
Are U Infallible?
I am infallibly fallible! First, I am not a perfectionist because to me
perfectionism is the root cause of all neurosis. Unless humanity gets rid of
the idea of perfection it is never going to be sane. The very idea of
perfection has driven the whole of mankind to a state of madness. To think
in terms of perfection means you are thinking in terms of ideology, goals,
values, shoulds, should-nots. You have a certain pattern to fulfill and if you
fall from the pattern you will feel immensely guilty, a sinner. And the pattern
is bound to be such that you cannot achieve it. If you can achieve it then
it will not be of much value to the ego.
So the intrinsic quality of the perfectionist ideal is that it should be
unattainable; only then is it worth attaining. You see the contradiction? And
that contradiction creates a schizophrenia: you are trying to do the
impossible, which you know perfectly well is not going to happen--it cannot
happen in the very nature of things. If it can happen then it is not much of
a perfection; then anybody can do it. Then there is not much ego
nourishment in it: your ego cannot chew on it, cannot grow on it. The ego
needs the impossible and the impossible, by its very nature, is not going to
happen. So only two alternatives are left: one is, you start feeling guilty. If
you are innocent, simple, intelligent, you will start feeling guilty--and guilt is
a state of sickness.
Get rid of all guilt. The moment you are free of guilt, rejoicing bursts forth.
And guilt is rooted in the idea of perfection.
The second alternative is: if you are cunning then you will become a
hypocrite, you will start pretending that you have achieved it. You will
deceive others and you will even try to deceive yourself. You will start living
in illusions, hallucinations, and that is very unholy, very irreligious, very
unwholesome. To pretend, to live a life of pretensions is far worse than the
life of a guilty man. The guilty man at least is simple, but the pretender, the
hypocrite, the saint, the so-called sage, the mahatma, is a crook. He is
basically inhuman--inhuman to himself because he is repressing; thats the
only way to pretend. Whatsoever he finds in himself which goes against
perfection has to be repressed. He will be boiling within, he will be full of
anger and rage. His anger and rage will come out in thousands of ways; in
subtle ways, indirect ways, it will surface.
This dichotomy, this schizophrenia has prevailed over humanity for
thousands of years,and the duality arose from the
idea of perfection.
I am very fallible because I am not a neurotic, I am not psychotic, I am not
a perfectionist. And I love my imperfections I love this world because it is
imperfect. It is imperfect, and thats why it is growing; if it was perfect it
would have been dead. Growth is possible only if there is imperfection.
Perfection means a full stop, perfection means ultimate death; then there is
no way to go beyond it.
I am imperfect, the whole
universe is imperfect, and to love this imperfection, to rejoice in this
imperfection is my whole message.
Once you get an idea deep-rooted in you, it starts becoming a reality.
Perfectionism is a neurotic idea.An intelligent person will understand that life
is an adventure, a constant exploration through trial and error. Thats its
very joy, its very juice!
Dont try to be perfect, be just as perfectly imperfect
as possible. Rejoice in your imperfections! Rejoice in your very ordinariness!
Be ordinary,be very simple so
that you can get rid of these two polarities: that of guilt and that of
hypocrisy. Exactly in the middle is sanity.
I am not infallible, and I would never like to be infallible either, because that
is suicidal.
I would like to commit as many mistakes as possible and I would like to go
on committing mistakes to the very end of my last breath, because that
means life. If you are capable of committing mistakes even at the very last
breath you have conquered death.

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