
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 5-12, 2010
3.)  Akashic Records: Planet Earth and the Gulf Coast Oil
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Words from Simeon
6.)  Love by the Heartfuls

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Isis' Message of the Day -
God is the very Essence of your life force.
God, pure being and consciousness, longed for experience, and this experience (s)he gains through the created universe. Nothing is outside of God. God is in everything. God is present in all created energies as the "Spirit aspect." This aspect is what makes all these energies ONE. That which separates a being from another one, what makes it different and unique is the "Soul aspect." The Soul-aspect covers the individuality of a being.

All created beings that have individuality are truly a coming together of Spirit and Soul, of consciousness (spirit) and experience (soul). Creation is a dance of Spirit and Soul.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We of the Angelic Realms salute* you. We are amazed at the way you go about your day without the knowledge of who you truly are. You keep going against "tremendous odds." When if you would only stop, open to Source/God, and allow the Divine knowing to flow through you, everything changes, your perceptions, your views, your world. We offer ways to assist you with this; all of them have to do with love. When you imagine an incredible sunset and are in awe, that feeling is your opening to Divinity. When you are filled with love for a newborn puppy, that love is your opening to Divinity. When you feel the love we have for you, that love is your opening to Divinity. Allow the love God/Source has for you to be with you. Bless your hearts.
*Salute - The feeling I get with this has to do with greeting us and honoring us for who we are. Words are very limiting in expressing the fullness of what they are attempting to convey with the word salute. It is not standing at attention.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 5-12, 2010
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,

So many of you are still working through "stuff" which involves situations that need to be resolved not only from your current lifetime but also from former lifetimes and timelines. It is a time of completion, of new and wondrous beginnings. It is a time of the re-evaluation of your purpose on this Earth and the purpose for which you came. There are situations in your lives that keep you tied to the old paradigm that you need to move out of.

This is of prime importance now, Dear Ones. There is a need to make a definitive choice to put you firmly on the Ascension Path and to stay firmly on this Path, no matter what transpires around you. There will continue to be many situations that arise that you may feel require your effort and input and we say to you that it is now time to lovingly detach from these and allow your loved ones to deal with their own "stuff." Your efforts each day should be focused on raising and keeping raised your increased Light quotient. Now more than ever before, this is the effort and focus that needs to be maintained. Intend your Love and good will to each and ask that the Higher Forces help in their situations and then release and let go.

The times that are upon you require constant re-dedication to your Ascension Path. Keep this ever before you and ask for assistance each day. You have each been assigned Ascension Teams who are constantly by your side, giving you strength, courage and inspiration and all the energies and healing that you may require to move you forward. These Teams are able to give assistance to you in a more apparent and noticeable level if you request their assistance and if you do so, you will begin to notice that positive changes are taking place in your lives in a very real and tangible way. Ask specifically to clear away any and all illusions that you may still be living under, so that you may go forward in your life and away from any situations where you seem to be stuck.

Your Teams are ever hopeful of being called upon to be of even greater assistance to you. In these times there is a uniting of efforts on all dimensions, working in unison for the Highest Good of all and specific requests are honored so that each person can move into the higher frequency levels with greater ease and grace.

Please do call upon us as we work together multi-dimensionally to raise the Light quotient of everyone and everything upon the Planet and our dear Planet Herself. We hold each of you in our hearts and enfold you in the wings of hope and unconditional Love at all times, Beloved Ones.

Until next week....
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Akashic Records: Planet Earth and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill
Channeled by Jen Eramith, MA
June 2010

