's only relevant to the northern hemisphere.
I definitely did feel different when I slept with head toward the
north when 1 was in India. Now I'm in Tanzania, which is in the
southern hemisphere, but quite close to the equator. Do I now
keep my head pointing north or south when sleeping? Or is it that
it simply doesn't matter which way it's directed?
    Your question is a good one, since it shows that there may be
a misunderstanding about this. Sleeping with your body posi-
tioned in a certain direction, and also certain body exercises
(including spinning) are for temporary balance only. They're
not considered as instructions for a lifetime.
    About the north and south? Yes, try to point your head to the
pole that's closest to you for a few nights. When on the equator,
it won't matter. What does this say to you about the equator?
There's much hidden here about some of the consciousness
setups on the planet, and where the most unbalance and unrest
is. Those on the equator will have the hardest time creating and
maintaining balance.
Dear Spirit: About the Merkabah > {see below}; Is the breathing
technique the only way to connect to my Merkabah,or can I
accomplish the same thing through other methods? If so, kindly
enlighten me about those method(s). Also, is smoking, apart
from being a "healthhazard, also detrimental to spiritual
    There are many Merkabah-enhancing techniques, and
breathing is one very good one. That one is about oxygen, and
the effect of intent combined with living oxygenation. Another
is the attunement to the lattice, which is also scientific [and
which has been discussed at length]. Still another is the align-
ment of cellular memory, which is just being learned, and hard
to itemize the way you might wish it to be. Many more ways are
coming, and as the grid shifts to accommodate your new abili-
ties, they'll be revealed.
    Your habit of smoking in itself is not detrimental to spiritual
progress. However, anything you willingly do to shorten your
life span sends a message to all the cells in your body, as well as
your spiritual helpers, that you don't expect to live a full life.
That tells your cells that you're not here to take full advantage
of the gifts you're given.
    This is the same for those who overeat, or who willingly give
their physical bodies a challenge in other areas with any other
type of substance abuse. For some time now we've told you that
you 're able to dismiss the most severe habits without the trauma
that's normally associated with it. It's up to you, as it always has
been. Let the teachers see this . . . that they should be an
example to others as far as what can be accomplished.
Dear Spirit: I have a question that seems somewhat silly to me,
but I'm curious. I've been reading in Chapter 7 of Book Six about life
colors. I'm very interested in healing with color, sound, and touch.
How much are we affected by thecolors we choose to wear or have
around us? For example, if I wear a color that doesn't harmonize
with my skin or eye tone, or if I dye my hair red if it's supposed to
be brown, do I create disharmony and imbalance? I don't believe
this is connected with life colors, or is it? At any rate, I'd still like
to know how important it is for us to wear, or have harmonizing
colors, around us.
    Dear one, the use of colors and the attribute of life colors is
all related to healing and the work of your intent. You can't harm
your body energy by wearing mismatching colors or cosmeri-
cally changing the colors of hair against its normal state. You also
won't unbalance yourself if you do this. You might create a
reaction from others, however!
    Understand that the color information is given to enhance
the energy around you. Therefore, it's a grand tool. By wearing
specific intuitive colors that suit you for the day, you can
enhance your balance for that day. It always changes, since you
always change, and it "shakes hands" with the astrological setup
that belongs to you. Therefore, you may benefit one day from
wearing a color that's in harmony with your life color, and also
the astrological aspects. Sometimes it's quite profound, and it
can help balance you on a day that might be difficult. Other
times, it just "feels good." Use your intuition as you select your
    This is not a complex subject. It's easy to learn, and much
has been written about it by others. The study of color for
balance is one of your greatest gifts.
You are dearly loved!
{To be continued}
Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle
allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach
those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light.
"Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the
spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light,
(wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which
transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.


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