Faith is your blessing.

There is nothing that love cannot transform. Accommodate people and see they will be transformed.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

The Correcting Time

Posted: 17 Nov 2013 08:15 AM PST

Teacher Ophelius:

We continue today with our lesson on the steps necessary to receive and to become aware of divine guidance through the understanding and conditioning of the first layer of consciousness—that layer that transmutes the higher vibrational frequencies of the second and third layers into electrochemical impulse.  By your understanding of these processes, you can then begin to tune into the awareness of these higher forms of divine communication.

The first step is to reduce or clear out terrestrial input from the senses and make room in the pores of the first layer.  This can be done through stillness or bringing your awareness to a clear open channel.  Monitoring what comes into the mind and choosing healthy terrestrial stimuli is essential to achieving the ability to “be at peace” at any given moment.  Being “at peace” is therefore the precondition for divine reception.

The second step is to elevate your thoughts and feelings to attempt to match the higher frequencies of the third layer of input.  This can be done by having thoughts of higher vibration like: love, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, joy and other thoughts that make you “feel good.”  This conditions the mind and opens the pores of the first layer.  Have you noticed that when you “feel good” that good thoughts come into the mind?  Having negative thoughts (thick and low in vibration) restricts the pores in the first layer and so nothing “good” can come in when these lower vibrational forms pervade the first layer.

The third step is awareness.  Having conditioned your mind for third-layer input, you can place your attention on the thoughts that come into your mind extemporaneously which are not generated by your own mind.  These are the thoughts that seep in and allow you to process and make decisions that are in alignment with the Father’s Will.  It is your conscious decision (free will) whether or not to act on these inputs that constitute alignment with the Will of God.

The fourth step is discernment, which you must exercise because of the fine line that exists between your own positive thoughts and those of divine origin.  This is a process that you learn through experience and practicing these methods of positive conditioning.  The more you keep your thoughts elevated throughout your day, the more divine input you will allow into the first layer, therefore we admonish you to “stay positive” and aware.

The idea of “praying without ceasing” is the optimal condition for the mind to receive divine input.  Maintaining a nearly unbroken line of communication with Spirit in both asking and receiving is the best way to interpret the Will of God.  It is therefore the objective of the student to move into this condition of receptivity.

Have a “good” day my friends,

The Circle of Seven



Illawarra District, Australia, November 7, 2013. 
Machiventa Melchizedek. 
Subject: “The Illusion of Total Randomness.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Machiventa: “Only last week we had us a brief heart-to-heart talk and behold: That which we considered has come about! Whilst you continue to dwell in the illusion of sheer randomness, we, the Melchizedek Brotherhood, make our plans based on intricate calculations and the forward-looking ability of the Thought Adjusters associated with our workforce. 

“Events which to you may seem casual, even haphazard, are well-ordered by the universe Powers, or often planned by us when it comes to the business of the Progress Contingent. And as our Master once reminded you, you must look back over your hectic life and recall how it was that we taught you what we needed you to know. Much effort has gone into the education of a new progress-oriented receiver of messages. Welcome this brave soul with your lasting support, and welcome her Teacher with each lesson. 

“Pass on my message of congratulations with the heart-felt good wishes of Michael, Nebadonia and Gabriel. Ensure all necessary instructions are passed on to her, so little time will be lost getting into a routine. This is Machiventa. In this most changeable and fickle world, I say, it is refreshing to find one’s close and staunch supporters at ready. All of the Brotherhood, too, is there for 11:11 Progress. I say Adieu for now.” 

George: “We hear you. Thank you Machiventa.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4747 Where lies Kingdom of Heaven?, November 23, 2013 

God said: 