What is the meaning of the oil spill that is occurring (in May 2010) in the Gulf of Mexico?  How can we help?
You may be hoping for information that will bring new hope for resolving this issue.  Because this is a third-dimensional experience, created by third-dimensional choices, the hope for resolution lies in what you choose to do in the material world.  There is no way to escape this fact – ultimately, you are working with the consequences of the long-standing choices made by humanity.
Like everything, this event is resonating at every level of existence -- in the physical, social, energetic, higher dimensions, at every level -- this event is resonating for all of humanity.  The primary energy of this is the energy of birth, which may not seem to make sense at first.  Just like in birth, this is the painful new beginning of a fresh perspective.
At a more third dimensional level, this is a wakeup call for humanity.  It has always been written that as you did damage to your environment, which is Planet Earth, eventually you would need to wake up and notice that damage.  Then you have a whole series of choices to make as a human race.  You can strive to mitigate the damage and heal the earth or you can ignore it until things get bad enough that you choose to mitigate and heal the earth.
Either way at some point, humanity in order to survive, is going to change their primary drives toward wholeness and healing for all forms of life on the planet.  That is the inevitable end result.  It may that there are very few humans left alive when you finally make that decision.  Until then, you will see progressively bigger and more startling wakeup calls.  Most of them will present themselves as what you are calling ecological disasters, manmade disasters, and increasingly they will affect human beings rather than just animals.  It will affect human beings in more immediate and irrevocable ways.  This is yet another wakeup call in regard to the process of humanity in having swung out of balance with nature and now being called to swing back into balance with nature.
As most of you know, you have a very long road ahead of you.  Even if you choose to totally change the whole human race's perspective on the value of ecology, you would still have generations of work ahead of you to physically resolve the damage you have done.  Actually, most of the work still lies in simply helping more of humanity recognize the need to bring yourselves back into balance with ecology.  It is a wakeup call in a third dimensional level.
There is this deeper spiritual meaning of birth.  The energy of the Gulf of Mexico at this time looks like a birth canal and if you imagine birth occurring for a mammal, for a human being or any other mammal, the birth canal expands, it extends, it sometimes tears.  There is a lot of blood and a lot of other fluid.  It is a messy event and energetically you are birthing a new potential for humanity.  That wakeup call has so much potential.  It has to come through a messy and painful event.
What you are likely to find is that that wakeup call is going to evolve over the course of the next several years.  The first major shift occurring is people who never thought that they would worry about ecology or being in balance with Planet Earth are finding themselves now necessarily concerned with it because their lives are being directly impacted.  That number of people, that number of people being directly impacted will continue to expand because right now the strongest potential is that the oil will spread to many other coastlines before it is resolved.  It will be present for right now, potentially for decades.  That is one of the immediate effects.  In the hearts and minds of many, many individuals, they're waking up to the truth about your current relationship about Planet Earth and the fact that it is out of alignment.
There is a secondary impact for most of the world, and certainly for the western world, in regard to your oil or petroleum resources and the impact will occur in money.  A lot of people will lose a lot of money.  Some very wealthy people will lose a lot of money because of their misguided efforts to become wealth through oil production, but even more people will lose money by paying higher prices for oil and by paying higher taxes to help clean up the mess that has been made.  That larger impact will also serve as a wakeup call for many, many more people.  If humanity and particularly we will be more specific about the United States, if people in the United States had collectively shifted more toward coming into balance with nature, you may not have had such a large and far reaching and impactful disaster.
You are not being punished -- you are simply being woken up.  Just like a teenager who is reluctant to get out of bed in the morning, if a parent pushes them and nudges them lovingly, they may not wakeup so eventually the parent has to shout or push the teenager off the bed or throw cold water on their face or something that feels like a punishment but really is an effort to get you to wakeup.
We know that for many of you who have long been aware of the ecological imbalance and long been invested in helping to resolve it, it is very frustrating to see such a large disaster happen despite your efforts.  In order for this to be resolved for humanity, humanity as a whole needs to make the shift.  It is always lonely and it is always difficult to be a pioneer to be ahead of the curve.  For those of you in that position, there is some value in it as well.  That is the meaning of the Gulf oil spill.  It is actually pretty straightforward.  It is a direct consequence of your actions.
The question of how you can help is that if the primary purpose of this in the larger scale of things is to encourage people to wake up and change their core values or realign how their behavior matches their core values.  One of the most important things you can do to help here is to actually talk about this with your friends and neighbors and to avoid blaming or avoid saying, "I told you so."  It is difficult to come out of denial.  It is very painful to come out of denial.  It will serve you to be gentle and soft but totally willing to talk about this.
Talk about the events with your friends and neighbors, not in the form of debate, but simply bring up the topic, watch the conversation evolve and just gently take note of who is waking up.  There will be people who are resisting or denying the truth of this impact and there is not much you can do to change their minds.  The people who are suddenly realizing that their actions, that somehow they're connected to the ecological disaster, turn your attention to those people.  Without blame and without any sense of self-righteousness, be willing to talk about and brainstorm together how you can make changes in your lives that help bring you and therefore to some extent, bring humanity back into alignment with the balances of nature.
