Prepare 4 2012's Energies {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Mini Plateau of Rest
3.)  Council of 12: Prepare for 2012's Energies
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  All the World Is a Stage
6.)  Manipulating Reality

Isis' Message of the Day -

". . . life is lived most fully in the imagination-that, ironically, imagination is the key to reality. This is something I never would have supposed. We are sent here to live life fully, to live it abundantly, to find joy in our own creations, whether they are new thoughts or things or emotions or experiences. We are to create our own lives, to exercise our gifts and experience both failure and success. We are to use our free will to expand and magnify our lives." ~ Embraced By The Light ~ 
~ Betty J. Eadie ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Beloveds, these are times of monumental change throughout the Earth and your solar system, and each of you is in the midst of an accelerated initiation process whether or not you acknowledge it. You can either move forward with ease and grace or fall deeper into the chaos and suffering of the lower dimensions. Remember, the moment you begin to believe in scarcity and limitation, that is the moment you begin to experience those limitations in your life’s experience. The choice is yours, for you are the creator of your reality. Know that the challenges and opportunities before you will bring rewards beyond anything you can imagine, and so do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone as you reach for the stars. You must learn that true happiness is not a gift on the earthly plane; it must be earned and is unattainable without an inner sense of self-worth. You are in the process of finding your true Self, as all the illusions, distortions and misconceptions are gradually cleared away. However, you must love and honor the person you are at the present while you are striving to become the person you wish to be. Many of you are becoming aware of the power of truth and right choices.
Accept your cloak of radiant Light, for you have earned it. Follow your own path and do not fear being different from those around you. We know you feel lonely at times, but you are never alone. Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible. Be bold and steadfast, my brave Bearers of Light. Know that I am with you always and you are dearly loved.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman  * *    