How lovely are the hearts that beat on Earth. From My vision, even as I understand your bewilderment and heartaches, all is more than well. All is beautiful. My vision is true, and your vision is stuck. You come from certain premises. From your premises, your vision is true, except your premises, your positions, your patterns of thought are incorrect. Your premises seem obvious to you, yet you are looking at a façade rather than a foundation. The basis you come from seems obvious. This basis holds you up, however, only so long as you have it. If the premises you come from were true, then a baobab tree would bear apples.
From where I sit, from My long view, from My solid awareness of Eternity and Infinity, where can heartache and sorrow exist? Oh, yes, they seem real to you even as they are not real. Only through a keyhole do you see all the matters that trouble you in the land of Earth.
It is possible for you to see from a different angle, only you struggle with that. You can only see so far as you can see. You can desire to see bigger, yet you see as you see. To you, My Children in the world, it’s like you are in New York at the Empire State Building. You read the signs. That’s where you are. You can’t fake that you are in Los Angeles, for you are clearly in New York. You see yourself in the world as on the edge of a precipice, and you hear Me tell you: “Oh, no, you’re really in Heaven.”
What I say to you is true, and yet it is not true for you. When I say you are in Heaven, it’s one thing, for I do see Truth. For you to say it, it is like a fish tale. Until awareness sinks into you, for you to say you are in Heaven, you have just memorized words.
Nevertheless, you have experienced those moments, no matter if only a blink of an eye, no matter how submerged, no matter how vague  –  you have experienced the Reality of what I say – you have known it for yourself  -- and yet you have not been able to hold onto it. Even if you do not recall these flashes now, you do know what I am talking about. You do have a sense of what it is like in Heaven. You will come to a greater sense of it. Already you even sort of understand how that Kingdom of Heaven is not a faraway place but that it abides within you. The Kingdom of Heaven within you does not come and go. It is always. Your awareness comes and goes. The Fullness of Heaven is absolutely permanently within you. Always, even when you can’t really believe it. Heaven is a given. Heaven doesn’t wander off. It is you who wanders.
Concurrent with your living on Earth, you are also living in Heaven. You have a different where-ness than exists in Heaven. You never left Heaven, although it certainly seems like you cannot be there even as the truth is that you cannot leave Heaven. You are not only connected to Heaven, you are also permanently ensconced in Heaven, for you are never ever separated from Me, not for even for one-split second. Heaven isn’t the illusion, beloveds. Earth is! You are caught up in Earth’s spell. It is as if you are glassy-eyed at a Casino. The Casino which you may intellectually know does not offer good odds, you nevertheless, get wrapped up in the illusion, the bright lights, the music, the atmosphere, the strain and the sorrow. In other words, you are caught up in the illusion of the Casino where you gamble on Earth.


Heavenletter #4746 You are Stars God Has Sent to Earth, November 22, 2013 

God said: 

Serve Me. Serve All. As you serve Me, you serve All. As you serve All, you serve Me.
Don’t be timid about it. Be bold about it.
Serve others, and you serve yourself.
Do not feel that you have anything to make up to others. You are not atoning. If you atone, you are atoning for yourself.
Give good service to All. This means service with a smile. You serve without being a servant. Do you see the difference?
You are one who also serves. You are a service-giver. And if you wash dishes and scrub floors, you are the best dishwasher and floorwasher you can be. If you are an accountant, you give your best to it. If you are a programmer, you give your all. You do not cut corners. You do not do the least. To serve doesn’t mean to just go through motions. It means to give because you give.
Whatever your occupation may be, you are a customer representative. You serve. You serve well. You are My customer representative. No matter what company may hire you, you work for Me. On the job, or off the job, whether you are the giver or the receiver, you are representing Me. You log-in for Me. You do not represent yourself as such. You represent Me, and, therefore, you represent your Self.
How important your service is to the world. Just to think of it. You help people to be valued on My behalf. You are My Welcomer, and it is for you to welcome everyone in My Name. You don’t have to say that’s what you’re doing. You don’t have to wear a badge. Simply, whatever your service, you give out a presence of love. When you say: “Glad to have met you,” be sure you mean it and make it possible for the customer – always My customer – to say the same and to mean it.
When you give good service on My behalf, you are not an imposter. You are not a fraud. You are the Real Thing.
If you give a drop of love, it is My drop of love that you give.
Is there someone else on whose behalf you would rather give?  Perhaps you have been giving on others’ behalf. Perhaps you have been giving back what you receive from your crabby boss or an irate customer of your own who passed on the irateness he got from someone else. You are always passing on something. You are always giving service of one kind or another. All the while, there is only My service worth your giving.
When you are My representative, you uplift the world. Unless you are uplifting a corner of the world, you are not representing Me. When you uplift a corner of the world, you are uplifting all the world. There is no one in the world who deserves less than the best from you. No excuses, beloved. That you are tired is no excuse. That you have had a hard day is no excuse. There is no excuse to represent less than your Best Self which is I.
If there could be a quota of grouchiness to apportion, clearly you have reached your quota. You have undoubtedly surpassed it. Now take all My love that is within you and start passing My love out, not obsequiously but as a strong light that will light other hearts and so light the world. It is not meant to be a secret that you are indeed stars I have sent to Earth and that you are to light the world, for you are above the world.


Living in the New Reality by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie
Beloved shinning beacons of light on the Earth, we bow down to you with tremendous respect and love. We, your guides, friends and
loved ones of the inner planes are here to support you as you move through an immense process of your ascension.