This is a long slow process.  Many of you hope that this will be the final awakening.  Like this will be bad enough that everyone will suddenly wake up but this is really the kind of thing that's going to change over the course of years and even generations.  It is vitally important that you do your part.
There are also some things you can do physically.  Ultimately, you must change your relationship to energy – we mean this on the physical level of electricity and oil, and we mean it in regard to metaphysical energy.  The process of realizing that everything is energy and that you are made of love goes hand-in-hand with the process of releasing your consumptive behaviors and ceasing your destruction of Planet Earth.  You MUST address this at both a physical and an energetic level.
Organizations are going to emerge to help support the cleanup of this mess and also the prevention of future such disasters.  Those organizations are the seeds for organizations that eventually help you be better stewards of wetlands and coastal areas across the world.  It will serve you to support those organizations.  Some of you will be called to support them by volunteering and some of you will send money.  It will be important to wait and pay attention to make sure you are sending money to the organizations that actually have staying power and integrity.  Essentially there are seeds being planted for what will become long-standing organizations that help everyone steward these natural areas.  They will arise out of crisis and some of them will last as long-term stewards that will essentially be channels through which people can connect with nature.
There is something you can do on an energetic level as well.  This is one of those physical events that is particularly susceptible to your intentions; to the energy that you send through prayer, through meditation, through visualization.  Because it is occurring in water and because it is liquid, it can be easily moved and the oceans particularly respond to energy because they are reservoirs of energy.  It actually will make a difference for you to visualize, pray or do some of those spiritual practices to send light to the area.  We suggest that you not get too caught up in trying to decide where the oil should or should not go because you will all have different ideas about that and none of you has a complete enough perspective to really know.  Instead, send light with the intention that the oceans manage the oil in the way that best serves them because the oceans, their currents, the life in the oceans, all of them are connected to this and you can funnel energy to them and they will know what to do.  They will know where to send the oil, they will know how best to mitigate its effects as long as it is there.  Simply send light in the most loving and empowering energy you can to the area.  This is the kind of thing that will help you feel better because you are doing something.  You will not see direct results right away, but over time you can know that by doing that things will turn out better than they would have had you not done this.  As long as your vision is limited, you will not see directly how that effect occurs, but trust us and know that it truly does have an effect.  Prayer works, meditation works, your loving intentions, they really do work to make the world function better than it would without you here.   (May 2010)
From Keepers of the Akashic Records * Channeled by Jen Eramith, MA *
The Akashic Records are an ethereal library, offering infinite information regarding every creation in the Universe. They hold an energetic imprint of a soul's journey from its inception until its return to Source.  Every human being has access to their Akashic Records by divine birthright.  There is a unique Akashic Record for every period of time, and the Records for the period can be accessed.  As we approach each new month, the possibilities and probabilities of the month come into form, and can be understood as a general energy that each of us works with individually.  The Akashic Transformations monthly channeling is offered to you by Jen Eramith in order to facilitate your own experiences as you move through the month. This Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Message Preview  provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.  Please include this copyright information and the web address,  with your distribution.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2010 All rights reserved.  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, from this moment on, you are free to change anything and all things. See your future as you want it to be. If a small bit of fear comes up, take your eraser of peace and erase it, and in its place put that which you want your future to hold. You do not have to fear loss, abandonment, judgment. Those are of the world. Those are fears long acted out and completed. Those fears are done. You have lived them many lifetimes. So if the fear comes up about the future, erase it, and in its place put that which you desire. Surround it with love and know that you have the power to change it.
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Words from Simeon
Channled by Barbara Dutcher
I am the one called Simeon, who sat in the temple courtyard awaiting the arrival of the Christ Child, with his Mother and Father. Think about this. This is an allegory. Think about it deeply until you feel the meaning of these words. I took the Christ Child in my arms, in fulfillment of a promise made to me by an angel years before, and then announced I was ready to depart in peace. [Luke 2.25]
My name represents the longing in the soul of each one to know the Christ first hand; to hold the Christ in one’s arms, as the fulfillment of a promise; to embrace the Oneness that truly is, to acknowledge that Oneness within one’s own heart. Then the servant can depart in peace because the soul is now at peace, having been convinced through personal experience of its total Oneness with its own God-Self, the indwelling Christ. To depart in peace does not mean that one necessarily leaves one’s body. It means that the material world no longer has the same meaning, because, upon accepting the Christ essence within, one has re-joined a higher world.
Simeon is the name of one who has waited for and recognized the Christ Child within, has embraced it, has acknowledged both the fatherly qualities and the motherly qualities, and has integrated them. Simeon means that you are safe, you are whole; you are in total oneness forever. Simeon indicates pure joy and playfulness because the name means one who has no more worries, no more cares, no more concerns. All is well; all is perfect now and forever. Amen.
Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a teacher and certified spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for connection with what she calls the Guide Within. She also connects with Spirit on behalf of her clients and brings forth kind, loving, wise messages of encouragement and guidance. She has recently begun receiving messages from one who calls himself Simeon, as mentioned in the Biblical story. Her website is   *    