Mini Plateau of Rest
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
September 8, 2011
It is beginning to feel like a mini 'plateau of rest' is fast arriving upon the near horizon and the signs surely are that all that has been absorbed thru' the emotional body's of one and all is readily preparing for a major releasing and of, once again, 'letting go!'  Great indeed has been the workload of Lightworkers and Starseeds world wide as vast amounts of debris has again been prepared for deleting as they have worked diligently with countless mass of soiled or spoiled e-motional energies. It follows that those that have been encountering these loads have earned themselves the divine right for this mini-break from the 'toils of battle' so to speak! God says, take five, relax then into these 'green, green fields of home!' Gather around you once again the divine refreshment that is presented to you by manner of divine dispensation and divine will and grace of the Supreme Creator Itself.
The 'end times' have been in full swing over these last few years as the time is ever now in real terms. That which is of the sublime has been engineering these needy and much hastening times that has afforded one and all with ample 'Light-Working' opportunities to be engaged upon or within! Surmounting more trials and tribulations, testings or turmoil  that have again been plentiful as the magical momentum of amazing actions seen to be effectively done! Mighty are they whose hearts and souls prompt them to further arrive at the rightful points of  self evolution, which collectively co-creates veritable mountains and highest of peaks in ascending realities. Laying down surely the pathways and high roads that the many shall indeed eventually be free and able so to follow, as inner guidance spur them on to taste themselves the fruits of your efforts, your journeys, your pains and your unconditional love, this is indeed your massive gift to Hu-man-kind! This is of you!
Feel the throttle easing back maybe a fraction and accept the lightness of air and manna which kisses and caresses each fevered brow and tiring stance. Allow the sweet breath of All That Is to cascade over you, providing your hearts and minds that gentle touch of love that knows no limitation, that with subtle gentle wisps of fleeting light kisses each heart and soul with glorious treasures of heightened reverie. This precious gifting is now subtly upon us, and it is for us to recognize it's sacred posture and lifting that it affords each one. This is the precious moment that you can then now inwardly find and savor such with far heightened tastebuds, delicately attuned to the magnitude of this 'plateau of rest' which is far more perhaps than you yet comprehend! Quietly go within, beloved friends, go within to the sanctity of your innermost hearts, do not think that it is 'dead,' for that which you do or do not feel, is but a transformation into something that highest grace only will reveal to you..and it will come to you as an angel in the night, bearing you such inner gifts of light!.
This now time is the time of inner alignment and outward expression as your continuing quest for the holy grail is manifesting to you all the 'lows' as well as the 'high's' on this jolly roller coaster ride that all are experiencing in these expansive expressions. Yours is then the path of the wayshower and when you now pause and reflect can you recognize that which we share with you. You are being honed, polished and fine tuned, more than ever before, and any and all rough edges are being systematically smoothed away as your multi-dimensional and multifaceted bodies become as 'sweet as honey and crystal clear! Free falling into your divinity allows you every opportunity and a rightful  place within the grander scheme of life in all it's wonderment and marvels, and it is for you now to accept and allow this altruism to filter through those mighty minds, and recognize the validity of the beauty and abundance of possibilities that are there for one and all, who may choose what or which ever pathway that suits. Be the light examples of the truth that "You Are" and force another not to bend to your beliefs or truths. Allow everyone choice of his/her  future and know that the universal out-playing of laws will perfect be!
Another time, another place, will be the likely scenario further outplayed as once again in the highest good of all will similar circumstances be rerun or replayed, as each soul has the continuing opportunity to recognize higher aspects of their future or stay to play yet awhile, in their present level of life experience. There are ever the possibilities of allowing this bus to pass them by, resting assured that another bus will be along shortly where one could next time alight, if chosen; and to go an extra stop or two further. Everything is ever in highest divine order, and Universal Law is ever flexible and accommodating, and better portrayed as, 'In Gods House There Are Many Mansions', and many more buses may well be passing by! Electing to select another bus is ever down to the individual, for it is ever his/her divine right of choice. Remember also, that there will be many modes and reasons for souls leaving the planet in these now moments of time, prior to the bookmark date of 2012/2013. It will take a very wise soul that will know who has 'ascended,' or not!
Go forward ever with faith and highest divine will in your hearts, seeing tomorrow as yet another glorious opportunity of becoming that initiate on the pathway to mastery of self. One day will you perceive some 'snapshots' we have taken of you during these testing times and you will be sweetly surprised with the light and love that will truly exude from those clips, and you will begin to see the bigger picture, far more than of now. There is only one way to go, as there is of course no turning back, for the dye is cast and all is set to move ever forwards, in magical momentum, for the climes of ascension are steadfast and predestined, for so it surely is.
Remember also that all is unfolding the way that you have helped to co-create, and there may be further need for a few minor planetary adjustments, for Mother Gaia, likened to you radiant ones, has the self same need to discharge as you do and your paths go hand in hand into the New Jerusalem, the new Millennium, the new Earth in more light and love. Birthing into the new golden era that will grow and advance over the incoming millennia of finer enlightenment. Go in peace, sup you awhile the nectar that is gently flowing into your wonderful beings and allow the bread of heaven to give you nourishment and upliftment as on your chosen paths you journey, the Christed Beings who walk daily this wondrous  planet nigh, in the throes of rebirthing into the radiant star that she truly is. Namaste.
(c)Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share giving full credit to the source of all these messages. Be still and know that I Am God.  Sept.8.2011 *                