Maybe you feel as if you cannot or do not fully understand why certain experiences, creations and expressions are manifesting in your
reality, why you choose certain choices over others. I wish to share with you that the instruction book, the planned circumstances by your
soul, the limitations and boundaries set for you and set by you in the past are now being cast aside. You are being rewarded for all your
devotion to your spiritual connection and awakening with the reality that is free from limitations. There is no longer a goal to work to in a
certain time, the clock is no longer ticking to push you forward along your spiritual path, and there are no longer goals that need to be
achieved in or with certain limitations. In truth there is no longer a goal to be achieved. The boundaries, limitations, goals and inspiration
which led you through the past phase of ascension are falling away. In truth you are being given responsibly and freedom. It could seem
as if your purpose has been taken away from you. It is far easier to energise yourself and passion to achieve certain levels of growth
when you feel that time is running short or when there is a goal post in sight. As you exist in this new reality and phase of energy, there is
no goal post for you to strive to reach in a certain time. Your purpose remains the same, to experience oneness with the Creator and all
aspects of the Creator, to master and know yourself and therefore the Creator more fully and to open your heart to be a channel of love
and all that is the Creator. Your purpose has maybe never been so vivid but you now have the tools, the time, the freedom to achieve
these goals as you wish, where you wish, with who you wish and in the time that you wish.

Ascension for you could take four days, five months, sixteen years or in truth as long as you choose. There are no set rules as to how long
ascension should take, whether you achieve it in a group or as an individual, whether you choose to ask for help or not. There is no longer
a wrong and right. In truth everything that you have held onto as truth in your reality and realisations about your spiritual self and practices
is falling away. As if you are being suspended in space or suspended in energy. You are supported, loved and have the ability to choose
and create all that you need in order to move further beyond limitations and boundaries. It may feel as if pre created security is now falling
away. With greater freedom come experiences of being, having, doing, existing as nothing or without restrictions. In the past even time
has brought you security and yet you notice that time doesn’t have the same meaning any longer. You are being given and are creating
your freedom, which is one of the greatest gifts of this new phase.

You may wish to contemplate the many situations, thoughts, perceptions and understandings that you hold on to in your reality to create a
deeper sense of security. Allow yourself to see this as your creation alone and that they do serve you in awakening the power, strength
and immense love within your being. Do you actually need security in your reality? Do you need to create boundaries and limitations? Do
you need to recognise your limitless self and expansive being? I ask that you take time to practice this contemplation and self-discovery
within your reality, if only once, to assist you in releasing from your being, energy and perspective energetic habits and patterns from the

With the quality of greater freedom that you have accepted within your reality so it may also bring up aspects of your reality, personality
and creations that do not serve you or offer you freedom. As these aspects of yourself come to the surface to be released it can seem
that you are being encaged and have less freedom than before. You begin to see yourself in many new ways which may not always be
pleasant to witness. Some people may feel that they have more issues to deal with and heal than before 2012. The energy of freedom
and responsibility is awakening new aspects of your being that wish to be healed and released.

Freedom for a light workers and awakened soul of the Creator is a powerful lesson to overcome and digest. You all expect and desire
freedom but also fear freedom due to its ability of allowing you to access your power and sacred abilities. No longer is anything in your
way, blocking you or hindering you, only what you choose to create. No longer is anything pushing and driving you forward and yet you are
placed in the centre of freedom with the opportunity to choose whatever you wish. It can be an experience of exhilaration but also of being
fearful.  There is also the question which many light workers face, which is how does one experience and interpret freedom and what
does one choose to create? Through many lifetimes on the Earth you have been limited, restricted, condemned and maybe even abused
for trying to be your truth, now is the time to truly let go of these past energies, understanding that you have the freedom to choose to
create what you wish. If so with many opportunities and possibilities available how does one choose what they wish to create?

The guidance, knowingness and truth of the soul is extremely important in this energy of freedom, your guides also act to you as a mirror
of your soul and its guidance. Do not be afraid to ask or to follow the inspiration within you, it is this inspiration that will lead you to the
experience of greater freedom. You may find at first that your personality isn’t satisfied with the guidance shared from within your being,
but the perspective and desires of your personality also need to shift to bring greater happiness, joy, love and peace within your being.