HEAVEN #3481
Love by the Heartfuls
June 6, 2010
God said:
Once upon a time all the hearts in the world met, and so hearts were magnified, and so hearts were multiplied in their power. To this day, hearts are mighty. Upon hearts depends the world. Your heart is an establisher of love. This is the privilege of your heart. This is its power. This is what your heart loves to do. This is what your heart is meant to do. It is meant to leave itself in all likely and unlikely places.
Give your heart every opportunity to establish love upon Earth. Herein lies your happiness. All the places you have searched for love, and love is not, or love runs away, or is chased away. If you are serious about finding love, greeting love, feeling love, then think of love beyond yourself, far beyond yourself. You see, love is not your quarry. Love is your gift to give.
Find space to give the love that is ever in your heart. Even when your heart feels forlorn, plenty of love is waiting to come out, waiting to be given, waiting to reveal itself all over the place. It is not that your heart is an attention-seeker. It is an attention-giver. Give out that love. Let your love overtake the Earth. Let your love be resplendent. Let it be for the giving.
As you would strew corn to feed the chickens, strew your love. Let go of it. It is not for you to follow the course of your love. It is for you to drop it off. Let it be picked up where it may and by whom it may, by one or by thousands. All this is not your concern. Your concern is to give love by the heartfuls. Give love, give it and give it until the world is overflowing with your love. You might say the world becomes swamped with love, but it cannot be swamped, for love rises forevermore.
Love, once given, is never lost. As soon as your love reaches Heaven, it is blown back to Earth, and given and given and returned and returned again and again. Love is eternal. Didn't you know that? Love is as driven as the falling snow. It will reach everywhere. Love is driven, and love is one-pointed. Love knows what it loves to do, and that is to give itself over and over again and again and again. There is never too much love, yet, often, there is seemingly too little. Love may wait for an auspicious occasion, yet it is love that is auspicious and need wait for anything but the occasion of itself.
Love comes first, and love shoots out from your heart. Everywhere is love's target. Love loves to alight everywhere. As leaves fall from a tree in autumn, so does love fall from your heart. Let the wind take it where it will. Let your love circulate itself and find itself everywhere and anon.
Love is still looking for more of itself. Your love is still looking for more of itself. Your love, to be seen, and for you to grasp it, has to be loosened from your heart. When love flies free, then you will know the love that issues from your heart, and you will know that it is rampant. It is widespread, and it is vibrant and real. Only as it ventures forth can love from your heart be seen. See your love going out all over the world eager to give itself until there is only Heaven on Earth, and Heaven of your making is accessible to all.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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