Council of 12: Prepare for 2012's Energies
Channeled by Selacia on September 2, 2011
Note from Selacia:
"We naturally want to be prepared for what's coming next. In some earlier planetary cycles - with less change than now and not so much at stake - there was less urgency in the air from one phase to the next. People were not as afraid and there was less preoccupation with future dates, prophecies, and the state of our world. Right now, as we sit in a three-month window before the start of 2012, there is an unprecedented focus about where our world is headed and indeed about our very survival as a species. I asked The Council of 12 to give us some preparations we can begin working with now, helping us to put things in perspective and to be more empowered as we head into the unknown of 2012. You can reflect on and work with their words now and throughout 2012 too, having a useful resource for staying in your center. To supplement this, look for other messages and offerings over the coming months. Some of these are highlighted below this message - including my new book "Earth's Pivotal Years" and group events like the global meditations. I enthusiastically welcome you to participate with the tools offered here - let me know, too, what particular concerns you have that we can address." 
Council of 12 Message:
No one really knows exactly how the energies of 2012 will unfold. To be sure, though, 2012  will come with unique challenges and an unprecedented acceleration of revolutionary change. The sense of urgency in the air, building for the last few years, will grow. 
Most likely you are feeling more anxious now and you have more questions that don't seem to have answers. Regardless of what you think will unfold in 2012, you know deep within your bones that you and humanity are at a crucial crossroads. You know that much needs to change within people and within society - otherwise the light-filled reality you want to inhabit cannot come into being. You understand, of course, that you are an integral part of the mix and that your own spiritual transformation is vital. 
You know that there is nothing ordinary about this juncture. You can sense this even if you don't watch the news and even if you pay no attention to the plethora of prophecies about 2012. Since you reside within such extraordinary moments of time, how can you best prepare for what's coming next?
Tips for 2012 Preparation 
The following are some guidelines to help you prepare for the changes of 2012. You can work with these ideas now and as 2012 unfolds. Begin your preparations early so that you can move through the chaos with more ease. You then will be more peaceful - helping yourself and others. Do not underestimate the potency of one peaceful person in a family, work environment, or other group. You can and do make a difference by generating peace. 
Become friends with change. As a divine changemaker your role during these pivotal times is to be at the forefront of society's changes. Your task is to master the art of consciously facing and moving through change, being the example, and showing others how to do the same. To do this, you must learn to become more comfortable with change. To be where you are right now on your spiritual path, you had to open your mind to view change in a radically different way. Compared with some other people in your circle, therefore, you likely have an easier time with some of the changes occurring now. The next step is to embrace change as though it was a true friend. That is more challenging but you are encoded to do it. You know at your core that the most progress happens in times of greatest change. Inquire within daily to discover how you can lighten up about the changes that you encounter. 
Update your relationships. As you move into increasingly chaotic energies it becomes more vital to keep your relationships up to date. Reevaluate them now and regularly over this coming year. Consider how you can improve your communications - including words you say and feelings you express. How consciously you communicate with others will determine the quality of the relationship and how well it serves you. Space is important too. Consider whether your relationships allow you and others enough space. Respecting your own and another's space is a key ingredient in a successful relationship. To weather the ups and downs of these times, you will need more alone time, more contemplation time, and more breathing room than before. When you come together with someone, you want to be present and a good listener and to feel that same response from the other person. Regularly explore the dynamics of your relationships, inviting your intuitively guided reason to show you needed adjustments. Strive to be as genuine as you can as much of the time as you can - with everyone. 
Calm your mind and body. This is easier said than done when you are facing a constant stream of stressful events and unknowns. Most likely you have learned a number of methods for coping with stress - like meditation, breathing, and shifting your focus away from worry. You may work with at least one such tool regularly, and yet with today's level of chaos, you can still feel anxious. Having power over your own mind and emotions will become an essential skill in 2012 and beyond. As a divine changemaker, you are learning to master life's turbulent waters and find the calm. You can calm yourself like no one else can. When your calm state comes from within, generated by your own internal shifting, you connect with an unshakeable peace. No drug can give you this. No other person or thing can give you this. The parade of change in 2012 will give you ample opportunities to further master how you respond to chaos. Set your intent now that you will be an ongoing voice of grounded reason and calmness. Invite your higher wisdom to give you daily guidance and help in mastering this light-filled way of being. 
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.
We are The Council of 12
Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *  * *
*  * Selacia & The Council of 12 on Facebook:  and Twitter:   * *
* * * A Brand-New Website & Blog for Selacia's Book:  Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years * A Direct Path to Enlightened Living *  Your New Destination About the Future * Blog: * *  This new blog supplements Selacia's main website - giving you another timely resource for navigating the changes of these unique times. *  * E-mail: * *
About the Author: Selacia is an internationally acclaimed writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. A former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal and other media, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics, social change, healing, consciousness, and spiritual transformation. In her journalism career, Selacia covered the White House, U.S. Congress, G8 meetings, economic summits, and world trade talks. In her global healing work, she has addressed the United Nations (SEAT). Her writings are read in sixty-four countries. She is a pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, serving people everywhere who desire wholeness and a heart-centered life. Selacia has dedicated her life to spirit, and to opening the way for others to progress on their path of enlightenment.
Selacia & The Council of 12 | Selacia | Communication for Transformation | 171 Pier Avenue #284 | Santa Monica | CA | 90405  *            

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you get to the place of identifying the fear or the reason why you feel that you have to have this desire to manifest, you laugh, because you realize you have come to the very root of everything that has ever been bothering you. You come to the very root of whatever has during any lifetime been bothering you. You realize that, “I am already the awakened Christ. I am already that which I have been seeking.”
Visit our website:  *    