You may also notice that due to the greater sense and energy of freedom that you are more aware of the consequence of your actions,
thoughts and creations. Your awareness of the consequences of your situation is your own creation to assist you in choosing and
understanding what is appropriate for you. You truly understand when you have created a situation that doesn’t serve you, but it is often
that you see it as a failing when in actual fact it helps you understand yourself more fully, you begin to recognise your own vibration,
realising when you create something that is not from your true vibration but is from a limited aspect of yourself. It is in this moment and
phase of ascension that you are truly being allowed to experiment. This stage of ascension has been chosen by you because you have
mastered abilities of connecting with the Creator, your truth and you have a beautiful understanding and desire to create love. In truth you
can trust yourself to deal with the freedom, the responsibility and choices with and from the purest sense of love which will ensure that you
do not harm or cause pain to yourself or others. It is a very beautiful reality and stage of ascension that is now unfolding for you to
experience. Enjoy the feeling of no longer being pushed to achieve goals, of no longer having boundaries and limitations. Enjoy the
process of your own boundaries and limitations created by you coming to the surface and most of all enjoy becoming one and getting to
know yourself more fully. It may be time to realise the reality that you are currently experiencing on the Earth, the game like quality and the
powerful ability that you hold in your choices and your ability to manifest.

I am aware that there are many messages and interpretations within my message and communication with you but I wish for you to
realise that you have the most beautiful gift within you of knowingness. Your ability to simply know the most perfect choice, truth and
manifestation instantly within your being which will serve you and all aspects of the Creator is most beautiful and tremendously powerful,
so allow yourself to use it well within your reality.

I wish to share with you an invocation to be of service to you,

‘Archangel Metatron, Beloved Creator, my soul and soul group, I call your presence and love forward to support and love me
unconditionally. I ask you to assist me in listening with greater care and clarity to the intuition and knowingness within my being. I
recognise my knowingness as guidance from the Creator which brings me freedom, truth and greater experiences of love. I accept my
inner knowingness and am able to interpret it into my reality with ease with each new day upon the Earth.

I ask to accept the energies of freedom from the Creator deeper into my being. I realise and acknowledge I am the energy of freedom, I
willingly dissolve all boundaries and limitations of my creation and let go of all energies, situations or people that represent security or a
false security.

I realise that I have a powerful tool and ability of choice and manifestation; I ask that my ability is always aligned with the truth and love of
the Creator and my soul. Support me as I adjust to the energy and reality of greater freedom allowing myself to become an expansive and
limitless beacon of light. Assist me in understanding and experiencing this phase of freedom with tremendous ease and perfection.
Thank you.’

With blissful blessings,
Archangel Metatron


Yesterdays Cloudships, 11-20-13,
to See More Click Here
Ashtar Message
Yesterday when Bob went outside in the late morning he called me out. There was a huge cloudship in the sky to the east of us. It was very distinct of shape and density. As we watched it, we then directed our gaze to other parts of the sky and saw a few more cloudships of varying sizes. There was no doubt in our minds that they were for real. Also we spoke with friends from NM and others here in the southeastern part of AZ who told us that they too saw many cloudships in the sky. The following is what I received when I tuned in, plus what I will receive now, for I feel there is more to report.
Ashtar: We are here to prepare for a coming event that will be worldwide. It is an event that will stimulate many people to awaken to their knowledge of the fact that we are real and that we are here right now in service to assist them to what they are about to do for themselves and all of humanity. It is a matter of them being at a point in their soul’s mission where they will awaken and move forward in the steps that they have not only agreed to, but also designed on a soul level.
 It is a matter of them being in resistance until the near future in order to keep the purity of what they will be doing in place for the coming event. As they open to their inner knowing they will see that the reason for them staying asleep, as far as what they will awaken to is concerned, was in place for a specific reason.
There are also those on the planet who are already awake and wondering what they are to do next. They have been in what they feel is a limbo state, and yet they know that it is all in keeping with their mission. These ones will also awaken to their next steps and will find that what they had planned for the next few days may very well change, and steer them in a different direction.
There are many of our ships in place around the world, all in preparation for the coming event that I speak of. It is a matter of them corresponding with those I speak of and allowing them to find their own passage into the next step. It may seem to some of you that there are challenges to what you consider your ease of life and the prospect of being in place and ready for your next step is being allowed through the clearing of what could have been an obstacle to doing what is in your destined next steps. Worry not, for as the picture begins to broaden and become clearer it will be obvious what you are in place for.
I now invite all of you who saw our ships yesterday in your skies, with the desire and permission of this one, Nancy, to email her to let her know that you saw us. If you took pictures and care to share them with her, she will post these communications with her list, and on the website, . We deeply appreciate all of you, no matter how aware you are of our presence, for you are our dear family. We look forward to the reunion we all have with each other in full remembrance of our connection. We are all in this together and as a family we are moving toward the best holiday of freedom that has ever been on this planet and beyond.
I am Ashtar and I say to you, enjoy your day and the days to come, for they are full of promise as are you. Love is the most powerful energy, and is the root of all of Creation.
