Q & A Channeled

Pleiadian teachings followed by a question and answer session

Today, three of our trance group spoke of seeing a golden light as I began channeling, and one of them saw, what looked like, a space ship. "We come among you to be counted and heard, and it is with free hearts and minds that we enable this enterprise. We enable you to draw closer to us and we shower you with gifts, given to those very few, who are able to accept our teachings. We empower you to join us and we delight in telling you that on the horizon is a golden future for all mankind. We raise you up from your doom and gloom and shelter you in our embrace. Be prepared to march forward and do your duty, we will show you step by step, little by little as each of you progress. We have masterminded this mission and take you on a journey of the highest intent. We are grateful to you all for listening to our words and we encourage you to move forward. We are propelled at a much faster rate and we will see great changes taking place in this world as we take you to even greater heights. We impel you to take heed on the Earth plane and we sanction a greater awareness. There has been much ‘toing and froing’ and we are delighted to see a greater connection between you all. There is a vast amount of knowledge coming your way and we delight in your acceptance, empowering you to make a stand for all mankind, cheek to cheek and jowl to jowl. There has been a massive movement of minds and we have taken on much groundwork, achieving a massive dedication to the cause. We welcome you to our dimension, giving clarity of thought and answering your questions as best we can. We delve deeper and deeper into the unknown, unraveling the mysteries that confound you. We awaken to the call within our hearts and challenge you to follow us, even to the ends of the Earth where we can make you whole once more".

At the beginning of this next session, I felt the radiant presence of a figure dressed in long robes. A few group members were aware of a golden light in the room as the channeling began. "We are full of joy and we wish you to share with us in a magical moment of time! We beckon you to share with us in this extravaganza and we are well prepared, being grounded and brought to bear witness to a most noble cause. We have joined you in this charter of excellence and remain in a steadfast position, propelling you to that place of sheer and utter contentment. We are granted absolution and remain in territory more becoming to our needs and desires". The sensations changed to that of extra terrestrials in a space pod. My head felt larger, with a building up of pressure as I peered out at the group "We encroach upon Earth and we are allowed a closer look at mankind and his ways, but we are forbidden to overstep the mark! We have joined you for a purpose, to bring our two worlds closer together and we allow you a peek into our world. A jet stream propels us thus far and we motion you to check and double check our credentials.

We are now open for discussion"! May I ask a question please? "Speak Sister". Please could you tell me, are you speaking now from another planet, or are you on a Mother Ship, orbiting the Earth? "We have straddled the Earth’s dimension and we speak to you on a ray of hope, propelled and brought here to assist you in your endeavors. We survey this planet from our pod, an infrastructure that surrounds us as we circumference your perimeters. We are bound by a code of conduct and we will not infringe on your territory, unless it is positively requested. We motion you to bear with us as we adjust to your frequencies, as you adjust to ours. It is not an easy task as you well know and this frequency is prohibited for many; it cannot be held for long periods and so we adjust when necessary to help this control. We are able to beam across the universe and give our directives as they are passed on to us, and we ask you to do your duty . . . to stand up and be counted. We are here for the duration and will not be put off . . . we spread our light and wisdom across the globe and suffer you to join us. We will become one race of Super Beings and we reckon on further success as we broaden our horizons, beaming to you on a band wave of love. We are impelled to tell you to take care . . . the Earth is a jungle of thought forms. Wrap yourselves in that golden light like a blanket around you, tread carefully and thoughtfully, helping those that stumble. We beckon you to watch over the little ones for they will come to the fore and take over . . . your job is to clear the pathway"! Thank you for your answers. "You are most welcome. Has the gentleman a question"? I have two questions if I may, I’d like to know the name of the Star you come from, and also I would like to know - was it a UFO that hit the wind turbine recently? "There are many occurrences of this data that have been called to our attention, and we refer to this particular example occurring in our territory. We are well versed with these explanations and we are allowed to settle a point raised by asking, how is it that you allow these thought forms to bombard outer space, when we have reconciled ourselves to the fact that we have misused and mistreated polarized conditions in extenuating circumstances? We come from that Star closest to your constellation - the Pleiades - we are well noted for our success in reaching those on the Earth plane". Earlier you said you would allow us a glimpse into your world, can you tell us how we can achieve this - is it through meditation or through a portal? "By going deep within and finding a finer dimension, you all will be shown and given glimpses of this world . . . this brave new world"! The pressure in my head was building up to such an extent that I had to break off the connection.

I lay in bed reading about crystal skulls until the early hours. Feeling a strong energy around me, I put the book down and lay back as these few words filled my mind. "We apply a certain pressure and put into practice our vast vocabulary, setting the seal on standards approved. We have been accustomed to taking our time and periodically set our sights higher, taking off the manacles that bind us. We empower you to bear witness to a great cause and the emancipation of mankind". I was too tired to continue and as I lay back down to sleep, I looked at the wicker chair by my bed, wondering if my guide was sitting there watching over me. I was stunned when I physically heard a male voice reply - "YES"!