HEAVEN #3942
All the World Is a Stage
September 10, 2011
God said:
Your picture of the world is your picture of the world. The objective world does not exist. The subjective world exists for you. All matter is a thought that manifested itself into your supposed reality.
But, enough of that. What shall We talk about now?
I hear you saying, "But, God..."
And I tell you that the world is like the way you read a story. The story can even be a fairy tale. You know it's not literally true. Are there apples made of gold metal that hang on a tree? Are there ten dancing princesses in the middle of the night? Is there really a Rapunzel who lets down her long hair so that her beloved can climb it to reach the tower she is in? Is there a Rumpelstilskin and a princess who outsmarts him? Where are these characters who enter your hearts and minds? Were they ever anything but a thought?
And yet how these stories affect you. How you are besmitten by the consciousness of the story and its ringing truths. You laugh. You cry. You believe in the stories you read or are told. In the same way you believe in what your fingers touch and the bricks of a building you see.
Of course you believe deeply in the made-up story of the world. You are caught up in the machinations of the story you live in. Is not life filled with story? Who married whom? Who went to the ball? Whom did you dance with? Who opened your heart? Who broke your heart?
No one really did anything to you, and nothing really happened. You imagined that you are in a movie, much the way you become involved in a night dream that takes you by the nose and you watch a drama that defies even imagination. All is a myth. And you, the individuality of you, is a myth.
I am the only Truth. Being is the only Truth, and you are Being. You are not doing-ness. You are Being-ness. You are Being. No matter what story you are presently in, no matter what character you play, the damsel, the villain, the old, the young, you are Being. That's all you are, and that's all there is.
You are a Being who enters a story. It is quite a story. You never know what is really going to happen, and yet I tell you that nothing happens. Nothing is happening. You are simply Being dressed in a tale of epic proportions.
There is a silent part of you that is aware you are in a story, yet, still, regardless, you are in that story. Willy-nilly, you ride an imaginary horse. It is real to you, and, yet, it is all fantasy. There is no horse. There is no you. There is no riding. Being, for a while, tells a tale and believes in it as if Being were not.
There is nothing but Being. Any way you slice, Being is all. The you you know, the daredevil, the recluse, the motivator, the hothead, the king, the serf, all of this is made-up story. You walk in illusion. You are the Emperor in his new clothes.
But how lovely the fantasies. How they uplift you or pull you down. How they run through your fingers. How they make your life bearable or unbearable. How you remember them or forget them. They are all the same anyway, whatever clothes they are dressed in. They are your imagination run wild. That is life in the relative world. That is the drama you take so seriously and defend to the end as if the drama were true instead of staged.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *          

At a discussion on the God experience, the Master said, "When God is experienced, the self disappears"
"So who will do the experiencing?"
"Is the God experience, then, a non-experience?"
"It is like sleep," said the Master. "The sleep experience is only known when sleep is over."

~ Anthony de Mello, S.J. ~

Manipulating Reality
by Jennifer Hoffman
Whenever we accept or decline we are making a choice to follow one path instead of another because each choice takes us down a different path. While we can never be fully aware of the outcome of the choice because that awareness happens once we have experienced its results, we can manipulate the results, so to speak, by accepting before the choice is presented. That process involves a kind of time and space distortion that each of us is capable of, but which we rarely use. 
We see time and space as fixed elements in a material world but they are really only points of intersection based on what we are willing to accept as real. In simpler terms, what we see as choices that we can accept or decline are actually intersections of time and space that we have created through our beliefs, thoughts and perceptions of what we think the world should look like. Another option for us is to envision what the world could look like and that creates an entirely different array of choices. 
Since we are the ultimate creators of our reality, every choice that we can accept or decline begins with us. If we set the parameters or boundaries for our reality, which involves using our power of intention and our ability to determine our energetic vibration, we create the array of possible choices that we can accept or decline. So if we decide that our choices will include a motorcycle, for example, then we can choose from a variety of different makes and models that can come to us in a variety of ways. But without that initial determination, motorcycles won't be part of our array of choices because we have not made them a possibility. 
This extends to every part of our life and opens us to the realization that while we can't always know the outcome of a choice, we can determine what it is we have to choose from. If we feel that we have only bad or challenging choices before us, it's time to go back to what kinds of choices we are creating. If we want wonderful choices to accept or decline, then we have to create that array of wonderful choices. Then we can have choices that we confidently accept or decline because they resonate with our highest good and move us into greater experiences of our purpose within the highest aspects of our potential.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  * *        

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